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A member registered Nov 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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That is also a viable strategy. Good luck on your future games, then!

Saw this game on Mark's stream today, and then I gave it a go.

Very fun to play, with easy puzzling.

My one minor recommendation would be to write how much those resistances take from you, instead of just color coding them. While dying isn't a big deal, as the levels are short, it still is a trial-and error in the end.

Apart from this, I'd love to see if you would introduce other electronical components into the mix, for a more complex set of puzzles :)


That was a fun game!

I didn't realised that I needed to move the ground on the right panel at first, and tried to click and drag the hole on the left (got the impression since there was a hand catching the ball on the intro). Got me a few tries to discover the actual control.

The insect mechanic was a good distraction, you can easily miss who shot the incoming ball - or get paralyzed. Nice tension.

The game paced very quickly, at least for me, around the 5th level, which was as far as I could go for now. Definitely enjoyed it.

Good work!

Thanks a lot :D

(1 edit)

Allright, I've made it to the "endgame" of 1000 ants, took me a while. Seems like a good stop point.

Congratulations this one. While it isn't too deep in mechanics, it is satisfying to watch the ant colony grow after a while. (And double satisfying to see a tiny little ant just casually bite the entire treetop off :D)

There are some glitches around, the most major one is the slight but noticeable performance hit when you reach 1000 ants. And the second glitch is that our ant's jumping input sometimes doesn't register, which means I often just casually fall into water.

I also agree with the previous comments on having the ability to add more than one plant to a trail. It gets very tedious, to draw a really long trail and bacj, for each teeny-tiny flower; that will just be ripped apart in one go. Would've loved to use my mouse buttons for leaving trails, instead of holding them to rotate the camera...

This game reminds me of a video from Sebastian Lague, who made an ant/slime simulation: 

Anyways, congrats on your game & cheers! Now I need to explain my boss that I was working like an *ant* for the past 2 hours :D

A really good & finished looking jam game; short, sweet and to the point! Cheers!

A really good & finished looking jam game; short, sweet and to the point! Cheers!

Good concept. I liked the dual grappling hooks. I kind of not liked their controls, though; even though it is a part of the game. The fact that you need to hold LMB/RMB to keep the grapples on while contracting them was a bit tiresome. Having them stay after releasing the buttons would've been less carpal-tunnel inducing, while keeping the game's core mechanic unchanged.

Still, enjoyable! Cheers!

Good shoot-em-up game. The cannon totally broke the game though, I ended up just mowing down everything with it. I easily made all the way up to level 20+ by the time I fought with the bosses, and I just gunned them all down. The swords just ended up as decoration on my character's waist :) (Speaking of which, seeing the items you've picked up on your character was really cool)

The camera gave me some hard time, especially at the lower left corner of the room. I tried climbing to the desk over there, fell and got stuck on my way down for a bit; where a weak enemy was able to hurt me for a bit (and it was the only time they were able to do so. Har har har). I'd love to have an ability to turn the camera around, it would've helped to actually navigate the room.

I also saw a few places where the collision was a bit odd (i.e. the area under the bed seems accessible normally, from its left side, relative to our camera) but you actually need to crouch or roll to get in).

The presentation was nice, and the way toy enemies turn into toy giblets was quite satisfying. The music though... was *very* repetitive :D

Overall, a good game! I'd love to see it get improved upon. Cheers!

Good shoot-em-up game. The cannon totally broke the game though, I ended up just mowing down everything with it. I easily made all the way up to level 20+ by the time I fought with the bosses, and I just gunned them all down. The swords just ended up as decoration on my character's waist :) (Speaking of which, seeing the items you've picked up on your character was really cool)

The camera gave me some hard time, especially at the lower left corner of the room. I tried climbing to the desk over there, fell and got stuck on my way down for a bit; where a weak enemy was able to hurt me for a bit (and it was the only time they were able to do so. Har har har). I'd love to have an ability to turn the camera around, it would've helped to actually navigate the room.

I also saw a few places where the collision was a bit odd (i.e. the area under the bed seems accessible normally, from its left side, relative to our camera) but you actually need to crouch or roll to get in).

The presentation was nice, and the way toy enemies turn into toy giblets was quite satisfying. The music though... was *very* repetitive :D

Overall, a good game! I'd love to see it get improved upon. Cheers!

Thanks! :D

I loved this game, especially the aspect of navigating with a map :)

I did got stuck though, didn't recall (or saw) the target island after bringing the gem to the start... I'll be giving this game another go, later today.

I did noticed there weren't any background music in-game, only at the menu. And, the game didn't go to fullscreen & the text were a little too small to read.

The map is always a bonus on such a game, but I'd love to have the ability to pan around the map & plan out my journey...

Thanks for your input!

Can you elaborate on which aspect of the controls was confusing? Was it the flight controls (which is just 6-DOF flight, like good old Descent) or the controls over the note players?

