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A member registered Apr 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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In retrospect, I think a lot of issues stem from time constraints and poor time management on my end. I have fixed much of the issue and then some since then.

Change log:

Thank you for playing  "Don't freeze your device!", and I think you're cool :)

I'm not sure why the initial programming caused this to happen. This is the first time gdevelop doesn't want to cooperate with me and does things I cannot understand.

In any case, the weird timing has been fixed after some truncation.

I've added both of them in this update, come check it out!

The game has since been updated. Please tell me if the game still doesn't work properly on your end.

This issue has been fixed!

You know what? I agree!

You can now warp around the stage form one end to another.

The issue where icons only spawn as fires and fans was caused by a programming oversight, which has since been fixed.

The update is up!

Thank you for playing this game! 

The programming wasn't efficient enough to run the game smoothly, which caused the icons to spawn at longer intervals. This issue has since been fixed, and the fix will be included in a later patch.

Thank you! The smaller canvas helped with the visual designs and took less time.

Like snow, this is a blank slate. I think the floaty jumps are rather odd, but you've clearly playtested the game enough that the game is beatable. 

Try looking at other platformers and improve on the fundamentals, like camera control.

The only complaint I have is that the window doesn't display the resolution properly, the screen is fully visible once you enter full screen.

Otherwise, I now know what a Dungeon Keeper is and I understand the appeal, 10/10.

I did not expect someone would do a freeze mechanic that actively handicaps your movement. 

The level design fleshed out the freezing mechanic. I slowly gained an understanding of the duck's "powers" and I had a lot of fun doing so.

I do think the platforming is a bit tight, but I beat the game regardless.

My those two ducks live happily ever after, 10/10.

A lot of janks but a lot of fun! I would recommend dealing with that residual sound, so to speak, when the Tetris pieces hit the floor.

This game somehow manages to be a lite metroidvania, 10/10.

You did the unthinkable by implementing an actual Nokia 3310 menu, that alone should be commended.

The game itself is also great. The control feels slippery but responsive and the level design is rather varied. The zoom-in/out feature is a huge plus.

Parallel parking kicked my ass, 10/10.

This is clearly a rushed product, but I wouldn't say it's incomplete because the game showed a lot of competence and had an ending. 

The light system is the biggest draw of the game, it's super smooth and it provides some very good scares because the player's vision is always somewhat obscured. I do think the battery system is kind if pointless since it doesn't work, even if it did, it might potentially undo a lot of the scares in the game.

I think freely toggleable time stop kinda make the game way too easy. Some levels also felt too big that leaps of faith were required.

I "crashed" at the 3rd level, came here, and found out the win screen doesn't work. I guess I must've beaten it then.

I do think the game is a bit unforgiving, but I don't think the hitbox is at fault here. The fact that I didn't have any infinity frames after I got hit means I can lose a lot of health very quickly. I also don't know if you're supposed to lose health when you're on top of them.

The core gameplay has promise tho, and the level designs are unique enough to be memorable.

Very solid work! I can see the additional setting adding to the replay value of the game.

I'm going to be honest, only the first choice of each day interested me. The idea of ending needless suffering because of age is a hard pill to swallow, but it's a necessary evil. 

The other two choices felt way too distant, or at the very least an intentional period piece.

I'm shocked by how good this VN looks. The 3D intro was impressive enough, but the subtle animation of the girl makes this short experience feel real.

The obscured admosphere, varied enemies, and a dying person at the end of the level paint a bleak image of the world at large and constantly put players under pressure. This makes clearing a level feel satisfying.

The only solace the player has is the flashlight, and the ability to point in six directions opens up to unique level designs.

The light at the end of the final boss stage and seeing it staying motionless is the ultimate payoff,10/10.

Of all of the games that were lauded for their level design, I think this one has the best final level.

Simple but solid story with well-written characters, a creative puzzle, and many interpretations of the theme. The additional mouse controls make the game accessible for everyone, 10/10.

Usually a puzzle game with controls this obtuse tends to get overlooked because players think they have no way to progress. This game however has a fair bit of ratings and people seem to like it! After beating it, I think I know the answer: Tutorialization.

Of course, the presentation and linear levels are clear enough so that players won't get lost, which is a mistake made in quite a few games I've played. but the first level teaches you all you need to know to beat this game. It's almost like a vaccine where the first level presents the dumbed-down versions of the obstacles where you're forced to learn how to reposition yourself and look for 2*2 spaces. When I got stuck on levels 2 and 3, I thought to myself, "If I did this in level 1, I  can do it here too".

Level 3 in particular has me going "Please let this be the end" the whole time, which oddly made me relate to the ending on an emotional level.

Would recommend to puzzle players when it's all said and done, 10/10.

The first level is way too big as a tutorial level I am afraid, though your speed changes with your temperature is an interesting idea.

I ended up beating the first level. I wish you the best of luck moving forward.

Amazingly addicting triple triad-like card game! I had a blast playing on the phone yesterday!

I had some struggles because the screen didn't adjust its height correctly, but I beat the game regardless.

I do not like Yaga :(

It's no use. I can't get past level 4, the level transition effect plays over and over again.

First of all, the presentation is unreal. The music that follows your movements, the pseudo 3D opening, and the general art style being whimsical as it is modern. You all really pushed the limit to its limit, so to speak, and it's mind blowing.

The gameplay manages maintain its novelty while having only a few mechanics to work with. The later levels will have you stop and think your approach instead of winging it. I especially loved the final where(probably unintentionally) I use the deceptively small hurtbox to squeeze through the volley of bullets.

Dat little rascal stole my heart, 10/10.

Your health doesn't reset when you respawn from a bonfire somehow? The jumps feel unwieldy at times as well. 

I still beat the game anyway, say hi to the penguin for me:)

That was tough as nails! 

For your first work, this game exhibits scope control while still presenting some interesting ideas. My favorite of which is that the robot guards change directions when they touch you and you're not being spotted. 

One criticism though is that the limited screen size hides the robot guards from above and below, resulting in cheap deaths. I suggest adding "footsteps" sound to the robot guards to let the players know when they're approaching.

The presentation slowly grew on me as I played again and again, well done!

Can't believe I'm play a game as a concave head Wojak serving other concave head Wojaks.

Is there a specific order to the deliveries or is it not possible to get the good ending as of this build?

Some bugs I found: 

The graphics is completely broken on microsoft edge

Like how other have mentioned, the walking sound effect sometimes play multiple times over.

Sometimes the penguin cannot climb the ladder after picking up an ice-cream

Smooth AF animation, proper tutorial and difficulty curve, and cute characters. I have soldered a couple of boards while in uni and I can say the game capture the precision and satisfaction of soldering accurately.

I want to play this game forever, 10/10.

If you want to tone down the difficulty, be my guest. I'm just saying having some enemies spawn behind you is the right call here.

Spamming button is usually bad design, but I'd be lying if I say I didn't had fun tapping with index and middle finger. Played five rounds back to back I think.

Seriously, great presentation.

Good foundation