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A member registered Aug 25, 2023 · View creator page →

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Good game!  I wish there was a save point up top of the hill right before the bullets catch you from behind.  That level was challenging.  The theme was well portrayed and it seems like the countdown had a little bit of randomness to it.  Like some were quick counts or something.  GJ!

Good RPG game.  I like the art style though I wish there was also a detailed view of the player character in a screenshot.  There were too many membranes to interact with.  Maybe just have the player automatically pass through them and pick up the item.  I also didn't see any save points but maybe there are some later on.  I only played for a few minutes.  GJ!

Excellent game that I wish there were more ambience and SFX for the scene transitions.  I'm also not sure if the death scene transition is necessary if you already have the sprite shrinking/pop death animation or vice versa.  Maybe just having the sprite give an oopsie face and then doing the transition.  Great QOL features like the Reset button and skipping the intro.  This can easily be a full game.  Thank you for making this.

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Cool game!  I think the pacing could use a bit adjustments.  Or maybe have warning sounds of each successive periods when night starts approaching.  Also, needs save points.  Pretty high marks on quality though and your cover art is amazing.

Edit:  I also like the control scheme.  Turning first before moving is innovative.

Great game.  I like the difficulty progression with the icicles going faster.  You could add some white pixels to make the icicles look less like stalagmites.  Also, adding in different sprites for left, right movement and jumping and falling would work well.  I tried jumping on top of an icicle thinking I could land fine but got hurt instead.  So maybe adding 1 or 2 pixels on top could indicate it's still a hurt area.  Lastly, you could add a death animation but then you'd have to decide how kid friendly you want it to be.  I like that the coins disappear after a certain time period.  Gives a little bit incentive to try to get your score up as quickly as possible.  Nice job!

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Great game.  I don't read (i.e. i'm bad at reading, i just jumped straight in) so I didn't see that you can zoom out.  Also, if the area is limited you can put a limit to how much the camera moves to the side.  Something like if camera.position.x > ((farthest right pixel - camera.width)/2) -1 = ((farthest right pixel - width)/2) - 1 and then likewise for the left side, upside, and downside.  I couldn't figure out how to get new turrets.  Overall, excellent job creating a tower defense game.

Thanks for playing.  It's not endless.  There's an exit door at 5000.  I would like to create an endless version though.

Thanks for playing and leaving a comment.  I created the character first and then the title.  Made me want to put an actual towers of hanoi puzzle in the game somehow.  I remember brute forcing a program with recursion to solve it.  Anyways glad you enjoyed it.

Cool.  I got to the 115 blocks until I felt like that was enough.  Game loop is addicting.  I could see a full game where the player is facing hordes of enemies with this attack mechanic with a cool story to break things up.

Interesting.  I was able to tap on the Start button on my smart phone and get past the title screen.  Maybe mouse click will work too.  Thanks!

Good game.  I like the innovation but I think the pacing could be better.  It's very frenetic and there's no room for a breather.  I think if the blocks were shapes or colors (if not for the limited pallette), it'd also help.  I'm not sure what all the numbers mean - maybe like the potential score but the player has to get rid of all of them anyway.  I like the indicator that appears when the player is above the screen and the squishing of the player when the down key is pressed.  Smart stuff.

Try going to the game page instead of through the Itch Randomizer:

Cool game.  I tried both Start and Endless and didn't get very far.  I think the hurt box or hit box is too large.  In Start, I couldn't get past the 3 spikes/2 jumps part.. kept dying on the 3rd spike.  And in Endless, I can't jump over the spikes that come across the bottom.  You got the time feature down pat otherwise and the puzzles look interesting.  GJ!

Brought out some good nostalgia for California Games.  I like that you added the large turn with SFX on the bottom and top of the movement.  I wish there were more sounds e.g. a seagull flying by or the roar of the wave.  Not sure how it would be accomplished with the limited beeps but it might be possible.

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What a lovely romp through a deadly castle.  Love that you chose the harsh pallete.  The "puke" green brings out the death and decay and bat poops.  It could use some spooky music.  GJ!

Hi Juxxec, how did you get past the title screen?  I'm trying to play the web version (which is the only version I can see) on Brave web browser on Windows 11.

I love that you took the theme in a different direction.  Not sure if you meant to make this to be also satire RE: the state of law enforcement but it's probably just my personal take.  I wish the game was full screen and maybe had some background music or ambience.  GJ!

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This happens to some games when using the Randomizer (random game) feature.  I'm not sure why though.  It works when you go to the actual game page.  I'm using Brave web browser on Windows 11.

Very nice adventure platformer.  You got me on edge wondering what happens to the character next in the cage.

