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A member registered Apr 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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Great writing, great style, interesting story and a very sovlful menu. I very much dig the noir-like hardboiled detective shtic. No idea if you're serious with it or if it's more of a parody, but I like it a lot. Again - writing is good, funny at times. Really gets you invested in the main character and the story. Great stuff.

Controller button layout is awkward - square acts as a menu/cancel button, which is very unorthodox - usually it's triangle/start for menu open/close and circle for cancel (PS5 controller). And I found a bug - there seems to be a section when the movement inputs are ignored somewhere on the up-left of the left stick. But it's minor, and the D-pad works fine.

Huge props for mac build, absolute legend. Will try it out on my own time some time later. And yeah, looking forward to a full release!

A very calm, very chill game. I like pretty much everything about it, and everything is there to help you get into this "zen" zone - from animations to sfx and music. It's a very simple concept, but it's done beautifully, and it works. I absolutely love it.

If I were to complain about something - I guess it would be about items taking some time to get used to. But then again - it's pretty much a non-issue, and the tutorial definitely helps.

It's a great game, and an insta-buy for me when it releases.

New character is hnnng-tier. I really dig your style - both in terms of character and in level design. Tutorial is nice, but too railroady - wish I could fail. I did fail a couple of times - but it softlocked the game.

Very nice progress, keep it up!

Heavy newgrounds/kongregate/old flash vibes. Managed to reach the last boss, got oneshot right after the anthem. Kino.

Final boss is a tiny bit unfair (I did beat him in the practice), but other than that - it's like a time capsule to simpler times. Very, very nice.

Very, very solid controls. You nailed the platformer aspect to a T. Climbing, jumping, air control - everything's there. Very good stuff.

Character design is great, she's very well animated, little clouds of dust are a very nice touch. 

Looking forward to what you're gonna do next with this prototype!

Feels like a base for a twist on Space Invaders, which I think could be pretty interesting. Right now there's not much going on - it works, enemies die and even move, occasionally. Or try to move.

But please don't use SFX that make me deaf. Some of the sound effects were too loud.

Really not a fan of browser games, especially for those that have a lot of action.

Artstyle is alright, pretty cute, a little bit flashlike. Bombs are very gimmicky, I was kinda expecting them to be screen clearing while they are... not. Witch hitbox feels like it's too big.

And occasionally the bosses stop attacking. Afterwards the game will crash. Couldn't play very long due to crashes, unfortunately. Needs a lot of polish.

Artstyle is very cute, I dig all the different faces she makes. Kinda reminds me of Xiao from Dark Cloud.

Writing is pleasant, I love a bit of banter going on between the MC and the girl. Looks like a good base for a solid, wholesome and comfy game.

But mouse detection/highlight is broken unless the screen resolution is 1920x1080

Very interesting game. I dig the setting, but the locks confuse me - I kinda understand what they mean, but I don't understand how (and why) the lock status changes. Tutorial works like a charm and helped me a lot - in fact I quite like the combat aspect, even if sometimes I get wiped.

I got ambushed by invisible skeletons out of nowhere, no idea if it's a bug or a feature - needed quite some time to figure out how to notice them. And I don't think corpses should have a turn - nothing happened to them, they just skipped every time.

Ui is a bit clunky, but it's fine for a WIP game.

Also - can you please provide a binary next time? Playing in browser is very cumbersome.

Art and music is great. Levels are suprisingly tight. I'm not too hot on "money being spent every second of flight", but it wasn't an issue to me.

Secrets are fairly noticeable, though sometimes robot buddies reveal them by shooting enemies behind the secret walls.

My only complaint would be about the screen resolutions - 2/3 were too small (had to change my screen resolution), while the last one was bigger than my 4k monitor - I guess that's a bug.

But the game is pretty fun, I really liked it.

I really like the new art, some of the card art is very memorable.

Upgrade UI is a bit of a mess, and kinda breaks on 4k resolution.

Tutorial is a very welcome addition. And either I remembered stuff from previous playthrough (doubtful), or the crafting is a bit less convoluted this time around.

I'm not a CCG player, but I like it quite a lot. Seems easy enough to get into and start playing.

Great to see you're incorporating feedback from previous DDs. Love how the watchers have different spawn circles depending on their appearance. Mines and fire watchers spawn circles are way too similar still (I noticed they are red and yellow when I rewatched the VOD, but I didn't notice that during gameplay). The red barrels are much, much more noticeable, which is great - now I can die to enemies and not to barrels!

