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Cpt Obvious1994

A member registered May 09, 2021

Recent community posts

Amazing that you can address this comment, but not my comment about how much you gutted the demo version, and in particular how in the past you said, "I'd try in the future to make it possible to import/export saves in WebGL," and that somehow turned into removing the ability to save entirely.

The end of the afternoon stuff is a bit bugged. Both of the paths for getting the dry wood are fine, but all 4 paths for getting the wet wood break when Linda goes to Kate's room. Some of the dialogue plays, then the dialogue box disappears, but the portraits are still on screen. You can't move around, but you can open the menu. Because you never get back to normal gameplay, since once you talk to Chris it's just cutscenes, the scenes aren't getting unlocked in the Gallery. I imagine this bug will be gone once the night content is added, but for now it's making the Gallery incompletable.

"I just wonder if this is in the backlog or what’s taking focus instead"
It's likely neither. I'm pretty sure the devs of the website just don't care about the user experience. We still don't even have an actual way to exclude tags when browsing, and that feature has been requested multiple times for years. All we have now is a shitty band-aid solution of manually adding some stuff to the URL to exclude a single tag.

I really hope you guys are eventually able to do that, because I will become very interested in this game if you do. I don't have much of a problem playing SFW games as a male protag, but in NSFW games, where I have to see a naked male body that is meant to "belong" to me, it just hits the dysphoria a little too hard.

It looks like both can happen to the main character. Linda doing something with Chris would be Kate being the one being stolen from. No idea if it's avoidable or not.

Netorare is when Persona A "steals" (or at least has sex with) the love interest of Person B, without the consent of B and from their perspective. The love interest generally doesn't consent either, because if they do, it's usually considered cheating instead of NTR, but they are sometimes used interchangeably. Netoru is the same thing, but from the perspective of Person A.

To pull examples from the description and images, netorare would be the image of Linda (a love interest of Kate) sucking Chris' dick, and netoru would be "stealing your brother's girlfriend."

Day One and we're already getting incestual, lesbian foot licking. This is going to be a good game.

I do want to know, though, if the NTR content will be avoidable.

Boy, I sure am glad this is what we got instead of new Sarah Rose content, which hasn't gotten new content since April.

So far, Gwen seems like she's really weak in combat. She and Syn are the same level, but Syn is doing twice as much damage. And this is with the best equipment I can have right now. Gwen has an Attack of 35, while Syn has an attack of 58. Gwen does have a much higher M. Attack than Syn, but it's not like she can use it.

Honestly, "unkept promises" is just par for the course on this site. I've never seen anything from anyone actually get finished. The only time I see a finished game on this site is when it's already in that state when it's first posted. I've just come to accept that when I download something from here, I'm downloading what is going to be its final state, or close to it, regardless of how "finished" it actually is.

Man, you really will just ask for a nudist mode/game from every single NSFW dev on this site, won't you?

Considering some of the stuff that's on Steam, I'm very surprised this got rejected.

I'm not saying every exception should be listed. I'm saying the statements just shouldn't be there.

Then that paragraph should be changed, since it also says "All corruption, lewd statuses, and cursed equipment can be removed given time and effort."

In the new version there's an error when trying to view Character Status and Eroge Status. It fails to load img/pictures/Window.png and img/pictures/Hwindow.png, respectively. Looking in the folders, it looks like Window is in img/system and Hwindow doesn't exist.

According to the URL, the original name of this game was "I'll Use My Playboy Tricks to Become King," so I'm guessing it's not coming later, nor was it ever planned.

(1 edit)

The biggest issue I'm seeing right now in regards to this is Petey. Even if you say you're only interested in girls, your first crush is always male, and he is forced to be your first sexual experience with several of the "first real relationship" choices. And some of those don't even make sense. If I want my first real relationship to be Ava, why do I have to "keep up appearances" and "date" Petey?

There's also a lot of little things throughout the prologue implying an interest in guys no matter what your choices have been. It just seems like this game really doesn't want you to be a lesbian.

Edit: And now that "implication" has gone too far. Despite showing no interest in men, I apparently ended up "filled with jizz" and had to think about going back on birth control. If the game isn't going to let you be a lesbian, then don't make it an option at the beginning.

The browser version seems broken. It never stops loading, and the "now loading" message is way off to the side.

The game reducing your Luck stat after testing it when entering the hole seems to be broken. My first playthrough, instead of reducing it from 9 to 8, it reduced it to -1. On my second, instead of going from 8 to 7, it went down to 5.

Is it male protagonist only?

