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A member registered Jul 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Maybe try the new v0.1.2. Not sure if it will work.

Hmm so it's still black background? May I know what's your OS, monitor resolution and graphics card? I assume it's integrated graphics since it's a work comp, what CPU then? Intel/AMD?

Hi I've just uploaded a new build v0.1.1. Can you see if it fixes the issue?

Hi I've just uploaded a new build v0.1.1. Can you see if it fixes the issue?

Hi I've just uploaded a new build v0.1.1. Can you see if it fixes the issue?

Ok I'll look into this. Please let me know more info to help the debugging.

When I swap monitor, the background turns black on my main monitor, and clicking on the black part make it transparent temporarily, and click on on the cat/book makes the bg black again. Restarting the game fixes it for me.  Does that happen to you all?

What's the OS (Win7/8/10/11)? What's your Graphics card? Resolution? Single or multi monitor setup?

does that happen after swapping the monitor? Restarting the game should help.

Fun game, and you made it in 5 hours? Bravo. 

The flight is very challenging, not sure if it's intended or not. But if you want to make the flight easier, make horizontal force lower and keep vertical force as is (because vertical force is fighting gravity).

It's actually pretty easy to implement in Godot, check out the SoftBody3D node.

(1 edit)

Overall atmosphere is very good, the cloud/fog are nicely implemented. 

The flight direction is based on the hammer rotation, not the hammer-player relative vector, which is a bit weird imo, but I got used to it pretty quickly. 

Some particle effect, sfx and haptic on the hammer while flying would be great.

Thanks for playing. If you press X or A the game will show the incomplete part, I should have made it more obvious.

I just realized you're the hand duck guy! I knew I saw this game style somewhere before.

I had the idea of requiring the user to manage the temperature and pressure, to provide a more dynamic/challenging gameplay. But I didn't have time for it.

Very polished, the game has nice SFX, haptics and intuitive controls. My only nit pick is when I put the chisel too deep it doesn't register (no red circle), not sure if it's intentional (to make sure the user is carving from the surface?) or not.

Great job on the haptics! Not many games have that implemented (including me).

Wow, just wow. I knew the game will be beautiful by just looking at the screenshots, but it's 10x better in VR. Using the hand fans is such a good idea, and also very intuitive. Also great job on tuning the physics!

I had fun playing this game. 

Suggestion: Adding some feedback (sound effect, particles, etc) for capturing boids would be a great addition to the game.

Can't run the game. You have to include the .pck file as well. Put them in the same folder with the .exe and zip it.

Not really a game, but I guess spawning thousands of little dudes wandering around fits the theme anyway.

There is a preview of time you are in at the top of the screen

I noticed that, what I meant is that a preview of the platforms (the things that changes) in different times.

Loved the mechanics and concept. The building up speed makes precise movement very challenging, as the speed is not constant.

Liked the art style. Controls and goal are pretty intuitive.

One thing that keeps bothering me is that the fish takes a while to spawn when I get to certain depth. Even on some places that I passed through, the fishes spawned are already de-spawned when I get back there. That really slowed the game down a lot.

Also the game over criteria is a bit too harsh, one mistake and all efforts are gone. Pretty devastating especially in later stage. I'd prefer that when the characterran out of oxygen, it respawn on top of the ice with the fishes and money gone. Less punishing that way. Unless the roguelike approach is what you want to achieve, if so ignore this suggestion.

My only complaint is the lack of animation (the ghost movement and the character's jump), but consider how much you've done well (art style, audio, particles, UI, voice over...) in this short time frame, I'd say it's reasonable to have something missing.

A cute little game. I really like the art style and animation.

Not sure what's your intended screen size, but the window seems to be cutting some edge off, you might want to check that.

The art style and animation is really cool. The grab and throw mechanics is fun to play with as well.

I was expecting to be able to aim with the mouse, as the mouse button is used to grab stuff. Took me some time to realized that the rotation of the aim has nothing to do with the mouse.

(1 edit)

Let's start by what I like: The mechanics, it's definitely an interesting concept, and a creative take on the theme. The game is quite polished in some places, for example the animation of the tutorial guy talking, the fall and get up to look around animation, etc.

As many has mentioned, it's way too hard. I spent more than 15 minutes to get past the tutorial, and was greeted by a harder level, very discouraging honestly.

So here's some suggestion I think could make the game easier:

1. Slower time / weak gravity, to make the platforms fall down slower so player can have time to response and freeze it at the place they want. This will make the it more of a "play with your brain" game instead of "play with your reflex" game. Unless the latter is what you're going for.

