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Who knew the ball game would be ball crushingly hard?

The tutorial is a very good start, also a very nice introduction to the mechanics in general. Movement and physics feel nice... until you meet the enemies.

I think moving pinball bouncers is a good enemy for a game where you shouldn't fall. What I don't like is the fact that you and the enemies are subject to very different physics rules.

The enemies seem to ignore momentum. Sometimes. They do have their acceleration, but it seems it doesn't always affect the bounce with the player ball. Sometimes when you go from full stop to collision with the enemy - you do a little bounce, sometimes you fly away. Colliding with the enemy when you're on a ramp is a death sentence and a ticket to the moon. It seems to me that you want the player to approach the enemy with a very specific mindset which I have not figured out. But the fact that the enemy going full speed off the cliff only to stop dead in its tracks at the very edge is bs. Considering I have very limited ways of approaching the enemy - I'd like to have different ways of taking them out. Also since they can't fall off the edge on their own - you can't just outrun them - they will pursue you even down some very tight ledges.

I liked how every level was a bit different from each other. The CD disc platforms were a nice touch.

I wish those levels were not littered with those enemies though.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hey, I watched you playing my game on stream so I have a pretty good idea of what your playthrough was like. It's true that the enemy bumping can be somewhat inconsistent, I think most of the time this may be because of the angle of your inputs compared to the enemy, but I feel like there's more notable inconsistencies with certain enemies in certain areas. I will be looking into this further. It is also true that enemy placement in levels could be improved.

I think if the enemies were to slide off of the stage on their own, the game would become less challenging overall. I remember watching your playthrough, you would constantly ram into enemies to try and get them off.  This is not the ideal way to deal with enemies. The idea is that when your blast attack is not available, you should not approach them aggressively and focus on dodging them. If you dodge them efficiently near an edge, you will have a window of opportunity to bump them off yourself. This is not your fault as the tutorial in its current state does not do a good job at teaching the player ideal enemy interactions and is also unclear about certain mechanics such as Blast Attack. This will be addressed. Right now enemy interactions include your basic bumps and the Blast Attack as options. I agree that there could be more ways to defeat enemies. Something I'm considering is being able to bump enemies and making them bounce off walls as another interaction method.

Thank you for playing the demo!