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A member registered Sep 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi hytrain!

Wicked Dance Fighting is a name I picked up from the little feet anim the enemies has and a meme with friend, not much of a backstory and I saw no other games with that name so I grabbed it lol

For power ups I see I gotta add an indicator for what each does, but for now the effects are:

Light blue = +Max Speed

Green = Full Health

Purple = +Shield (protects you from enemies and kills them)

Red = Extra Sword

Orange = Longer Sword Range

Thanks you a lot for playing! Nice to see you liked it!

Thanks for the feedback!
Ye i thought i had fixed all the spawning issues with enemies last update with some anti cheesing fixes + a few checks, but it seems it either got broken or it was just a placebo and wasn't working, thanks for telling me
I'll also fix the menu thing, im not gonna remove the ability to move around and enter menu buttons like that, but im also gonna add the option to just use your mouse.

Hi, yes the attack does damage to yourself because that's the point, I put it in the description "but beware, every missed swing means one piece of your health is lost, but incase you are victorious you will get double of what you would lose."

Also thanks for commenting on the hitboxes, I will try to increase the hitbox size for enemies, thanks for playing!

Nice to see you liked it!

no sadly not but it was really strange i was like "wtf"

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hey so i wanted to ask what's this, cause keeps telling me people are coming from here and i can't play the game cause it crashes my amd video card
(it says on the analytics of this vn:


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Damn that's some fast reading lmao, Nice to see you liked it!

really cool

Thank you for the feedback!

Will work in adding more enemy feedback, bridges connecting the trenches and upper zones, and different guns (working in a modifiers system that changes your gun looks and mechanics with each one)

wait, open space at the bottom of the world? did you manage to clip out of the map or how?

Thank for the feedback!
I got a lot of streamers telling me the same about guiding the player, which is why im going to make big changes in the next major update following 0.5 (0.6)Im already planning for a tutorial, an intro, an ingame tool for guidance and a reworked guides system that can be accesed ingame.

Got a lot of feedback about making enemy feedback better, so that's something im already working on (hitmarkers, enemy hurt sounds, etc...)
I will also try to to make guiding players better (by adding an intro, a tutorial, and a revamped guides system on the coming 0.6)
I appreciate your feedback a lot! Though music will take time because my musician is currently on university so we were having problems (0.4 and 0.5 were supposed to have a lot of new music pieces, but that part of development fell through).

Thank you for playing it!

Already added hitmarkers which will come in the next update, and im trying to fix collision issues.

Nice to get feedback, will keep it at hand!

gotcha, 0.5 update is near the end of this month, and 0.6 in a couple of months, so I'll keep in conatct when 0.6 begins testing.

hey nice to see you checked the game!

Yea its still in a very rough state when it comes to guiding because im still building mechanics and systems, next update 0.5 will have the first boss so 0.6 will finally focus on creating an intro+ tutorial

Will keep in mind the hit markers

Thank you for playing the game!
Yea this was more like a little test experience rather than a full game, I do plan to make another VN with a similar art style in the medium term, being a LOT longer and having choices and maybe some small logic puzzles, so it's nice to see you liked the visuals and writing!

I do plan of doing a longer VN with a similar concept, so this is more like a small test experience

gracias por decirme lo de la altura

Estuve como 15 mins tratando de legar más alto pero no podía 

Esta muy bueno, pero diría q el nivel 1 podría ser un poco más lento pq es mucho más díficil que el tutorial


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Esta bonito y tiene buena música, pero en gameplay de por si no tiene mucho, estaría bueno como un minijuego dentro de un rpg con slimes.
Llegue hasta aca después de bastantes intentos, no se si se puede llegar más lejos¿ (1800 metros)

Es una idea interesante, pero creo que hay muchos errores los cuales hacen que fundamentalmente no sea muy divertido.
El primero son la cámara y el movimiento, el personaje se mueve de una manera como si estuviera snapeandose a puntos en el escenario en lugar de moverse libremente, además de que se siente un poco tosco. Mientras tanto, la cámara tiene demasiado zoom lo cuál hace que esconda elementos importantes fuera de esta (ej: el pozo cerca del principio)
Otro problema es que un par de los momentos se bugearon y los pase usando solamente 1 o 2 habilidades, además una pared invisible en una parte la cuál bloqueaba el paso sin mucho sentido.
Diría que si se pudieran arreglar esos problemas ya subiria mucho la cálidad del juego,


Nice to see you liked it!

