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A member registered Feb 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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Her lil accessories!

I saw and responded! I also responded to the other email you sent, I hope you got my response(s)! ><

I'd love a chinese translation! Please email me ekkoberry@gmail(.)com and I can send you the files!

I sent a message on twitter! is that easiest for you? I can email or something instead if you need ><

There's no issues! I expected the translation to be up very soon after I messaged you in August, but I got swamped with work T___T Thank you for your patience! >< It’ll be up in the next few days for sure.

I'll be uploading it soon, apologies for the delay!! ><

Ahh thank you very much for playing!! ;__; <33

The performance issues I’m pretty sure are my fault >< I did some (apparently performance dipping) stuff to get the walls to pulse for the game jam, but I think now I need to go back and make a second version with an extra asset........

I have a strong type (set of types??) LOL  I think similar characters will keep showing up u__u  I like high trust relationships and suspicious magic users lol idk why. While writing, I was thinking about how in ADW Cyril specifically feels like an Air priest to me lol. (Dunno Milo’s exact type tho..)

Yeah I think you got pretty much everything!

Thank you for such a long comment! Apologies for not responding very quickly, it’s been a bit of a hectic week ahh— I really appreciate it tho!!

Hi Teo! Sure, I'd love a Spanish HV translation! Please email me ekkoberry@gmai(.)com and I can send you the files!

Ahh thank you very much for another Letsplay! I'm glad you enjoyed it!! ;a; <33

Oh absolutely lol there was probably a discussion about how on the nose it'd be for them to match immediately but with TO's personality being a factor it wouldn't be a secret for long  u____u New queen is in love with her advisor!!!

A true ADW Jeth run would be terrible nothing would get done. Lor would have to drag her from the cell and she'd get everyone and herself murdered waiting around a week at the bandits hideout . The gods' restrictions are probably good for everyone LOL

I'M EXCITED FOR CHAPTER 8!!! I don't know if I like the idea of an actual secret exchange or Samuel's  just neatly folding the letters into his back pocket and leaving them there for the good of everyone. Or Jeth has a growing collection of letters hes very confused that he keeps receiving. All are equally funny to me.

Oh I don't have an active dislike of them I just never had one hit me quite like ADW........Jeth was ON SIGHT!!! (and I wanted to check out the cool dice battle mechanics too) but my eyes have been opened now to self insert's maybe one day I'll give them a proper try yeye

(1 edit)

I always assumed I wasn't one for self insert type games and as a writer if given the chance I always feel having another strongly established likeable character would be the preferred option. I kinda wrote it off not giving it a fair shot (I've played some otome games with varying degrees of self-insert protags but ehhh.)

but um. well.  I don't know what happened here to be honest. This is my first time making a proper self-insert OC and it's been so fun LOL ADW does self insert really well and I'm now more open to the format.

Maybe because Jeth feels like a character I'd want to write myself or the fact this is a project from a fellow indie creator it felt a little more approachable and collaborative vs bigger otome games where I feel like I'm being pandered to (and so I end up not really connecting with it) but as soon as I was done with my first playthrough I was working on a character to ship jeth with haha:


I love (and made sure to get) specifically Jeth's return ending and so my TO was primarily designed for that.... Queen outfit in Jeth colors heheh:

I don't have a proper name for her.......She's just EkkoberryTOchan to me LOL TOchan for short. Her personality is a lot like her creators-- very jeth-focused (to the detriment of everyone else), pretty shameless about it too LOL 

I started with Villian's Heart so in my brain that's the first game and they're all interconnected to me u______u 

Jeth return ending ---> portal didn't take them to TO's world but ADW Timeline instead where Jeth's memory got (partially) erased but TOchan remembers p much everything and is trying to date Jeth again----> Gacha Date 

ADW Timeline:

They're trying their best not to worry

How the kidnapping played out in my head

Landing on Jeth's shoulder KEEPS ME UP AT NIGHT

And finally Gacha Date lol:


Its very immersion breaking not to have "Throw self at Jeth" option every time hes on screen but I think that's my only critique. I genuinely love the world and the (other) characters (as well) this series has such a special place in my heart FOR LOTS OF REASONS but one was learning to have more fun with self inserts too.


Oh, that's weird ;x; It's not too different to a standard ren'py game, so I'm not sure why it'd do that-- I'll look into it and see if it's anything I can fix ><

Thank you very much!

I just saw it over there too! Apologies for not noticing earlier!! ><

Ahhh so cute!! ;____; they look adorable, thank you very much!!! <333333

Ahh thank you very much!! <33

Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!! >< <33 I hope you're feeling better too!

Ahhh thank you again for another letsplay! ;a; I'm glad you enjoyed it!! (And happy late birthday!)

Weird -- I've privated the android version and will look in to how to fix it! >< sorry for the inconvienience

We do operate to a certain extent on good faith-- we probably won't disqualify someone for sub-optimal coding practices if we can't notice the difference when playing, but this is a jam where you're encouraged to be resourceful-- 1000 words is the most you get to work with.

Huh, weird :0 What version is this on? Android?

Replied on discord yeye all added in now!

That's correct, that's not allowed ><

If it only appears once in the code( but is repeated on-screen multiple times in-game), it only counts once!

For menu/preferences/options, that's considered GUI/seperate!


This limit does not apply to interface sounds, which are considered part of the GUI. Having different sounds assigned to button hover, activation, etc. could be an accessibility feature for low-vision players, as that's audio feedback for different actions.

For a sound to choose a reply in-game, if it's the activation sound of the button, that's allowed, yes :0

Ooooh Graffiti in code sounds cool!

I think that would fall under signs/posters, so that's fine!


1: If as a screen (slide) onto itself, I would say that is like a chapter title and so I don't think it would count.

2: Just as labels for point and click items I think is fine and won't count, as long as it's just the name and not giving any additional story information.

3: In what way would the words be displayed? like as a sign/poster in the background?

After the jam is once the deadline's passed! 

(Though I'd suggest keeping up a separate O2A2 ver if you make major changes as I'm sure there'll be a period the other judges and I will be playing through the entries, and anything too heavily changed might result in some confusion  ><)

Huh....interesting.  I guess if it's still identifyibly the same bowl? I don't think we ever specified rules regarding layers towards inanimate objects sprites.

I think this case is in the correct spirit, so I'll allow it!

Yep! that's fine if it's done in-engine!

Have checked with the others and the consensus is that that the wording should say "asset" instead of type-- since "only one of any asset" is the aim of the jam, sorry! ><

I think if it's clearly a part of the credits, that's fine!

Huh. Looking at older versions of the rules, it seems the translation section was added last year and the "translations" counting towards the limit wasn't removed. Our bad for not noticing!

You can add additional translations! This is allowed as stated in the section on it, please follow that!

A single alternate movement of the hand would be 2 frames, not 4. (4 would be the original pose and 3 alternates)

It would still be background, but I think this would fall under this rule:


It is within the rules to:

  • have a small looping animation (e.g. inside of train with passing scenery, waterfall)

and so I'd allow it!

Trigger warnings don't count towards the  1k!:

Does not count against the 1.000 word limit:

  • in-game content warnings

Hi  Krispy Cat! 

This VN in it's current form exceeds what's allowed for O2A2 >< You can't have a sprite and an illustration (showing an additional character) as the background-- it's sprite/background OR illustration!

I won't remove the submission until the deadline as hopefully there''s a fix for this-- could the lindworm cast a shadow onto the background instead maybe?

Yes, that's fine! As long as they're not then also used outside of that (for the in-game BG)