Upgrades are a VERY welcome addition, so is the tutorial. I also dig the "Hold the button to mix stuff", also very welcome.

The only thing of note right now - all enemies are weak to poison, so you can ignore mixing most of the time. Though I guess this won't be an issue once there are more enemies.

Keep it up, great stuff!

Chapter 2 starting out very strong. Got some problems with the boss, guess it's there to teach me how to use the character.

Loved the appearance of some characters from Ch1.

Music is fantastic, as usual. 

Car movement is EXTREMELY slow, wish it was faster. And I got a bit lost on the map - I know there were literally arrows pointing where I need to go, but you can't expect me to see a big map and not explore? Nice (a)woken reference. Wish there were some points of interest to interact with on that map (I didn't find any if they are there).

What's up with one of your party members fighting doggy-style, ass-first? It's... uh.... unique?

Arthur wrecking shit up when? Can't wait to see what he's got cooking in Ch2.

There's a very noticeable learning curve for controlling the characters, but it feels good, especially once I started switching mid-fight. Both characters are pretty cool, though it seems like ice collision is bigger than the sprite.

Desperately lacks a tutorial - I didn't figure out that I can upgrade my characters until someone told me that.

Managed to get the boss to stage 4 without any skills, just by levelling up.

Took the boss down in a couple of seconds after I learned some skills.

Game is VERY stingy with healing potions, dunno if that's intentional, dunno how to feel about that (I managed, somehow). Also lost my first mythril armor to drag-n-drop outside of the inventory box. Felt bad about that.

It's a solid start, even if rough around the edges. I liked it, even if I had a pretty rough start with it.

Very rough around the edges. Dialogue works, movement works. Dash effect is pretty cool, but camera moves slower than the character, so you can actually run off-screen.

I see a fellow SAM enjoyer. Dunno if you run it in real-time, but it mangles some words, unfortunately - you have to "tune" and type them more phonetically for it to actually pronounce them properly.

Interesting stuff. Please don't be overreliant on sam - it can get stale pretty quick.

Cute character and nice movement. Controller works like a charm, didn't test on the keyboard.

Everything works exactly as intended - jumping, climbing, wall hopping. Air control is good. 

There's no "underwater" shader though. Collected all the bones.

Feels like a great base for a mascot platformer!

Deserves a title. Seriously.

Fantastic stuff. Seriously - it's a lot of fun. Very tight, very punishing, very rewarding - just like a shmup should be. Screen Clear charge is fairly generous, but not to the point where I could spam it. Getting a couple of hits before you die is a blessing, makes it so much easier.

Patterns are good, and enemies are masterfully balanced - those with "harder" patterns die faster (like bats), while those with easier are a bit tankier (like skulls)
First boss is easy, especially he does a screen clear every time you kill a phase. Second one is a bit tougher, but I didn't find him unbeatable.

Took me a couple of tries, but I beat the final boss with just one death.

Big props for fantastic sound design - audio cues for "bomb ready" and "you got hit" are such a blessing and a necessity. 

Controller is botched. Keyboard is fine.

Good stuff. Great, even. Had a blast.

Short and sweet. Nice intro to the game, feels like a tutorial. Kind of want more, but restarting the game does not restart the turn counter, so it's an insta-fail.

The UI is way to big, uncomfortable, even. But the art assets - like the mission completion, or the buildings themselves - are very nice.

Right now it's more of a puzzle than a strategy game. I wonder what you'll do with it next!

Is suprisingly pretty and runs decently well. Shipbuilding is a bit weird and it seems like you can build either up and down. Any plans for T or X-shaped parts?

Ships couldn't dock to my spaceport. Dunno if it's a bug or the game is incomplete. But I like the orbit simulation, looked good! Looking forward to see where you're gonna take it.

All those different TDs on the market and you don't do anything new. I'd say you don't even do the old mechanics well enough.

Perspective is weird, especially with how high the towers tend to be. Placed archers on the ground instead of tower and didn't notice it until they got killed. Can't rotate camera. No progression - you either beat the level, or you don't. No extra money for kills, just build something and see if it works. Enemies just rush in one after one, and then start pathfinding, sometimes crowding when there's an obstacle like the knight.