Needing to press the little icon was a last moment change to make the game playable on web and android, didnt think much of it but a lot of people told me it was strange

Thank you a lot, nice to see you enjoyed it!

uh strange, ill be checking that

Hey nice to see you liked it!

The music bug is strange, could you tell me when it started happening?

Yea I got told a lot about the difficult curve lol, its something I gotta when I make Waythed 3

Hey hi!

Just launched an update adding audio feedback when jumping, you can enable it by pressing "jump indicators" in the options menu.

And ye the lack of original music comes from not being good at making music and my musician not being free rn.

Thank you a lot!

I was planning to do an updated polished version of the game with a couple of extra levels for the launch of Waythed 3, so I will keep this feedback in mind for when I do the remaster

Thank you a lot! 🤝

I played for around an hour, explored plains, beaches, a cave, and a sort of mountainish area and an area next to a river.

The story was incredibly cheesy, the dialogue weird and the gameplay janky, but I loved it so fucking much lmao, it was really awesome cause it really felt like some strange alien interpretation of earth, with a really small house, giant forests, the way scaling worked like, how the aliens thought you wouldn't see them if they would stay inmovile, etc...

I think it constantly walks the line of horror and parody, with sections that were really scary but then things like how unintentionally funny the dialogue was at times and some strange level design ideas (like why is there a fixed camera section near the start but nowhere else?)

The core design and idea is really good, with a nice execution but that can have really massive improvement:

- Make the flashlight centered, increase the range, reduce the brightness and remove the model (the hand isn't holding it so I think it wouldn't ruin inmersion) this would make it feel better to use, not as janky and would make the enviroments scarier cause you wouldn't be able to make them superbright.

- Remove the fixed camera section and make it so the next times you go through the initial area the tutorial messages don't appear.

- Make the items in the cornfield glowy (just like how you did with the keychain), increase the time before going insane, and maybe an extra challenge could be good? (like having to avoid a special alien or something).

- Add a little bit more variation to the corn and forest zones.

- Make the textures a little more rough, less glossy.

And I think thats all, the overall structure is good, just needs polish and quality of life changes. Great experience.

It's really unique and fun. The designs are all comical which really compliment the light tone of the game.
My only issue is that the combat is very easy and theres not that much depth to it, apart from enemies endurance and special effects (like snails slowness)
I would say the combat is the part needing most work and a lot of rebalancing, because everything else is perfectly fine as it is. 
Good work

I finally got it working!
Its really cute and small, I really like how the paper style looks.
I recommend lowering the chances of random encounters, because they are too frequent, or instead adding the enemies themselves to the world (blocking the chests might be a good idea)
Good work

The game is really fun, frantic and energetic. Shooting and the sound effects are incredibly satisying with how many bullets are fired in quick succession, combined with the fast enemies and open combat arenas with non linear progression makes the pace pretty quick.

Overall, I really like it, but there are a couple things I would recommend.

- Add more sound effects, I think the current ones are perfect, but even more would make it even better (sounds for enemies spawning, making voice lines that can play during combat, more mechanical sounds for the ships, sound for explosions, etc...)

- Idk if its a bug? but after a while there was no music in combat, which made it feel a little less hype, I think adding some electronic or rock music would be great.

- Make the player's shield green, sometimes I get lost and because enemy shields are the same color it takes a couple extra seconds to find it.

Thanks a lot!
Hope your son likes it (or at least you get a few laughs from seeing him try it)

Eyy thanks a lot!

Waythed 3 is going to have a little more lore, if you play the first game its more apparent the context of the story (you are a tiny piece of data in a corrupted PC grid, and you have to find the virus and turn the PC off) I didnt write a story for waythed 2, but you are still a piece of data, I should have added more context :p