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A member registered Sep 19, 2015 · View creator page →

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Interesting game.

I think you increase acceleration and decelleration speed and it would improve the game feel.

Anyway, good job!

Great game! It's incredibly polished and very impressive for a game jam!

It's a very cozy game, my only issue with it is the camera, it works well at the beginning, but at some point, the crystals spawn at points that are completely covered and impossible to see. I think having a secondary free cam would have solved this.

I still had a lot of fun! Congrats!

Cute game, love the style, the character is cute.

I don't really understand how to win, the items I dropped didn't give me enough damage to kill the monster in level 2. So I gave up when I lost for the third time...

I think the game could use some more work but I liked it, good job !

Very charming game! Love how the narrator reacted when I softlocked myself!

I'm impressed a game can look this good in so little time ! The only things I see that could be improved are the movement speed when Alice is small, and the camera which often fought with me to hide keys from me.

Overall great game!

Arriving at the peak feels great, too bad you then have to climb so much more.

Funny little game, great job!

A very pretty game, but I'm not exactly sure where I'm supposed to go. Can't pick up the letter, and nothing looks interactable.

However the Art Style is very impressive, I don't think I ever saw a 2.5d game that looked anything like it. Be careful with the layers though, sometimes the player pass under some objects ^^

Cool game!

This game has really good presentation! It's beautiful, and the camera slowly pulling back is both stylish and useful for readability as more monsters spawn.

I don't mind the game not stopping during level ups, but the slowmo should be stronger to compensate.

The game is way too hard for me, so I didn't get very far, but from what I saw, I really like the varied monster types forcing you to move differently.

Great game!

Cool little game! Would have prefered that the game stops when you fail, it's a little frustrating to watch your score slowly reduce once you can't keep up anymore.

I got to 68 before the game got too fast for me!

Good job!

Thanks for the feedback!

I agree with you, now that you proposed it, it seems obvious it would have improved the feel of the game by a lot.

Thanks for playing !

Thanks a lot for the comment,

I didn´t have the time left to put in the puzzles with the size change, I prioritized having a small but complete story.

Thanks for the feedback! It made my day!

Great game, a little short, but you used really used the concept well.

I died a few times but understanding which route was the best is very fun!

Great job!

Cool game, simple but it works very well,I liked the balancing act, it becomes pretty hard when the cities are bigger.


Very cool game, I really like the range increase and the way the plant moves reminded me a little of Carrion.

Short but sweet, the game is fun to control, good job!

Cool game!

It took some time to understand how the game worked at first but very interesting idea.

The game looks good, and the "customers" are funny. I would just have liked a longer mode, I'm so bad that I can only take 3 or 4 orders before the game ends...

Fun game, congrats!

Great game!

At first I didn't really understand why the game was so difficult, then I understood you could stack things lol.

Fun concept, and I like the fact you added multiple maps to play on. However, I think the game is really missing some music and sound effects.

The art was also very impressive, It looks very good.


I wanted to try it, but the zip file is corrupted.

This game is very pretty, I really like the art style, and the puzzles are fun, the last one was hard though.

The window concept is very interesting. The link between rooms is often a little janky, and I'd like the resizing to be faster, but it's still very playable.

The game has a really cool ambiance, I like it! Congrats!

Very beautiful game, it's pretty simple but the descriptions really enhance the game.

I liked having to try and grow every stat at the same time (but RNG wasn't very kind with temperature encounters at the beginning).

What would really improve the game for me, would be more stage to the player's planet, I liked seeing it evolve as the game progressed.

Very cool ! Good job !

I like it, the idea of moving your hands on the ladder before throwing it makes for more complex gameplay than it looks.

I have some issues with the battles, ennemies often hit though the ladder but you don't, and generally your range is smaller too. I would have liked everything to be slightly faster, (Charging the throw, and moving around), but the game was still really fun.

It was a real challenge but I got the crown ! And I successfuly fell out of bonds like a true gamer!

Fun game! Good job!

Merci pour le retour! La game jam a été dev avec (qui s'est occupé de la majorité du code)!

This game is incredible!

I really enjoyed my time with it.

Now I finally understand how compression works !

