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A member registered Jul 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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I was trying to avoid the walls for the longest time before I found out you could phase through them lol. The game looked neat though and it was hard when I tried not to bump into the walls (which might be the intention).

I was a bit overwhelmed when learning the controls but it was easy to grasp once I started playing. Didn't understand the sleep mechanic though. I get a game over even when I sleep before the timer runs out. I also like the aesthetics.

I like the concept of competing against yourself because you want to run fast at the first lap but you also have to make sure you're faster on the second. The jump feels a bit too heavy though so it was hard for me to get into the flow. Otherwise, good game!

Good concept but the heroes would often get stuck on walls so I'd have to refresh the page. Maybe I shouldn't be spamming the big brutes haha.

Simple but addicting. Rocks are my bane. Stopping at 97 but I'll try to beat it next time.

The mechanics were quite simple but implemented very creatively! The puzzles were not too easy, so I enjoyed it. Hoping there are more levels in the works. Great job!

This is straight up a horror game lol. Chucked a barrel at the hero and ran away in the opposite direction. Almost got caught near the end but I survived.

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Love the aesthetics! At first I thought it was easy to move the obstacles around but the circular control made it more challenging. Great job!

Although the game started with simple mechanics, I like how it introduces new animals with different movement patterns every day. I was hoping the wolves would turn into prey at night but maybe that would have been too easy. The art, music, sound design, and atmosphere, were top-notch. Great job!

The hero was stuck on this position, so my archers were able to finish him off after a few minutes lol. The hero had a lot of hp! I might play again to see the other minions and how they would change the strategy. 

The art is so cute! A minor suggestion I have is to make it obvious that the inventory is a stack so it's obvious what item will be thrown. Other than that I think this can be expanded with more item types. 

Funny concept. The art is so cute!

It was hard to memorize which button controls which door. Maybe make an indicator, for example: the doorway is highlighted when you hover over its button. Other than that I think it's a cool concept.

Although card roguelites have been done before, the role switching makes this game unique. The drafting strategy is different since you don't want to make the current character too strong or you might have a difficult time later. Didn't realize at first that the characters have levels but when I did I found it easier to switch characters. Was surprised that I can also play as the boss. I'll have to play again to hopefully get the other ending(s). I love the art and sound design. It just needs some music then it would be perfect (though as it currently is, I think the game still deserves 5 stars in presentation). Great game!

I thought I was safe on the shelves but surprisingly, the mice can climb walls. The controls are quite slippery, so it was a bit difficult to time the jumps. Maybe the cat can drop items on the ground (like they do in real life) to slow down the mice.

I got a high score of 6490 by trying to herd the mice in a tight pack.

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Great idea to keep reversing the roles and not just let the player control the dungeon. At first I thought the game was bugged but it took me a while  to notice that my jumps were bumping into the door. The game blacked out though when I accidentally pressed R and T at the same time but I'll give it a try again when I get the time. 

I didn't realize that the goal was to get the snake to bump into a wall but once I did most of the levels became quite easy. I'm still stuck on 14 though but I'll come back to it later. I also didn't realize the snake grew after eating a full apple. I don't think these rules need to be explained because for me it was fun discovering them while playing. I like the presentation, too. Great game!

I like the concept though I wish it was explored further. It would be great to see the power cooldown (maybe even represent it as an hourglass). Great job!

P.S. Good thing I didn't skip the credits lol.

It's cool that we thought of the same concept but went with different mechanics. This game has simpler mechanics, but the art looks well-polished. I didn't find much use for the trap but maybe I just missed something. 

Web version seems laggy but the Windows version worked fine. I managed to fill the room but the hero got me in 80 seconds. Wish I knew exactly where the hero will spawn. The mechanics were not easy to grasp at first but once I did, I was addicted. 

I like the concept and execution. I think the goal requirements should be known to the player at the start of the level. If the last level had a requirement I would have rage quit lol. But I had a lot of fun playing!

Thank you! I'm really glad you love it. Sorry I couldn't finish the whole game on time, but I will continue working on it. To give you a preview of the concept, you get to play up to 3 randomly selected minigames or cutscenes every night. The cutscenes are doable but the minigames are more challenging, especially because you eventually gain abilities to change the environment and even the rules of the game. The story progresses too, as you play, and I already have 3 endings planned. Anyway, the next update will include the nightly "dreams." The dream abilities will come at a later update. Happy holidays! 

I'm experimenting on how to show an enemy's range. I'm leaning towards how Fire Emblem shows a character's movement range but I imagine that it's going to be more difficult once I add terrain features like walls that can block movement. Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you very much for playing! I'll keep your recommendations in mind when I update the game.

Thank you for playing! I will try to do a better job of explaining speed next time but one minor change I plan to make is to call it pace or step instead. I could have also have made the player click once per enemy action during the tutorial to further demonstrate how far enemies can move per action.

I actually can't wait to implement progression, which has been planned from the conception of the project, but I wanted to finalize the core gameplay first before doing so.  I'm still finalizing the details but I expect to finish implementation after the next update.

To be honest, I didn't take too much time looking for music but depending on how big the project becomes, I might have to look for a more appropriate one (maybe even make or commission one). But I'll definitely add sound effects for walking and dying.

