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A member registered Nov 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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We appreciate you taking the time to play and your kind words! The drag and dropping for the cooking was unfortunately more of a compromise solving the issue that we did not have a way to split stacks of items, so the alternative way of just dragging the whole stack into the pot meant if you had a stack of only one type of crop you couldn't cook anything. The real solution would be some quality of life stuff like a cook all button or maybe implementing a split feature but unfortunately time restraints meant we just had to get it functional above all else. Basically what I'm saying is I very much agree with your assessment about UI lol. I'm glad you had some fun and a appreciate the advice!

I'm glad that was able to help out a bit, sorry some stuff came out a bit obtuse. We really appreciate you giving it a shot though! I ended up quite happy with the bamboo as well so I'm glad people seemed to like it!

Thanks so much for trying it out! Yeah we struggled with tutorializing and conveyance a bit, ideally stuff would be more intuitive and the game would teach you in natural ways, relying on the  game's page is definitely a compromise so that's not on you. Very clever use of the debug button though lol. I'm glad you vibed with the ambiance though, I think the pieces did come together pretty cohesively on that front. 

Love this entry, one of the coolest ideas in the jam with awesome execution. This scratches such a specific itch I didn't know I had, imagining a room from the descriptions of a text based game then being able to freely explore that room and compare it to my imagination. Fantastic work!

I'm glad you had fun! I've been on a metal gear kick lately so I agree that these types of games can be a lot of fun. I think with a bit more polish and some hitman sprinkled in this idea could really blossom. Thanks so much! 

We appreciate the honest feedback, this project definitely needed some more time in the oven yeah. I'm suspecting that sliding movement bug is the conveyor belt not realizing you're not on it anymore lol. We are considering reworking the camo mechanic entirely because I do agree with your ideas on ambiguity. It was meant to be from the guards pov in this version though, it just didn't quite work as intended unfortunately. I think a more snake eater esque "blending" value that detects your surroundings and just gives you a set value of how hidden you are may be a better solution, we will mess with it for sure. Thanks for much for playing and I'm really glad you were able to find some fun amongst the bugs haha. Thanks so much! 

Nice entry. As others have stated the camera is pretty disorienting, but I managed to play through it alright. The mode shifting mechanic does have some potential and it was cool to see some of the other ideas that you came up with at the end. The infinite jump saved me a couple of times for sure haha. For me the highlight of the project was the UI art, it really stands out and was really stylistic and readable, so great work on that too. 

Thanks for playing! I do agree the idea has good potential. We have been workshopping some alternative methods to make the cloaking more consistent on top of fixing the current bug, like making it more of a value of how cloaked you are in your current surroundings,  similar to snake eater. We were super unsure if we were going to leave the roll stun in the game as it was more intended as a debugging thing and another snake eater reference. We decided to leave it in but as like a secret move you could find out, but after watching people play through the game a bit it's become clear to me that the roll stun is almost a necessity to getting through some sections. So on future iterations we will definitely bring more attention to that ability.

Awesome idea and implementation, there's a lot of stuff I wanna compare it to (Superhot, Necrodancer, FNF, etc) but it really does have it's own thing going. I really like how your mistakes come back to bite you and you're like carving out your own optimal path through the game. Its really fun trying to be like optimal in predicto mode as to not make your sticko mode run too difficult. great entry!

Definitely one of my absolute favorites. The aesthetic is fantastic and the idea is so weird but also cozy. Goin around cookin eggs for a bunch of weirdos is definitely one way to interpret the theme. I found the process of learning how to cook eggs a bit tumultuous at first, but eventually my knowledge of the mechanics became almost ubiquitous. 

Super cool visuals, very fun to play. I really like the idea of baking the difficulty modes into the game like this, just letting us dynamically choose what lane to be in to best match our abilities. Cool entry!

One of my favorites for sure, such a funny idea with really good execution. Its got that nice arcade quality of just grinding it out trying to optimize and see what other modes will pop up. Voice acting is awesome, very authentic to the style its going for.  Super cool entry, great work!

Thanks so much for playing! I am glad the fun of continually bullying the security guards was conveyed well. And yeah the camouflage system is unfortunately pretty broken atm.

Thanks for the kind words! I really appreciate you taking the time to finish it despite the reset bug, I know that was frustrating. Thanks for playing!

Woww very impressive entry! Smart decision on the scope, short and sweet! Super clever mechanics and uses of them. Everything felt super natural and didn't feel like it needed to be tutorialized, I felt like I just immediately understood what was expected of me and what I could do. Very cool aesthetic too, its awesome to see a 2d/3d hybrid executed so well. The volume button becoming a gameplay mechanic was an awesome moment for me, also realizing that I was playing as composite cables was great. The ending thing was pretty interesting too. Fantastic work!

