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A member registered Nov 26, 2016

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Neat little story! Enjoyed the writing style, the twists, pretty art too! Both characters are so sweet :)

(1 edit)

Great game!!! All the characters seem really cool, loved playing Ellis' route so far. Getting to know them over the three days through dialogue and sharing their hobbies really felt like a friendship/romance growing. Looking forward to replaying for the other routes and whatever bits you're planning on adding with future updates! (Though I'd second a save/backtrack option, if that's possible to implement haha)

Bugs/inconsistencies I noticed (SPOILERS)

Going to the ball mentions the room was filled with the maid cafe just hours earlier, even though that happened the day before, and I been there for the concert since then. 

When talking with Ellis after the ball the 'I'm good for now' option (as opposed to ask about their turning/will ask questions later) leads to them elaborating about their turning as if asked. Then after that the 'check in about monster language' option leads to some dialogue, then just blank box, basically ending the game. 

Hehe, the placeholder texts were funny ^^ Just wasn't sure if the completely blank page was a glitch. Looking forward to the next update then! :D

Cute little story! Very much enjoyed how wholesome and supportive all the characters are :)

Does seem pretty interesting, looking forward to whatever future updates may bring ^_^ 
Played the human route so far, and clicking 'They lookie like this' (any pronoun) just cuts to a blank screen. Not sure if that's a bug or not ^^

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Just started playing, very charming so far!

Edit: Very cool game indeed!!! Interesting story and lovely characters! :D Also great choice for art and music ^_^

May have found a bug (early game spoilers below)

Chose Ferris Wheel first, then when just getting on right after "You two can talk about strange jugglers and your embarrassing moments later. There is plenty of time for that." the next 'slide' is choosing between The Circus and The Arcade. No question/prompt 'where next' or story of what happened on the ferris wheel. 

Nice game! Absolutely beautiful art!

Ran into some bugs:
File "game/script.rpy", line 1621, in script
V "I was excited to hear some kind words from a flustered [name]."
Exception: Sayer 'V' is not defined.

And "Image 'AmirAwkward1' not found" at some point near-ish the end, when Amir says "You've been..." 

Great game so far! Mike is extremely cool, been fun getting to know her. Interested to learn more about her and the world!
Found another typo: "In casies" instead of "in case"

Such a lovely story, thank you! Loved the characters, getting to know them and understanding them better. All their flaws and convictions make sense, and it's wonderful seeing them grow and learn from each other. Beautiful art and music as well!

Two bugs I encountered: (second one is a SPOILER)

When trying to install through itch it defaulted to just getting the art zip file, after that I couldn't change it to the game file, even with the dedicated download button. This might be more of an itch issue, I've had other games refuse to install after the first attempt failed for whatever reason. Just curious why it defaults to the art file instead of game file first. Downloading the game file from a browser page worked though and I could just run the exe after extracting the rar. 


In the big fight when getting stabbed the sword audio played once but otherwise the screen stayed black and the text box just said "narrator" but no text. And then it froze there. Reloading the last save and just replaying everything again somehow fixed it. 

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Great VN! Absolutely beautiful art and the music fits perfectly! 





Really cool idea to turn the whole replaying to see all the endings into part of the story!

Thanks! :D Still a bit of a faff, but at least not having to use up all the save slots that way.

Just played through the game once and quite enjoyed it, thanks to the devs and everybody who worked on it! :D

Most VNs let you go back in the dialogue and choices by scrolling, making it easier to explore different dialogue options than constantly saving and reloading. When using the mouse wheel in RE:H the menu opens. (Very occasionally one line of dialogue scrolls back before that.) Seeing saveslots are a thing I'm assuming this isn't an intentional design choice to make "your choices matter!". 

Are there different controls for rollback, or is it simply not available? 

Would love to replay the game and explore other paths, but I'm also notorious for accidentally misclicking, or just curious what characters say to a certain choice without actually wanting to go down that route, so I'd greatly appreciate that convenience :)

Such a joy replaying this and discovering the epilogues! Certainly some very interesting choices for changes in the “main” game, and overall story. On that note, calling the epilogues “mini” games seems a bit not doing them justice? There seems to be a lot there with all the options. Really love how they flesh out the characters even more. Absolutely delicious writing, as before.

Laurent of course is the sweetest and most precious and spending more, time with him is much much cherished. I would've paid just for a Laurent Hug DLC, because he deserves it.

Martin's epilogue had me squealing out with surprised glee though, such a sweet scene, and I absolutely did not expect that. It sounds like you're sharing your own passion, or did some very good research, please know the detail is being recognised and appreciated ^_^

Thanks a lot for your work, it will continue to live rent-free in my head :)

Grigol was kind of endearing ^_^

Even more than quantity I was taken aback by the overall quality. For the time constraint I would've expected to focus on one thing (idk, just strong characters, or an intricately woven story, or pretty art) and then cut corners elsewhere. (Which is a perfectly fine approach and can absolutely lead to amazing games!) But you did ALL THE THINGS, which sounds like a recipe for disaster. But then you actually managed to nail ALL THE THINGS. Which is super impressive. Guess you had a great team and your previous experience probably helped :)

Really enjoyed playing this, will definitely check out the full game :D The characters seem quite interesting so far, looking forward to getting to know them better :)

This was a neat story, enjoyed playing it! Thank you!

Great game, thank you! Loved getting to know the characters and Kyiv, they really feel alive (or well, undead, in the former case). Beautiful art as well!

Ok wow, this was fun! Interesting story and characters! Great character art too! Really wouldn't have guessed this was made under the time constraints of a jam. (not that I know anything about creating games)

I clicked the Install/Launch button in the itch launcher. When going to the game page within itch the game window wasn't visible. 
Only opened in FF to see if I could manually download/install the files again, then found the game window :)

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Great great game, absolutely loved exploring all the different dialogue options! :) Really well written, thank you!

Also, if there's an award for sweetest vampire, I think this is a winner. 

Edit: After several replays I'm still not sure which route '(spoilers, idk?)' could be, but I sure have managed to break my own heart picking all the mean options, he doesn't deserve this. 

Ditto all the comments asking for more of the three of them btw :)

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"Unable to parse Build/First Night Web.framework.js.gz! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: gzip" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug."

Playing in Browser (Firefox) works, is this is the intended way to play?

Perfect sequel game. Not only does it just deliver *more* of Arcade Spirits, while slightly improving pretty much every aspect, it also references the previous game in just the right ways. (Just... keep in mind that the player character of this game is different from the first game, and giving them the same name might get confusing...) 

It also has 100% more laundromat and subway. 

This game is comfort food. It's handhold-y not in a "tells you what to do" way, but in a "holds your hand and tells you 'I gotchu, it'll be ok'" way. And I love that. For the most part there are no right or wrong options, you can just roleplay, and get to know the cast of characters, all of which are lovable in their own way. The romance elements are optional and probably as a result not super huge, but as a friendship simulator this game is great. Also the story is pretty good, some interesting twists.