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A member registered Jun 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Agreed on all points. The duck is actually being improved on to allow counter with an uppercut if the opponent whiffs. (It's on the To Do list) Until then, duck is just to showboat/flex.

But as an alternative, you can parry an attack then punch. A successful parry makes you recover faster than the opponent and gives you the chance to counter.

The difficulty level adjustment is part of the next few updates!

The difficulty level is coming up! I'll just have a few bug fixes for the next minor update, then the training mode and the difficulty level is next.

Nope, thank YOU for the continued support, and sorry for the late update! I found a job already, so I'll have less time to work on this, but I still have lots of updates planned. Hope you stick around and the game continues to give you minutes of fun!

I'll try to have a 32 bit version uploaded as well when I upload the windows and android builds. Maybe this weekend or next?

I will add a stamina bar in the next update to prevent spamming. Before we were torn about adding a stamina meter, but I think with the addition of another character (and more coming), it is necessary to add that in.

Using Hoyka against Stella, it's hard to get a jab in without being intercepted by her jab because of the speed difference. Even worse for the hook. Only chance is to use parry, which, according to some people's feedback, is too hard.

Yes, I understand the name can get confusing, especially in today's world of customization. The name is for the leaderboards, not a custom name for the character. Eventually I'll remove the name for 2v2 since score isn't needed, as well as other modes. I'll only leave it on for Arcade, which will be the only mode to use points.

Hello! go to options and check your key config. Also, make sure you click the game screen when playing. Sometimes when you click on the browser, the game loses focus so it doesn't respond.

I'll make another build for linux. What linux are you using?

Practicing parry will also help a lot! Have some tweaks planned in the future, so it can make the game easier or harder.

Thanks! Been busy, but I just updated it.

I love crazy taxi! Looking good, although I find the steering to be a bit strong. Would be great if there was a way to adjust the steering sensitivity.

Thank you. For this one, I used Construct 3.

It looks like the mouse action as an alternative to touch is missing. It works fine on mobile with touch, but on pc it doesn't go past "tap the screen" with a mouse click, it's just blinking.

Sorry, still not working. Here's the console log.

I don't know about the others, but it's still a black screen for me..

Thank you.  I just scribbled the animation and polished it when it felt right. I was supposed to do it side view but I couldn't get any detail with the small screen, so I changed it to how it is now.

Thank you! I played your game. How come I can't rate it? 

Really fun physics game. Very impressed!

One of my favorite entries for the jam for sure. It's even better than the wips you posted. While I can't imagine this being played properly on a 3310, I really enjoyed playing it on my desktop. It's some good physics fun. Could not have imagined a game like this with the screen limitations. Props, and thanks for the fun!

Cute little puzzle game! Enjoyed this a lot, thank you! Could really see this as a game on the 3310.  Touch/Mobile support would be nice so it can be played on a phone.

Probably my favorite entry for this jam! Really loving the transitions!

Holy crap, this might be my favorite entry for this jam! Great job! Love everything about it, and the transitions are fantastic!

Nice! When I get more characters up, maybe it will be more of a challenge!

Might I suggest a web version instead to cover more platforms?

This can be a useful tool for composing music for future nokia 3310 jams! I saw a composer online but it's much better to compose by pressing keys ala piano than to type them out.

Would be great if there was a way to download the songs you made as a wav or mp3 file. That's one of the limitations I saw from the nokia composer I found, still had to record it.

Yes, I was thinking that, similar to how streets of rage did it. The life bar of the current/last engaged enemy appears, only one life bar at a time. In this case, I was thinking on the lower right, and not above the enemy heads. To reduce confusion and clutter, you can probably make the width of the enemy smaller too (if you decide to implement the life bar).

pixel streets of rage!

This is really awesome! Did not expect a 3310 beat em up. Would be nice if the enemy lifebars appeared on the right when currently engaged.

This is so amazing! It's even better than the work in progress screenshots. Well done!

My only comment is the countdown, seems it should be 3,2,1 go and not 1,2,3 go, but that's just a nitpick and likely personal preference.

This is so polished, well done!

This looks good based on the screenshots, but I can't get it to work. For some reason, I only get a black screen after loading.

Good luck all, have fun! 

yeah, just like third strike, when you master parry, you can become godlike. Still have no way to combat that for the AI. It's interesting to finally see someone requesting to make the game harder. Hopefully I can implement the difficulty level well to appease all levels.

Interesting suggestions on the duck, I will try them out and see what works best!

Hmm..sorry about that. I don't have a mac to test my builds, but I'll see if I can borrow my sister's macbook so I can look into it.

In the meantime you can try this since you're able to play it on your browser:

  • Open this link in your browser ( This is the direct link to the game Toe II Toe on
  • You can now install that as an app. I'm not sure what your browser is, but I'll assume it's safari since you're on mac. I think it's File > add to Dock. That should download and install Toe to Toe as a web app, and you can now play it offline.

Thank you for playing, Im' glad you and your partner enjoyed it. It's nice to hear people playing my game. Would have been better to see faces for full effect, but I myself don't like my face being plastered anywhere, so I understand.

Regarding the controls, I'm looking into it. Seems like there's bug where sometimes the default controls don't kick in, so you have to set it manually in the options like you guys did. Hopefully I can patch that soon.

P.S. you guys made me hungry! I should probably do a frequent video game date night with my wife too, it's been a while since we did.

No worries, I welcome even harsh comments, so long as they include why/have a suggestion for improvement. Thanks for the encouragement, I'll try to make it better!

(1 edit)

Feedback is always welcome! Also, if you enjoyed boxing, you have to try out punch out on the NES, a retro game. It's simple but fun and addictive!

Hi chaobao! Glad you loved the game! I'm still improving things. Parry is supposed to counteract jab spamming, but I'm still working on the AI (my first implementation, CP parried all the shots. Trying not to make it realistic and also not too difficult). I'll see if I can also find a way to reduce jab spamming. One of the common suggestions is to use a stamina bar, which I'm still testing out.

Hi GooseJuggler! I'm working on an update which will include an uppercut, and ducking then punching will be the way to execute it. This will be guard breaking, so that ought to put some mileage out of duck. Things aren't progressing as I would like due to life, but we'll get there. When that time comes, I hope you can check out the game again. Thank you for your inputs and for playing my game!