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A member registered Jul 17, 2023

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Very fun game and super clean execution!
I like the style and the way it feels when u micro units.
The fact that it is possible to even micro with melee units and kite with them, but it is tough not get hit in return is great, 4 melee guys is def difficult^^

It would be cool to see a highscore, or see how many soldiers you have killed, since you can win by running around or by running away as little as possible and keeping high dps.

an alternative mode would also be fun where you have no waves but simply big armies that clash and you are (slightly or not so slightly) outnumbered and you simply micro big battles :D

very fun game :D!
sometimes it was hard to hear out the rhythm but I had to play with low music so that might've been the reason

also beat both first try :)

it's a cool concept but I find the objectives "get hit/dmg after death" absolutely awful, and as many mentioned it would be a bigger incentive to get objectives if they give more money. 

I would suggest to tie it to the bonus money you get. so similar to the bill that has I think a x3 bonus to bonus money, the objectives could give objective number * 5 + x3 bonus money= reward for clearing objective

very cool game, lots of fun!

Very fun and cool game! I was frustrated at the start with the 1st hero as it is hard to recover hit points and you don't understand the combos so well.

Playing with Gwen was alot of fun and is very rewarding tho :D
also coming back to the 1st hero after clearing the 1st level works better, but still if you don't draw defensive spells it gets iffy

It's very rewarding to understand combos and setups better and then make big chains, especially the banking system of mana is very cool!

I tried out the demo, VERY fun!

too much fun in fact, I played it late into the night ^^"
First of all, it ran stable, so no problems there.

Things I noticed:
Some skills are really hard to get into(reach level1). As soon as you reach it however then you can more effectively level it, and that is very satisfying.
The weaponsmith tree looked a bit underwhelming iirc. Maybe there could be several unlocks with levels, because even further in it didn't seem too great, but I could be wrong. 
Same goes for tailoring which I haven't tried out much. I guess I will with the next playthrough. but unlocking those crafting skills is rly difficult since you can only gain xp by salvaging^^".
Mining = $$$ :D
the ordering system is great! you can order stuff that you cannot make yourself, which is vital for tools and such for example!!
I am hesitant to say this, but I wonder if crafting the same item should have diminishing turns in terms of xp/ or the higher level you are in crafting the less you profit from low level crafts = you are level 1 you gain 100% xp from crafting for example firewood, if you are level 5 in carpenting  you only gain 40% from that, and on level 8 you only get 5% or smth like that. It feels weird to become a master carpenter by only making firewood xD
But I guess that is different for craft trees, for example for armor smithing it is more difficult to get enough ore to produce bars to enable crafting.

I really like the current gameplay loop, since at the start you have almost nothing, and eventually you get more money, order tools to enable skinning or chopping wood etc, and then eventually becoming really strong :D

Looking forward to more updates and when the game releases, great work!

btw SplatterCat mentioned your game in


It is so interesting to see the prototype now that the game looks so much more polished and so different!
You might not be able to progress so far but it is still prossible to get big numbers :) 

First of all: The game is great! I looove the comination of melee combat + spell casting, I love the "incantation" of the magic, the combos, the visuals are also very nice, especially the attack animations! 

But here some additional feedback in no particular order:

  1. I was quite disappointed when, during my 2nd walkthrough, I searched for alot of secret paths,chambers I found several but several had no reward and several where under construction :( sad (for example:)
  2. In my search I found a bug: when u walljump up here, the camera switches to the above room but your character falls down, and it stays up there (until you die or maybe escape? i just went into spikes)
  3. Quite early I tested moves against the dummies in the starting area and I found out that the most optimal way to attack seems to be jumping and quick and heavy attacks in succession: you deal by far the highest dps(with melee at least) and it is easy to engage and disengage. That is very fun for the player, but combat becomes quite easy and it's a shame that the normal atk animations won't be used since they are "inferior".
    That jumping atk is very useful vs bosses especially when they are floating but it seems OP, I am torn how to deal with it... :/
  4. 4 magics!?! so cool! but why is only fire relevant? because it's a demo... but I'm still sad:/ still, it's very cool to see the different characteristics of the other magic schools, with quick high dmg, and big setup and huge burst dmg, more range etc etc!
    personally I would find it reaally cool (I think, I am not sure how it would actually play out) if there were some incantations similar to 'homing', with more combinations, and possibly not even able to be prepared?
    Btw the system of preparing spells is I think quite well designed, it is not a big hassle for normal combat but you can also use it if you are well versed in combat itself. Combos would be also cool like first freezing the enemy and then shocking him, that would require quick switching! <3

In general this game seems super promising, is even right now very fun and fluid to play (even or maybe because of jump-atk-exploit^^"), and is pretty!

please continue working on this and all the best on developing it! very cool game <3

very cool game, I like the story telling and the asthetic!
The way you can always go back is really well made! :D

(1 edit)

This game is great! I love the idea of drawing runes/sigils to activate stuff, I would looooove a game where you draw runes/hexes to cast spells/curses etc :D!! but that's besides the point^^"
There is no pause button. That killed my first run since I got interrupted :/ . My 2nd run was my highscore and I reached Wave 37 with 522002$ (so always full risk >:D)

the special spells are really cool, and very useful at the later levels. the difficulty progression is very slow at the start, but great to teach you the game, and 10-20 is slow but later on it's great that the difficulty gets slowly increased^^"

good job!
do you know of other games that use a similar mechanic(and have combat) or would be up to make a game like that :D?!

Hi Cyan, created an account just so I could comment hehe

I always adored your art style, it's just so cute, soft, adorable but also sexy, alluring and oh so tempting!!!! And to discover that you made a game was so exciting!!!

It's hard to put into words just how much of a gem it is, the characters are so wholesome and lovable(especially Billy <3), the art is gorgeous, the scenes very fun and exciting!! I really enjoyed the teasing scenes as well in dressing room and getting taught by "teacher", it'd be fun to have more of that as well! but all content is sooo good

is there a chance that we see more of nadia(zebra) and more femboys/shemales in the story(like the peeping scene in baths)?^^"

Thank you, thank you, thank you for this game I just absolutely love it!! :D