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A member registered Nov 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

funbase got me beat on this one, am so garbage at simon saying things and dude whats with the dragon healing lmao is that bug, he already gots too many hps looool  my highest score was 26 like 3 times xD

loved the character designs and minigames, even tho am not good at simons say i like the part where it goes blep blep blep e e e

my caverim adventure xD

The overall vibes and theming of this is really sick! i wish there's more to the actual gameplay, but its really impressive given the time you spent!


took me a few tries but this was rad! I like how some of the designs were really intuitive which number they were like the pitchfork being 3 xD
a couple things i wasnt sure about:
-do you have to press attack twice just to prevent accidentally attacking, or theres a reason to click attack just once?
-i was trying to see if I could do a big combo and got 1-8 supplies in a row lmao but it literally gave me 0 points. is this intentional so you have to keep each 3 run separate?

18 Basketballs in a Trenchcoat

Biblically Accurate Mauimancer:

Tower of Babel

kinda wish i didn't see this played on stream before i tried it. i think one of the best parts of this game is the satisfaction of organically discovering the mechanics and world without walls of text like many games.  great use of diegetic ui showing when ur gonna get a new segment and how many segments u need to finish level too ^_^

hey i really liked the jam version! it was maybe a little too ez, but it still fun and satisfying to play <3

i also tried the updated version looking forward to seeing the changes but then i think it became too hard xD
it kept happening that i would have 1 enemy left but they were just the tankiest dudes it would take like 2 minutes just to kill him. i thought maybe its because the wizards were healing them way past their max hp so i started focusing the wizards first but it was still happening that the last dude refused to die haha

my main complaint in both versions was enemies would stay in the trees where you cant get to them, especially when they were fighting ur slime friends

overall great work, this was one of my fav from the jam!


looks good and plays well! i think it could be a lot faster pace and maybe the camera shows from the opposite side so you can still react quick enough with the increased speed

good work overall! loved the ending too >:D

really cozy looking game with surprisingly hectic gameplay hehe
would loved if theres proper online leaderboards to be incentivized playing even more for #1

here my final score >:D

i'm curious your experience with gamedev since theres nothing more on your profile page and the quality of your game is outstanding

I feel like this could have already worked with just the stock trading minigame but i love all the extra stuff going on and characters <3

the fact they are in different places each day helps reinforce that days are passing and makes the world feel more alive and lived in

i think i won on thursday night with 2.2k cash and like $900 more in stocks cuz i didnt know if i was gonna have another day or not and was betting big the on stocks i had for noogle, reactive, and the dull stocks i been finding around the office hehe

its really zen/chill game i just just wish there was more stuff going on! I played for quite a bit just for the sake of see how big i could get but accidentally closed out the game multiple times because escape key closes the game instead of giving you back your mouse xD

heres a idea i put together for expanding it a little  (its 2d but i think could mostly work in 3d too)

that's the kinda chaotic good i love to see in the world xD
thanks for play!

simple, charming, and addictive xD love the robo <3

i wish theres way to view the stack minimap for both sides and less delay between throws, but still had a bunch of fun trying to get better score >:)

almost made it 10 days xD
love the arts and upgrades! the giant guys knocking over the trees was a nice touch hehehe

(1 edit)

ya lmao

A lot of people have been struggling with it more than I anticipated though. You’re not alone xD

You can press Q to increase your length if you want to get past it. I was using that for testing and forgot to remove it hehe

great work badcop! there's a lot of attention to detail u did in conveying the character emotions

The shader and room stretching is excellent, but i also really appreciate the heaviness in the footsteps/movement, that you have to turn on the lights, and the bar going hella fast when u *accidentally* call the police

(i also went through the sequence a couple times to hit the green just to see if it did special dialogue xD)

i like the choice of items to go in this massive and otherwise empty room, paired with the disembodied voice...  kinda unsettling no joke lmao
hope to see u do more dev stream!

i love u used nick and ryan + and funbasealpha references/musics, i wish there was a little more mechanically with the gameplay, but legit i got spooked at the beginning when i was looking at controls and i turn left to see a nyan in my face xD the gameplay reminds me a lil bit like call of duty zombies so having other weapons, faster movement, and more things happening at once would have been sick

woah thanks for play! I actually picked up the project again on monday and working towards a Steam release soonish xD
Here's some things in the new update:
-New enemies and final boss
-New items and abilities
-Shop to unlock more items
-More difficulty levels
-More rooms to increase level variation
-Short tutorial
-Can choose any starting ability instead of only 3 randomized options
-Detailed descriptions for items to make more informed choices
-Various bug fixes and balance

