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A member registered Mar 27, 2018 · View creator page →

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I walked around then suddenly die without any time to react. This needs some work.

Ha! "It's not as crap as I thought it would be" is a running theme of the comments I get.

Oh yeah. My game had you play aiast a guy named Tony. You never see Tony. He had art done, but I spent so long playtesting and balancing he was only in by name.

A nice spin a video game tropes. I wanted to see some alligators tho!

There were going to be other players. Tight Tony, High Roller Rick, Mid Mel ect. But it took so long just to balance Tony, that Tony's face doesn't even appear in the game.

Love the idea and the art style, but the sheep kept getting stuck and it got annoying fast. But that's just a polish thing.

You can't increase your bet on a fruit machine. Not the ones I've played at any rate. Maybe you can in Vegas, but definitely not one in a greasy cornor of a UK pub. 

I was going to do something like this but chickened out and made a slot machine... who's AI was a pain in the arse to balance anyway. Also love the art style.

Fun and polished but weak use of theme.

Okay I'm guessing you're new to Unity because you fell into a few newbie traps. The layering problems are because you need the sorting axis set to Y. So sprites at the top of the screen appear under the sprites lower down.

I'm far too stupid to play this, but very nicely done.

Thanks! I was going to add more mechanics like holds and nudges, but balancing just three tumblers took WAY too long.

Suspicion has two elements. The "sus" value itself and a multiplier. Both go down over time and with larger wins. But if you spam sussy actions, that multiplier shoots up quickly and takes a lot to make it go down.  If you want to kill sus and give a boatload of fun, give Tony a jackpot... but that leaves you at the mercy of the "cashout" mechanic.

I love it. Instead of pans, I would have given her barrels directly to go full reverse donkey kong

I love how the dragon moves, but I was never sure when I had flame breath or not.

Doesn't work for me on Chrome.

Nice idea and the eye candy is nice, but there's not a lot to it. If you hit the monster or not seems random.

I love the style and the game is fun, but when I was beeping the little dude just ignored me. Otherwise, funs and visaral. 

How do you tell if health kits explode? 

Just what Sokoban needed! Stress! I like it!

That was fun. Not often you see a game and boss battle done in a game jam.

Nah. I like the idea that it's really petty and low stakes. Gambling is everywhere in the UK, but it's a lot harder to lose everything. I mean you can, but it takes effort. You're not going to lose your house on a pub fruit machine.

Like the intro.  I wish I had the time for polish like that. Sadly, a LOT of time was spent on balance for me. You know, the AI nobody sees ;p

The thing where the sprites will layer over each other, you can change the sort order to Y in the project settings so sprites at the bottom of the screen show on top of sprites about it

Nice, but some upgrades didn't seem to do anything. Love the look and feel of the rest tho.

Does this go on forever? Fun, but I don't see the theme of the jam in here tho.

Aw man. This gave me another idea for this theme. You have to be lakitu as the 3rd person camera and keep mario in shot to win. Good one.

Oh yeah I understand. My game mentions a guy called Tony (he plays the fruit machine you're playing) but you never see him. SO much time was spent balancing the game that he got cut. So he's only hypothetically there. Made art for him and everything. Spent hours on it, but time was better spent getting his AI to work so you the player could win or not cheese the game.

Having the equipped weapon reset each round is annoying and the drag and drop shop is more than a little clunky. I still had fun with it tho.

I like the use of the theme. What I'm not keen on is the icons on the pots being different to the one on the gun. I was looking for mushrooms for ages until I figured out they were spuds.

Obligatory "fun game." I will say the lack of I frames (or a very small amount of them) made losing very quick. You go from full health to dead way too fast.

I love the style, the artworks and the colours! Chief's kiss. The game.... When it was working it was a fetch quest. There might be more, but she got stuck after the UI bugged out and she slid of the screen. Not knocking you for that. Playtesting in 48 hours is not fun. I know. 

Looks great and fun for awhile, but I was hoping something more from a reversed Frogger. Also the controls are so slow and stiff and you're so big. Which doesn't help when you're thrown into unwinnable patterns of cars.

Fun game with an wacky style.... I don't see how this fits with the theme tho

Really, REALLY nice prestation and fun to play, but really all that happens is you play one of the fast lads and run away and hide until more of your mates turn up. There's never a reason to swap unless you die or you get one of the slow guys that eat it in seconds.

Solid game, tho the "you play as the bad guy" theme is weak. But you're not alone there.

Sorry but I had no idea how to play this.

Short and fun. I like how you zoom to the top when you run out of stamina. Needs a title screen with the controls on it tho

Nice idea but the controls need work and the ball is very light and "sticky." Rounding the corners of the maze might have helped