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(2 edits)

Yo this is an amazing look, I never exactly knew how to represent these beings exactly, so them being deities that're tied to certain emotions coming out of MC is kind of a cool thought!

It looks like some of those emotions have self-control though, since if I recall correctly, Purple came out when a little someone tried to plan a trick on MC

also lastly, hope you're doing well, sympathy is one thing, but empathy is another...

Yes, it seems to me that they have partial control, since the purple one could strangle the MC. But what intrigues me most would be the colour change in his name. When he talks to Natsumi and has the green text, is it the green (benevolent, caring) side of his personality overriding his logical thoughts ? Or is it the deity herself sort of "possessing" him and controlling him without him knowing.

Also thank you for your condolences. I will say it has left a mark on me, and stories like these only make me feel glad that the victims receive help, albeit fictional.

(2 edits)

I think these deities could possibly be trying to help MC in their respective ways, maybe they have their own goals? After all. if I recall correctly, each deity spoke within a certain way similar to how they act while also carrying out a goal in mind for MC.

Green being nice and wanting to help, their goal, perhaps selflessness
Blue's goal is to make him be more assertive,
Purple goal is to make him selfish 
Yellow's is to help him establish relationships

But I think I just know better that they all come out when I'm guessing a certain requirement has been hit for them

Purple comes from desires being Revengeful and/or Lustful
Blue comes by chatting being Charismatic and/or Assertive
Green comes to someone in need, being Kind and Soothing
Yellow comes when they spot someone that the MC can relate to, being chatty and nervous(?) possibly outgoing though however

Examples I guess would be:
Purple peeking the bathroom or being hurt
Green helping Natsumi
Blue chatting to Hana and Midori, the way MC speaks to the two character seems to be significantly different
Yellow saying how he recognizes a character to Kaede

MC's aware and I'm guessing, have some limited extent of control over his body whenever those certain emotions come out.

He did refrain hurting someone in public, either the Purple emotion knew of this, or that was him trying his hardest to hold back from doing something he'd really much regret

I don't think he knows why he cant control himself easily though when these certain emotions come out though, he knows it's very unlike him,

especially with how he originally tried to be a prick to Natsumi, just for green to come out, help her and realize a big mistake could've happened had he been a prick, yet he doesn't exactly know why he changed from being a prick to being nice so...

My major question to this is how nobody realizes his eyes changes color each time these certain emotions come out, maybe it's something unique, and something only certain people similar to him can see...

I'm gonna stop my rambling here, I really liked the story so far, but anyways, You're welcome for the condolences, I feel the same way about fictional characters getting help,

I'd want to help people in any way I could, but we're only human, the greatest flaw and blessing we can be granted, so it's hard to do that, I just try my best to not think that and just make whoever I can, feel at least a little cared about and hopefully put a smile on their face, even if it was temporary.

Stuff like "You're not alone" ain't gonna help at all, so I again cheer whoever up in whatever way I can

Hope that one day you'll heal from what you've felt, I just hope it wasn't too terrible...

(1 edit)

I've been thinking about the white deity as well. It seems to be very powerful as it commanded the purple one to stop choking the MC. Also, we don't exactly know what it's meant to represent. We've got all these distinct personality traits linked to the different colours because of the brief dialogue of both the deities and the colour change in the MC. However, the white deity doesn't speak to him but helps him (rebuilding his body after the crash, saving him from the purple one) so perhaps it's not even meant to represent any form of personality. So who is the white deity ? Given how Nova has white hair and pupils, and the white deity has white text, I've thought that there is a chance that they could be one and the same, since the white deity never manifests in the MC but helps him through its own influence, much like Nova helps the MC by giving him advice and comforting him. However, Nova had no power against the realm with the boat and its dreadful inhabitant whilst the white deity's words were enough to drive off the purple deity. So perhaps they could be the same character, related somehow or entirely different. 

Also, thank you for your kind words and rejecting the pretentious courtesy with the "you're not alone" stuff. Honestly by that alone you are showing you know your stuff. Plus thanks for discussing this with me even though it took me a while to respond.

All good! I enjoy chatting about the theories and possibilities yet to come in the story! And don't worry about taking a while to respond, everybody has things to do, so it's natural that responses takes time to receive!

Also, no need to thank me, I just like to make people feel better in any way I can, that being said, I wish you the best of luck with any problems you have!

You truly are a kind person. Glad to have crossed paths with you. Well then, with this new info, I'm excited to see what theories we can come up with.

Same here!

Thanks so much for sharing your theories over the past few days! I wanted to reply sooner, but the discussion was so engaging that I decided to wait and see how far you would take it without any input from me. Your theories were truly fascinating!

It seems like most people are starting to grasp the idea of the MC's different personalities, but only a few have touched on what they truly represent. Without giving too much away, I can say that each personality plays a specific role in the MC's life—not just as a set of emotions, but also as lessons. The story will begin to focus more on what lesson can be learned from each personality, and how Nova ties into all of them.

I hope you're all doing well and continue to enjoy the game as much as I’m enjoying creating it!

As for a release date, I can’t say much just yet, but… you can keep up with the progress of updates here or on Patreon for free! You’ll be able to see what I’m working on and what’s planned for the future!

Hmm... this sure is some food for thought. Thank you, but I must delay my analysis because I've overworked for the past few days and need rest. Speaking of which, hope you aren't overburdening yourself. Also, might I say that whilst there weren't many H-scenes, the buildup and narrative itself trumps, and I kid you not, 90% of the other AVNs I've played with somewhat of a story. I'd say it is deserving to be ranked alongside the top games like Champion of Realms and Goddess' Whim (CoR has lost it's place on the podium after the original page got replaced but you get what I mean). I'm in a bit of a financial crisis right now but once I recover, I promise you I'm subbing to your Patreon (my Patreon username is pretty much the same as my username so you'll be able to see). I've strongly recommended your game to a few friends so hopefully they'll check it out (though some of those few don't know it's an AVN XD)

Deleted 16 days ago

Sounds interesting! I can't wait for the update to release when it does, I'm so invested in the story right now, but as Andreas6 said, We hope you don't overwork yourself!