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Under Review

Lakehouse Recovery or Restore Points

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Derek Williams's profile image

Derek Williams on 06 Jan 2024 03:39:33

Lakehouses, and more importantly the data inside them, are not recoverable if the the lakehouse is deleted. There is also no way to recover a prior lakehouse if the data needs to be rolled back to a previous state.

BCDR was recently released but is only for capacity disaster recovery and is too cumbersome as it has an extra cost along with deploying in another region.

We need a way to recover a lakehouse and its history, if it has been deleted or if the data has been corrupted.

Ted Vilutis (administrator) on 05 Feb 2024 23:29:15

We are evaluating this idea and its timeline along with other priorities. Your comments and votes will help us plan and design the feature. Thank you for your feedback! 

Comments (1)
Derek Williams's profile image Profile Picture

Daan Gebraad on 30 May 2024 11:18:56

RE: Lakehouse Recovery or Restore Points

Is there any update on this feature request?To me, this is a core feature that a production ready system must have.This is currently keeping our company from using Fabric when building solutions.