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A member registered Nov 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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At some point, you can spam the x2 and it’ll just multiply the points by 2 infinitely without ever costing you anything This happened under a minute

Terrible Game

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beat it first try with a close 1 card on both sides on normal

Ive beaten the game but the sans garfield with gun duo move is so FCKNG ANNOYING

good game but nerf the totem monster

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good game but the final battle for story mode sucks because most deaths are just falling off the stage because its harder to recover from that distance.

easiest way to beat all modes with any king is just: ranged tower with an enchantment, library (anything past 1), and a farm.

it was a strategy I discovered and love


I agree for a different reason. after a certain amount of rounds pass there are so many shamans that the game struggles to load everything in for me this started around round 40

I help you just look at my other comment

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wanna be invincible I know just the trick

1.) get a wizard tower

2.) get the enchantment that blocks first hit (equip it on wizard)

3.) get a library and put next to wizard tower

4.) funny

5.) (optional) get the static chain enchantment aswell on wizard

no its a clown

We’re taking out the trash with this one!! 🗣️ 🔥🔥🔥🔥

alright i may not have video proof but i have a reliable source: (trust me)

I completed the game withing 7 min by pure luck



ok idea popped into my head.

A card that gives the enemy every status effect good and bad like shields, blight, fire, health but also damage? ect you get the point

Same thing can happen with shields

with weaken effects 640 (early game)

421 no weaken effects in play

thanks this of course will happen when I start taking coding classes

peeps I am on a mission. I am stacking shield until I cant anymore because the enemy damage would cancel it out. wish me luck and place your bets on how high I can go. I will post a picture of the total amount afterwards.

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a idea just occurred.

what if there were classes instead of random cards at the start and the classes you choose had a higher chance in finding cards that suits that class and weapons that don’t match the class are weakened and cards that do are buffed slightly

of course there should be a classic mode so you don’t have to choose a class

(also question is there any way that I could maybe create a copy of the game in the future but modify it? add my own ideas but of course credit you as the original maker kinda like the Isaac modding community.)

Personally Im more of a brute player making it so the enemy just cant do nothin’. its kinda satisfying in a way

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ok people which type of player are you

Brute - uses weapons that weaken the enemy mainly

Archer - bow and arrows for their main weapon

Spellcaster - wands, fire, ect

Warrior - Whatever card deals more damage/defence

Tank - endurance build aka status effects, shields, hp

Summoner - summons ally’s to fight for them and tank damage, heal, and give sheild

Knife thrower - daggers do I need to say more

Arsonist - FIRE (flame arrows, fireball, lightning, anything that sets the enemy on fire and in excruciating pain)

oh neat, cant wait!

won on my second try

Great game as always but I think there should be a button at the beginning that’ll bring you to a challenges tab and different challenges would appear and that’s how you could unlock other cards


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maybe the player revives with half health and for the remaining round can only use 30% of their cards and the cards are buffed but slightly. it would also be a one use before being completely removed from your deck. the card itself would do nothing tho and has to be in either your hand or the draw pile to work

just an idea

im just going to put this out here there should be a revive item for either the player or summon but it gives a buff after death

crashes are ᵐᵒˢᵗˡʸ fixed great game and just a suggestion could you add an auto-stack coins button so u can keep track of them?

game freezes when too many daggers are used at the same time ~3+

my only request for the next update is mobile controls


no just.. no

dude this is pointless. its chronically online behavior, just try to be less rude I might’ve admittedly misread what you’ve meant but that doesn’t mean we have to fight over someone else’s short game. lets just end this

Worry :D

LOL imagine getting mad over a online argument YOU ARE THE LOSER you say I yap but look at your comments look at what you just commented and think again. LOL this is hilarious, I was just trying to be respectful to the creator but YOU don’t know what respect even is.

It’s not my game. Plus its not criticism that’s just being rude, Criticism is telling the problem and saying how you could improve it not just an insult.