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A member registered Jul 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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A simple concept executed well - the controls were satisfying and responsive, and thankfully the game was very forgiving with its checkpoints! 

1. Spawn so many planets that everything turns to chaos

2. Notice that some of the planets are so gravitationally screwed by your actions that they're now stuck together, but in perfect life range

3. Stick a hundred more planets to the clump

4. Profit

That was pretty fun! There's just something cosmically satisfying about spawning a bunch of planets and watching their orbits gradually spiral out of control.

Some jam games transcend into art

Bravo, fellow dev

(1 edit)

The ship building element of this game is really cool and well executed! Very simple, but incredibly effective. And the thorough tutorialization was much appreciated, especially for a jam game. The fantasy of building a ship up from a couple blocks to a huge flying fortress was very compelling, even if 99% of my bullets missed!

What an incredibly creative concept! I feel like I could play this one for hours, figuring out how best to move through different spaces and mastering precise control of size and rotation. I also really appreciate that the enemies would only hit you once, so it wasn't just game over if you got stuck on top of one - really accommodating my lack of skill there! 

Using the size mechanic to interact with wind was a really neat idea! A little fiddly at times, though, given the floatiness of the controls. And I have to say, I found the lore very engaging.

A really neat concept! I loved the art and the music, and the way it tied into the mechanics. The gameplay was interesting once I got the hang of it, though I did feel a little at the whims of rng at times. But the idea is very creative, and I'd love to see it expanded upon with some more cards to give the player a bit more agency!

Wow. I could've played a hundred more levels of that very happily! The viewport mechanic offered surprisingly varied platforming puzzles, and its visual execution was incredible! There are so many little presentational touches I could go on about all day - but point is, the aesthetic was great, and it really came together cohesively with the gameplay. This one's definitely a personal favorite of the jam for me!

I like how much depth there is to the scale mechanic here - the trade off between firing off powerful shots while having to make yourself more vulnerable is simple on the surface but offers a rich core for the game. And the sfx and camera zooming out as you grow really sells it too - great stuff!

Cute, short, and sweet! The vine growing mechanic looked effortless, but I'm sure it was a ton of work to make it so smooth! I would've loved to see more levels with some different mechanical twists, but as it is it made for a nice little breather on my saturday afternoon.

The concept is super cool, and I would've loved to really get into this one. Unfortunately, as others have mentioned, the sheer slipperiness of the platforming - combined with the level of precision it routinely demands - made me give up in the end. But the aesthetic is really well executed, and all the UI and customizable settings are super impressive for a jam game! I'd love to give this one another go with just some tiny tweaks to the movement!

The swarm was very impressive, and it felt cathartic to shear bits off it with all the different upgrades! The little particles and sfx put in a lot of work there. I would've loved to see more microorganism-based elements though - really go ham on the theme!

A surprisingly zen experience! The minimalist art style is delightful, and along with the peaceful music it felt very therapeutic. I would've loved an easier level to start with though - or at the very least, a slightly less triangular building to ty to cobble together out of cubes! Although I guess that awkwardness is kinda the point...

Dang, this one was very polished! Loved the presentation, and all the thorough tips and explanations were very much appreciated for a jam game. All the events felt very cohesive, and I like that the unavailable options gave you some direction on what you should aim to build. I do wish you could get resources more proactively though; since you're effectively reliant on events for building materials, it felt hard to do anything proactively at times.

I really like the flavor of this one! The environment and concept has a surprisingly strong vibe to it. What I wouldn't give for the movement to be isometric though... The amount of times I threw myself off the level was frankly embarrassing!

(2 edits)

Tasteful aesthetic and music, and flexibly scaling and un-scaling the power of your towers was an interesting idea for a tower defense game! Though there were some points where I would've killed for a fast forward button!

I'm impressed by the main mechanic - the way the bullets' positions scale perfectly when you shrink down feels like magic to me! I'm also a fan of scrolling shooter type games - and tasteful pixel art - so this was right up my alley. If I had one gripe, it would be that I'd often come out of being shrunk and immediately get hit by another bullet that I didn't see coming - I think it would help (and also just feel cool) to add a bit of a pause effect when you unshrink so you can refamiliarize yourself with where all the hundred bullets are at. But hey, maybe that's just a skill issue!

There is a ton of charm to the lil guys running and bouncing around following your commands - I really enjoyed that! The music switching back and forth between chill and absolute chaos was a nice touch, and the scribbly aesthetic was very charming also.

Curse those damn scarabs

This was pretty fun - the art is gorgeous, and the scarabs mucking you about were a fun, chaotic addition to the scale balancing theme!

Welp, I'm pretty sure I clicked everything that can be clicked, in various different orders, and I just couldn't make anything actually happen. Parts of the grid automatically filled up with little icons, and that was about it.

Some instructions on the game page would go a long way here - until then, I can't say I even played the game, so I can't really rate it. Which is a pity - I'm always down for some large robot action! Would love to give it another go with some guidance on what I'm actually supposed to be doing!

The aesthetic is very satisfying - I particularly appreciate the little bit of mouse panning that makes everything feel more dynamic and chaotic. And there is a lot of potential for fun here! Frantically trying to figure out which screwdriver or spanner is which, trying to precisely rotate objects against the clock - there's a very fun hectic urgency to it. But, as others have noted, the scoring seems... unfortunately non-functional? If it were working, I could see myself replaying  for quite a while, shooting for high scores.

It is really funny to me that both of us saw the theme and independently went "yep, weighing of the heart time"

I had a ton of fun with this one! The Papers Please inspiration is pretty on the nose, but the Egyptian mythological flavor along with all the little touches of personality were very memorable. I particularly enjoyed the crimes and virtues - and I also wanna give you 5's in everything for "auto-ma'at-ic"!

