Cool, thanks mah dude.
Dilligaf 420 (aka Gullberg)
Creator of
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Have a Cutscene at the begging of the first map I run works fine, but then I goto next map and if it also have a cutscene the game dont load the map at all. It turns pitchblack, but I can still press ESC and goto mainmenu. So not a totalt freezecrash.
Tried diffrent scenearios with the same result. Like testrun it from 1st scene and finish it and hit ext to next map.
I also tried testrun the game from 2nd map, and its cutscenes loads nice, but then if I start new game from mainmenu, it then blackout at 1st map.
So it seems like a bug/limit by the engine only allow for one map to have a cutscene and refuse to work then loading another cutscene.
Doest matter if its 2 diffrent picture, or the same picture used in both cutscenes.
Get the game here:
It´s a puzzle, with 2dpsycis, retro pixelart game, with some action features.
Try it, it´s free.
10levels.... for now. Moar will come.
Inspired from games like Chip, Legend of Zelda, Metroid Primer, c64 games, palette from GameBoy
To the game: Windows PC downloadable version right now:
Try it out, give some feedback.
The game has 10levels, and some polish-work is planned. Butt it´s fully playable without any weird stuff.