2. Preview for what's in the past/future, sometimes I get really lost and forgot which time is the one I want to travel to.

3. Tutorial needs to be improved, possibly split into smaller chunks, don't try to make the player learn everything in a level.

4. A way to schedule the time changes (basically a macro? player can hit a key and it automatically plays J 2 secs later, then L 2 secs later, then K, etc). So the player won't need to control the character movement and time travelling at the same time.

I understand that this is a game jam submission and every thing is done in a limited time frame, so those above are just suggestion instead of criticism. Good job for the amount of work done in 7 days.

The WebGL build doesn't work properly, my mouse gets out of the window so I can only have like 30 degrees of rotation. The executable works pretty good, surprised that it supports ultrawide aspect ratio.

The controls/movement feels a bit janky, are you using physics based movement?  

Spring pad is hard to use, I suggest using a "jump zone" where it doesn't actively launch player into the air, instead it makes player jumps higher, so the player gets more control on it.

The plain color background is hard to look at, and doesn't provide much visual feedback on the movement, largely because the room is so empty, and the lighting setup enhanced it. Perhaps some texture on the wall would help.

The levels, although some are a bit too obvious as a "puzzle", some are quite interesting and fun to figure out. I do understand that this is a game jam, and people pretty much just give up if it's too hard, so it makes sense that you choose to babysit players on the earlier levels.

The conveyer belts and platforms on top of the room, I feel that they are too high for player to see what's on it. I suggest you to lower it so that player still cannot reach it, but can see more of it.

Pretty polished UI and settings, few games on the jam get them to this much details.

Wow, just wow. Such a polished game, and you did this in a week? Bravo!

I was a bit skeptical about the "Use headphones for the best experience", but I glad I followed the tip.

The art style and audio together made a very "deep water exploration" experience, which very much adhere to the theme. 

The gameplay part is also very good, the risky and hostile aliens and environment gave the exploration experience a boost.

If you told me this is a game ready to be sold I would've believe it. There's a lot of game on steam that are less polished than this game. Great job!

Nice and intuitive controls. Feels really good to weave through the asteroids.

The game gets a repetitive after a few kms, I suggest you to add some vertical movement to the asteroid at the later stage, so they can move diagonally and not just straight left.

Didn't expected an enemy on IV, got a bit jump scared as it sneaked up from behind.

Great environment and atmosphere building. The ambient sound, sound effects, the fog, the lighting, all blends together nicely.

One suggestion:

The submarine shouldn't be able to collide and damaged by gems.

I hit a gem and it flew to a corner. I can never get that ever.

Seems easy at first, but gets hard as the game progress. The increased speed added so much risk to bumping into walls. And you can't really move slow and cautiously as the time is limited each dive. And because the time is limited each dive, you'll want to increase the speed. Really nice synergy between the mechanics to create a challenging situation for the player. Well done on that!

Also I liked that you have to learn the path, feels like you're progressing the game not just in upgrade numbers but also in memory itself.

The feedback on the mining action is spot on! The sound effect, the subtle screen shake, even the selection box shakes a bit. Definitely a satisfying mining experience.

The goal of the game is a bit vague, simply "get better upgrades" doesn't attract players to pursue. I suggest adding some milestones as short term goals (like a quest), like how deep the player has gotten, how many gems they've obtained, etc.

Good job on the game!

Got jumped scared by a dumpster. 10/10

Ok, everyone makes mistakes. Played the actual game and rated, loved the interaction between protagonist and the sister. Got the vibe of role playing with your baby sister. Great job!

Oh btw, I think it's best to take down the webgl build on the wrong itch page (so ppl won't play the wrong one), and also put a link there so you can redirect them to the actual itch page.

At one point I search through all the map and still not finding the destination, then I realized that some island will never appear until you reach next stage of upgrades (I assume? or you can only discover one new island each run?), which is kinda disappointing.

The sound effect of the blasting and hitting cannon is on point.. chef kisses. Even the combat is static, that alone makes it much more interesting.

I used the same color for anticipation and actual attack, so I get why it's not clear. Will give them different colors after the jam. Thanks for the feedback.

This game is published in Mar 2022?

This game has some extremely high requirement to play... you need to have a friend. Just joking :)


Add a cover image and some screenshot, you can add it now, it's not against the rule. Few people will play a game without a cover image.

Some music and sound effect would be great.

Game is hard, the drill is moving too fast and hit the skull heads before I can response. A bit more control on the drill would be great, like slightly affect its movement left/right.

The overall style gives a really good old-school 8-bit vibes.