Everything about this game just comes together so well - even the janky controls and camera only serve to further embolden the chaos. Really well executed concept - I had a ton of fun!

Insanely well-presented. Had a lot of fun with this game!

All the different AI's you can go up against feel super neat and characterful, and a lot of them are really tricky but satisfying to outsmart!

I could go on all day about the graphics, the music, the sick bullettime when you get close to a ship, and just the absolute perfection of the arcade aesthetic. Incredible work, especially within the time!

What an entry! I love a strategy game with a lotta mechanical depth, and boy does this one deliver.

Honestly, I suspect there isn't enough time left in the jam for me to fully appreciate the potential of this game, but I'll still be playing it after rating season closes!

The presentation is incredibly clean - the music is fantastic, the graphics are understatedly tasteful - and all the little touches for movement and combat phases communicate everything so efficiently while being satisfying to watch.

A winning entry if I ever saw one!

Aren't we all

What a cool game! Reverse tetris by way of digging through the stack is a really neat idea.

It took me a minute to get the gist of things, but once I started to understand, it became really satisfying to play. Hitting combos feels especially delightful.

I did struggle a little to keep track of my energy - obviously that's partly on me for playing bad! But some kinda visual and/or audio indicator would've felt really helpful to let you know when you're close to running out without having to take your eyes off the action.

The core concept here has legs for days, and I really enjoyed it!

Phenomenal presentation! The feel of each punch, the music, the crowd - really sold the premise. And it was really funny having to try to get hit by some of the uh... worse opponents. Solid work!

Damn, when I started the game for the first time, it felt like I was witnessing black magic! Very impressive of you to play with the window, and the entire presentation was just fantastic!

Some of the things you had to find were absolutely evil, and I respect that. Had a good time with this one!

Monday: This game seems too easy, it better not get boring

Friday: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Straightforward but surprisingly fun! The temptation of the pumkins was my undoing, as I'm sure it was many people's. The farmers were very charming, as was the look of the game in general - indicating the level timer with a moving sun was a very nice touch.

A fun idea! Knife to a gunfight / gun to a knifefight was a really funny premise, and it was hilarious switching to knife and suddenly being on turbo hard mode.

Would be cool if there were more incentive to switch forms though - in particular, limiting the ammo of your gun, forcing you to switch to knife and take down some tough enemies to replenish it, really seems like a cool idea to me.

Presentation was solid too, the game looked and felt good to play. Good work!

Indeed, I have learnt my lesson about playing too quick and dirty with UI coordinates and I can only apologise!

A really fun concept! I struggled to wrap my head around the tutorial at first, but it all clicked when I started playing. Finding the right balance between shooting nemies and blocking their bullets was a really neat gameplay angle - and shooting yourself to reposition was just a delightful idea. Love how chaotic the later levels get too!

What an entry! I will always respect anyone who manages to put an opening cutscene together in time for a gamejam.

The gameplay concept is actually incredibly cool - though me being a chess nerd probably helps! Reframing the objective of chess, and letting you make use of different piece's abilities - you really squeezed everything out of that idea to create a unique game. The presentation was really clean too - not too in your face, but it communicated everything it needed to very clearly, while generally being pleasant to look at. Excellent direction!

Unexpectedly strong vibes on the final level too - a little chess puzzle game shouldn't be able to instill such emotion in me!

Wow, that presentation was insanely clean! Particles and glow effects go a long way, but the movement sequences for the card battles and all were just so satisfying too!

As a fellow card game maker, I'll try my best to be unbiased about the gameplay, but boy do I love some good cards! I struggled to follow at first, but once I got the hang of things, it was a lot of fun - and the little minigame to determine your "luck" was a really cool idea! 

I had a lot of fun with this game, and reckon it could be expanded into something really cool!

(1 edit)

A cool idea! Sadly, the robots didn't try too hard, and got themselves stuck pretty quickly. But with a little more time to iron out the AI, and maybe a quicker way to get to your desired trap, this game could be a ton of fun!

It did feel cool trying to outsmart the AI - watching it jump in place to dodge a sawblade, for example, was really neat. And the predictable, rythmic timing of their movements really helped sell it for me.

Surprisingly strong vibes on this one! Realising I could move around so many pieces of a painting felt really cool, and controlling platforms is a neat take on the theme. It's a cool concept and setting, and it would be interesting to see the it expanded upon.

A neat take on the theme! The commitment to the bit with the cursor - even going so far as to make it go and click to unlock its own upgrades as the basis of difficulty progression - was just delightful.

Like others have said, it would've felt better if the player character were a little less floaty, though obviously that's part of the difficulty in its own way. But I had a ton of fun with the game, and would love to see it refined and expanded upon!

That was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed watching all the little "players" running around, trying their hardest.

Controls felt a little funky, but I respect the emulation of mmorpg style attack bindings and cooldowns and all.

It would've been nice if the game were a little more challenging imo - I sense there was a lot more depth in the AI and all than I ever realised, because I won just by buttonmashing. Still, the core idea is a lot of fun, and all the little players with their different classes and colours felt very characterful!

God I am a sucker for all the character in this game! The knight's dumb musings on the title screen, the break room with a slime operating a melonade stand, the final boss just anticlimactically dying. I had a lot of fun with all that!

The game's a straightforwardly fun platformer, no complaints there. I would've liked to see a little more done with the "Roles Reversed" theme - even just playing up the "you are the damsel saving the knight" angle a little more. But hey, 5 minutes of fun and a couple of good laughs - I wont ask for more than that!