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A member registered Jul 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nice legally distinct pokemon style game hahaha. I liked all the funny attacks and redditors I got to fight in the game. Great job!

Nice game, I liked the increasing difficulty of the enemies and the upgrades. I thought the particle effects for the submarine looked cool too. One tip for the pixel art, try to keep a consistent base pixel size on everything in the scene. Like for example the base pixel size on the restaurant building is huge, while the door on the shop has a tiny base pixel size. Having an inconsistent pixel size makes the art style way less cohesive looking. Great job on this tho I had a fun time playing it.

Here's our game of you'd like to check it out.

I'll play yours tomorrow morning and leave a rating and comment!

Crazy trippy visuals, I really liked it. It was really fun headshotting those bat things and I'm impressed how long I was able to survive as the trip intensified. Great job on this!

Nice warioware style game. I enjoyed playing all the mini games and I heavily related to wanting to play Satisfactory during this game jam lol. I ran into a bug on the squash bugs minigame where if you don't squash any bugs they all run off and don't come back and then it's impossible to progress. I had fun playing thru this and now I'm off to play some satisfactory.

Really awesome puzzle game. I'm usually too dumb to beat puzzle games, but I managed to get thru every level of this one! The last level took me quite a bit of experimenting, but it was very satisfying when I finally figured it out. Great job on this!

Really awesome job on this, it's very impressive that it's created in a custom engine too. I love rhythm games so I had to check this out! I really enjoyed playing it, but the shift mechanic to raise the pitch of notes felt super hard to execute. Only the left shift worked for me, so doing raised notes on ASD was pretty tough I would've liked to be able to hold the right shift instead in certain scenarios. I think I would've liked having shift to raise the pitch be a toggle instead of having to hold it too. Overall tho I really enjoyed this game, I liked the songs and it was really fun to play. Great work! 

This was funny, I really liked throwing the chairs around. I managed to beat the game by talking people, but I had to go back and lose on purpose so I could live my dreams of throwing a chair out the window and running from the office. Great job on this!

This game is so awesome. I totally forgot about the storm part and I was just enjoying the incremental calm portion leveling up my tree and getting a bunch of monsters. The storm added some nice challenge with having to  defend my tree with my little buddies. I love the pixel art in this game, the friendly monsters look great and the evolutions are cool and the monsters in the storm are very cool looking too. I would've loved to be able to hold down E to spam feed monsters instead of having to press the button a ton of times. Great job on this, I had a ton of fun playing it!

Awesome take on the theme. My team member had a kinda similar idea when we were brainstorming, it's cool to see someone else's execution of that! I like the art and especially like when they have the black spikey faces I see in the screenshots. I would've liked some more engaging gameplay than clicking on something being the resolution to everything, maybe like having to click and drag some objects or something to spice it up a bit idk. Great job on this, I managed to have all 6 guests survive the dinner on my first try.

This is really impressive for a week. It reminds me of planet crafter, but in 2d. I really enjoyed the calm portion where I was setting up my base. The tower defense portion is cool too, but I wish I could hold down the fire button instead of having to spam it. Great job on this!

This game has such an awesome vibe to it. I like the art a lot it reminds me of mad max and it's fun to drive the car around and slam into the other cars. I think it'd be cool if the camera zoomed out a bit when driving fast to help avoid running into stuff. Really awesome job on this!

Very cool art style! The gameplay was nice as well, the cat jumping forward instead of straight up when jumping without pressing a direction took a bit of getting used to. This is a really cool entry, great job!

Ah gotcha, I'm not a lawyer so I don't really know. But it'd be a really lame reason to get disqualified from a jam for using copyrighted sfx so was just throwing it out there.

Nice platformer!  The wind mechanic is cool, tho some indicator for how hard the wind is blowing would be nice. Adding coyote time to the jumps would be nice, it felt like my input was being eaten sometimes. I don't think using the sfx from Hollow Knight is allowed, I read the link you linked to from team cherry and it only mentions that you're allowed to make videos and streams of the game, not that you can use their sfx in your own games. Keep up the good work!

Nice game! I really like the visuals and the gameplay is surprisingly addicting to try and shoot as many bats as possible. I made it to room 22!

