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A member registered Aug 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Heyo!!! Thanks so much for your submission!!! Congrats!! 💛🏳️‍⚧️💛🏳️‍⚧️💛

Heyo!!! Congratulations on the publishing and thanks for submitting!! 💛💛

Heyo!!! Thanks for submitting this to the jam 💛💛💛 Much love!!!

Thanks for submitting this to the jam!!! 💛💛💛 Much love!!! 💛💛💛

My pleasure! Enjoy! <3

Heyo! So there’s no supplements, BUT my other game, GRIM, would scratch that itch for you! Here’s a link:

It’s inspired by Quake where this one was inspired by DOOM. Thanks so much for the support!!! <3

Thanks for the submission!!! Congrats!! 💛💛💛

Why? Because I want to, and I love my trans siblings. Anymore questions?

Heyo!!!! I’m so excited for you to join and make something cool! Welcome!! 💛

My pleasure!!! <3

(1 edit)

There isn’t really a jam discord, BUT I have a discord for people who like my games and just wanna hang!

Please note that only 18+ people can join the discord! Nothing NSFW, just a boundary of mine.

Head to my linktree to join if you’re 18+!

Best of luck on your Jam!!! 💛💛💛

Thanks so much; I really love the setting too; the expansion that’ll release when it’s ready will be right up your alley then! And I’ll definitely give that some thought. That’s an interesting concept. Hrm. Thanks so much! <3

Heyo! Thanks for the question! Gonna note this too.

Basically think of it as a d6 roll of advantage or disadvantage. If you have advantage, flip again, and if you get a single success you succeed. Disadvantage is the opposite way, and reduces your advantage by 1 per stage of disadvantage.

Say I do +3 advantage with my weapon, but because of something, I also have 1 disadvantage. That reduces to 2 advantage, meaning I flip two coins, and if any of them are heads, I succeed.

On the flip side (lol), if I have 0 advantage on a weapon, but now have 1 disadvantage, I flip 2 coins, and if any of them are failures, I do not succeed.

I need to go back and explain this because I can easily see how this can be confusing without a proper explanation. Thank you for your patience! <3

Heyo! Thanks a million for that! I’ll have that edited when I add the maps sometime this fall. Much love! <3

Thanks so much for the submission! Gonna check this out sometime :)))

Heyo!! I’m gonna say probably not for this game jam. I do think starting a zine jam would be a lot of fun!

Nevertheless, please feel free to tag me in your release so I can give it a read! I am a writer too so getting into zines is up my alley :0

Don’t let this stop you though! Let that creativity shine! I believe in you!

Sending you love and courage! 💛🏳️‍⚧️

Wooooaahhh that sounds cool; I need to watch ISTTVG lol. I have a game where you fight dysphoria inducing monsters and it’s pretty cool, so I know your train of thought! 💛💛 Good luck!!

Ahhhhh heck sure why not! I consider that recent enough! See if you can submit something new for this jam too if you can; it’ll be a double whammy! 💛 Much love!

Oh, I have no idea how to do that! If anyone wants to take the liberty of doing that for accessibility, be my guest!

And thanks! Should come out this year; it’s gonna be huge!

I’m not quite sure whatcha mean lol. There are plans for an expansion this year, yes if that’s what you mean!!!!

I saw this!!!! Holy shite thank you so much! This was absolutely amazing to wake up to 💛💛💛 Much love!!!

This was amazing!!!!! <3

Thanks for the message! Much love, and I hope you get enough funds for the surgery! 💛

Queer peeps stay winning continuously and forever

This looks SO cool omg. Kudos to you on making such a great and faithful adaptation! <3 (also, the MTF character sheet is so validating, thank you!!!)

Thank you SO much! I’ll be fixing these in the next update coming soon-ish! 💛

A game filled with personality, humor, and kickass combat. Haven’t playtested, but the game itself seems amazing​ and stylish. Thanks for listing my games as inspo; I’m honored!

Fantastic question! I think I inserted that exact implementation of the weapon switching in the recent patch, but I think it got left out. Yes, requiring a shot fired from a weapon swap is the preferred way of play, but as you said, please feel free to mod the game any way you see fit. You can even release unofficial content for the game if you’d like with proper credit and even sell it! Again, thanks SO much for these comments, and I’ll implement them in the Battlemaps update coming next month!

Noted! Thank you so much for letting me know, and yep, that’s it! Lots of name changes lol.

The only difference are the mainline mythic monsters! The expansion also contains a new mechanic involving ultra powerful moves!

Feel free, also, to modify the rules or mechanics, and, if you’d like, add some player-character stats from other systems to spice up character interactions!


I would absolutely love to do this! Even if we just make one level, I think that would be so dope!

Feel free to email me at for further talks, and I’ll add you on Discord!

This is so rad omggggggg. Thank you so much for this submission!!!


This is SO GOOD!!! A proper expansion with great enemy design, killer weapons that will melt faces (literally), and items that not only add to the player’s lethality, but also to their roleplaying depth as well.

If you liked GRIM, give this a look!

Bah I don’t sweat people bein mean or rude! I know games mean a lot to people! I am a big fan of having community content like mods and such. Think like Skyrim abc how mods make that game eons better. Doesn’t mean people hate Skyrim, in fact I think it enhances it, and that’s how I view if anyone does any community content or homebrew with my games.

Also, after seeing people really liking Disk Masters but yearning for a bit more clarity and/or depth, I’m heavily considering a second edition now. Out of all my titles people seem to be passionate about this one the most, even if I consider it a sort of flawed, but cute and fun game I made.

I love getting these kinds of comments because it shows people care about what I make beyond a simple download. I would rather have someone have critiqued my game having read it than a passive download of appeasement.

Much love to you, and I hope you check out my other games! Wrath of the Undersea, Tales from the Aerosphere (minus one key mistake I made in lore explanations), and especially GRIM, my recent game! GRIM is by far my most polished game yet, so check that out if you snagged the bundle, or better yet, snag a community copy, or even better than that, purchase it 😂💛

Yeeeeep! I take after Monster Rancher in that regard. I always am a big fan of not-so-apparent builds that end up working like a charm. Stall builds are really fun, I’ve noticed lol. I’m so happy you enjoy it!

That’s a good point! Again this was super early in my design process so it’s a bit far back in my memory, but I think I’ll make the pricing reflect that from now on, or even hide the original game so that it stands as the basic game.

I plan on possibly revamping Disk Masters to address some issues it has, but my later games have that sort of edge that I think my earlier titles, as all early titles do, lack.

Thanks for your concerns! If you feel inclined to do so, please homebrew, add, or so anything you’d like if you decide to play it! That, or you can even release your own official expansion / homebrew with appropriate crediting!

Thanks for the comments, and Happy Halloween!

Thank you for this!

It has some odd wording, but “when it is born” refers to every time the glitch goes into effect. Apologies for the confusion, this game is a bit on the older side!