More seriously this is a pretty simple concept, but the execution is great, I felt like an artist! (Look how much effort I spent on this one!)

I was surprised the game also had a 3d mode, which is definitely harder to use (holding left click doesn't put multiple blocs...), but very cool.

I feel like this game could be expended some more because it's really fun. And having to match the colors was really satisfying.


Really fun puzzle game. I particularly liked the part where you enter the mountains, too bad they aren't reused later.

The dialogue is charming, and overall the game is really cute.

Too bad the last puzzle was bugged, but I enjoyed my time with it, Good job! 

Very funny game, I really enjoyed it ! 

I wasn't expecting it to have so many good jokes, and it was fun all the way ! Good job!

(I scored 42 Million points on my first try!)

This game is both fun and cute!

But I'm bad at it and it might need some balancing, I didn't have the money to expand, and with my monsters dying everytime while the heroes get stronger I had trouble even maintaining income.

Might have missed a strategy lol.
Great job anyway!

Hello! Thanks for trying my game out!

I'm sorry the game looked confusing.
The idea I was going for was "playing the final boss of a videogame", who's goal isn't actually to kill the hero/player, but to make a believeable and stylish fight, giving you the role of entertaining him with a satisfying final battle.

Kind of like a Dungeon Master would roleplay a monster in a tabletop RPG, trying to appear cool, but avoiding killing his players.

So the style points goal is to represent the player satisfaction with the battle, if you die after filling it, the hero is happy with his win, otherwise he feels underwhelmed by the battle.

This game is super polished for a game jam!

I really like the iterative puzzles, the game is great and the difficulty increases logically.

Very fun! Well done!

Really cool Idea!

The game is quite hard to complete without using the boss, but it's fun to use hit and run tactics.

The hero's spell is too powerful, that's my only issue with the game.

Great job!

Fun game!

Some jumps might be a little tight at times, but you can skip one if you get stuck.

Really liked the art, the game looks very good!


Very fun game!

Although I'm not sure the island should be happy to receive meteorites lol.

Really great to play! The only thing I would add is a way to focus on a random living survivor, because it gets really hard to find the last few.

Great work!

Really cute game! But what are those goblin hands lol!

Really like the idea of having to flea deep into a dungeon, letting stronger monsters take care of the paladin.

The game was really fun!

Interesting idea!

I like unlocking different moves during the level, a little hard to play at first but quite fun!

This game is so cute!
I would definetely love to play a version with more levels!
I actually quite liked playing around in the sandbox.

Great job! Hope you work on it some more!

This game is very hard!

It took a long time to get used to the movement, I think my issue was that I got too much inertia with a first shot and I couldn't correct it with a second.

I was stuck on wave 3 because I didn't see any new ennemies spawn, but I really enjoyed it.
It might have been better if the ennemies were bigger though.

Nice game!

Cool game!
I like the fact you have to switch roles multiple times to win!
The game feels pretty good to play and the art suits it very well!

Great job!

This game is very clean!

It felt good to move around and the mechanics are well made.
If there was something to improve on, it would be readability.

Maybe the platform's "puzzle piece" should have different colors depending on their behaviors, to separate the ones that move once you jump, from the ones that mirror your horizontal speed and the ones that jump with you.

There's also a small bug, you stay in your jump animation when you land on a platform moving up.

It would also be nice to indicate it when you can't fall off a platform since I got confused at times.

The game felt great and could really be extended with more levels. Very fun!

Beautiful game!
I liked it! With the preview on the right I expected to be able to accelerate by dropping more, but it makes more sense as an autoscroller. 


Cool idea!
I like the voice acting, even though it slows the game down when you get caught.

I like the way the paths you can take change when you get bigger! It creates some real replay value for a game this small!
Great job!

Really cool game! You're still betting but to keep the player's invested for as long as possible.

Great idea! Very well executed! I liked the gameplay loop and I could see the game being extended with more gambler types.

Great job!

I really like this game! Fun and simple!
The diagonal shelves made the game way harder at the end too.

I like the way the game looks too! Congrats!

I did, thankfully there's a checkpoint before the boss, otherwise I would have lost lol.