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A member registered Jul 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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I like the responsiveness of the ball and the drawing lines mechanic which disappear smoothly. I feel like there isn't a whole lot of content here though. It's a fun interpretation of the theme, perhaps could use more playtesting and polish (like my game lol)

The amount of content the game has really is surprising, many enemies, levels and a boss in 3 days is impressive. The downsides would be in my opinion the audio and the innovation aspect. Really good game especially for the novice category

Short, clever, elegant. Only downside I can think of is that the main mechanic isn't the most original as far as I know. Good submission nonetheless

Cool idea, cute art, I'd say for making a game alone there is a reasonable amout of actual content, which is not a ton, but a respectable amout. The gameplay doesn't give me butterflies, but is easy to understand and nice to solve.

I remember this 4 part series opening my eyes on a bunch of topics. I'm sure the 2022 10-part one is even more polished, though it's more than 30 hours of footage. Other than that when it comes to Unity specifically I'd suggest finding someone to mentor you in your next jams. I wish I had done that, because the only other way is trial and error. In regards to game design I need to reccoment "The art of game design" by Jesse Schnell. It is floating around the internet for free, but for legal reasons piracy is bad :)

There's no problem with that, it's just a gamejam :) 

It's a shame there are only 3 levels and you need to click to get into one.   Pretty fun :)

appropriate for the jam :)

Simple little game, appropriate for this jam :)

Cool game, immense respect for the tutorial. It's perfect - teaches you everything in a few seconds.

I don't like that the idea is copied 1:1. If it's not I'm sorry, there is a popular mobile game like this. I think I also couldn't lose.

I could see this as a minigame somewhere :)


Wish there was a fullscreen option. You can play with the itch page. Puzzles remind me of Portal.

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Take it as a compliment, but I don't believe you've made it in three days.  Could you list premade assets? This sadly disqualifies the game for me. If you've made the majority of the game in 3 days then chapeau bas and I'll actually rate your game.


2 days and 16 hours before the deadline is brave :)

A few tips from a semi-experienced jammer.   Firstly you almost need to provide a web build to get rated. If you're making a game in Unity why not include it? Secondly don't ship the "BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShip" folder :) it doesn't do anything. 

A very simple clicker with outstanding art.  If there were a "visuals" category you would've dominated it.

The controls are brokenn, and the camera movement feels inverted to me, it feels like I'm flying a helicopter. Otherwise than that, the gameplay is simple, sadly I can't enjoy it very much because of the controls.  :(

Me and Bob have fallen in love at first sight. I've had a lot of fun, mainly because of the cutest visuals in the world. Great idea, good execution. I deduct one point for Theme as the interpretation is a bit shallow for me. This game would've worked with Bob saying "Where is my ear?". The connection is a bit loose for me.  Have you made the pathfinding yourself? I also haven't given the full score for   creativity because of all the Poly Pizza assets + the music. Great work overall.

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I am rating all games of the people who have rated mine, you just need to leave a comment so I   know what to play       :)

Damn, it's hard to rate your game with only 3 criteria, Creativity 5/5 for sure, what has killed the fun for me was the wall-of-text tutorial. Immediately I  knew what to comment on :) If only you removed the tutorial button the game would be better.  It said to press 1,2 or 3, which I did, and was surprised by the lack of a path on my screen. Thankfully it does show when using the mouse, but why put the option to use the numbers? After seeing the wall of text I had wanted to give 2 for fun, but when I discovered you could use the mouse I wanted to give 3. The audio convinced me to give 4 stars,  but I wished there was an option to give 3 and a half. As for the theme, my choice is 3, because the theme could've been "Legs" in which the player gets legs up to the immobile giant. For me, there is no strong connection. I have a feeling of hunger, I'm hungry for more because the idea of the cards is brilliant. I perhaps would've liked a combat game with movement like this and the two halves feel unnecessary. 

Cool game :) From a development perspective, I'd say there is too much polish where it's not needed and too little where it would be nice. The enemies have pathfinding - a notoriously hard and time-consuming feature to pull off, but there is close to zero feedback on the shooting, the sense is too high for me, etc.

That's a nice game :) surprisingly long! All minigames show, that you have a great understanding of what is engaging and fun. Cheers!

Rated your game! Have a pleasant read.

Hard to believe that's your first jam! The game has a steep learning curve but it is fun when you get the rules. I am a huge fan of charming menus and your game didn't disappoint.   The idea is new and fresh and the implementation seems not to have any bugs (big congrats). Audio is not a strong side, neither is it bad. It's descriptive and fitting. In terms of visuals, the visual effect kind of from an old TV elevates it soo much it's crazy.  I'm not a huge fan of your theme implementation (my game has an equally lacking one c:), the special object is however great. Overall I don't have enough words to well describe your first entry to a game jam. It's amazing, that you managed to make a fun game, that looks and sounds nice on your first try. There are areas you could work on, like a better learning curve and a better tutorial, than a small wall of text. Also, I assume that the objective is to get as many points as possible - in my opinion, in gamejams it's better to have a normal ending, a goal that ends the game, the experience and is a summary of the piece. The only way from this is better and better - CONGRATS!

In terms of being a game it's unplayable, however good job making something that works in HTML c: Good job (kind of)

I like your idea? The theme and special object really shine through. I was stuck not trusting what I see. The FOV however was nauseating and degraded the experience for me. The game is neither pretty nor ugly and the audio is fine. The gameplay makes you think - just like it should in an anti-utopia, but is not the most fun. Overall Great idea, good execution!

The first thing that came to my mind is, that fullscreen and a working volume slider are  VITAL.  I know you didn't finish, so I won't be very hard on you in the comment. I love your idea, I would however expect a few more features from four people. I assume you didn't have time to add an ending, which is the reason for my small gameplay and fun factor rating. The game is neither pretty nor ugly, the audio is ok. Your best assets are the special  object and theme implementation .

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Thanks for the review, I rated your game c: (To anyone reading this - I will rate all games of people who rate mine)

If i were to describe Your game in one word it would be uneven. Immediately when the game starts you see a well made walking animation (I loved the bobbing cardboard) on a basic, monotone background. Your text  looks great, is well structured, are descriptive and not too long, but inconsistent - controls are on the itch page, but don't show on the first text the player sees, only when he picks up the scanner - by then he must've had figured them out. The objective aswell as the reason, why the character has a cardboard box are puzzling, which is the reason for my score on "Special Object Implementation" the box seems to only be a visual,    not serve a purpose. Also why does the player need to go down to go up? Wouldn't it be more clear to make the objective above the spawnpoint?  When it comes to puzzling  things - SCANNERS. Firstly, because the objective is unknown it's not clear when to use your scanner and when to ignore the threat. Secondly they are bugged :c after having one I picked up another and then I had zero. The hitboxes of enemies are confusing - you need to hit the wardrobe right in the guts or it won't register. There is nothing worse, than when the player feels unfair. Where This Way Up really excels is the sound design. For me there are no inconsistencies, the background music - like all the other SFX is fitting and played at just the right volume. The feeling of an approaching enemy is greatly amplified by the fantastic music. When it comes to audio for me no questions asked 5 stars. The game is pleasantly short, but not too short. Overall just as I said apart from the music it's inconsistent, mixed. There are great parts you should be proud of, and lessons to be learnt from this project.

It's a VERY well made average idea, badly balanced game. There should be checkpoints at each level, so you dont have to start from the beggining. You can shoot one bullet per side and still get to lvl 7. It's still a very polished good game. The visuals are fantastic, the music is wonderfull, but the gameplay is a touch bland. It fits the theme very well