I mentioned this in a comment below but I plan to buff the sword. I'll hold off on buffing ice until I see its performance after the sword buff. Storm becomes more useful starting at level 7 when higher health enemies start spawning so I understand that it doesn't feel as powerful in the earlier levels.

Thank you very much for the feedback!

I enjoyed it though movement and aiming felt a little bit slow. For context, I played the web version but I will give the downloadable version another try. 

the game is so cute! from the art to the music and the sfx.  the gameplay offers a lot of possibilities for level design and i see that you have tried exploring these possibilities extensively. i had to stop after cliff diving but i will definitely return to finish the rest of the puzzles. great job!

I played the first jam version before trying the new one and I can say that most if not all issues I had with the first version were solved in the next. One of the most welcome changes is showing the enemies' roll on your turn and the direction they are facing, which makes the game less dependent on luck. The context-based tutorial tips were also very helpful in explaining mechanics. For example, in the previous version I couldn't explain how the enemies would move but in the new version, it's revealed that there are cracks on the floor, which I assume prevents enemies from wandering beyond their confined area. 

Is the second die new? I like that an option to switch is given since sometimes movement has to be so precise to avoid enemies. I have not yet finished the game actually since I think I encountered a bug when the player has enough movement left but there are no available positions ("R" couldn't return me to the checkpoint either). Other than that, great job on improving your game!

Thanks for checking out my game! Dice-building is my goal from the beginning but I wanted to put out something playable (at least the core game loop) for the jam. I have plans for various ways to customize the gameplay (adding dice, upgrading/duplicating faces, etc.) and I have laid the foundations in the code for it. I will start working on it after the next planned update which adds terrain features to make movement more interesting. 

Another planned feature that didn’t make it to this version is to have 3 characters, each focusing on either magic, weapons, or movement. I kept the sword for the wizard because I wanted to give a more reliable source of damage when the player is low on mana. I think it works best with ice magic since the frozen enemies can shield you from the others while you slowly pick at their health. I’m looking into reducing the blank faces on the sword dice to just 1 and/or increasing the number of sword dice to 2 to make it even more reliable. (The spider actually had 1 hp previously but I buffed it because it was very easy to deal with during playtesting).

I will have to explain or show how speed works better since this is what confuses a lot of people. Enemies don’t actually roll to move - they can always use up all of their speed to move as an action. The only times they don’t are when their path is blocked or when they see their target on the same row/column midway through. So a slime with 1 speed can use its 3 actions to move 3 times (1 tile at a time), or move 2 times then attack, etc. I will try to explain it more clearly in the tutorial or maybe I can also change the term from “speed” to “step” or “pace.”

I’ve seen a lot of games from the jam with a similar concept (Vimlark actually made a similar game using the same asset pack I used lol) but I haven’t seen Mini Dice Battle so I will check it out. Will also check out your game. Thank you so much for the thorough feedback. I really appreciate it.

Great! I'll check it out. Hope you can check out my post-jam update as well. I'll be uploading an update again next week.

sure. hope to see more levels and more expanded mechanics.

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i looooove the aesthetics from the art, music and sfx. as for the mechanics though, i don't quite understand why some of the humans i send explode. i'm guessing that i put in a wrong body part but there was no way to tell. despite the simple mechanics i enjoyed the game. great job!

edit: it's the dynamite. didn't know aliens love explosives (well they did blow up the planet in the end). my highest score so far: 117

the game looks visually appealing but the controls for throwing the dice, which is the core mechanic, feels weird. i would like to try it again when the controls are fixed. still a great job!

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i like how the gun you roll instantly changes how you play the game. i wish there were more guns though. the player feels a little slow without dash but maybe that's by design. also clicking rapidly with pistol makes the gun fire more rapidly than the assault rifle lol so maybe add a cooldown to the pistol shots. good job! 

p.s. the 1-bit asset from kenney takes me back to the miz jam

edit: i got farther this time and there were actually more guns. i would add that maybe there should be a visual indicator for cooldowns (especially with the rocket launcher)

a literal dice roller. love the vaporwave aesthetic. i got stuck at level 9 (for some reason i had no access to the last island even after trying all other portals). wish i can interact with other elements on the screen like the move counter window. good job!

love the aesthetics. simple mechanics but i enjoyed it especially after upgrading my dice several times. an in-game tutorial or a better ui  could help. it would be interesting to see more enemy variations but this is a good start for a game. good job!

thanks for playing the game on stream! sorry the evil wizard was a lie (at least for the jam version). most of the bugs have been fixed in the update. i'll work on expanding enemy descriptions and explaining mechanics like enemy movements a little more. maybe i'll add a short optional tutorial on the first level. thanks for the feedback!

thanks for playing the game on stream. looking forward to your update too!

i love the character sprites and animations! it would be nice to have a visual indicator for the player's hp. sometimes it appears that die rolls do not give consistent effects (e.g. a roll of 1 either gives a single or dual shots). maybe the effects can be varied too so there are situations when one roll is better than the others because i kept rolling to get a 3 or 4 and played like normal. but i enjoyed it anyway and i'm sure these are easy fixes. great job.

game lives up to the title haha but the overall atmosphere adds to the immersion like i'm playing a tabletop game (kinda like inscryption). the visual indicator of hp was neat. the mechanics were simple but still requires some strategy.  there are times though when i would click on the enemy to attack but the unit moves instead. but other than that excellent job!