1. Index
    1. Elements
    2. Element content categories
    3. Attributes
    4. Element interfaces
    5. All interfaces
    6. Events
    7. HTTP headers
    8. MIME types


The following sections only cover conforming elements and features.


This section is non-normative.

List of elements
Element Description Categories Parents† Children Attributes Interface
aHyperlinkflow; phrasing*; interactive; palpablephrasingtransparent*globals; href; target; download; ping; rel; hreflang; type; referrerpolicyHTMLAnchorElement
abbrAbbreviationflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
addressContact information for a page or article elementflow; palpableflowflow*globalsHTMLElement
areaHyperlink or dead area on an image mapflow; phrasingphrasing*emptyglobals; alt; coords; shape; href; target; download; ping; rel; referrerpolicyHTMLAreaElement
articleSelf-contained syndicatable or reusable compositionflow; sectioning; palpableflowflowglobalsHTMLElement
asideSidebar for tangentially related contentflow; sectioning; palpableflowflowglobalsHTMLElement
audioAudio playerflow; phrasing; embedded; interactive; palpable*phrasingsource*; track*; transparent*globals; src; crossorigin; preload; autoplay; loop; muted; controlsHTMLAudioElement
bKeywordsflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
baseBase URL and default target navigable for hyperlinks and formsmetadataheademptyglobals; href; targetHTMLBaseElement
bdiText directionality isolationflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
bdoText directionality formattingflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
blockquoteA section quoted from another sourceflow; palpableflowflowglobals; citeHTMLQuoteElement
bodyDocument bodynonehtmlflowglobals; onafterprint; onbeforeprint; onbeforeunload; onhashchange; onlanguagechange; onmessage; onmessageerror; onoffline; ononline; onpageswap; onpagehide; onpagereveal; onpageshow; onpopstate; onrejectionhandled; onstorage; onunhandledrejection; onunloadHTMLBodyElement
brLine break, e.g. in poem or postal addressflow; phrasingphrasingemptyglobalsHTMLBRElement
buttonButton controlflow; phrasing; interactive; listed; labelable; submittable; form-associated; palpablephrasingphrasing*globals; disabled; form; formaction; formenctype; formmethod; formnovalidate; formtarget; name; popovertarget; popovertargetaction; type; valueHTMLButtonElement
canvasScriptable bitmap canvasflow; phrasing; embedded; palpablephrasingtransparentglobals; width; heightHTMLCanvasElement
captionTable captionnonetableflow*globalsHTMLTableCaptionElement
citeTitle of a workflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
codeComputer codeflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
colTable columnnonecolgroupemptyglobals; spanHTMLTableColElement
colgroupGroup of columns in a tablenonetablecol*; template*globals; spanHTMLTableColElement
dataMachine-readable equivalentflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobals; valueHTMLDataElement
datalistContainer for options for combo box controlflow; phrasingphrasingphrasing*; option*; script-supporting elements*globalsHTMLDataListElement
ddContent for corresponding dt element(s)nonedl; div*flowglobalsHTMLElement
delA removal from the documentflow; phrasing*; palpablephrasingtransparentglobals; cite; datetimeHTMLModElement
detailsDisclosure control for hiding detailsflow; interactive; palpableflowsummary*; flowglobals; name; openHTMLDetailsElement
dfnDefining instanceflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasing*globalsHTMLElement
dialogDialog box or windowflowflowflowglobals; openHTMLDialogElement
divGeneric flow container, or container for name-value groups in dl elementsflow; palpableflow; dlflowglobalsHTMLDivElement
dlAssociation list consisting of zero or more name-value groupsflow; palpableflowdt*; dd*; div*; script-supporting elementsglobalsHTMLDListElement
dtLegend for corresponding dd element(s)nonedl; div*flow*globalsHTMLElement
emStress emphasisflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
embedPluginflow; phrasing; embedded; interactive; palpablephrasingemptyglobals; src; type; width; height; any*HTMLEmbedElement
fieldsetGroup of form controlsflow; listed; form-associated; palpableflowlegend*; flowglobals; disabled; form; nameHTMLFieldSetElement
figcaptionCaption for figurenonefigureflowglobalsHTMLElement
figureFigure with optional captionflow; palpableflowfigcaption*; flowglobalsHTMLElement
footerFooter for a page or sectionflow; palpableflowflow*globalsHTMLElement
formUser-submittable formflow; palpableflowflow*globals; accept-charset; action; autocomplete; enctype; method; name; novalidate; rel; targetHTMLFormElement
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6Headingflow; heading; palpablelegend; summary; flowphrasingglobalsHTMLHeadingElement
headContainer for document metadatanonehtmlmetadata content*globalsHTMLHeadElement
headerIntroductory or navigational aids for a page or sectionflow; palpableflowflow*globalsHTMLElement
hgroupHeading containerflow; palpable legend; summary; flowh1; h2; h3; h4; h5; h6; script-supporting elementsglobalsHTMLElement
hrThematic breakflowflowemptyglobalsHTMLHRElement
htmlRoot elementnonenone*head*; body*globals; manifestHTMLHtmlElement
iAlternate voiceflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
iframeChild navigableflow; phrasing; embedded; interactive; palpablephrasingemptyglobals; src; srcdoc; name; sandbox; allow; allowfullscreen; width; height; referrerpolicy; loadingHTMLIFrameElement
imgImageflow; phrasing; embedded; interactive*; form-associated; palpablephrasing; pictureemptyglobals; alt; src; srcset; sizes; crossorigin; usemap; ismap; width; height; referrerpolicy; decoding; loading; fetchpriorityHTMLImageElement
inputForm controlflow; phrasing; interactive*; listed; labelable; submittable; resettable; form-associated; palpable*phrasingemptyglobals; accept; alpha; alt; autocomplete; checked; colorspace; dirname; disabled; form; formaction; formenctype; formmethod; formnovalidate; formtarget; height; list; max; maxlength; min; minlength; multiple; name; pattern; placeholder; popovertarget; popovertargetaction; readonly; required; size; src; step; type; value; widthHTMLInputElement
insAn addition to the documentflow; phrasing*; palpablephrasingtransparentglobals; cite; datetimeHTMLModElement
kbdUser inputflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
labelCaption for a form controlflow; phrasing; interactive; palpablephrasingphrasing*globals; forHTMLLabelElement
legendCaption for fieldsetnonefieldsetphrasing; heading contentglobalsHTMLLegendElement
