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A member registered Jul 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks, I thought that I played so many games, It's odd that I never encountered that press down&jump mechanics.

Game is amazing, I especially loved the music and sfx. That's a factor which kept me playing despite of me dying so much. Sometimes I just waited and listened the music.

I liked the axe mechanics either, our hero has only 1 weapon but it's like he has 3 different ones.

Final 2 levels were cool, every level has it's own atmosphere, we never feel like we're just killing creeps in a hack&slash.

Only aspect I didn't like in this game is that we can't jump while running, I died a lot of times just because of that. But after I got used to it, that wasn't so much a big deal.

Great game!

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I'm stuck at first platform. I tried down key (both s key and down arrow), jumped, tried to smash it, but nothing worked. What am I missing here?

Oxygen + health system is used brilliantly. Rewind theme is perfectly used. Also loved the graphics.

Puzzles looks very complex at a first glance, but it's easy to get used to them by that addictive gameplay.

This is not a jam entry. This is a complete game!

I wonder how did you manage to complete that one in just one week, that's amazing. Difficulty curve between levels are so balanced, 

Levels look simple, but they are perfectly calculated puzzles. You feel like playing an action, platformer and a puzzle game same time.

That one is definitely one of my favorites in this jam.

You've implemented a 2D sidecroller shooter with 1 tutorial and 4 levels, including 4 different difficulty levels (I loved the name of hardest difficulty, though) in just one week. That's amazing!

I loved the ballistic mechanics of shooting. It's fun to aim above of enemies instead of aiming right straight to them, 

Rewind theme is greatly used. Great game.

Cool story.  Music is great.

But controls are kind of flimsy, not fun for going for speedruns. We can't predict how far the character will jump, and while we a an extremely limited time and no mistakes are forgiven, that ruins the fun.

If you implement more predictable platform controllers for player, that would turn into a gem!

Cool idea to rewind us back to our childhood.  Here are my statictics you asked in game page:

  • the biggest combo you've scored: 12
  • the fastest win you've had: 93s
  • the longest game when it comes to number of moves you've had: 70
  • the shortest game (number of moves wise) you've had: 70 (I've managed to win only 2 times, I got 70 moves in both of them)
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That was fun, but it feels just like an IQ test in that state. You have to focus on to make it look like a game instead of an exam, right? That's the skill we all game developers seek to increase.

I couldn't find any clues about the rewind theme here, is it about just restarting the game?

Sorry, please don't my negative criticism here, we all try to improve each others' game development skills.

Great atmosphere! I felt clostrophobic sometimes.

Crystals are not so necessary at this point as far as axe is enough to kill every enemy there, but when you expand this game after the jam, I'm sure they will be needed.

You put here a story with so many alternative endings in no time! Great job.

Footstep sounds would be louder, we can't ear them while music is unmuted.

A pixel-like font would perfectly fit into your pixel-art style.

Nice entry!

Art is nice, gameplay is flowy. It would be more fun if shooting was costing less energy to allow us kill more zombies, but as far as that's like a survival, it may fit the theme. Cool game!

That's fun to memorize AI movements and to act according to their timing. Playtime is quite short, but our time is short in that jam either, you created a 3D environment and music, so that's not a problem.

Another great usage of the theme!

Rewinding different tape parts of movie (or game) is a brilliant idea! Visuals are perfectly fit for the theme.

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Thank you for your review! I will definitely improve this one after the jam considering your valuable comments, mates!

The game starts muted, this is a bug. You can unmute it in game via settings panel by pressing ESC or settings button at top left of the screen in game. You can close the settings pop-up by same settings button or ESC key.

I loved the humor in that one. Another VHS tape rewinding company game, but guess what? We are not rewinding tapes on this one. Also the background story about those tapes is brilliant.

I literally laughed hard when I switched of the lights. And the end of dialogue with boss was real fun. (I hope that doesn't count as spoilers)

Is it possible to use the mop? I couldn't open the sealed door in WC which is leaking water. 

I'm really curious about the man in jail. I would like to have a conversation with him.

In general, this game was really fun to play. I always liked hand-drawn art.

Really fun idea, but I think the game should be faster. It takes too long to return back to start after making a clone,  

Also I'd be happy if I were able to destroy one of clones.  I'm placing a clone which blocks my way after playing 3-4 minutes, I would like to be able to destroy it instead of restarting whole level.

I liked the level designs.

To leave a trace of shadows of previous movements is brilliant! I really liked the rewind feature on this one, pausing while rewind is a gamechanger. That one was very fun to play.