This was cool, I like the pixel art a lot especially the background looks very nice. It's fun watching the rapid fire bullets fly out. I think 1000 points for the turrets is a bit pricey, but I liked getting them. Great job on this!

I think I have road rage at myself for how I was riding that bike thru traffic. This was fun to bob and weave thru traffic and try to avoid hitting the cars. I found it a bit hard to tell if I'd be able to squeeze thru a gap sometimes. Great job on this I had a good time racing thru traffic!

Really cool platformer! The line drawing mechanic was really interesting and was a lot of fun to use! The level design is pretty solid and the game has a nice ramping up of difficulty. I think some checkpoints in the longer levels would be really nice, the 2nd to last level was getting me pretty frustrated cuz I kept dying at the spike tunnel at the end and it's a pretty long level to get back up there and try again. Great job on this I had fun playing thru it!

Really funny take on the theme. Reminds me of don't shit your pants from back in the day a bit haha. The art style is great and the voice acting gives the game a lot of character. It was fun figuring out all the steps required to get myself to the toilet. Idk if I just suck at the minigame, but I thought the cactus shooting thing was really hard. Great job on this I had fun playing it and it's very funny.

Nice platformer! Controls feel tight which is great and I love that you added coyote time. Level design is solid, I think the idea you had on the last level to force the player to wait for the enemies to move was cool. I think adding a background that's not a flat color would really bring the visuals up a notch. Great job on this!

Really cool idea and great interpretation of the theme. It's very satisfying to craft 3 start swords and watch your dudes defend against the invasion. Great job on this!

Cool to see another game that went with mining for the calm portion! This is so crazy polished for a jam entry, extremely impressive work. I've gotta think with 80 comments you've gotten every piece of constructive criticism I could think of, so I'll just say really great job on this!

Really cool idea! It was fun trying to balance how much food and wood I had and unlocking as many +1 food per turn things as possible all while trying to explore the map. It took me a few tries to really lock in a strategy, but I ended up winning with 30/25 food. It'd be nice if it told you somewhere how much food and wood you were gonna get each turn to help strategize. The fact that you started on Thursday and still got this submitted is very impressive, fantastic job!

Really cool incremental game. I love the art and the UI looks so nice. The music gives the game such a nice vibe too, love it. The timer is really brutal, it took me a lot of tries to finally win after I realized what each tech tree did and what would be a good way of going about upgrades, but I did manage to win with only a few seconds left on probably like my 8th try haha. I would've really liked some hot keys to switch between sun and water, like pressing 1 and 2 switches between them or something, it felt kinda clunky to have to mouse over to the right and grab them each time I wanted to switch. Great job on this, I had a fun time playing thru it!

Really fun physics platformer. I like the gun shooting mechanic to propel yourself a lot and it gets even more interesting once there are dudes to shoot at as well as using the gun for platforming. Visuals looked nice and the game was overall very polished for a game jam entry. I was struggling a lot on one part until I realized I was only using the gun for movement and it was making my life way harder haha. It'd be nice if it took up the full screen when clicking the fullscreen button, I found myself clicking outside the game window kinda frequently and not getting shots off. I think it'd be nice if there was some UI for how many bullets you have left to fire while in the air too. Great job on this, I had a lot of fun climbing to the top!

I'll play yours now and leave a rating/comment, here's ours if you wanna check it out

(1 edit)

This was a really cool idea! I love all the different costumes you wear for the holidays and it was a nice added challenge when there were objects in the way while I was trying to get my hands in the right spots. Having to control myself while looking in the mirrored camera was making my brain work at maximum capacity hahaha. Great job on this, I finished with a score of 102.

This was awesome. The visual style is really cool and I enjoyed all the fishing mini games. I'm not usually into the story in games, but the voice acting in this was so good I couldn't help but get engrossed in it. The slowly approaching meteor while I tried to catch all the fish was really interesting. I wasn't able to catch one of the fish, but I tried my best and I slammed some whiskey while the world ended. Great job on this!

