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A member registered Jul 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Haha yeah mine was more of a joke than a game.

Pretty good game. It felt a bit harsh to me. I only ever got 1 or 2 parts before dying.

Amazing game. 15 stars!

Great concept and execution.

I don't understand how you do the 3rd level. Seems like if you are above 50% in size the springs don't bounce you high enough. If you are below 50% you can reach the springs but you get launched straight into the finish and lose the level.

I liked the concept but it was quite janky and the platforming was strange. Some of the mechanics were also not very clear like how the ambulances worked

P.S I found this mysterious paragraph in one of Leonardo DaVinci's notebooks, I wonder if it means something? Perhaps a sort of code?

I guard a tiny secret, timeless and sound,

A smile and a mystery, where answers are found.

To unlock the code, think of her name,

Four letters the same, pressed on the frame.

Don't worry I believe you lol.

I liked the weird vibes this game had.

Adding the leaderboard was a genius move. Made me want to play more, I managed to get 5th on there(if it's actually real and not a scam).

The sound was really weird and creepy, got to 20 points. Might need a bit more polish.

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15 stars game imo! Got to 11 floors.

Good concept and execution, only problem was the bug with placing cards.

I got to 5:28

Really good game with great presentation, but not sure if it fits the theme? idk

Very good concept and execution. I didn't get through all the puzzles but the ones I did play were well designed.

Well that was kind of weird and depressing. But I like games that subvert the expectation that they need to be "fun", so good job with that part.

The art is amazing, I think it's a jojo reference? Not sure.

It would be nice if I could skip the intro, maybe there is a key for that but I couldn't figure it out. Having to rewatch it every time I fail a single minigame is a bit too punishing imo.

Yeah it definitely needs a bit more balance as I feel it gets quite difficult around round 5. Hard to get right in just 48h

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Oh I didn't realise it was 3 frogs to win. I just sort of focused on one frog because I thought it was about how long you could survive. So maybe the real critique is the goal wasn't clear? Or maybe I just missed it >:\

I liked the concept a lot. Definitely a unique game in the jam that I haven't seen before. It does make you appreciate the guys coordinating real TV more.

I just meant that I found the game easy enough to the point where I could just play forever at which point I had to end the game myself. I did get to multiple frogs but I personally would have prefered if the game had defined an end-state for me rather than me having to suicide my frogs because I had been playing for too long.

Really liked the concept and execution of this one, I wish I could give 6 stars in the "Creativity" field.

Absolutely insanely good presentation, the music and the art is so good for just 48h, actually just good in general. Plus the sound effects fit well.

The only problem I have with the game is that it's too easy, as long as you have one frog you can easily  go on forever, and there is no scoring system so you end up playing for a while until you get bored.

I have to say that this is the weirdest concept of all the games in the jam so far, but in a good way.

I got a score of 50.

I think there's something weird going on with your RNG function becuase egs that spawn at the same time will move in identical ways.

Got to 3 dudes, I liked the little made-up stories. Very creative!

Cool little platformer, it's like a flash game from newgrounds.

I liked the biblically accurate angel at the end, although unfortunately I ran out of ammo and got soft-locked.

Weird concept which I liked, but I don't really understand how this fits the theme though?

It reminds me of monkey ball in a way.

Fun game

Got 80 points. I have played a couple of games like this in the jam already but this is the best execution of this idea so far.

Nice platformer and boss fight, reminds me of some master system games like "cool spot".

While this fits the theme in terms of lore, the actual gameplay is just a normal platformer so I felt that I might have to dock a point based on that.

Fun game with an original concept that I haven't seen in the jam so far. I got 256 points, which is a nice power of 2 so I'm happy with that.

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Got 107 score. I like a good arcade-style game, and the different types of mole added some intrigue because you weren't dodging all of them, some of them you wanted to get hit by, which is a role reversal in and of itself.
The only thing I wasn't clear on was the dash mechanic, it didn't always work it seems.

Fun concept, I will admit that I have played a couple of games like this in the jam. I'm not sure if I can actually lose this one? Seemed to just keep going until I won.

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I love a good pico-8 game. I got to 86 seconds.

Great presentation, the game definitely gets easier once you start to learn all the stats by heart and don't have to look them up.

I'm not sure if this was a bug, but I noticed that the enemy stats were inverted every other turn, so the enemy stats were on the left and the player stats were on the right, opposite to where they were in the battlefield. Definitely caught me off guard.

Interesting concept. Reminds me of brain training on my DS.

P.S. What's the deal with the enemy character names?

Cool game with solid puzzles. It would be cool if you took more advantage of the reversability of the puzzles since I don't think that was really emphasised or even felt neccessary to the core game, like maybe you first have to solve them backwards then forwards? But there's always going to be leftover ideas after making a game in such a tight time, so you may have already thought of this.

These guys making the handbooks don't sound very official...

Good entry!

I thought the idea was really cool. I think the design was good but would greatly benefit from some quality of life improvements: List of known commands(auto-correct), Up to go back to a previous command, and the ability to slowdown time would be good to avoid the need for quick typing.

I liked getting all the different abilities, reminded me of capturing enemies in Mario odyssey. I was a bit confused why sometimes I would lose control of my character after hitting the "player", and sometimes I would get to stay.

Cool take on the fishing-minigame. Great presentation.

I played a bit more after my stream. Interesting game, hard to keep track of all the rules.