(1 edit)

Hey, thanks! We might have pushed the mechanics too far given the issues you've noticed, might have been better off polishing rather than adding one more trap lol. Bullying the guards was one of the first visions I had in my head for this game so I'm glad that was able to shine through! Thanks for persevering through the bugs though, the falling through the level one is really unfortunate but I am pretty sure I know how to fix it after the jam. Thanks so much!

Woah this is an awesome entry, I love the idea of a like reverse, polite Godzilla game. Trying to avoid stepping on people and bumbling your way through a massacre is a very cool idea, though I imagine there will be players who just go out of their way to stomp on every civilian they can so they might experience a bit of a dissonance lol. I think the split screen developing over time is also a really cool idea and is well implemented. Arts cool, ideas cool, execution is cool. I definitely enjoyed bigmode more, but the smallmode feature is a nice addition. Great work!

We appreciate all the compliments! Balancing out a stealth game is far tougher than we anticipated, so there are definitely some elements that are more challenging than intended and some elements that are easier than intended, so I totally see what you mean about just running past enemies. Especially since the stealth system is super inconsistent at the moment. I think that given more time we could give more incentive to the stealth system as well as giving you more methods to handle enemies outside of stealth rather than just needing to run away every time. Thanks so much for playing!

pretty fun simple game, its really satisfying to go monkey mode on everyone and just smash up the level.

Very cool entry! This one really sinks its teeth in and ends up being surprisingly addictive. I think this is a cool idea that really has some legs. The tutorial really helps but as others have said it is a bit rough to start, but it does really click eventually. I really liked being able to upgrade your dice and increase the amount of them, it's almost like one of those idle cookie clicker type games but the currency is actually going toward gameplay. There was still some ambiguity for me by the end of my play session, like how much damage the home base can take, what the lightning bolt thing does besides creating more tanks, and the benefits of other tanks over shoot, but overall I feel like I got pretty effective at the game. When I realized I could click and drag to roll all the dice in one sweep I actually gasped that was so satisfying haha. Nice entry, good work!

Thanks so much for playing and I appreciate the kind words on the aesthetic! You saying that the side stuff outgrew the main mechanic really resonated with me and is actually quite a good point. We definitely got a bit ahead of ourselves getting these side mechanics going before we were sure the main one worked, and its definitely something to take into consideration in future projects. Thanks again!

Fantastic entry that definitely deserves some more attention. The idea of the debug mode is really clever and cool, the presentation and cutscenes are awesome, the lore and marketing stuff around the game is really impressively done, these guys are pros. I had a lot of fun messing around with the goofy character movement and slowly making the game more and more playable. Great job!

Super cool presentation and mechanics. I really like the idea of controlling multiple character with these different windows, and the little minigames to unlock them are pretty funny. Great work. Also yeah I similarly as well enjoy the big duck too. 

weirdly addicting, I came back to this one quite a few times. It is definitely janky, and the aiming feels off in a very weird and hard to explain way, but the flow of getting new modes stacked on top of other modes over and over again creating these wacky scenarios and builds was just so fun that I always looked past it. Cool entry, I think this could be a cool idea for a full game. Getting akimbo full auto infinite ammo plus explosive ammo was a highlight of the jam for me, good work. 

Nice entry! It feels really good to switch between modes and just survive, this is a cool mechanic for sure. Definitely challenging but a very well done entry!

This game immediately caught my eye, this is really up my alley. I think this game is really impressive and challenging. Cool style and cool idea, great work!

Very clever little game, good to see another Light mode/ Dark mode entry in the wild like this, we shared a braincell on that one for sure. It does a really good job of taking otherwise simple levels and making you look at them in a completely new way, which is always nice. Cool game!

This game was made by some absolute sickos and I'm all about it. This is the most out of the box interpretation of the theme I've seen yet. Starting this game up just to completely delimb my rat then send him out to get pummeled made me think it was some sort of rat torture simulator or something, but when I started buying robot rat parts and playing Frankenstein I realized I was actually playing rat Armored Core. That's when it clicked for me and I started really grinding it out. That like disgusting funky ass workshop theme is burned into my skull now and really does a great job of setting the tone. Overall I had a lot of fun and think yall did a good job! I think that some more polish to the fighting side of things and making it a bit more interactive could really elevate this project. Maybe you could cheer on your rat, or throw him little treats, maybe boo the opposing rat? Maybe you could do like nascar-ass quick pitstops replacing parts mid fight but leaving him vulnerable during the process? Or potentially it could go the full fighting game route and let you just control the rat yourself? A lot of potential here for sure, great work!