liList itemnoneol; ul; menu*flowglobals; value*HTMLLIElement
linkLink metadatametadata; flow*; phrasing*head; noscript*; phrasing*emptyglobals; href; crossorigin; rel; as; media; hreflang; type; sizes; imagesrcset; imagesizes; referrerpolicy; integrity; blocking; color; disabled; fetchpriorityHTMLLinkElement
mainContainer for the dominant contents of the documentflow; palpableflow*flowglobalsHTMLElement
mapImage mapflow; phrasing*; palpablephrasingtransparent; area*globals; nameHTMLMapElement
markHighlightflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
MathML mathMathML rootflow; phrasing; embedded; palpablephrasingper [MATHML]per [MATHML]Element
menuMenu of commandsflow; palpable*flowli; script-supporting elementsglobalsHTMLMenuElement
metaText metadatametadata; flow*; phrasing*head; noscript*; phrasing*emptyglobals; name; http-equiv; content; charset; mediaHTMLMetaElement
meterGaugeflow; phrasing; labelable; palpablephrasingphrasing*globals; value; min; max; low; high; optimumHTMLMeterElement
navSection with navigational linksflow; sectioning; palpableflowflowglobalsHTMLElement
noscriptFallback content for scriptmetadata; flow; phrasinghead*; phrasing*varies*globalsHTMLElement
objectImage, child navigable, or pluginflow; phrasing; embedded; interactive*; listed; form-associated; palpablephrasingtransparentglobals; data; type; name; form; width; heightHTMLObjectElement
olOrdered listflow; palpable*flowli; script-supporting elementsglobals; reversed; start; typeHTMLOListElement
optgroupGroup of options in a list boxnoneselectoption; script-supporting elementsglobals; disabled; labelHTMLOptGroupElement
optionOption in a list box or combo box controlnoneselect; datalist; optgrouptext*globals; disabled; label; selected; valueHTMLOptionElement
outputCalculated output valueflow; phrasing; listed; labelable; resettable; form-associated; palpablephrasingphrasingglobals; for; form; nameHTMLOutputElement
pParagraphflow; palpableflowphrasingglobalsHTMLParagraphElement
pictureImageflow; phrasing; embedded; palpablephrasingsource*; one img; script-supporting elementsglobalsHTMLPictureElement
preBlock of preformatted textflow; palpableflowphrasingglobalsHTMLPreElement
progressProgress barflow; phrasing; labelable; palpablephrasingphrasing*globals; value; maxHTMLProgressElement
qQuotationflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobals; citeHTMLQuoteElement
rpParenthesis for ruby annotation textnonerubytextglobalsHTMLElement
rtRuby annotation textnonerubyphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
rubyRuby annotation(s)flow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasing; rt; rp*globalsHTMLElement
sInaccurate textflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
sampComputer outputflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
scriptEmbedded scriptmetadata; flow; phrasing; script-supportinghead; phrasing; script-supportingscript, data, or script documentation*globals; src; type; nomodule; async; defer; crossorigin; integrity; referrerpolicy; blocking; fetchpriorityHTMLScriptElement
searchContainer for search controlsflow; palpableflowflowglobalsHTMLElement
sectionGeneric document or application sectionflow; sectioning; palpableflowflowglobalsHTMLElement
selectList box controlflow; phrasing; interactive; listed; labelable; submittable; resettable; form-associated; palpablephrasingoption; optgroup; script-supporting elementsglobals; autocomplete; disabled; form; multiple; name; required; sizeHTMLSelectElement
slotShadow tree slotflow; phrasingphrasingtransparentglobals; nameHTMLSlotElement
smallSide commentflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
sourceImage source for img or media source for video or audiononepicture; video; audioemptyglobals; type; media; src; srcset; sizes; width; heightHTMLSourceElement
spanGeneric phrasing containerflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLSpanElement
strongImportanceflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
styleEmbedded styling informationmetadatahead; noscript*text*globals; media; blockingHTMLStyleElement
subSubscriptflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
summaryCaption for detailsnonedetailsphrasing; heading contentglobalsHTMLElement
supSuperscriptflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
SVG svgSVG rootflow; phrasing; embedded; palpablephrasingper [SVG]per [SVG]SVGSVGElement
tableTableflow; palpableflowcaption*; colgroup*; thead*; tbody*; tfoot*; tr*; script-supporting elementsglobalsHTMLTableElement
tbodyGroup of rows in a tablenonetabletr; script-supporting elementsglobalsHTMLTableSectionElement
tdTable cellnonetrflowglobals; colspan; rowspan; headersHTMLTableCellElement
templateTemplatemetadata; flow; phrasing; script-supportingmetadata; phrasing; script-supporting; colgroup*emptyglobals; shadowrootmode; shadowrootdelegatesfocus; shadowrootclonable; shadowrootserializableHTMLTemplateElement
textareaMultiline text controlsflow; phrasing; interactive; listed; labelable; submittable; resettable; form-associated; palpablephrasingtextglobals; autocomplete; cols; dirname; disabled; form; maxlength; minlength; name; placeholder; readonly; required; rows; wrapHTMLTextAreaElement
tfootGroup of footer rows in a tablenonetabletr; script-supporting elementsglobalsHTMLTableSectionElement
thTable header cellinteractive*trflow*globals; colspan; rowspan; headers; scope; abbrHTMLTableCellElement
theadGroup of heading rows in a tablenonetabletr; script-supporting elementsglobalsHTMLTableSectionElement
timeMachine-readable equivalent of date- or time-related dataflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobals; datetimeHTMLTimeElement
titleDocument titlemetadataheadtext*globalsHTMLTitleElement
trTable rownonetable; thead; tbody; tfootth*; td; script-supporting elementsglobalsHTMLTableRowElement
trackTimed text tracknoneaudio; videoemptyglobals; default; kind; label; src; srclangHTMLTrackElement
uUnarticulated annotationflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
ulListflow; palpable*flowli; script-supporting elementsglobalsHTMLUListElement
varVariableflow; phrasing; palpablephrasingphrasingglobalsHTMLElement
videoVideo playerflow; phrasing; embedded; interactive; palpablephrasingsource*; track*; transparent*globals; src; crossorigin; poster; preload; autoplay; playsinline; loop; muted; controls; width; heightHTMLVideoElement
wbrLine breaking opportunityflow; phrasingphrasingemptyglobalsHTMLElement
autonomous custom elementsAuthor-defined elementsflow; phrasing; palpableflow; phrasingtransparentglobals; any, as decided by the element's authorSupplied by the element's author (inherits from HTMLElement)