I wished that it this game should be longer when I completed it, I deeply enjoyed that one. Please let me know if you publish a complete version of it after the jam, I look forward to play it more.

It took me over 20 lifes to complete, but I never got bored. You used the theme perfectly.

It's kind of sad to see those robots broken after seeing the happy memories stored in them. Nice atmosphere you got there.

Player can't jump on inclined surfaces and sometimes just glides without walking animation while walking, but as far as this is not a platformer, that's no problem. Nice to see an adventure game.

I thought that playing a shooter without shooting will be boring, but I was wrong. When there are dozens of bullets and cannons on the air, rewinding and watching everybody die was really fun.

A very fun implementation on a simplistic idea.

I didn't mind crash issue, as far as reloading the page fixes it. Also, of course there will be bugs in a time-limited jam.

There is sounds or music, but we are investigating survelliance cam records which don't have a sound or music, maybe that was your intentional choice. But maybe a VHS tape player sound would be cool.

I really liked your approach on randomly created characters, but it would be better if there was more variants on faces, bodies, hair, etc. Because sometimes game can create exactly same characters. I was definitely sure about the look of the kiler, but surprise, there is a twin of him:

That was fun!

Really interesting. You used the theme perfectly without making it complex. Art is cool.

That one looks like a completed game instead of a jam entry. I loved the throwing route sketches created while aiming.

Rewind theme is perfectly used. A great combination of casual and puzzle game genres.

I dig in the music, I tried to make one by pressing random buttons, but here we have a real puzzle game music :)

Cool game, it definitely worth to give it a try.

I enjoyed that one. Using jetpack is always fun.

I didn't like the controls, X and Z keys are hard to access while pressing A and D to move horizontally. I would prefer W to jump and Shift of or Space for jetpack, while my right hand is already idle.

You are really talented in music making.

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That's amazing. A demonstration that you don't need complex objects to make an enjoyable game. A few shiny spheres, squares and polygons will suffice.

Rewind feature works like a charm, I liked the idea to be able to choose to rewind objects or whole scene, that should be hard as hell to develop! I can't imagine how could I code that in 1 week.

This one will definitely turn to a gem if you make the starting sections easier to let player get used to pace.

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I would like to play this one with mouse (or touch in mobile devices) instead of keyboard, that way I could move more accurate.

I always confused pink with purple, but that's my problem :)

Graphics and audio are great, simple but very effective.

Colors are changing so fast, which is making the game hard, but the difficulty is not insane. We always like some challenge, huh?

This game is greatly enjoyable to play.

It would be better if there were attack sounds. Kicking the creeps without getting hit is far easy, but I didn't mind it. But when we face the final boss, I expected a huge boos fight.

Visuals are great. You've got nice talent also in music, keep up with making games!

That one is deeply fun, I really enjoyed that. Having only a few shurikens looked harsh to me at first, but when I rewinded them to my hand again, I said that I don't even need a gun anymore.

Double jump made it even smoothier, traversing around is easier than it looks. 

I found it kind of easy, but as far as killing enemies gives me joy, easier is better, right?

A greatly enjoyable entry for this jam.

It's quite simplistic, but I liked the graphics. 

"The precision is the key" level is harsh, but high difficulty is good sometimes :)

Great game.

Great, I really liked it, it became a real fun game to play.

Levels are designed cool, you can't cheat by going too slow, you have to get your timing well.

I enjoyed it.

P.S:  Tip of the mountain at background here looked like a spike to me, I thought that I will die if I step on that block :)

That was really hard for me, but a nice approach for theme. I also liked the music.

That was fun,  Sounds and music are great. To be able to play with mouse or keyboard is cool.

I would like to be able to pass the talks quickly, but talking takes time, so no problem.

Visuals are cool, 2D and 3D objects combined well. A pixel-like font for dialogues would go better in my opinion.

Nice game, I had good time while playing it.

Spoiler for other players: The killer is the butler. Whoops, I guess that was another novel.

Great, I really liked that one. Alzheimer is a nice approach to the theme.

Manolo was a smoker when he was a teen, but we see that he quit when he gets old. He is a wise guy, cool detail :)

An amazing entry to the jam.

P.S: I stuck here, when I jump, I hit my head to the ceiling an I fall onto spikes. I tried over 10 times. If I had one more memento there, I would turn back to baby while I was air and glide, but there are no more mementos. So, is there a detail that I can't get?

Thank you, I will definitely use these advices to improve the game after jam.

A funny approach to the theme. I realized that I missed to fly kites :)

You are totally right. They are spawning fully random now, I will implement a new, more balanced spawning mechanism after the jam.