Very clever interpretation of the theme, super impressive entry. This game is really addicting, I remember streaming this in the discord after the jam finished and dying over and over again, even dying after having beaten that final boss by catching one last rogue projectile, and still wanting to just grind at it until I finally beat it. Controls are tight, visuals are authentic and unique, and the enemies are fun to fight. Overall just a really nice, short and sweet entry that I enjoyed a lot!

This kicks ass man, great great work. My personal favorite so far, the style and presentation is just ridiculous, so well done. Could easily be a full release with some more levels. The animation also stood out to me quite a lot, especially the reload animations. I do think the enemies in general could do a little more to pop put from the environment though. But yeah really cool interpretation of the theme and great job!

Hey, thanks so much for checking it out! We had a lot of fun with the style and really tried to stick with it throughout. I think that we ended up with a really cool foundation and just didn't give enough time to polish and thoroughly playtest, but we would like to revisit and patch this up once the jam is over. First on the list of overhauls is the camouflage system, because yeah as you said it doesn't really work. We were using a pretty cool setup that checked the UVs of the object the enemy is looking at and checked if it was on the left or right side of the texture to decide if it was a white or black surface, which meant we had to set up the UVs and textures in a very specific way for the levels and objects in the level.  
Unfortunately there is a build specific error that doesn't show up in the first section but does in the others oddly enough, so we did not catch it in time. Next would be a lot of the AI behavior, as they certainly need some more tweaking. That was one piece of feedback we got a lot during what playtesting we did do was that the AI was too aggressive and powerful. We tried to tone it back without making it too easy and we did not go far enough, they still are not quite at a point where they are fun to sneak around unfortunately. And yeah, the bugs are rough, but totally fixable thankfully. I think if we gave it another week we could iron out all the existing bugs and tweak it to be in an overall better state, then with even more time we could make more levels, more traps, more enemy variants with new behaviors, etc. I'm glad the continuous level idea worked well too, it was mostly made to avoid needing to make any sort of save/ scene transfer system to be totally honest but I do think it works quite well. I think making the guards routes more dynamic and have them walk between level chunks could be quite interesting later too. Thanks so much!

Thanks for playing, glad you had fun! I had a lot of fun with the banana peel as well haha. 

Thanks for trying it out and I'm glad the slingshot was satisfying to use! And its not just you, the blending in system is definitely broken. it seems to be a bug that only shows up in builds in certain areas so we did not really have enough time to fix it by the time we had found it. There are a handful of other known bugs, like getting grabbed at the same time an enemy gets stunned essentially softlocks the game. There's also the issue of occasionally falling through the level when you get grabbed, and some weirdness with the trash chute system. So overall we just did not leave ourselves the necessary amount of time to polish and clean up everything. Still had a ton of fun and made something pretty cool!

Wow, thanks for trying it out! we had a pretty good vision of the general loop of the game but the individual steps were for sure improvised along the way so I'm glad that worked out for you. I could see that point with the tedium of carrying things around actually, and its definitely something we would look into changing on further iterations, although some of the tedium is intended, ie carrying the artifact back to the hub is meant to be a tense situation balancing the artifact and trying not to break it, but setting up traps was a bit more tedious than intended. Sorry the crouch roll didn't work, that value is adjustable so that could potentially be changed to be a bit more lenient. Thanks again for all the kind words and taking the time to try out our game!

Awesome! That's a pretty good amount of progress so thanks so much for playing! And hopefully you have some better luck next attempt. I really appreciate your feedback. That is a really good point about the difficult sections having alternate ways to return to the hub just in case you want to come back and try later without backtracking through the entire level, and it is certainly something I'll take to heart going forward. As far as the difficulty spikes go, some are intentional and some are steeper than I intended, I think I often worry about things being seen as too simple while designing levels and end up overcorrecting in the wrong direction.

I also agree on the easing bit, it does just start you off needing to make a difficult precise jump followed by a well timed one, there's not really a simple one to start out and let the player get comfortable with that mechanic. I am glad you had fun with what combat there managed to be in the finished game, we had much bigger plans for melee enemies, ranged enemies, drones, boss fights, etc and ended up with just the turret due to time restraints, but if we continue working on it we will certainly add those missing features in. I think if we do continue working on it there will be some big overhauls with the level design, puzzle design, conveyance, player movement, and just more content!

