A downloadable game

This is a Kickstarter Demo. We have an ongoing crowdfunding campaign on kickstarter if you would like to support us.

Sunset Devils is a top-down action shooter featuring a unique control scheme, designed to let the player experience the thrill of an old west gunfight.

Weapons have to be cycled, cartridges loaded individually before they can be fired. Each weapon's mechanics are based on their real-world counterpart.

There is no spray and pray in Sunset Devils. Every bullet counts.

The weapons in Sunset Devils are period accurate and each have an individual, unique control scheme. Operating your guns is key to the gameplay of Sunset Devils, in a way that is unlike any other game.

The game supports both Mouse & Keyboard and Controller.

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(20 total ratings)
Tags2D, Difficult, GameMaker, Kickstarter, Pixel Art, Singleplayer, Top down shooter, Western, Wild West


SD-KS-V5.1.zip 69 MB

Development log


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Does the demo only work with a Xbox controller? Have tried connecting my PS4 controller multiple times and it doesn't seem to work


try launching the game through steam. demo will be on steam soon as well so it should help with controller support

i loove this

I got my big iron on my hip

even if west of loathing didnt make me realise i love western settings i think i'd love this game. and since west of loathing made me realise i love western settings i love this game.


love the game, im a sucker for western settings, the music is fantastic and the intro, simply magnific, love the character design and such too, but i found a couple issues and nitpicks
first a big one, (image relevant) after the tutorial when you land the last shot on the scarecrow i got stuck in the fence the moment the scenary changed, had no way to get out so i had to restart the game and go through the intro and tutorial again, kinda annoying
the second one is that the ledge collision is quite annoying, i think it should only instantly trigger if you are crouching and otherwise take like a second or so, third one is simply askin for controller movement to be a bit more smoother, specifically the aiming, for some reason the aim helper is VERY BIASED towards props, like bushes and crates, that was really annoying and would mean a high chance for quick shots so waste ammo.
lastly il say i remenber very long time ago the weapon simulation being bigger and more detailed, i am aware this is a change in direction i understand, but as a petty please if posible in the future MAYBE an alternate ui with the bigger weapon simulation thingie, thank you for readingImagen

Hi! I'm playing your game on Linux via Wine, and when I'm using a controller, the left stick doesn't work. I can't move my character playing on a controller, but all the other controller buttons work. Can you look into this? 

Also if you would be so kind as to upload the demo on Steam, that would be great.  Steam Next Fest is coming soon, and the added reach of Steam will certainly help your Kickstarter.

you can actually add the game to your steam library via navigating to the executable and then run it with proton !! that's what i did !! it runs so much better that way and with a bit fewer glitches too

Really fun demo! I loved having to frantically reload all my guns while trying to dodge all the bullets, and the mechanics around the healing bottles are really cool!

I did find one major glitch when trying to enter a building in the town, instead of going somewhere else, the level just reloaded and sent me back to the town's entrance. Also one of the sneaking sprites (I think it was up-right) had some extra pixels floating above the character at one point, but other than that everything else was really good!

i just played this and i'm a big fan and i love the gun controls
i do think that bullets should be a bit more common since sometimes you can get really low on certain kinds of bullets and also for some reason you can't pick up the ammo boxes when you're at max ammo even though you can unload weapons when your ammo is full and it works perfectly fine
also i think that the button for aiming the right barrel of the double barrel should be something like V instead of right shift since normally you'd have one hand on the movement keys and the other hand on the mouse and the right shift is way too far away to hit quickly

Regarding the "right shift to aim right barrel," you don't need to press right shift to aim and fire the right barrel of the shotgun, it's just there to let you know that any shift key will work for aiming both barrels.

Big fan! Good music, nice sounds, neat writing and very great pixelart! Reminds of me live a live for a little bit somehow. Beat the first boss and put it down for now.

Found an odd thing:
In the top right corner of the town map there seemed to be an oddly scaled up building and a discolored path of ground, and i could enter a door there and it restarted the entire map. Not sure whats up with that.