These changes aren't playable here yet, but I will probably change this to a demo page with limited functionality once I have a new build ready (probs just access to the first couple difficulty levels and cant use the shop for the extra items)

awesome idea! the puzzles were done very well to complement the mechanics ^_^

(in unity, you could 9-slice the tongue, set the sprite renderer draw mode to "sliced" and adjust the width, so it doesnt stretch like when you scale it)

i didn't get the chance to played it, but this is some impressive work! (i was trying to get in on it when you were playing on Pomo's stream, but i think u guys didnt see my msg xD). theres a lot of opportunity with these coop multiplayer games and this is a solid framework!

really cute! gameplay is almost meditative (until i fall xD)
i really like the wobly physics of the lizard guy hehe but i wish he bounces off the sides a lil more (or my other idea i mentioned before where u can press space or click while ur in air and it shoots ur tongue, if it hits the wall it pushes you away, if it hits a hold, u get pulled to it, that would be crasy)

awesome! really impressive the amount you fit into this. It’s always a blast playing user made levels too. i really liked the stars and reward system for buying pieces and unlocking machines xD

thanks for play! Those boxes can be moved along the dotted lines on that level xD

Sir Breakfast is my hero <3

Puzzles were clever and very cute art ^_^

Really cool simple ruleset. I think it captures a sense of hopelessness as your vitality withers away that even more complex systems miss. it could even be applied to other stats like strength, sanity, social standing, etc xD

Starting at 20 could make gameplay stale with so many constant success in the beginning, but players could easily convert it to d6 or d12 to fit their game needs or just start with a lower value. 
(i think you have a double space after "<" btw)

Good stuff!

woah great game all around, awesome visuals, great soundtrack, really fitting sound effects, and engaging gameplay! only improvements i can think is unifying some of the UI with style of rest of game, speeding up the planting animation (I think they might all have the same animation time, but it seems long for first one because he doesnt need to move. might  be the same for some of the upgrade cards but idr), and I think a skull icon  over crops youre going to kill would be good like if you're about to water plants that are already ripe, instead of showing the water icon. might need a different visual effect so player knows its from watering and not from movement. Seriously great work though! Also that cover photo goes so hard, i love it xD

Dang that was hard, but love the lil ending animation! The character movement could definitely use a lot of work, but I think the game really shines with the level design. it's really impressive the alternate routes you can take depending on which orbs you have. The idea of choosing your own order to do the puzzles, but taking away a power each time you finish one is awesome! The art style was really cute, but the particles didn't fit. tutorial was perfect: short and effective!

loved the vibes and humor xD I was intimidated when I picked up the first clipboard and saw so much text, but it was well written and a joy to read through! I knew a little bit about SCP but didnt know about the classifications. i think a little bit more context in-game and definitions for euclid and keter classifications would have been great. i ended up looking them up after the first one xD

great work :D!

this is such a great game! hard as heck, but still had a blast. half the time I was running the poor frogs over on accident lmao xD

The game felt really polished, and the sounds fit perfectly . using cardinal directions for controls was a smart move and felt very responsive. Awesome entry, one of my favorites!

i'm curious how many other people saved, i only managed 10 hehe

Took me a few tries to fully understand it but look at me now! They can try to rig it, but they can't hold me down, I'll quickstep them and star jump straight into the sun!

Looked great and seemed very polished, and the explosion ability felt satisfying to use, but i agree with others that it seems there should be a way to recharge flame. the zoom out at the end makes it seem like it would be possible to burn the whole building, but I was only ever able to make it like halfway across. I think theres a lot of potential here, just missing 1 or 2 mechanics. I think the fans, and being able to hop down from higher ledge were also really interesting additions that players would have to consider to maximize their destruction

Wacky, charming, cute, BORZOINK! great name xD I managed 1397 after a few runs, but it seems no one else is posting high scores so idk how I stack up  against others D':

Seeing you have 200+ comments already I dont think theres much more I can contribute, but I'll quickshoot a bunch of things and hopefully theres something that hasnt been said

