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A member registered Nov 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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for some reason B acts like CTRL+Q in the other games. which i weird because it's right next to N. so I accidently hit B, and instantly skipped to the end.

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Maybe leave the legacy version on Itch. So prople can still play it, but the full experience is steam only.

And seeing as some countries like Vietnam don't have steam but DO have itch, it means you took the game away from those people and they can no longer play it, which is kind of a jerk move.

Also the fact is, the browser version worked on mobile, shokingly well too. So to throw away that mobile support feels silly.

Is it possible to add a svae function to Godot? Because the crashes are super annoying, and a save feature would minimize the amount of content you have to do again.

I have beaten the game. as in I got the "you win" paper.

thankfuly I only had to do G+bush, as the G can push power orbs, including the cancel one. granted all you need is Bee+G+Size to get to the paper. but bush is needed to leave after you read it without undoing.

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any hints?

nevermind, i got it

103.0.5060.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)

this is my version.

Im trying to play on an oldish chromebook, and it just shows a black screen.

uhhhhh, the browser version doesn't seem to work for me. but your other browser games work for me.

Buffet community · Created a new topic Mild annoyances.

I have a small problem with the game, when playing the APK version, the game makes it so the phone's front camera is on the right hand side and the charger port is on the left hand side. This is annoying, mainly because that makes the power and volume buttons rest agisnt my thumb. Which feels weird.

Also the buttons at the bottom of the phone being on the left instead of the right just feels and looks wrong.

They could just restrict it to cards in your colection.

so the update happened. and now it actualy  needs brainpowr.

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I would love the ability to see enemy stats. and if you were to update this game again, nerf mimics. they are WAY to strong.

this was easy, almost too easy. cant wait for the update.

level 13 is kinda hard.


and I still have no idea why it happens. like White should keep the bishop there. as it blocks a king move.

I knew something felt off

This might just be the hardest of these things, at least for me,  I think its because I usually solve non-logic puzzles through trial-and-error.  Which worked for all the other CoveMountlikes. heck this is probably why I'm bad at coding based puzzle games in general.


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you know what would be funny. if the number on all the Arcana were there values.


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Its the winner level. None of them have been beatable. You can see that there is no level after it by doing control+q on that level.

it's called a joke.

Softlock prevension

For level 3, just hit undo when it shouldn't do anything. As for the other level, I have absolutely no idea how I got to thag mess. I kinds just spammed undo with the reset.

also I have no idea how this happened. I think the infinite spegetti monster is real

Level 3 is still broken.

I feel like this is the easiest of these games.

I found an interesting glitch. What you need to do is use the shrink pill on somebody and then sleep before the effects wear off. Doing this leaves them inside of you, but once they exit nobody can enter that part of you again.

Maybe make it so if you sleep with somebody inside you, they simply return to normal mid-sleep, which should be easy to add. And I feel like a similar glitch would happen with the part-time jobs. So restrict those until nobody is inside of you. As them growing back to normal would be very awkward in public.

Like its shokengly close. The UI works, and I can select an option. But it doesnt do anything.

The game should work on mobile. But doesnt for some strange reason.

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Undoing breaks the game. and I got so close to, but the game doesnt like it when I hit Z. heck the box in level 3 loses colision if you undo to much and hit Z when it isnt suposed to do anythng.


what type of spagetti caused this?

V isnt useful anyway. as you dont need specific numbers.

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ah, ok. its just weird. and the werewolf game also doesn't look like a tycoon. so its a weird name.

I think changing tycoon to simulator would make more sense.

ctrl+e causes the website bar at the top to get earased, at least on my chromebook. so I can only go back a level once.  because after 1 time, my chromebook no longer fully regonizes

my idea is to change it to ctrl+x, as that isn't anything relavent to

I found a softlock. I was trying to lose, as this game is very easy, maybe make shell slam not garenteed to release somebody from the snake.

isnt a tycoon a buisness game?

Level E3 feels like it wasn't well tested, as it is a mess of figuring out how to know who is in the center of a fan, its such a mess that I got the achievment for only failing on the edge cases on that level, but it was because of movement and not size, so I had no idea how to fix it, and I accidently erased that solution, which is my fault. But that solution was kind ugly anyway, so I didn't like it that much.

also the sandbox should have a mode where you can just place commands and mess around, which would use an on-screen button, as the game works shockingly well on mobile, and I would like to mess around on my phone, or just mess around without knowing how to code in general.