An asterisk (*) in a cell indicates that the actual rules are more complicated than indicated in the table above.

† Categories in the "Parents" column refer to parents that list the given categories in their content model, not to elements that themselves are in those categories. For example, the a element's "Parents" column says "phrasing", so any element whose content model contains the "phrasing" category could be a parent of an a element. Since the "flow" category includes all the "phrasing" elements, that means the th element could be a parent to an a element.

Element content categories

This section is non-normative.

List of element content categories
Category Elements Elements with exceptions
Metadata content base; link; meta; noscript; script; style; template; title
Flow content a; abbr; address; article; aside; audio; b; bdi; bdo; blockquote; br; button; canvas; cite; code; data; datalist; del; details; dfn; dialog; div; dl; em; embed; fieldset; figure; footer; form; h1; h2; h3; h4; h5; h6; header; hgroup; hr; i; iframe; img; input; ins; kbd; label; map; mark; MathML math; menu; meter; nav; noscript; object; ol; output; p; picture; pre; progress; q; ruby; s; samp; script; search; section; select; slot; small; span; strong; sub; sup; SVG svg; table; template; textarea; time; u; ul; var; video; wbr; autonomous custom elements; Text area (if it is a descendant of a map element); link (if it is allowed in the body); main (if it is a hierarchically correct main element); meta (if the itemprop attribute is present)
Sectioning content article; aside; nav; section
Heading content h1; h2; h3; h4; h5; h6; hgroup
Phrasing content a; abbr; audio; b; bdi; bdo; br; button; canvas; cite; code; data; datalist; del; dfn; em; embed; i; iframe; img; input; ins; kbd; label; map; mark; MathML math; meter; noscript; object; output; picture; progress; q; ruby; s; samp; script; select; slot; small; span; strong; sub; sup; SVG svg; template; textarea; time; u; var; video; wbr; autonomous custom elements; Text area (if it is a descendant of a map element); link (if it is allowed in the body); meta (if the itemprop attribute is present)
Embedded content audio; canvas; embed; iframe; img; MathML math; object; picture; SVG svg; video
Interactive content button; details; embed; iframe; label; select; textarea a (if the href attribute is present); audio (if the controls attribute is present); img (if the usemap attribute is present); input (if the type attribute is not in the Hidden state); video (if the controls attribute is present)
Form-associated elements button; fieldset; input; label; object; output; select; textarea; img; form-associated custom elements
Listed elements button; fieldset; input; object; output; select; textarea; form-associated custom elements
Submittable elements button; input; select; textarea; form-associated custom elements
Resettable elements input; output; select; textarea; form-associated custom elements
Autocapitalize-and-autocorrect inheriting elements button; fieldset; input; output; select; textarea
Labelable elements button; input; meter; output; progress; select; textarea; form-associated custom elements
Palpable content a; abbr; address; article; aside; b; bdi; bdo; blockquote; button; canvas; cite; code; data; del; details; dfn; div; em; embed; fieldset; figure; footer; form; h1; h2; h3; h4; h5; h6; header; hgroup; i; iframe; img; ins; kbd; label; main; map; mark; MathML math; meter; nav; object; output; p; picture; pre; progress; q; ruby; s; samp; search; section; select; small; span; strong; sub; sup; SVG svg; table; textarea; time; u; var; video; autonomous custom elements audio (if the controls attribute is present); dl (if the element's children include at least one name-value group); input (if the type attribute is not in the Hidden state); menu (if the element's children include at least one li element); ol (if the element's children include at least one li element); ul (if the element's children include at least one li element); Text that is not inter-element whitespace
Script-supporting elements script; template


This section is non-normative.