No idea what's the different between an archer and a crossbow guy. Knights get overrun very fast. Some areas are unavailable for placing units, but you can build on them.

At least you didn't let me block off the ending. That's the only positive I can find.

Got filtered at the mushroom section. While I managed to get to the upper level - falling from there straight back to the mushrooms is a huge pain. The gimmick works well enough, but I found myself getting screwed by not having enough time to cling to ledges. After 30+ minutes my brain still couldn't process that I needed to kinda invert the direction of the stick to move in the desired direction. I did learn how to throw myself far, but at that point in the game mistakes were so punishing I just couldn't take it.

It's polished, but it's a rage game, so not really for me.

Graphics, UI, visual presentation is absolutely stunning, I love it. Especially character portraits - I have no idea if they're 2D or 3D, but they fit so well. Same with music.

Reminded me of Cultist Simulator in terms of some gameplay elements and story, which is good, great even. 

It's great, very enjoyable - even though I did encounter a couple of bugs here and there. Really looking forward to more polish and more story!

Very nice, solid start. Controller support is much appreciated and feels very, very good, much better than the keyboard. Animations for the character are nice, feel responsive. But the speed itself is kinda lacking - it feels like I was slowing down while proceeding on the track. Also - dunno if that was the camera or perspective - got that very same feeling a couple of times during jumping ramps.

Grindrails are a nice touch, but if you ignore them - you can fly off the map and need to restart.

It's a solid surf movement prototype.

I can understand why some people may get filtered by the first 2 level packs - they are very straightforward - basically with a single possible path to the goal. But I understand it - the first pack lets you get the hang of it, get the feel for it, second one teaches you to think with portals. 3rd pack is where you need to start thinking, aaaand I got filtered on level5. Well, not filtered - I genuinely feel like it's impossible since I couldn't backtrack a route from the goal too far.

But I think it's a great start for a great puzzle game. I think you have something very solid cooking here. It may be not for everyone since spatial thinking is hard, and I can imagine how hard it is making levels. But it's a good start. A very solid start.

But please, provide a binary next time. Playing in browser is very annoying.

Completed the first world, half of the second world, and 7 test levels. Didn't finish the "Checkpoint" level in the test world.

It's a great puzzle game. Most of the levels (that I played) felt good, and main world progression is very smooth and enjoyable. Long Sleeve Fairy has an interesting gimmick, though not all test level utilized her fully. 

I don't have much to add that hasn't been said already. Progression (main world) felt great, art is good and music is chill and enjoyable.

Feels odd to read that it's a pre-alpha since there's already so much content and polish in it.

Looks like a shitpost, sounds like a shitpost, plays like a surprisingly good game. Hat mechanic is very simple, intuitive and great. Bat is very fun to use, even though I chose to just flail it around until everything was dead. Gun is very meh, bullets are slow and gun holding enemies tank them.

Music is shitposty, but also pretty groovy. Suits the game well enough.

And I really liked how the level slowly "fell apart", it was a very nice touch.

A surprisingly enjoyable experience. Too bad it's very short.

Movement is great, really on-point. I'm sensing heavy ULTRAKILL inspiration? It's great. I kinda skipped the "wall jump" tutorial since I already learned dash, so it took me some time to understand how it works. Wall jumping feels good but is VERY easily exploitable, I managed to get out of bounds and out of the intended progression area in lvl2 of act 2. I guess you're aware of that since there are limiting walls almost everywhere. Guess I just lucked out to find a spot where I could jump out.

Got stuck in Act1, reached a room where I was locked in and there were no enemies. Also I didn't quite understand the overwriting mechanic. I think it was perpetually on cooldown for me? No idea. But at some point I ran out of bullets and just melee'd everyone, which was alright, stunpunch + knife works like a charm.

I'm not a fan of the artstyle though. Weapons are fine, but all-white rooms get stale very fast. It was the same for act2 - feels like everything's gray and white. I dunno, it got kinda boring very fast.

Also - no UI in Act2? Is that a bug, or is it intended? I though I had infinite ammo until I ran out of bullets.

Needs more levels, please. The premise is fantastic, and I cannot stress this enough - it "clicks" really fast, and when it does - it feels very good.

Models are very cute, suitable for this sort of game, and very readable. My only issue was a very tiny, non-resizable window.

I liked it a lot. Mobile version?