Thanks for your reply!

Yep, it is lacking in features - the automation aspect, basically... Jam time lol :)

Thanks for pointing out the mouse movement... I admit, I kind of got used to the floatiness from said space games, haha.

Placing a ramp on the floor would circumvent the intended solution, yes... However, there is clearly a ramp that has been placed on the floor, in the same map, implying that we actually *can *place them on the floor... Which isn't true, we are not allowed. That is a case, when the game tells you you cannot do something, while it shows you that you can, creating a mixed message. And in this game, it is obvious why we cannot place them (we'd break the puzzle) but it is also an obvious developer intervention, and feels forced.

Maybe a better solution would be to add a set of checkpoints in the map, that needs to be traversed with the car, before we would be allowed to reach the exit. You can then safely allow the players to build up ramps on the floor. You can even spice up things with having the checkpoints on a timer, or the player needs to haul some items around to activate said checkpoints, etc...


I'm glad that you had fun :)

I'm glad to hear that you had fun :)




Good concept, hard controls, careless humor.

GOOGOL Agents / 10.

Interesting concept, and a good game to launch in 48 hours.

I'd however, would love to see you develop this for the full jam time, and came up with a few more interesting mechanics and/or reduce laggy controls... If you are going to develop more, I'll be keeping an eye.


I didn't realized that we *also* grow as we collect food (or rather... how fast we were growing)... and got stuck in that little triangular room above the start in level 2.

Fun little game :)

(1 edit)

Interesting mechanic, but needs some work...

The button(s) behind the glass were not fun, and they can soft-lock the game - the ball ends up in a spot where it can't reach the button, even when sized with the mirror... and since you can't access it ( or destroy it?) you can't continue. The long, big hall with multiple such buttons was where I've stopped playing.

Still, congrats on making a game!


Nice game :)

RTX 2070.

I pretty much agree with all of the previous comments. Fun building puzzle game.

Not allowing me to place a ramp at the floor, *near an existing ramp placed on the floor* was breaking the immersion, however. The car sound bug can currently be circumvented by testing & restarting the level.

Overall, good game! Cheers from a fellow solo developer!

Good little building game prototype... Its controls & building interface are the main things that needs improvement, if you guys want to develop this game further.




Cute game. :D

Yeah, the background.png is indeed in the correct place...

Does it supposed to fade in with level progression or something? Because I was only been able to play up to level 3...

Cute game, but I got stuck.

Cute game, but I got stuck.

(1 edit)

Fun lil' game. Loved how it grew so hectic right off the bat :D


Now they grew OUT OF SCALE.

EDIT: Looking at the thumbnails, looks like I'm missing the background gradient?

Wow, I loved the idea for this one, and enjoyed playing through what was in there!

I'm definitely keeping an eye out for this game, if you want to continue developing it.

Kudos from a fellow Solo-developer :)

Aahh the dreaded jam-time; always makes us leave accidental debuggers everywhere :D Anyways, I'll check your game again after the jam ;)

Congrats on your first game jam!

I agree with the previous comments, basically. The box puzzles were too inconsistent, killing the fun (The boxes got stuck a lot too, especially on the last level). The character's movement felt a little floaty, and the jumps over the edges felt unresponsive (coyote time!)

But overall, not bad for your first game jam. Have fun in your next projects!

Moody and atmospheric spelunking. Nice controls, I like them (I would change scaling to mouse wheel, though, feels more natural - my personal thought)

The instant-end bug happened twice to me, and I get to play on my 3rd attempt, by rapidly getting away from the campfire - there is probably a trigger issue there...

The cave environment felt a little too repetitive, even for a cave environment. Some color variation at the very least would've been nice & help us find our way a little (And maybe a map interface, somewhere..?) The overall atmosphere is otherwise great, and the way it gets claustrophobical when you zoom in was really cool :)

Congrats on your submission!

Yeah me too, I'll be working on it :) Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

This game is pure simulation of what 1st year of Architecture school feels like.

And for some reason, it reminds me of this video:

Would be interesting to play, if you would develop a bit more.

(p.s. I'm an Architect :) )

I liked where you're going with this one. Would love to just sit and watch the things grow instead of having to click each time...

The simulation lags a lot, especially when there is a lot of things  going on :)


Interesting concept, and fun to fly around. Would love to see a few more variations in the mazes. There is only one drawback, though...

...The controls. boy, I do *not* miss keyboard flight :) I really missed the mouse input as I was playing, the keyboard is far too clunky to control an airplane... Made me stop playing after 3rd or 4th level. A better control scheme would help a lot.

Anyways, congrats!

I've liked where you're going with this... I've got stuck in the level where you need to create a medium chaos planet... the slingshot kept jamming.

Hey, congratulations on your game submission! That was fun to play.