List of attributes (excluding event handler content attributes)
Attribute Element(s) Description Value
abbr th Alternative label to use for the header cell when referencing the cell in other contexts Text*
accept input Hint for expected file type in file upload controls Set of comma-separated tokens* consisting of valid MIME type strings with no parameters or audio/*, video/*, or image/*
accept-charset form Character encodings to use for form submission ASCII case-insensitive match for "UTF-8"
accesskey HTML elements Keyboard shortcut to activate or focus element Ordered set of unique space-separated tokens, none of which are identical to another, each consisting of one code point in length
action form URL to use for form submission Valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces
allow iframe Permissions policy to be applied to the iframe's contents Serialized permissions policy
allowfullscreen iframe Whether to allow the iframe's contents to use requestFullscreen() Boolean attribute
alpha input Allow the color's alpha component to be set Boolean attribute
alt area; img; input Replacement text for use when images are not available Text*
as link Potential destination for a preload request (for rel="preload" and rel="modulepreload") Potential destination, for rel="preload"; script-like destination, for rel="modulepreload"
async script Execute script when available, without blocking while fetching Boolean attribute
autocapitalize HTML elements Recommended autocapitalization behavior (for supported input methods) "on"; "off"; "none"; "sentences"; "words"; "characters"
autocomplete form Default setting for autofill feature for controls in the form "on"; "off"
autocomplete input; select; textarea Hint for form autofill feature Autofill field name and related tokens*
autocorrect HTML elements Recommended autocorrection behavior (for supported input methods) "on"; "off"
autofocus HTML elements Automatically focus the element when the page is loaded Boolean attribute
autoplay audio; video Hint that the media resource can be started automatically when the page is loaded Boolean attribute
blocking link; script; style Whether the element is potentially render-blocking Unordered set of unique space-separated tokens*
charset meta Character encoding declaration "utf-8"
checked input Whether the control is checked Boolean attribute
cite blockquote; del; ins; q Link to the source of the quotation or more information about the edit Valid URL potentially surrounded by spaces
class HTML elements Classes to which the element belongs Set of space-separated tokens
color link Color to use when customizing a site's icon (for rel="mask-icon") CSS <color>
colorspace input The color space of the serialized color "limited-srgb"; "display-p3"
cols textarea Maximum number of characters per line Valid non-negative integer greater than zero
colspan td; th Number of columns that the cell is to span Valid non-negative integer greater than zero
content meta Value of the element Text*
contenteditable HTML elements Whether the element is editable "true"; "plaintext-only"; "false"
controls audio; video Show user agent controls Boolean attribute
coords area Coordinates for the shape to be created in an image map Valid list of floating-point numbers*
crossorigin audio; img; link; script; video How the element handles crossorigin requests "anonymous"; "use-credentials"
data object Address of the resource Valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces
datetime del; ins Date and (optionally) time of the change Valid date string with optional time
datetime time Machine-readable value Valid month string, valid date string, valid yearless date string, valid time string, valid local date and time string, valid time-zone offset string, valid global date and time string, valid week string, valid non-negative integer, or valid duration string
decoding img Decoding hint to use when processing this image for presentation "sync"; "async"; "auto"
default track Enable the track if no other text track is more suitable Boolean attribute
defer script Defer script execution Boolean attribute
dir HTML elements The text directionality of the element "ltr"; "rtl"; "auto"
dir bdo The text directionality of the element "ltr"; "rtl"
dirname input; textarea Name of form control to use for sending the element's directionality in form submission Text*
disabled button; input; optgroup; option; select; textarea; form-associated custom elements Whether the form control is disabled Boolean attribute
disabled fieldset Whether the descendant form controls, except any inside legend, are disabled Boolean attribute
disabled link Whether the link is disabled Boolean attribute
download a; area Whether to download the resource instead of navigating to it, and its filename if so Text
draggable HTML elements Whether the element is draggable "true"; "false"
enctype form Entry list encoding type to use for form submission "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; "multipart/form-data"; "text/plain"
enterkeyhint HTML elements Hint for selecting an enter key action "enter"; "done"; "go"; "next"; "previous"; "search"; "send"
fetchpriority img; link; script Sets the priority for fetches initiated by the element "auto"; "high"; "low"
for label Associate the label with form control ID*
for output Specifies controls from which the output was calculated Unordered set of unique space-separated tokens consisting of IDs*