Awesome! That was really insightful to watch through, I took a ton of notes. It was really interesting seeing some of the pitfalls I had set up without really realizing it, like the path to the ending. I intended that to be a checklist you check off as you progress, like "oh I'm this much closer to the ending!" but in the finished product there's no way to know that, so most people assume that's just where you are supposed to go. Especially since I give you the shock prong there and then give you a battery to test it on. Mainly I just realized from watching this how badly I needed more time to playtest. For example, there is an issue with the current version and conveyance, there are a lot of points where a puzzle is solved and it's hard to tell what it even did, there needed to be better audio queues, cutscenes, better level design, etc to make it harder to miss what exactly the problem is and when it is solved. I am really glad you stuck with it until the end though, thanks!

I was surprised how much I liked this one lol, it has a good tone and style and the bouncing is really fun and satisfying. The way the frog spins and flails through the air never gets old. I also really liked the little message from the tv at the beginning. I think this is a solid foundation that I could easily see becoming a fun standalone project. I also really liked the axis swapping mechanic and I am glad to see another 3D entry, there haven't been a ton of those so us 3D boys gotta stick together. Also the lore was pretty interesting and funny given the contrast to the silly bouncy frog. I think if you really pushed the platforming and puzzling of this setup further it could end up very interesting! All that said, I did also have the ceiling stuck issue, and I also absolutely think the axis swap needs to be significantly faster, as well as not locking player movement for nearly as long. That should be a really snappy interaction and it ends up feeling like a chore at this speed with as much as you use it. I also wish the gravity swapping mechanic got used a bit more. Great work though, more people should play this one!

(2 edits)

Wow, I really appreciate the in depth write up! This is a lot of great feedback and some awesome insight. It will be hugely helpful in future projects. Reflecting on the jump, I am starting to think it's more of a level design issue than a character controller issue. Like the jump is deliberately clunky, and while I do think the values could be tweaked to feel a lot better, I don't think the levels were adequately designed to be explored by a clunky character. Those tedious jumps at the start are a key example of that, it's just a design decision that would fit better with a lighter character controller that could carelessly jump up them without thinking much of it. So I think if I were to revisit this project, that would be something I would have to keep in mind. I would need to be sure to design the levels in a way that fits the character better. 

I'm really glad that people seem to like the dash jump, the speed you can build up by timing the jumps was a really fun unintended effect that I just had to keep. I would usually just hold shift then tap space as soon as the dash animation started to get a chain going, but yeah the timing can be tight. In a revisit of this, I would lean more into the dash and utilize it better given people's positive response to it. 

I appreciate the praise on the puzzles, I did end up pretty happy with how they tested all your abilities in interesting ways. Its really hard to know if people are going to understand what the problem they're meant to be solving even is so conveying all that without being condescending or annoying is a really delicate balance. 

As for where you got stuck, it sounds like you didn't get the vertical boost power up, which you get at the end of the third level, the alien spaceship. I have noticed some people miss this levels existence, so I think it could have been signposted better, but yeah there is a third level where you get the final powerups and play with a new mechanic. 

I do wish I could have made the cave level more cave like, I originally had plans to sculpt it out to make it feel more natural but time restraints made me fall back on just making it with normal primitive shapes, I'm glad to hear it still worked for you though. The scale of everything was not something I initially planned but it was something I fell into over time and ended up liking a lot, especially with how quick you ended up being with the dash. 

I'll be happy to see your recording! And I really appreciate you not only taking the time to play it, but to write this great review. Thanks so much! 

very cool, a well done set of mechanics! I enjoyed having the jump be an unlock. I had some worries about if I just missed what the jump button was or something but the level design reassured me that I was playing right, as it was all completable with just crouching. This section was pretty fun. I think the style overall was pretty good, but would have benefited greatly from some more variety and areas. I think the story was pretty efficient, it managed to be fun to read and think about without overstaying its welcome too much. I like the main character being a simple silhouette, it looks nice aesthetically and is also a very economic decision for the jam. I also think the grab upgrade felt really satisfying and helped see the level design differently. I think the final version of the character, with the jump, grab, and attack felt pretty smooth to control and it would have been very cool to see some more wacky abilities, ie ghost powers or something. Overall I just ended up wishing there were more levels, I really felt like I just started to get in the swing of things when the game ended, so keep working on it! Great work 

Super cool idea! Very unique and a nice twist on what defines a metroidvania. Overall I had some real fun with it. I think the level design and writing could be a bit more detailed given how much the game relies on those as a text based adventure though. Some more direction on the players goals, the aesthetics of the area, how to use certain abilities, etc would really go a long way here. Also wasn't sure if there was a way to check your own health or status, but if not that would be nice. Overall good work and keep it up! Love seeing unique takes on the prompt like this