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Under Review

Add expand/collapse feature to column headers

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Amanda Rivera (SHE/HER)'s profile image

Amanda Rivera (SHE/HER) on 17 Nov 2018 02:30:35

Vote on this idea if you want expand/collapse on column headers in the matrix similar to what was shipped for row headers in November (

Administrator on 28 Jan 2023 20:33:12

10/20/2022 - Just an update, this is an extremely expensive item, which is why it has not been picked up yet. I promise we will revisit this after we ship visual calculations

Comments (167)
Amanda Rivera (SHE/HER)'s profile image Profile Picture

Amar Mehboob on 20 May 2024 10:59:35

RE: Add expand/collapse feature to column headers

From the last 6 years this idea was not picked up even though enough votes are there

Amanda Rivera (SHE/HER)'s profile image Profile Picture

Maxime Zani on 11 Dec 2023 21:33:12

RE: Add expand/collapse feature to column headers

Totally agree with comment from @Robert Hawke down below. Expensive item?? What is the rule of your roadmap? Release and fix later ? How come, in the world of Power BI, nobody thought that more than one field on column headers would be a good idea ? I cannot think that it was not made by choice. So instead of focusing everybody on ideas that could not be thought in your team and you would use this forum as a real brain stormer, everybody is spending time on requesting basic features nobody want to ask (this is SO BASIC..) anbd nobody want to develop... This is INSANE!!!!

Amanda Rivera (SHE/HER)'s profile image Profile Picture

Mark Miller on 21 Sep 2023 22:13:44

RE: Add expand/collapse feature to column headers

Any updates? This should be a priority. 10,000 people asking for it...

Amanda Rivera (SHE/HER)'s profile image Profile Picture

Michael Madden on 22 Aug 2023 03:21:32

RE: Add expand/collapse feature to column headers

This feature is a must, any update?

Amanda Rivera (SHE/HER)'s profile image Profile Picture

Sarah Maria Gallego on 15 Jun 2023 19:18:18

RE: Add expand/collapse feature to column headers

This feature has been available in excel for years. It is a great way to have more information in one visual.

Amanda Rivera (SHE/HER)'s profile image Profile Picture

Robert Hawke on 08 May 2023 16:35:08

RE: Add expand/collapse feature to column headers

This idea is the perfect representation of the entire idea and feature process at Microsoft. This is not rocket science. If they can do it on rows, they can do it on headers. BUT: 1) It is nothing they can use to sell more licenses, advertise, throw into marketing videos ("We can do +/- on columns" isn't a great sign of how innovative we are compared to "look at our cool new AI feature") 2) It is also no "brilliant new idea" that developers/managers get excited about, something that you are proud to work on and be part of the team and therefore internally pushing (like probably on-object editing which I'm sure some people internally are extremely excited about). Developers also want to do new cool things, not work on adding a "boring feature" that Excel 2000 was already able to do. And therefore, these usability improvements, that frustrate thousands to millions of users, just don't get any priority or resources, no matter how much we all complain here.

Amanda Rivera (SHE/HER)'s profile image Profile Picture

Stanley Kusmier Jr on 29 Mar 2023 14:41:51

RE: Add expand/collapse feature to column headers

This is a feature that is and has been available in SSRS and paginated reports for years. I am not sure why there would be any more complexity of implementing it and making available in PBI visuals.

Amanda Rivera (SHE/HER)'s profile image Profile Picture

Ashish Kunhipura on 23 Mar 2023 16:31:27

RE: Add expand/collapse feature to column headers

Hello MS Team, Any further updates on the expand/collapse of column headers in matrix visual?

Amanda Rivera (SHE/HER)'s profile image Profile Picture

Mária Kvasnicová on 20 Mar 2023 15:39:42

RE: Add expand/collapse feature to column headers

It would be also nice to add this function to measures as columns, so that we can collapse measures that are not that important, but will be still available if needed for interpretation of data.

Amanda Rivera (SHE/HER)'s profile image Profile Picture

Kael Dowdy on 22 Feb 2023 18:38:34

RE: Add expand/collapse feature to column headers

Really love a similar feature in Excel. I have a very wide matrix visual in PBI and it'd be nice to collapse groups of them and let the user choose their own destiny so to speak.Wonder if this could be done using calculation groups or something... But would be nice to have feature built in directly in visual.