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A member registered Apr 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Very nice game! My biggest feedback would be that the camera really struggles to keep up. When jumping down, it takes several seconds before I see the floor. Could also probably be zoomed out a bit.

Really cool with both scaling boxes and having them on a scale! Great job!

I really like the idea. Unfortunately, physics/collision is not great. You don't really need any shapes other than the small blue one and the purple one. You can just stay small and wall jump, or use the purple one when you need to destroy enemies and not jump too high. When you respawn you can air jump, sometimes twice.

Spikes (I assume they were spikes) did not look deadly enough, looked to be part of background/decoration.

Nice job incorporating tutorials into the levels. This game has potential, just need some tweaking to the physics/collision.

Really good job for just 48 hours!

Yeah, sorry about that. We missed that issue, will fix it after the jam. Thanks for playing, and the feedback!

Thank you very much! And thanks for the tip

(1 edit)

Great puzzle game. Biggest issue is that is really hard to read height. In some instances slimes clearly look to be a level below a platform, when they're actually even above the platform. Here in B3 as example

Otherwise, really nice game, very hard!

A bit of both. Sometimes it is behind, which is definitely an issue. But even if it's in front, it can be a bit hard to see for a couple of reasons.

The arrow has a white outline, and a some cats have a lot of white on them, so it blends a bit.

The arrow points to the head, and when you have a bunch of long cats entangled it gets a bit confusing which parts actually belong to the active cat.

The clearest for me I think would be to change outline of the entire cat, or something like that.

This is really good! Great puzzles. It was sometimes a bit hard to see which cat was active, especially when standing on top of each other. Really nice pixel art, very clear what everything is. This might be one of the most theme fitting games, both scaling cats and scaling mountains :)

Nice game. My biggest feedback is not being able to see how much cable you get from the holes beforehand. I like the graphics. Simple and pretty

Yeah, unfortunately we didn't think about that issue. It puts you where you entered last. Always putting you next to the exit seems like the right solution, yes.

Thank you for playing and the feedback!

Thank you for playing, and great feedback!

Very nice! Interesting idea. I'm not sure did the puzzles the intended way. You can cheat the physics a bit by jump boosting the smaller character and stuff like that. But still very enjoyable! Good job!

(1 edit)

Good puzzles. I don't like the controls/physics. I find myself fighting finicky physics pushing boxes rather than solving puzzles. One wrong move and boxes fly off. A bit frustrating. Otherwise it is a really good game. Good use of scaling. I think camera could let you see the whole level from the start. Good job overall!

Very nice! It was a bit hard to understand how stuff would actually scale, especially when it seemed it could push the trophy either horizontally or vertically. Maybe it would also be nice with outlines or what would happen to each color if you scale it up. (Or maybe it gets too easy, not sure)

Anyway, great job! I enjoyed it

This is interesting. Great use of scaling! Just started to understand it all when it was over :)

Great job!

Great game! The visuals are amazing. Although, they get a bit too intense for me, hurts my eyes staring at it for too long. If I could turn the effects off I would keep playing. I really like the puzzle itself.

It would be nice with a bit more feedback to which color is being selected when you change and have more than 2. Like a quick scale tween or something.

How can you not like that ridiculous slash scale :)

When using mouse to click, I also expect it to aim where I click. It does not seem to get any more difficult. Enemy number, speed stays the same. In the end they stop spawning completely.

I would gladly play more if it went on and added more and more enemies, and maybe zoom out to account for my giant slash!

I really like the visuals and music. The best way to move seems to spam click, to get the fastest movement possible, which I found was needed when you are being pulled in by larger bodies. This loops the charge sound which is a bit annoying.

I love the atmosphere of the game, but would want it more as a relaxing experience without the timer. I tried twice, but failed after 5-10 minutes. You get really slow at the end so can't even do anything to speed myself up to get more time. And if you are unlucky you end up drifting though empty space for a long time. It does not feel like my fault I failed, just unlucky/unfair.

This is super fun. Too short though, I want a bigger zombie army :) Feels great throwing zombies across the room to backstab (backbite?) the humans! Great job

I love the visuals. Cool concept. The AI did not do a great job in showcasing the full potential of this game (totally understandable). I think the concept is worth exploring more, it feels interesting.

Fun incremental. As someone else said, this could be stretched into a long game, with maybe smaller steps than 10, and other upgrades to buy. Good job!