form button; fieldset; input; object; output; select; textarea; form-associated custom elements Associates the element with a form element ID*
formaction button; input URL to use for form submission Valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces
formenctype button; input Entry list encoding type to use for form submission "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; "multipart/form-data"; "text/plain"
formmethod button; input Variant to use for form submission "GET"; "POST"; "dialog"
formnovalidate button; input Bypass form control validation for form submission Boolean attribute
formtarget button; input Navigable for form submission Valid navigable target name or keyword
headers td; th The header cells for this cell Unordered set of unique space-separated tokens consisting of IDs*
height canvas; embed; iframe; img; input; object; source (in picture); video Vertical dimension Valid non-negative integer
hidden HTML elements Whether the element is relevant "until-found"; "hidden"; the empty string
high meter Low limit of high range Valid floating-point number*
href a; area Address of the hyperlink Valid URL potentially surrounded by spaces
href link Address of the hyperlink Valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces
href base Document base URL Valid URL potentially surrounded by spaces
hreflang a; link Language of the linked resource Valid BCP 47 language tag
http-equiv meta Pragma directive "content-type"; "default-style"; "refresh"; "x-ua-compatible"; "content-security-policy"
id HTML elements The element's ID Text*
imagesizes link Image sizes for different page layouts (for rel="preload") Valid source size list
imagesrcset link Images to use in different situations, e.g., high-resolution displays, small monitors, etc. (for rel="preload") Comma-separated list of image candidate strings
inert HTML elements Whether the element is inert. Boolean attribute
inputmode HTML elements Hint for selecting an input modality "none"; "text"; "tel"; "email"; "url"; "numeric"; "decimal"; "search"
integrity link; script Integrity metadata used in Subresource Integrity checks [SRI] Text
is HTML elements Creates a customized built-in element Valid custom element name of a defined customized built-in element
ismap img Whether the image is a server-side image map Boolean attribute
itemid HTML elements Global identifier for a microdata item Valid URL potentially surrounded by spaces
itemprop HTML elements Property names of a microdata item Unordered set of unique space-separated tokens consisting of valid absolute URLs, defined property names, or text*
itemref HTML elements Referenced elements Unordered set of unique space-separated tokens consisting of IDs*
itemscope HTML elements Introduces a microdata item Boolean attribute
itemtype HTML elements Item types of a microdata item Unordered set of unique space-separated tokens consisting of valid absolute URLs*
kind track The type of text track "subtitles"; "captions"; "descriptions"; "chapters"; "metadata"
label optgroup; option; track User-visible label Text
lang HTML elements Language of the element Valid BCP 47 language tag or the empty string
list input List of autocomplete options ID*
loading iframe; img Used when determining loading deferral "lazy"; "eager"
loop audio; video Whether to loop the media resource Boolean attribute
low meter High limit of low range Valid floating-point number*
max input Maximum value Varies*
max meter; progress Upper bound of range Valid floating-point number*
maxlength input; textarea Maximum length of value Valid non-negative integer
media link; meta; source; style Applicable media Valid media query list
method form Variant to use for form submission "GET"; "POST"; "dialog"
min input Minimum value Varies*
min meter Lower bound of range Valid floating-point number*
minlength input; textarea Minimum length of value Valid non-negative integer
multiple input; select Whether to allow multiple values Boolean attribute
muted audio; video Whether to mute the media resource by default Boolean attribute
name button; fieldset; input; output; select; textarea; form-associated custom elements Name of the element to use for form submission and in the form.elements API Text*
name details Name of group of mutually-exclusive details elements Text*
name form Name of form to use in the document.forms API Text*
name iframe; object Name of content navigable Valid navigable target name or keyword
name map Name of image map to reference from the usemap attribute Text*
name meta Metadata name Text*
name slot Name of shadow tree slot Text
nomodule script Prevents execution in user agents that support module scripts Boolean attribute
nonce HTML elements Cryptographic nonce used in Content Security Policy checks [CSP] Text
novalidate form Bypass form control validation for form submission Boolean attribute
open details Whether the details are visible Boolean attribute
open dialog Whether the dialog box is showing Boolean attribute
optimum meter Optimum value in gauge Valid floating-point number*
pattern input Pattern to be matched by the form control's value Regular expression matching the JavaScript Pattern production
ping a; area URLs to ping Set of space-separated tokens consisting of valid non-empty URLs
placeholder input; textarea User-visible label to be placed within the form control Text*
playsinline video Encourage the user agent to display video content within the element's playback area Boolean attribute
popover HTML elements Makes the element a popover element "auto"; "manual";