I just want to say that this is probably the best trans rep I've ever seen in a game, and it's not even the focus of the game, which I honestly think is part of what makes it so good. In games that are specifically about a trans character, no matter how well it's handled, the character being trans has somewhat of a spotlight on it, and it ends up feeling a bit... "forced" isn't quite the right word, but it's the best I can come up with right now. Meanwhile, this game is about a character that happens to be trans, making the moments that it's brought up feel much more natural. It's not overly focused on. It's no different than Liam mentioning that he's Mexican. That's in addition to how organically these moments are handled in the game. Sam being trans isn't brought up more than it needs to be, and when it is mentioned, it always makes narrative sense. I also like that it touches on one of the more difficult parts of being trans, dysphoria, with Sam mentioning not wanting to buy clothes for herself because of her body and being nervous about Zombie Girl seeing her naked. I've played several games with trans MCs, and Sam definitely feels the most organic of all of them.

Another thing I really liked that is part of the focus of the game (SPOILERS FOR ANYONE READING THIS) is how when you finish Nicole's route and then replay it, you actually get to see some of the scenes from her perspective and see some of struggles she was going through from hiding who she was from Sam. That nightmare at the end of Chapter 4 actually made me cry, and it's really rare for things like movies and games to make me cry. I also like that the game actually acknowledges it if you name her Nicole, with Nicole's small reaction to the name, and Sam reacting to Nicole's name reveal at the end (and I like the small acknowledgement of using the default name, though I do wonder what's going on in Liam's head when he hears it, since he doesn't say anything about it).

I want to live in this world they're in, where Aria's Archives is still going.

Also, now I kind of want a Hana route in Repurpose.

The Fallen Hero games aren't on itch, they're from Choice of Games. You can get them on Steam or in Choice of Games' "Hosted Games" mobile app. However, I honestly wouldn't recommend them. They are intentionally very obfuscatory. There's a lot of information that you aren't given, even though your character would know it and it's crucial information for the decisions you'll be making throughout the game. You basically need to play all of them before you can even properly RP the first one.

I have a question about corruption in this game. In the detailed tips it mentions that high corruption may force you to make certain choices. Is the reverse also true, where low corruption will prevent you from making those "corrupt" choices, or will the "corrupt" choices always be selectable and high corruption just forces you to pick them?

The notes say there are new avatar images, but I only see one avatar as an option (and the custom one)

There's one thing I feel I need to point out in regards to Nathan's lesson about trans people. He uses the term "transsexual," but that hasn't been the generally accepted term for a while. There are some trans people that are fine with being called "transsexual," but it should only be used when you know someone is okay with it. When you don't know what someone uses, and when talking about trans people in general, you should use the term "transgender."

(1 edit)

There's an error in the letter from the King at the beginning. If you choose to play as a female, it still calls you his "son," though it does correctly refer to you as "princess" in the next sentence.

Also, there's some weird grammar in the character description if you have a smooth face: "With a head of long hair, paired with smooth."

Jesus, you really are relentless

"Open relationships are now romantically non-exclusive"

To make sure I'm understanding this right, this means that if you're in an open relationship with someone, you can now be in romantic relationships with other people too, instead of the open relationship being your only romantic one?

The gym I'll admit I didn't think of. But the fact that you get paid in drugs by the pharmacy if you don't have an ID, and then you sell those drugs in the Slums to get Silver made me think that would be the buyer. As for the Detective Agency, I tried going there and they just blew me off and said they didn't care.

I feel like the quests could use a bit more guidance, because I have no idea what to do for most of them. Like "Rebecca's chems," for example. I have no idea how I'm supposed to find a buyer. I don't know if there's a specific NPC or if it can be anyone. And if it's the latter, am I supposed to just keep approaching people until I find someone? I have never seen a conversation option related to asking someone to be a buyer. "Help Lilly find Ina" is another one. The only hint Lilly gives you is that Ina was last seen near West Street. I don't see anything useful at West Street, so I have no clue what to do.

Still wondering about this, and the lack of a response is concerning.

"Have you known people outside your church to be wicked?"


That felt like a really heavy "yeah." If someone hurt Zahn, I'm going to have words with them. And by words, I mean fists.

There would need to be a new job too, or a rework of one or more of the current ones, since right now all the jobs involve doing stuff with guys after the first promotion.

Out of curiosity, are there plans to add a way to do a purely lesbian playthrough in the future?

Yeah, I had clicked on it but it still wasn't working. Weirdly though, I just tested it again and it's working now, so I don't know what was going on last time.

I was playing on itch through browser, Chrome if you need to know that too

I can't choose a gender and the place of birth choice keeps looping. Is that as far as the game goes for now?

In the beginning, when you leave your room and see Jake, you can't type anything in the text box that says "roommate." It seems like the game isn't properly taking the "focus" of the keyboard, because pressing space jumps down the web page, even if you've clicked in the text box.

Okay, just wanted to make sure that was intended, because the option sounded like it would only turn on the "current" one.