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A member registered Jun 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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My expectations were: Gray deals damage, green deals more damage, red is a miss.

Bug: Enemy health goes up when you hit green. Unintended behavior?

I'll give everyone else a hint: Jumping is not the only way to gain height. :3

Incredible game! Suggestion: I want to see my "text file" on death, including typo. For screenshot potential, mainly.

Thank you so much!

Great game! My suggestion for a mechanic is being able to press the number keys (1, 2, 3, etc.) to play the first/second/third/nth card in your hand. Seems like it would be another fun way to play the game.

My only complaint is that you can't "royal straight" (10 - J - Q - K - A), but other than that, this alpha seems promising.

Oh, yeah! I never knew about that. Thanks!

Suggestion: There should be a button that lets you immediately put all selected cards onto the play area. Right now, the current way of playing them feels a bit slow and awkward. Other than that, good game!

I have all of the story, you just need to play a lot to unlock all the lore.

For me, the game is bugged. Fully loading the game requires rapidly clicking the Fullscreen toggle button. Neat game though.

If it's anything like Super Auto Pets, which it is, your runs are stored in the game servers for other people to fight, and you fight other people's stored runs.

An incredible roguelike. I love the modularity of the upgrades!

The synergies in this newest version are amazing!

1. Game Developer adds its power to all pieces with 0 base power, then basically gains 1 power each turn. I had three to four of these.

2. Crimson Terror marks Beasts for destruction, absorbing their bonus power.

3. Sheep are Beasts that have 0 base power, but have a chance to multiply.

4. Darrrrrrr and Aegis protect Beasts.

I had a Crimson Terror with over 1,000 power. I one-shot Boss 12 with the Mayday.

I also had the Thief, which stole base power from my pieces and made them viable targets for the Game Developers.

Aegis + Secret Chest was also a very lucky combo, where the Aegis protected the chest multiple times in a row, allowing me to get several rares.

Note: If you have an Extra Life, do NOT take Recycler, or it WILL eat the Extra Life (which is an Item).

(2 edits)

This game is a work of genius. It's a well-made "autobattler" game in the style of Backpack Hero or even Reynad's upcoming game The Bazaar, where smart placement can mean the difference between a win and a loss. The crafting system is very cool, especially when you see a powerful crafted item carrying the opponent to victory, and you wonder how you can craft it. I first found out about the crafting system accidentally, sandwiching two whetstones between two Wooden Swords, crafting my first Hero Sword. It was a mind-blowing moment that turned this game from a pretty good Super Auto Backpack Hero into a true masterpiece.

No problem! No problem at all.

Really cool game! I love the roulette and how the cards are built around its mechanics. It's very fun to draw your whole deck and dump it onto the roulette and watch everything go.

A note: you can actually press space to spin the roulette if that happens.

I am reporting a bug. When you finish a match and go to the character select screen from the winners screen, you can't get farther than selecting the costume for the first character. The only way to play again is to go back to the main menu.

I would also like to say that this is a really good game!

I have had so much fun speedrunning this game! Here's my fastest time:

I've learned that you can pretty much run past all the enemies, the slide is key to going fast, and that you can conserve your High Noon from the first boss to the end of the demo with well-timed uses of Force.

Good stuff! The space currency being left on the screen after a wave and you being unable to shoot it is kinda lame though.

This game is awesome!

When I saw Lone Ruin in a Retromation video and took in its artstyle, something looked familiar...

Anyways this is gonna get a full game now. Good for kebabskal!

Awesome game! Seems familiar... :P

This is a really cool card-fighting game and I would love for you to continue working on this!

Encountered this before. Pausing kills it.

No problem! Thanks for the feedback!

I love this game!

Thanks! Glad you like it.

Yeah, the ground detection is a bit of a problem, due to a hacky solution I needed to use. I can probably fix that post-jam.

Very clean and well-balanced physics. Haven't got past the soft drink castle yet. 10/10.

This game is really good, also I did the shortcut. :D

Good movement! I found a bug where you can get crushed between a wall and one of those big moving blocks and softlock the game. Thankfully the campfires act as save points.

So this is where it all started. I wish you much luck on your gamedev career.

Awesome game. If only all escort missions were like this.