popovertarget button; input Targets a popover element to toggle, show, or hide ID*
popovertargetaction button; input Indicates whether a targeted popover element is to be toggled, shown, or hidden "toggle"; "show"; "hide"
poster video Poster frame to show prior to video playback Valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces
preload audio; video Hints how much buffering the media resource will likely need "none"; "metadata"; "auto"
readonly input; textarea Whether to allow the value to be edited by the user Boolean attribute
readonly form-associated custom elements Affects willValidate, plus any behavior added by the custom element author Boolean attribute
referrerpolicy a; area; iframe; img; link; script Referrer policy for fetches initiated by the element Referrer policy
rel a; area Relationship between the location in the document containing the hyperlink and the destination resource Unordered set of unique space-separated tokens*
rel link Relationship between the document containing the hyperlink and the destination resource Unordered set of unique space-separated tokens*
required input; select; textarea Whether the control is required for form submission Boolean attribute
reversed ol Number the list backwards Boolean attribute
rows textarea Number of lines to show Valid non-negative integer greater than zero
rowspan td; th Number of rows that the cell is to span Valid non-negative integer
sandbox iframe Security rules for nested content Unordered set of unique space-separated tokens, ASCII case-insensitive, consisting of
scope th Specifies which cells the header cell applies to "row"; "col"; "rowgroup"; "colgroup"
selected option Whether the option is selected by default Boolean attribute
shadowrootclonable template Sets clonable on a declarative shadow root Boolean attribute
shadowrootdelegatesfocus template Sets delegates focus on a declarative shadow root Boolean attribute
shadowrootmode template Enables streaming declarative shadow roots "open"; "closed"
shadowrootserializable template Sets serializable on a declarative shadow root Boolean attribute
shape area The kind of shape to be created in an image map "circle"; "default"; "poly"; "rect"
size input; select Size of the control Valid non-negative integer greater than zero
sizes link Sizes of the icons (for rel="icon") Unordered set of unique space-separated tokens, ASCII case-insensitive, consisting of sizes*
sizes img; source Image sizes for different page layouts Valid source size list
slot HTML elements The element's desired slot Text
span col; colgroup Number of columns spanned by the element Valid non-negative integer greater than zero
spellcheck HTML elements Whether the element is to have its spelling and grammar checked "true"; "false"; the empty string
src audio; embed; iframe; img; input; script; source (in video or audio); track; video Address of the resource Valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces
srcdoc iframe A document to render in the iframe The source of an iframe srcdoc document*
srclang track Language of the text track Valid BCP 47 language tag
srcset img; source Images to use in different situations, e.g., high-resolution displays, small monitors, etc. Comma-separated list of image candidate strings
start ol Starting value of the list Valid integer
step input Granularity to be matched by the form control's value Valid floating-point number greater than zero, or "any"
style HTML elements Presentational and formatting instructions CSS declarations*
tabindex HTML elements Whether the element is focusable and sequentially focusable, and the relative order of the element for the purposes of sequential focus navigation Valid integer
target a; area Navigable for hyperlink navigation Valid navigable target name or keyword
target base Default navigable for hyperlink navigation and form submission Valid navigable target name or keyword
target form Navigable for form submission Valid navigable target name or keyword
title HTML elements Advisory information for the element Text
title abbr; dfn Full term or expansion of abbreviation Text
title input Description of pattern (when used with pattern attribute) Text
title link Title of the link Text
title link; style CSS style sheet set name Text
translate HTML elements Whether the element is to be translated when the page is localized "yes"; "no"
type a; link Hint for the type of the referenced resource Valid MIME type string
type button Type of button "submit"; "reset"; "button"
type embed; object; source Type of embedded resource Valid MIME type string
type input Type of form control input type keyword
type ol Kind of list marker "1"; "a"; "A"; "i"; "I"
type script Type of script "module"; a valid MIME type string that is not a JavaScript MIME type essence match
usemap img Name of image map to use Valid hash-name reference*
value button; option Value to be used for form submission Text
value data Machine-readable value Text*
value input Value of the form control Varies*
value li Ordinal value of the list item Valid integer
value meter; progress Current value of the element Valid floating-point number
width canvas; embed; iframe; img; input; object; source (in picture); video Horizontal dimension Valid non-negative integer
wrap textarea How the value of the form control is to be wrapped for form submission "soft"; "hard"
writingsuggestions HTML elements Whether the element can offer writing suggestions or not. "true"; "false"; the empty string