I'm glad you liked the challenge and had a pleasant experience.  Great point about the falling mechanic.  I learned in some video that falling feels better if it's at a faster speed than going up.  Glad to hear it works for a more vertical-based platformer.  I'm leaning towards making the jump height higher though by either +1 or +0.5 but would need some more playtesting.  Oh yeah Megaman ... funny enough I'm playing through the collection with my son, so maybe it influenced me a little.  Thanks for the nice comments.

Nice.  The main character sprite in the game play gives me cute vibes like the characters in Among-Us.  I also like the level art where it loops around.  That's a cool design.  Good job!

Nice game.  Maybe add a hopping feature to let the player quickly dodge.  Or a licking mechanic like a grappling hook.  The health bar looks like a battery indicator... maybe the frog is a robot.  The pixel art is very well done.  The octopus / Cthulu monster is OP and scary so I hate it so much (in a good way) when I stumble upon it.  Intros are very well done and the snow flurry is awesome.  Take care!

Cool game!  I didn't know about the ramps or throwing the fish after jumping after the first few plays so maybe a quick tutorial will help.  I think there's also a bug when a ramp jump happens and the player tries to hit another jump immediately afterwards.  I like the jingle and graphics.  GJ!

Good submission!  You and your bro did well.  You also may have gotten DQ'ed from the sub-pixel movement btw.  I liked the sounds and the graphics.  Control features were innovative.  I kinda cheated by letting the ads play.  Felt like it didn't decrease my reaction speed all that much.  I liked the music with the "Eye" ad at the bottom.  Maybe giving the player an incentive to hide the ad would be good like a speed boost or something.  That opening animation was sweet!  Good job!

I got 60, 114, then 197.  Great game!

Thank you so much for playing!  I think you're right RE: the highest level.  I didn't do a complete play through after replacing my movement functions from int() to round() so I bet it rounded up.  And I accidentally used round() in the time calculations.

This is soooo good!  I wish there was a way to make me stop so I can plan the next series of actions.  I also just need to get gud.  Very cute everything.  GJ!

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Ok, thanks!  I didn't think that looked like ammo and had to press Up to pick it up.  Wonderful game!

Nice game!  Some of the jumps are tricky cuz they are too close together or because I can't stop quick enough.  I like the animations and the sounds.  Good work!  RE: the rules, I don't think you would get disqualified for using a non-pixel title or menu IMO but the sub-pixel movement would more likely.  You can try using a Rounding function like Round() in your movement function(s) to get it to stay on a grid.

Good stuff!  I thought I getting somewhere because she said I had beautiful eyes.  I guess I got the neutral ending since it just faded to black.  You showcased the themes in a meaningful and mature way.  Thanks for creating this.

Cool game.  I made it up to around 1000 before hitting a "cactus?"  it'd be cool to get a sound indicator of an approaching object.  Also, gotta add in tricks.  GJ!

Great game and opening music.  The 1 hit kill whirlpool is OP.  But I guess it's needed since the game might go on forever.  The itch cover has grid lines but then the game doesn't.  Not sure which style would feel better but might be good to keep it consistent.  Lastly, the player can't hit any ships but the enemies can pass through each other.  The water effects are like magic.  Good job!

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Great game!  Perfect game for this month (Valentine's Day), too.  Also, having just 2 attributes to compare is ideal imo.  A third one or more would get too confusing especially at the speed the snowflakes are dropping.  Awesome job.

EDIT:  This particular pair got me too much.  This isn't a video you can click on, sorry.

Great job with the graphics.  I can see the depth of all the art and animations were superb.  Good use of music and SFX as well.  There's something missing RE: the game loop though.  Maybe like another scoring mechanic or a detriment for running into so many cars.  The Stop feature kinda gets in the way of feeling the rush / speed.  I know it's on purpose but it feels bad to stop when I just want to go go go!

I can't fire my blaster.  I hold down Z and press X but nothing happens.

Have you made pinball LED screen before or something?  Top.  I can't think of anything missing from this game or that needs improvements.  Maybe like giving a next block hint somehow.  Or Speed up/down options menu.  Nice work and jealous of your cover art.  Actually, why is it called Penguin Drop when the penguins go up when released.  Before that they're just ice blocks.  Maybe have a little animation of a penguin inside an ice block dropping down to emphasis the title.  FYI, my kid really liked the game too and didn't want to stop playing.

I'm pretty sure this doesn't meet the resolution requirement for the game which is 48x84 or 84x48 pixels.  Good job on a nice shooter though.  Power ups are nice and the music is 1-bit sounds at least.

This game is soweet!  I got hungry just playing.  It needs some victory SFX when you create a correct dish/pastry.  I got a score of 30.  I'm sure I could get more after some muscle memory builds up.  Nice job.

This game is rad.  I want to come back to it and try to get 999M.

Good game!  It took me like 5 tries to figure out there was a Duck button.  That middle bird got me so many times.  Very challenging.