What a great game! Clean art, good sounds. Excellent use of scaling!

Great retro arcade feeling! Simple but fun! Enemies get stuck very easily. Stopped playing around 13k points. Did not seem to get any harder. Nice music and voice sounds.

I like that enemies run away when you go giant. You can try to lure them all in and then go giant and kill them all instantly! So much potential here, just needs a bit of polish.

Too bad about the camera. Seems like a solid fun runner otherwise. I like the cheerful art style.

Wow! Amazing use of scaling. It was a bit hard to understand where you could place things in the map. Art is nice, good music and sound. Great job!

Interesting idea. Scaling should only happen once per click I think. If I hold the mouse button a bit long it starts scaling like crazy (which is kind of fun in its own way :) )

Wow, it just kept going! Every time the sky changed color I thought this is the end :) Very relaxing game. Beautiful art. Amazing ending. Great experience overall!

Interesting mechanic with the fat meter. You can jump endlessly if you keep mashing space, not sure if that was intended. Does not really matter though as you can't avoid everything anyway. Good job for that time!

Interesting mechanic with the fat meter. You can jump endlessly if you keep mashing space, not sure if that was intended. Does not really matter though as you can't avoid everything anyway. Good job for that time!

Great game! Really tricky. I got the hang of the way of thinking in the end I believe. I ended up on a grey screen. Maybe I finished all levels?

This is a really great idea suffering from UI issues. I think the game actually works for people, it is just really, really hard to understand what to do.

(You need to drag the dice onto the 3 boxes just left of the dice, then click Ready. Then click left mouse to select where to throw, then right click to throw it, then right click to select where to move).

Most obvious feedback would be to make sure people understand how to play. Showing a text at each step would be one idea.

Graphics are okay, it does the job. The overlays are a bit unclear sometimes.

I really like the strategy, you have to think how to best use your current dice. A more polished version with better UI/UX really has potential. Good job!

(We named our games the same :))

I like this idea! The flipping dice thing is cool. Starts out a bit too hard for me, sometimes I have trouble clicking the dice. This defnitely has potential, good job!

(1 edit)

Thank you! Simple and fun! It took me a while to figure out that the thing under the dice in the shop was a button. Sometimes I feel I should have hit the dice guys, but I didn't. Would be interesting to see a stronger magnet, but limited to 1s use per jump or something, so you can do more strong but short magnet movements.

I really enjoyed this, good job!

I really like that you managed to get some deeper meaning/message into a simple game like this. Good job! Gameplay itself was okay, I would have like more control of my bets (but I get it is more of a rigged, linear experience).

(Amazing that I could roll my dice IN the glass, loved that!)

A fellow explosive dice roller game dev :), love it!

Simplicity and fun! Sounds get a bit too intense for me after 50 dice or so. I had to end my run early after getting about 700 dice because they never "landed", nothing triggered. I read some other good feedback here (Tonyl and Mr Mindor mostly) so no point in me saying the same thing, but I agree. (Love that we are waiting for the dice to "calm down" :))

So happy someone made a twist on just rolling dice! Great job!

Great atmosphere. I love the retro graphics, reminds me of Silent Hill. Good audio as well. Presentation overall is top notch, although a bit dark in places.

I got stuck, but it seems the ending is not implemented yet so I guess I "finished" it. It would be nice with some kind of inventory as well.

The small amount of story/worldbuilding is very interesting. Gets the imagination going, so many questions.

Great job overall!

This is great! Very creative, and perfectly implemented. Controls are responsive, and even though things are random, it feels like it's my fault when I die.

Yeah. Other people have mentioned this too. I probably should tweak the randomness a bit. Thanks for the feedback!

I really love the design here! A bit of strategy with option to reroll. Could be even more if you could select which ones to reroll. That you get to customize your dice, and that the customization itself is random choices, is amazing. With better presentation, this is the type of game I can see myself buying. Good job!

Good golf game. Very nice that you see the effects of terrain in the HUD. I would like to be able to start aiming from anywhere. Also panning the camera would be nice.

Interesting mechanics overall. Good job!

This is amazing! The art and polish is great. It got a bit too hectic for me, I just threw dice out and placed somewhere, didn't really have time to think strategically. Worked out alright anyway :)

Great job on this one!