An asterisk (*) in a cell indicates that the actual rules are more complicated than indicated in the table above.


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12+


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12+


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12+


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12+


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12+


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12+


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12+
List of event handler content attributes
Attribute Element(s) Description Value
onafterprint body afterprint event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onauxclick HTML elements auxclick event handler Event handler content attribute
onbeforeinput HTML elements beforeinput event handler Event handler content attribute
onbeforematch HTML elements beforematch event handler Event handler content attribute
onbeforeprint body beforeprint event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onbeforeunload body beforeunload event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onbeforetoggle HTML elements beforetoggle event handler Event handler content attribute
onblur HTML elements blur event handler Event handler content attribute
oncancel HTML elements cancel event handler Event handler content attribute
oncanplay HTML elements canplay event handler Event handler content attribute
oncanplaythrough HTML elements canplaythrough event handler Event handler content attribute
onchange HTML elements change event handler Event handler content attribute
onclick HTML elements click event handler Event handler content attribute
onclose HTML elements close event handler Event handler content attribute
oncontextlost HTML elements contextlost event handler Event handler content attribute
oncontextmenu HTML elements contextmenu event handler Event handler content attribute
oncontextrestored HTML elements contextrestored event handler Event handler content attribute
oncopy HTML elements copy event handler Event handler content attribute
oncuechange HTML elements cuechange event handler Event handler content attribute
oncut HTML elements cut event handler Event handler content attribute
ondblclick HTML elements dblclick event handler Event handler content attribute
ondrag HTML elements drag event handler Event handler content attribute
ondragend HTML elements dragend event handler Event handler content attribute
ondragenter HTML elements dragenter event handler Event handler content attribute
ondragleave HTML elements dragleave event handler Event handler content attribute
ondragover HTML elements dragover event handler Event handler content attribute
ondragstart HTML elements dragstart event handler Event handler content attribute
ondrop HTML elements drop event handler Event handler content attribute
ondurationchange HTML elements durationchange event handler Event handler content attribute
onemptied HTML elements emptied event handler Event handler content attribute
onended HTML elements ended event handler Event handler content attribute
onerror HTML elements error event handler Event handler content attribute
onfocus HTML elements focus event handler Event handler content attribute
onformdata HTML elements formdata event handler Event handler content attribute
onhashchange body hashchange event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
oninput HTML elements input event handler Event handler content attribute
oninvalid HTML elements invalid event handler Event handler content attribute
onkeydown HTML elements keydown event handler Event handler content attribute
onkeypress HTML elements keypress event handler Event handler content attribute
onkeyup HTML elements keyup event handler Event handler content attribute
onlanguagechange body languagechange event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onload HTML elements load event handler Event handler content attribute
onloadeddata HTML elements loadeddata event handler Event handler content attribute
onloadedmetadata HTML elements loadedmetadata event handler Event handler content attribute
onloadstart HTML elements loadstart event handler Event handler content attribute
onmessage body message event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onmessageerror body messageerror event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onmousedown HTML elements mousedown event handler Event handler content attribute
onmouseenter HTML elements mouseenter event handler Event handler content attribute
onmouseleave HTML elements mouseleave event handler Event handler content attribute
onmousemove HTML elements mousemove event handler Event handler content attribute
onmouseout HTML elements mouseout event handler Event handler content attribute
onmouseover HTML elements mouseover event handler Event handler content attribute
onmouseup HTML elements mouseup event handler Event handler content attribute
onoffline body offline event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
ononline body online event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onpagehide body pagehide event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onpagereveal body pagereveal event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onpageshow body pageshow event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onpageswap body pageswap event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onpaste HTML elements paste event handler Event handler content attribute
onpause HTML elements pause event handler Event handler content attribute
onplay HTML elements play event handler Event handler content attribute
onplaying HTML elements playing event handler Event handler content attribute
onpopstate body popstate event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onprogress HTML elements progress event handler Event handler content attribute
onratechange HTML elements ratechange event handler Event handler content attribute
onreset HTML elements reset event handler Event handler content attribute
onresize HTML elements resize event handler Event handler content attribute
onrejectionhandled body rejectionhandled event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onscroll HTML elements scroll event handler Event handler content attribute
onscrollend HTML elements scrollend event handler Event handler content attribute
onsecuritypolicyviolation HTML elements securitypolicyviolation event handler Event handler content attribute
onseeked HTML elements seeked event handler Event handler content attribute
onseeking HTML elements seeking event handler Event handler content attribute
onselect HTML elements select event handler Event handler content attribute
onslotchange HTML elements slotchange event handler Event handler content attribute
onstalled HTML elements stalled event handler Event handler content attribute
onstorage body storage event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onsubmit HTML elements submit event handler Event handler content attribute
onsuspend HTML elements suspend event handler Event handler content attribute
ontimeupdate HTML elements timeupdate event handler Event handler content attribute
ontoggle HTML elements toggle event handler Event handler content attribute
onunhandledrejection body unhandledrejection event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onunload body unload event handler for Window object Event handler content attribute
onvolumechange HTML elements volumechange event handler Event handler content attribute
onwaiting HTML elements waiting event handler Event handler content attribute
onwheel HTML elements wheel event handler Event handler content attribute

Element interfaces

This section is non-normative.

