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A member registered Nov 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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That was a cool "aha!" :)

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Neat mechanic. Liked the subtle tutorialization :)

Thank you for making it :)

That was a neat idea :)

Good work, I liked this one :) Not TOO difficult but neat to figure out!

That was really satisfying :)

Bizarre. But also quite unique, there was a certain sense of frustration and unease of wanting to do good, but...well, not being able to. Definitely the mood the game was going for, taking the theme to a thematical end. The art fit that, being quite, well, unique in its own right!

Definitely the strangest game I played this jam, and quite well done :)

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The "second one is invincible" reminds me a bit of R-Type and the invincible option you get to accompany you in that series. Certainly an interesting, but quite tough idea!

I did get to the ETA 2154. I am not quite sure how things worked, though. Some enemies (especially the upper left one in the first room) seems to register hits only rarely, and it seems as if I could get the control boost by simply shooting an enemy while it was in front of a reflector.

I did resort to that to beat it - I wasn't able to line up the shots well enough. I think a little work should be put into the player shots and having them last a bit longer, so you can do proper trick shots :) Still, nice work!

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That's really cute, a reverse Moorhuhn if you will! I like that you gave us a more "pacifist" option - but even when striking the bird, you did add a cute animation all the same. The fast birds are jerks, for sure! I took several runs for a perfect one, as the fast birds kept getting zapped! Poor worried cloud-chan.

I did get a browser crash on my first play, not sure why. I was just zapping a bird by accident and then it crashed. Not affecting my rating though, just wanted to mention it!

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Super adorable game! I love the concept - that's really clever and fits the character and the theme so well. Her *_* expression is the best and the bosses you picked are just silly in a good way. [And I don't think the scenario was crappy. I liked how you found ways to have the bosses "fight" :D Like lamp lady or *shiver* the lighthouse warden]

I too got stuck on the lighthouse (I can't even manage to not lose one "life" from the first spellcard!) but still, top marks for this one.

That was pretty cute! Easy to understand, just very short. But well, it is a gamejam, and better do it well than do it long!

And the dragon is adorbs, too.

You're welcome :)

Leave it to silly testing people to get into the weirdest places. ^^

Fun, simple game. I got to ~5k points before it made me F (that you mercy cleared bullets around the player on switch helped me out a lot, kinda like bombing in a normal bullet hell). Pretty fun for a simple concept, the growing circle does work pretty well to increase the difficulty as time goes on. :)

Criticism wise, I feel it could have used a few different patterns, bullets were mostly random (or so I thought). With some extra colors and patterns it could look quite pretty! There could also be an additional risk part with a click in the control swap section also firing off extra bullet waves.

But well, just thoughts!

Totally understand, 2 days are so little time to get everything done from idea to finish :)

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This game is hard! At the end of Day 2, half of my sheep were gone! I feel this sheepdog is going to be one very unhappy about the shepherd. At least fence properly! Game wise though, it was well done, and even looks pretty cute :)

Criticism wise, I feel the night lasts too long.

For me, the issue weren't the wolves, but the sheep escaping with their ever increasing speed! Day 4, I couldn't even catch up with a single sheep - while I always had them in the barn before the wolves even became an issue the days before (making the night a waiting game). They only ever caught one actively. The others ran off XD

I feel the wolves would need additional difficulty/danger, while the sheep could maybe stay in a bit easier. You'd still end up with the "uncontrollable" theme, but it'd have more of a curve and night would feel more dangerous, rather than DAY being the main danger, and night being fine because the sheep were barked into the safe barn.

Your idea is great for sure. Very original and the presentation is nice. It really shows you did the art and audio yourself, it fits like a glove to your theme and looks cute (especially when angry).

My criticism is the controls. I like the mechanics, but I had such trouble managing the controls! six notes makes sense, but I certainly could barely get shots off in the heat off battle, and the movement not being relative to the camera confused me a lot (though it IS the norm for iso games, so I get your choice :) ). It fit the theme, but was sooo hard to figure out.

I think cutting the notes some could have helped - as could not starting pretty essential spells (like healing) with five notes. Mind you, I'm not that good with games, so it might just be me being very bad at input combinations D:

That got surprisingly creepy, well done, in such a short game! Reassigned, huh? D: Poor Ed...

I managed to get stuck in the lake in "Quadrants", but minimizing and maximizing the window let me move out of it again. Seems sometimes a diagonal movement gets you where you shouldn't go!

Great puzzler. You taught the mechanics well, especially cancelling (not a direct input after all, just a consequence), and then explored them with a number of other mechanics. It was fun, *especially* since my own game also used a "keep moving" interpretation of out of control, and yours does a better job at it too :)

My only criticism is that the room size exceeded screen size. The pixel size is small enough that the full map could have been shown at all times. And if that's the only criticism I could have (aside from more levels) you did a great job

I fully admit some levels I only managed through dumb luck, like the one that starts with all the shrooms on the platforms so that you basically can't get up there with any shred of sanity. ^^

The jump start! I had to try it and yeah, that makes the ninmmings even more lemmingy and exploitable!