And heres some personal suggestions:
-You GOTTA somehow tell the player they can pick up the ejected bullets from the ground, especially since thats the only way to get ammo out of the lever action rifle. Probably easiest to do so with a checkpoint hint or by putting a pickup prompt onto them.
-Some more direction on where you should go would be appreciated.
-Think it would be neat if you could twirl your knife with the mousewheel.
-Also would be nice to be able to dodgeroll over crates/logs/whatever other low cover.
-Maybe somehow allow to pour contents of one bottle into the other so you could merge 2 half empty bottles into 1 full? Not sure how to do that though.
-Also maybe either disallow picking up empty bottles or maybe allow to throw them as a last resort.
-And also it very much might just be me but the first revolver feels a bit inconsistent with how it controls compared to other guns, primarily that loading/unloading a bullet is 2 separate buttons where everywhere else its 1 button that does both, if you merge them and move the closing input onto the right mouse button (which would also be consistent with how you need to press RMB to open it in the first place) youd also get space to allow to rotate the cylinder both left and right. Not sure if the awkwardness was intentional but heres that i guess.

Overall great demo and i will be awaiting the full release with glee!

I want to try out the demo, but I got an error while trying download :c


bro, i got on this game thinking i was about to play a 10 minute demo. never been more wrong in my life this game is simply beautiful to see and to play. never been more happy to find a lever action on the floor

I can't for the life of me get used to the controls. I always forget to cock the gun, and I find reloading, and standing still to aim/shoot incredibly cumbersome. There's never enough ammo around the map/in dropped guns so I run out of ammo quickly anyway. The game looks pretty nice even if the isometric perspective is a bit disorienting sometimes for gauging verticality. The music is good.


Fantastic demo! You can really see the care and attention put into making the guns feel good.

Needs a bit more smoothing out in some parts, but overall enjoyable.


Got softlocked at the train bit because I moved toward the other character : (

 Nice demo tho, even if I got lost a lot. Game fun !

(1 edit) (+2)

Tried the demo, I enjoyed it a lot. 

The gameplay mechanics are really fun. I really enjoyed small details like fiddling with the gun and other items.

Had a few FPS drops but I am sure you will iron them out eventually.


I don't know why I lose my potion gauge, because I rolled without  close the cap xd


Really fun! The gun management is spot on. I haven't finished the entire demo yet but I played until a bit after the boss (it's late here and I gotta sleep haha).

Here's some feedback:

-I'm not sure if this is by design, but I never understood how to unload bullets from the rusty "sniper" guns (forgot the name).

- I really missed having some kind of minimap that at least showed me where I already went, because I got lost quite a bit before finding the correct path, and having the gun limiting your view radius, while kinda cool, made it also kinda hard to know if a path was a dead end or not. I found myself carrying an empty "sniper" gun all the time just so I could see farther.

- I really wish I could remap the guns keys as well...

But this being a demo and all is understandable that there are missing things/incomplete things, and even with those problems, the game itself was really well done and fun! Really looking forward to the full game!

you can unload the lever action by opening and closing the chamber multiple times, its more akin to loading a shotgun where you load shells under and cock the front barrel to load the shell in the chamber.

i do agree about having a minimap tho i circled the entire map that had the boss before encountering them on my playthrough

Ah, but doesn't this consume the ammo? I meant like, is it possible to steal the bullet from it?


you can pick up the ejected bullets from the ground by holding X, though theres no pickup prompt and i think if youre on max ammo they just vanish into nothing (works for all guns)

Oh my god, I played the entire demo without knowing that haha. I just noticed that some bullets on the ground are gold while others are gray


Incredible demo. I will buy this day one. A couple of things I found is that theres some weird overlap with the gates where you can kind of walk "on top" of them, texturally. not sure why that is. Also I got hit mid-ledge jump and was frozen in place once. Other than those two extremely minor things, 10/10 demo


this is fucking great, only complaints are the map looks a bit samey and i found myself looping for a little bit, also jumping off of ledges accidentally is a little too easy


bit rough around the edges in some places but holy shit, i love this and the concept of this and the art OUGHH its so awesome






oh YES