List of interfaces for elements
Element(s) Interface(s)
a HTMLAnchorElement : HTMLElement
abbr HTMLElement
address HTMLElement
area HTMLAreaElement : HTMLElement
article HTMLElement
aside HTMLElement
audio HTMLAudioElement : HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement
b HTMLElement
base HTMLBaseElement : HTMLElement
bdi HTMLElement
bdo HTMLElement
blockquote HTMLQuoteElement : HTMLElement
body HTMLBodyElement : HTMLElement
br HTMLBRElement : HTMLElement
button HTMLButtonElement : HTMLElement
canvas HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement
caption HTMLTableCaptionElement : HTMLElement
cite HTMLElement
code HTMLElement
col HTMLTableColElement : HTMLElement
colgroup HTMLTableColElement : HTMLElement
data HTMLDataElement : HTMLElement
datalist HTMLDataListElement : HTMLElement
dd HTMLElement
del HTMLModElement : HTMLElement
details HTMLDetailsElement : HTMLElement
dfn HTMLElement
dialog HTMLDialogElement : HTMLElement
div HTMLDivElement : HTMLElement
dl HTMLDListElement : HTMLElement
dt HTMLElement
em HTMLElement
embed HTMLEmbedElement : HTMLElement
fieldset HTMLFieldSetElement : HTMLElement
figcaption HTMLElement
figure HTMLElement
footer HTMLElement
form HTMLFormElement : HTMLElement
h1 HTMLHeadingElement : HTMLElement
h2 HTMLHeadingElement : HTMLElement
h3 HTMLHeadingElement : HTMLElement
h4 HTMLHeadingElement : HTMLElement
h5 HTMLHeadingElement : HTMLElement
h6 HTMLHeadingElement : HTMLElement
head HTMLHeadElement : HTMLElement
header HTMLElement
hgroup HTMLElement
hr HTMLHRElement : HTMLElement
html HTMLHtmlElement : HTMLElement
i HTMLElement
iframe HTMLIFrameElement : HTMLElement
img HTMLImageElement : HTMLElement
input HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement
ins HTMLModElement : HTMLElement
kbd HTMLElement
label HTMLLabelElement : HTMLElement
legend HTMLLegendElement : HTMLElement
li HTMLLIElement : HTMLElement
link HTMLLinkElement : HTMLElement
main HTMLElement
map HTMLMapElement : HTMLElement
mark HTMLElement
menu HTMLMenuElement : HTMLElement
meta HTMLMetaElement : HTMLElement
meter HTMLMeterElement : HTMLElement
nav HTMLElement
noscript HTMLElement
object HTMLObjectElement : HTMLElement
ol HTMLOListElement : HTMLElement
optgroup HTMLOptGroupElement : HTMLElement
option HTMLOptionElement : HTMLElement
output HTMLOutputElement : HTMLElement
p HTMLParagraphElement : HTMLElement
picture HTMLPictureElement : HTMLElement
pre HTMLPreElement : HTMLElement
progress HTMLProgressElement : HTMLElement
q HTMLQuoteElement : HTMLElement
rp HTMLElement
rt HTMLElement
ruby HTMLElement
s HTMLElement
samp HTMLElement
search HTMLElement
script HTMLScriptElement : HTMLElement
section HTMLElement
select HTMLSelectElement : HTMLElement
slot HTMLSlotElement : HTMLElement
small HTMLElement
source HTMLSourceElement : HTMLElement
span HTMLSpanElement : HTMLElement
strong HTMLElement
style HTMLStyleElement : HTMLElement
sub HTMLElement
summary HTMLElement
sup HTMLElement
table HTMLTableElement : HTMLElement
tbody HTMLTableSectionElement : HTMLElement
td HTMLTableCellElement : HTMLElement
template HTMLTemplateElement : HTMLElement
textarea HTMLTextAreaElement : HTMLElement
tfoot HTMLTableSectionElement : HTMLElement
th HTMLTableCellElement : HTMLElement
thead HTMLTableSectionElement : HTMLElement
time HTMLTimeElement : HTMLElement
title HTMLTitleElement : HTMLElement
tr HTMLTableRowElement : HTMLElement
track HTMLTrackElement : HTMLElement
u HTMLElement
ul HTMLUListElement : HTMLElement
var HTMLElement
video HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement
wbr HTMLElement
custom elements supplied by the element's author (inherits from HTMLElement)

All interfaces

This section is non-normative.


This section is non-normative.

The following table lists events fired by this document, excluding those already defined in media element events and drag-and-drop events.

List of events
Event Interface Interesting targets Description