-add point values that pop up (kinda like dmg numbers) so you know how many points something is worth, know exactly when youre getting points, and generally add more feedback on your actions
-if you spin around next to a wall, you can start to float your guys up
-camera went wonky one time in top right corner of map and couldnt see stuff anymore
-music volume kinda loud
-cursor is no longer borzoink when you hover over buttons on main menu. This is dependent on the zoom scale of the browser. At 50% hes still borzoink no matter where your cursor xD
-web resolution is too large and fits awkwardly on webpage at 100% scale
-you have setting in page that adds a second fullscreen button. the itch fullscreen button fullscreens the game with respect to webpage scale but still keeps the  unity fullscreen button on it. The unity fullscreen button removes the bottom bar, and properly fullscreens it. you can specify the viewport dimensions so the unity bar on bottom isn't cut off either, just add an extra 60 px or so
-score and timer text can be kinda hard to see depending on whats behind them, having them on a separate panel would make look nice as heck
-i did ctrl+r to restart one of my runs real quick without having to wait for timer to run out and it reset my high score because thats bound to R D;
-mute button text is very blurry and since its only one thing in options, it could probs just be on the main menu in the corner or something. TextMeshPro (part of unity, but need to import the package) makes it a lot easier to do clean fonts and works almost the same as default unity text with extra options

-gameplay is quick and chaotic i love it. would love if theres other people you can knock around too haha xD
-sound effects + music: perfection. i love the song stops at end of timer, but i think something threw off the timing in one of my runs (probs clicking out of game or alt+tabbing)
-the way dog moves his legs is just smart and hilarious
-i misunderstood the hazard stats panel at first, but I think the point + bonus point system is really interesting. i think you only get the bonus when the object is destroyed? could call it damage reward and destruction reward or something like that to make more clear
-the physics with the rope and guy is way fun. very satisfying to just spin around :D

hope it doesnt seem like im nitpickings, i had a lot of fun in this game and wanted to contribute at least something that hasnt been said already xD

really charming game! graphics is really cute and consistent (although the settings menu is kinda hard to see with the white bg). I managed 5th on leaderboards after a few runs \o/

im glad to see you were already working on mobile version on your stream!

Loved the puzzles, this game was really clever! only thing i could hope for is knowing what the hekc the button wans from me at the start of the level so I dont gotta do the level a second time when I swap the wrong thing xD I liked that numbers could go negative, although I think negative hp should still be a death. also u can clip through 1x1 laser tile if you swap your speed to be fast enough and get lucky hehehe

I like the idea, but I definitely would have liked more to do during each level. I would usually just send in my slimes and mothmens (not really sure what they did, but i sent them anyway xD) at the hero and put archers in neutral stance then watch them battle.  maybe spells with cooldowns so I could heal guys, teleport, dmg hero, spawn monster, place trap, stun, etc. 

I think there wasnt much strategy in which layouts you picked, especially since you don't see the placement of the units before you pick. would be nice if it showed where all the units would be, and maybe each different layout could give a different bonus to mix up strategies too

I think the game does great in capturing reverse dungeon crawler theme. increase in number of units as hero delves deeper and tons of your units dying just to finally kill the hero once lmao finally got that guy on chamber 5

he levels ended up being a lot more difficult than intended. some of them have extra parts that distract players from the actual solution (especially level 4) and many of levels also have wonky unintended solutions. I posted a youtube vid on the itch page that has the intended solutions in the first 2.5 minutes, and all the alternate/wonky solutions in the rest of the vid in case you're interested

I spent most of the jam on that cutscene, so I didnt have a lot of time for the actual game xD

thanks for play and feedback!

its like they say, "if it works, it aint idiot" xD

the levels ended up being a lot harder than I anticipated, but jumping technique can halp a bunch even if kinda unintentional hehehe

The premise is wacky, and gameplay is great! There's a couple nice risk/reward mechanics that work in the games favor nicely like trying to get close to enemies to get the turret to hit them and also choosing how to upgrade your turret to deal enough damage to clear the enemies while still being able to maneuver through the onslaught of enemies and projectiles. 

i managed to get 9th on leaderboard after a bunch of tries xD

So cute! The game is really wholesome, but with the giant guy peering in, it also feels a little eerie. a perfect mix xD