Feels nice to play, I chose to ignore the abilities and go for the lazy mode (upgrading autoattacks). Wiping out crowds of enemies feels VERY good, but magicians are OP - it seems like their fireballs do continuous damage when they touch you until they despawn. Or maybe I just hit a cluster of those fireballs.

Also I was running around the map and outrun the enemies at some point - it took them some time to catch up to me.

Artstyle is cool. Keep it up, looking forward to more progress!

Never played Messiah, so the idea is very new to me. I dig it a lot, but... It's very jank. It almost hanged up on me until I changed resolution from 4k to something smaller. It was still janky, but playable (up until the platforming part)

I saw a lot of neat features, like the actual cameras on the doors, weapon switching. The AI kinda bugged out on me - it kept shooting at the place where I was when I posessed a new character (they ignored the new character). Shooting wasn't good, maybe it's due to the game running poorly - but it took ages for me to kill someone.

It's a very rough prototype, needs a lot of polish. Platforming messes you up if the game runs poorly.

Is the jumping into the third dimention the first step to break the VS curse and enter a new VSBG era? Only time will tell!

The city generation is very impressive, but unfortunately I couldn't resize the window to see it. Maps are confusing, need a tutorial for brainlets like me. Also there were giant holes in the map, dunno if they were intended or a mapgen error.

But it's very intriguing. I'm guessing "Pacific Drive" but you're the mailman? I hope you polish it up - I think it has a potential to be a fantastic game!

Who knew the ball game would be ball crushingly hard?

The tutorial is a very good start, also a very nice introduction to the mechanics in general. Movement and physics feel nice... until you meet the enemies.

I think moving pinball bouncers is a good enemy for a game where you shouldn't fall. What I don't like is the fact that you and the enemies are subject to very different physics rules.

The enemies seem to ignore momentum. Sometimes. They do have their acceleration, but it seems it doesn't always affect the bounce with the player ball. Sometimes when you go from full stop to collision with the enemy - you do a little bounce, sometimes you fly away. Colliding with the enemy when you're on a ramp is a death sentence and a ticket to the moon. It seems to me that you want the player to approach the enemy with a very specific mindset which I have not figured out. But the fact that the enemy going full speed off the cliff only to stop dead in its tracks at the very edge is bs. Considering I have very limited ways of approaching the enemy - I'd like to have different ways of taking them out. Also since they can't fall off the edge on their own - you can't just outrun them - they will pursue you even down some very tight ledges.

I liked how every level was a bit different from each other. The CD disc platforms were a nice touch.

I wish those levels were not littered with those enemies though.

Melee guys are very bad - the animation is extremely slow and is not cancellable - you'll get hit by the time you can move again. Foam guy has to be locked into the direction, which makes him SLIGHTLY better than the melee ones.

Every single character has a problem - you have a long cooldown skill that is actually viable at killing enemies, and the primary attack being a direct ticket to game over. It doesn't feel like a twinstick action game, even though it seems to want to be one. The one that gets damaged by his own whirlwind is probably the worst due to the penalty his skill has. Again, whirlwind was pretty much his only viable skill.

Gamepad broke a lot of stuff, which is not very acceptable since twinstick game requires, well, sticks. Though kb seems to not fare any better.

Needs a lot of stuff, both in the controls and balancing department.

Thanks a lot for playing!

Yeah, I've got a lot of complaints about SAM, so I'll limit it's usage later down the line.

The elevator needs power - there are hints if you inspect everything, but basically you need to cook diesel. That's probably not very engaging. I'll see what I can do to make it less autistic, but that's gonna be a bit hard lol.

Thanks for your feedback!

A very interesting game, though in my opinion sticks a bit too close to the source material (WoW-style healing). While interesting at first - later becomes a tiny bit boring due to not enough feedback from the enemies.

The town customization looks interesting, and I like the fact that you can (or will be able) to create your party for the dungeon - that's really cool. Equipping items is a neat mechanic, but it didn't feel like it affects the game too much. But the spell variety is cool, even though I feel like they need a couple of levels of buffs to start being viable.

Bear in mind that I'm not much of a healer player myself. But it looks very promising.

Game Boy Metroidvania. Artstyle is absolutely fantastic, VERY cool. I puzzle element is great, even though I couldn't stay alive long enough to even try and solve anything.

Ball crushingly hard, which I suppose is fitting if you're paying homage to games from that era.

Very cool.