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A member registered Feb 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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J'aime beaucoup l'idée, et les graphismes et le son sont assez dingue (sauf les bruits de curseur :D)

J'aime beaucoup l'idée (mais c'est assez dur, mais représentatif de l'époque j'imagine !)

Hey Jon! If you plan to work more on this game, and could be interested in working on a Steam release, you can reach out to me: !

Thank you! Yes, the balancing is not really great ^^'

This idea is really dope! I enjoyed playing it (and I was not that bad haha)

Oh, we are sorry about it! Thank you for the comment, I we are glad you enjoyed it :)

Ok, I love the art, it's so weird and so nice! The idea is great, even if I got stuck for a while!

Ok, this game is so clever! I think it could become a bigger project to be honest, congrats!

This idea of the pitch "you control the level" is very clever. The only issue is that the character is doing a lot of walljump so it make it very difficult haha. I love the art too.

I like the idea and I am curious about playing it, so sad it's not working :(

Wow, the art is amazing. Too bad I can't play it, because I would love to try it!

Congrats it's very funny! it took me sometimes to understand what I should do, but it's fun to play!

I didn't managed to understand how to play but every game is a miracle <3 Keep going :) (And the idea is great, it's interesting to see how other people with the same idea as us tweak it!)

Thank you! We wanted to add a book note where you could put the information you get after each attempt, but we didn't get enough time!

Je suis trop mauvaise mais j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à jouer. J'ai eu du mal à prendre les touches en mains, mais oui, le perfect doge, c'est top !

Il est très coool ! J'ai eu un beug quand il a fallu être retiré de la pierre ! Un peu dur à prendre en main, mais très fun une fois que c'est le cas :)

It's funny to saw how other team did a game design for this concept (we had the same one). It's great, if I apparently suck at giving quests :D Congrats!

Congrats for the jam! I had a hard time to understand how Shift was working, but the concept is nice :)

Good work! Art is really greaat. I was stuck in the level 3, didn't manage to understand what I should do with the crate. 

I had good time on this one! It would have been better to have even a small text tutorial, it took me a few minutes to understand whats going on :D

I didn't to win yet, but I enjoyed it!