Ah, the little gaps in mechanics I don't notice. 

Thanks for the feedback and getting through! :)

Thank you! Vaporwary bumper blocks made for SOME decoration, at least. ^^

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Those are some great points, thanks a lot for returning and taking the time to expand on the criticism o.o And yeah, I liked how the aiming/scraping turned out personally quite a lot, it was my favorite thing that came out of the base mechanics after I played with them 

I definitely see what you mean about the colors - such should always be ideally color coded.

A lot of the things you mentioned would have been so easy to change - like the button color, that'd have taken a couple seconds. Feedback like this shows me where I need to watch for so I really can't thank you enough. Notes taken :)

Finally, the health. Yeah - I should just have gone "full" Celeste/Meatboy. It'd have prevented "gauntlets" and would have forced me to be more honest with enemy placement.

[Edit: And yeah, backfaces... I sure was cheap on how to make the walls transparent. Next time, it'll have to be done with rays from the camera to see if walls are in the way. Definitely would look better D:!]

Thank you kindly!

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Tough one - some of those jumps are really hard to make, and I often found myself *on* the exit, trying to get in... and dying D:!

But got to the end, in the end. Whew! Though I gotta say, I'd not have lasted more levels than that. The character is SO slippery!

Can confirm that it did indeed end up silly and fun with it, so it was a good choice :D

Looks great and has a pretty unusual theme in this jam :) I like the art too, with foolish master and cute salamander being the standouts :D

Gameplay wise, it was fun! Full twinstick controls (so I could aim better while moving) would have added to the game feel a bit, and sometimes, enemies would spawn on top of you, but that's really my only criticism :)

The fire is pretty nicely animated, and the game overall has a pretty nice feel. I just wish I understood the mechanics a bit more. I was maxed out at happiness pretty much entirely after one fire, and then just built upward! The ticker text didn't really help there.

Really difficult game, the jump physics are tough to get to work right.

I also accidentally ran out of the door to the right with orbs missing and fell into nothingness - I feel there should be a collider there to prevent accidental drops (OR a hitbox that kills if I fall - I kept falling for minutes D:)

Pretty impressive for 10 hours all the same! =)

Got past 34000! What usually screws me over is when the shaft goes up :D

Really fun game, however, and the art is great, though I don't know much about the two characters, which is a shame. They seemed fun, for the few seconds I saw of em.

Cute game with cute presentation. I often found myself boxed in, ending with a lot of flowers rotting while I was in a case of pretty plants.

It took a while to wrap my head around the RPS rules as well, but that's more on me :) Fit the theme quite all and was cute. I've never managed more than six, not sure how bad that is!

Pretty fun. Reminded me of La Mulana, especially the confusion - tho the teleporters sometimes were admittedly frustrating. However, after some trials with the map, I did get the symbols to work properly and progress. You could always intuit where you were. Though the left "plus" triangle threw me off, I admit.

But not in a bad way. I do think in a bigger game, the teleporters would probably end up too much, but for this, they sure worked for what you were going for, I think :)

A cute (the art, not what's happening!) little timewaster. Jeez are these chickens lemmings. ^^

How did you decide on *Ufos* of all things?

This is really pretty cute. I like the combination of a light deckbuilder with a casual farm theme. And you really have to use that discard, else the scissors clog up the hand.

It could use some tooltips though, I wasn't sure what the blanket did. Just protect a space? At some point in level 3, the game also became a bit unresponsive - sometimes I could use a tool, sometimes it took several clicks.

I wasn't able to clear that map.

Thank you for trying it out! :)

I did have the kitties knock over the wooden stand and the cat-scratch-tower in the corner, which was cute. The kitty jumps hard if the pointer is far.

And no worries, I just wasn't sure if I missed something!

Thank you for making it, instead =3

Got through it nicely, the main thing I stumbled over was that, on gravity switches from left to right or right to left, I'd be stuck "in the wall", and not fall the other way. I'm not sure if that's intentional, it looked like the apple stem hooked into the wall. Solution was just to jump right before the switch.

The gravity change being signposted is a really good touch - it felt out of control, but not frustrating that way.

I got to 49! The moving platforms are mean. "Don't move away nooooo~"

What you have here is something you could probably easily polish up into a full mobile release (just with swipe updown and leftright). Compared to, say, Flappy bird, it even feels less frustrating - I found a lot of situations where I landed on a lower platform when misangling a jump, giving me another chance. :)

Thanks for giving it a go! :)

Oof, really seems there's some crushing bug somewhere. I suspect it's in the way I handled collisions with Unity's ECS - and didn't catch it yet.

Sorry for the bug - but thanks for playing and liking the mechanics all the same! :)

Thanks for playing...and the bug note! There seems to be a rogue hitbox there... not sure why I forgot to remove it or why it's there. Sorry for that, it slipped through D:!

If I could update it I'd probably add a little spike to the shadow to indicate where the up/w key would move - and I should have thought of it before submitting!

Thanks for playing :)