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Thanks for checking out my game! Dice-building is my goal from the beginning but I wanted to put out something playable (at least the core game loop) for the jam. I have plans for various ways to customize the gameplay (adding dice, upgrading/duplicating faces, etc.) and I have laid the foundations in the code for it. I will start working on it after the next planned update which adds terrain features to make movement more interesting. 

Another planned feature that didn’t make it to this version is to have 3 characters, each focusing on either magic, weapons, or movement. I kept the sword for the wizard because I wanted to give a more reliable source of damage when the player is low on mana. I think it works best with ice magic since the frozen enemies can shield you from the others while you slowly pick at their health. I’m looking into reducing the blank faces on the sword dice to just 1 and/or increasing the number of sword dice to 2 to make it even more reliable. (The spider actually had 1 hp previously but I buffed it because it was very easy to deal with during playtesting).

I will have to explain or show how speed works better since this is what confuses a lot of people. Enemies don’t actually roll to move - they can always use up all of their speed to move as an action. The only times they don’t are when their path is blocked or when they see their target on the same row/column midway through. So a slime with 1 speed can use its 3 actions to move 3 times (1 tile at a time), or move 2 times then attack, etc. I will try to explain it more clearly in the tutorial or maybe I can also change the term from “speed” to “step” or “pace.”

I’ve seen a lot of games from the jam with a similar concept (Vimlark actually made a similar game using the same asset pack I used lol) but I haven’t seen Mini Dice Battle so I will check it out. Will also check out your game. Thank you so much for the thorough feedback. I really appreciate it.