Cool bullet hell game. I like the addition of the dash mechanic and the teleporting sounds cool, but I never saw any powerups. Idk if it's intended, but if I pressed space to dash without holding a direction and then held a direction right afterwards it'd make the character hold in place for a bit and then I'd be able to move again. This happened to me pretty frequently when I was trying to dash around stuff as I switched directions, was a little frustrating. Overall tho I had a fun time playing this, my high score was 1720. Great job!

I had to play this game based on the name alone. The minigames are really funny, especially the charge the battery one. The pixel art all looks nice and I like the music and whip sound effect. It took me a bit to realize how to play, but once I realized where each cow goes and that you could leash multiple cows at once I felt like I could keep going pretty much endlessly.  Great job on this, it was fun and funny!

Really cool idea for the theme! I enjoyed recruiting new bugs to fight alongside me and  I think the battle system is cool. I like the art a lot too and the music gives the game a nice vibe. I don't think I have any constructive criticism to offer that hasn't already been mentioned. Great job on this it's cool!

This was a really funny take on the theme. I found myself laughing at a lot of the jokes in the game and was very surprised at the nonsense going on behind me each time I prepared to jump. I liked the voice acting a lot, it added a lot of character to the game. I don't usually enjoy games that don't have much action in them, but the comedy in this kept me going. I thought the part where sarge talks to you on the phone dragged on a bit long. I was also confused at the game over screen, wasn't sure if I did something wrong or if that's intended. Overall tho I really enjoyed this, it was very funny.

Ah ya I know what you mean. I've had good luck in the past using these pixel fonts, and then making the font size a multiple of 16, then they looked clean with the outline. This is with Rockboxcond12 from that bundle at 16 and 32 font size, idk if font size 16 is too big for your game tho, could maybe find a smaller base size pixel font somewhere if 16 is too big.

This is awesome, such a great interpretation of the theme. I knew I was gonna like this game as soon as I started clicking on stuff to mine resources haha. I like the tower defense portion a lot too, it's really fun to place the towers and try to defend your base. I think the idea of having the crystal be a resource that's only obtainable during the storm is great too. Unfortunately I wasn't able to really get into the game, most of my turrets wouldn't fire any arrows for some reason. I tried on the web and downloable version, but for some reason only the turrets in one part of my map actually fired arrows, around 70% of my turrets just played the firing animation but wouldn't actually fire arrows. Idk if I was just doing something wrong, but I tried to add a gif to show what I'm talking about if that's helpful. Really great job on this tho I like it a lot!

This is a crazy amount of pixel art for 7 days wow, great job. I liked the vibe of the game and it was fun going around talking to people to figure out who I wanted to save. I wasn't sure how to pick who to save so I just led some random people with me to the pods, but I hope I left Jeremy to die on that ship. I wish the movement speed was a bit faster or there was a movement skill to spam while I walk around the ship. Great job on this!

I'm no UI expert, but I think if you added a dark font outline color to the text and then increased the outline size it'd help give it some contrast with the background and make it more readable.

This was so fun, I love the mix of resource gathering and tower defense in this game. It took me a few tries to really get a run going, but once I understood everything it was smooth sailing. I really liked dumping turrets all over my base to defend against the attacks. It took me a bit to realize the turrets pointed towards wherever the mouse was pointing when I placed them. I ended up beating the game with a score of 140, awesome job I really enjoyed this game!

This is awesome. It's a great interpretation of the theme, the calm lawnmowing is a lot of fun kinda like the fun I find in powerwash simulator, and once the storm comes it's very hectic. I liked upgrading my mower and zooming around once it was fully maxed out. I thought the ants seemed kinda impossible to really defend against very well, so many came from all angles that I couldn't kill a very meaningful amount of them. I ended up beating the game, but I was completely ignoring the ants and just mowing as fast as I could. Great job on this I really enjoyed it! 

Really solid incremental game. Was fun to get super powerful and destroy tons of raindrops once it starts getting into the insane category. I really like the visuals and all the particle effects too it looks very nice. My only complaint is that I don't really like the gameplay of having to wiggle the mouse back and forth the whole time to play optimally, tho the upgrades that give gold on taking damage and the automatic moving balls are nice to combat this and make it more idle if you want to play that way. Really awesome job on this, it's a lot of fun!