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A member registered Aug 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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Great art style, fun idea, interesting strategic choices to make. Honestly the most fun game I've played so far.
My only issue is that I was on such a good run that I couldn't stop playing for 45 minutes.

Very cute! It took me a few tries to get out of world 1. But after that it was a smooth cruise to victory.

Love management games. Really wanna make something like this next year. The mining was a bit micromanagementy for my taste though. 

Really impressive scale. 3D jam games are crazy to me to begin with. But the scale of the map on this one is really something else. I did keep getting stuck in traffic in the tunnels. Which I get it part of the deal when you're playing a game called "bloody traffic"

Had a lot of fun with this one. Creating a good strategy game with interesting mechanics and choices to make it pretty difficult in the scope of a game jam. Especially because you need to make an AI that can make those choices as well!
The sound effects were really great too.

I love alchemy games! And I think the mouse/alchemist dynamic is a really fun take on the theme.
The art is great and the different ingredient prepping types were fun. My only complaint would be that I kept missing my jumps with the mouse haha. But maybe that's just me.

Looks like we had the same take on the theme!
I found the controls to be a bit finicky. The mouse sensitivity could have been set a bit higher.

Died pretty fast on my first try haha. I like the take on the theme of "scaling" a mountain. Could have been cool to have a bit more player choice, the power ups were really what made it interesting.

Great style! It took me a bit to really get going. But once I got those long cucumber chain reactions I really got into it.
And I made 9th on the leaderboard!

Spent more time playing this game then any other so far. Just really enjoyed watching my fleas vibe.

Absolutely love the concept of switching between the inside and outside of a mech.
The camera movement felt a bit clunky but I honestly feel like with a bit more polish there is even potential to expand this idea to a full game.

Honestly feels like a non jam game you could just buy on steam. That's how well polished it is. If there was sound it would be perfect!

I immediately fell in love with the intro. Especially the music was great.
The jump was a bit finicky at times and I've definitely needed to restart levels a lot. But I think you've managed to put in an incredibly amount of mechanical depth for a jam game made in just a few days.

Wow! This might be one of the most polished game jam games I've seen so far. Even the game page is incredibly well done. The gameplay loop itself is a bit simple. It would have been really cool to to have some power ups or something similar.

Incredibly fun idea and amazing vibes. Especially the ocean sounds in the background did wonders.
The controls were a bit too hard for me though. Didn't really get that far sadly.

The must fun I've had with a platformer entry so far. And the best music I've heard so far!

Max stars all the way. I was impressed by the voice acting and puzzles. But then I was blown away by the in game sprite editor. Really really great stuff!

Fun concept! I was not prepared for how fast he was going to be at the end haha. There was actually a bit where I though he must be stuck somewhere because I absolutely could not find him. But then he came flying past my screen! haha

Solid concept! Really liked having multiple different "correct" endings

Really cool idea to use the limited controls and security cameras. Also really loved the distorted effect the cameras had. Good job!

Loved the duck people. Building up speed was quite difficult, but that made it even more satisficing when you did and managed to dodge a few duckies in a row at high speed.

Was pretty difficult at first, which was fun! It was a bit unclear to me that you had to reach the circles. But I definitely had fun!

Had a few funny moments when you tried to use the wrong commands on some object haha. Definitely a good concept. Wish there was some music. But overall good job.

Wow. The most polished entry I've seen so far. You guys really nailed the art style!

Quite a few interesting mechanics! Would have liked it if the guards walked a bit faster for the sections where you had to wait for them. But that also just comes with a stealth game I guess. Good job!

Wow. Really got into this one haha. Managed to get 15 scroll thingies. Which I hope is pretty good.
Great job everything really. Max stars!

Great stuff! It really messed with my head haha. Struggled with level 9. But when I figured it out it felt great!

Love PICO-8 games! This was actually one of the first games I played for a while trying to improve my score. I think the highscore board really helped with that. Anyways, amazing job!

Had some trouble figuring out I was supposed to press the charge button at first haha. But damn my Queen really fucked him up.

Absolutely amazing. Max stars all the way. The best game I've played so far.

Wow. The gameplay is simple but there is so much character to this. Love all the goblin dialog

Feels super polished. I personally don't love puzzle games. But had some fun with this one

Some really fun card ideas in there! Wish I felt like I knew what I was doing a bit more

Loving all the different power ups. Although the explanation text for them does look a bit blurry to me.

Really great concept. One of the most fun I've seen so far. 5 stars for creativity!

A good start! Do wish it was a bit longer.

Lot's of quality writing in this one! You don't see that a lot in jam games. Did find it a bit difficult to guess the right hero's for the job. Ended up failing all the quests haha

Incredibly hard! haha

I found it a bit difficult to move around on the disc. But the concept is very creative

Fun concept! Was struggling as the bandits at first but got the hang of it on my second try.