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A member registered Jan 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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What browser are you using? I'll try to fix this issue, but for now maybe try using a different browser. I know it works on Chrome.

Really, really well designed game! I also love all the graphics and audio, they are amazing! The strategic gameplay is very engaging and it's so satisfying to push enemies to the danger zones. The game ramps up the difficulty pretty quickly, yet it never feels too overwhelming or tedious thanks to the enemy variety.

After playing this awesome game, I was wondering what other games did you make and then I realized it's you guys, lol!

Haha, keep clicking! Thank you :)

That actually means a lot. I am so glad you guys enjoy the game!

Congrats! And thanks for the feedback :)

Just a tip - you can see the button's health, it changes visually when damaged. (The button in the image lost around 1/4 of health.)

I really like how you can just build infinitely and the camera adjusts for that. Also, the art is awesome (although a background would be great).

Cool concept, I would definitely be interested to see how it develops!

Awesome platforming mechanic! I just wish the collected baloon dogs would save and that there were some checkpoints, because I don't like starting over from the beginning every time. But still, the ballon works great and makes for some really unique and fun levels. Well done!

Really unique take on the theme! The gameplay is pretty challenging, but I enjoyed it. Well done, especially since it's made in such a short time frame!

The atmosphere is really creepy, but that's all. Jumpscares happen only when you take a picture, which makes them very predictable. Also, the whole spooky vibe disappears when entering the attic, since it stops being realistic. Not to mention that the game has no original feature that would make it unique or to tie it to the theme.

Good luck with your Steam game though!

The level design is incredible! The fact that I managed to beat the game without getting stuck even once, despite having the worst orientation skills known to man is just mind blowing. The guns getting bigger and bigger is hilarious and I love how the guns look and feel. The puzzles are engaging, even though most of them limit to standing in a different spot to clear the way. Still, what shines here the brightest is the level design. Great game!

Awesome puzzle game! Everything looks nice and is very polished, I like how the player just explodes when the level is restarted. I am impressed by how many unique and neat ideas you had with the level design. I especially did not expect dodging turret bullets in a puzzle game. Really, great job!

(Also, I managed to beat all the levels, what the hell is that ending?! I love it.)

What a neat take on the theme! The game is really polished and intuitive. What I learned is that I am apparently not good at estimating sizes, since I significantly over-sized everything :P (I ended up with just 23 rulers). Awesome entry!

Such a clever puzzle game. I love how fun and polished everything looks, especially the faces of the globs. The puzzles were pretty challenging for me, so I appreciate the 'skip level' button. Amazing entry!

Really neat idea, I actually felt like a pirate! The gameplay is great, even though it's very challenging to place every piece perfectly on the map. My favorite part is counting steps while using the compass, such a clever feature!

This is deep.

This is such a great, funny idea. The visuals and sound effects are amazing! At first I thought that I earn money for breaking everything, so I wrecked the whole street and then saw that that was the money that I should pay for the damage lol. Insane game.

That's a really neat and unique interpretation of the theme! It's so fun, especially once the beat starts coming together. The rhythmic gameplay is well executed, my only feedback would be for the bomb blocks to be less common. Great game!

Really well designed and fun gameplay loop! The whole game is very pretty and polished. I love the paddle animations and the title pun!

Really fun concept! I think it would be more convenient though to just have the different shooting types on right click & left click instead of two separate guns. Also I expected enemies to change size too when shot. But still, the game is pretty good!

Cool pun in the name! I also like how everything looks. Some audio and tutorials would be great and the raft could go faster. But the progression is pretty good though. Well done!

Really neat interpretation of the theme! The animations are great and the game feels pretty polished. The pace could be a little quicker though. Still, an awesome entry!

Such a cool idea for a main mechanic! The puzzles are well designed and the artstyle is awesome!

The bouncing feels really good and the progression is very quick, so the game is incredibly fun!

Such a neat effect with the rotating tower! Really impressive, especially in just 48 hours!

I love the artstyle and the audio! The gameplay is pretty fun, too! The whole game is very polished and feels like a full release (obviously, since it's made by like 10 people lol). Amazing entry!

Pretty simple, but a lot of fun! Especially impressive since it's made in just 48 hours. The theme interpretation is very literal and I love that :D

The character's art is amazing! Some polishing and audio would be great, but the gameplay is pretty fun!

Really unique interpretation of the theme! I like the different stats and power ups. There's a lot of stuff in here for such a short time, great job!

The money running out while trying to develop the game is genius.

The physics feel really good, swinging around is so fun :D

Really smart puzzle game! Fits the theme nicely as well. I love the art, it's very cute! The puzzles would be very hard, but the hints help out in just the right way.

Very funny and original idea! It's an unexpected take on the theme and I like it. You successfully pulled off the addictive feeling of risk and reward. I didn't try the multiplayer mode, but it's probably even better. Buying graffiti in the shop is a neat touch and made me more interested in gaining money. Great entry!

All your games from this GDKO were innovative and exciting to discover. I really enjoyed seeing what you'll come up with in each round and I was never disappointed. The level of polish that you clearly put a lot of effort in was very impressive! Some of my favorite games from the whole competition were made by you. Like Track and Fear that I played for a lot time, it was so fun! Great job Evengy and good luck!

Why did nobody tell me that gambling is so fun?! Seriously, you once again outdid yourself with this game, I love it! Even though I never played poker, I got so invested in the gameplay once I googled the card layouts and focused on getting as many chips as possible. I played through all the levels and I am so impressed that all of them bring something new or different to the gameplay! This is such a well made game, wow. Literally, my one and only complaint is that the background rotating constantly made me kinda dizzy, because I played for too long lol.

After every round I couldn't wait to play anything that you submitted, your games were always so surprising and creative and I had so much fun with every one of them. I am still thinking of how genius your idea was for the first round game! In my opinion, your submissions often stood out as the ones with the best game design and creativity. This final game is no different. Joszs, I think you could (and should!) win this GDKO, because you kept a very high level with all submissions and this one is the perfect culmination. Also, it wouldn't be the first time that a game set in space wins the final round of GDKO :D

I feel like this game is a very natural progression of the Crunkle series, like, of course Crunkle makes us gamble for our lives, it just fits so well :P The theme is implemented perfectly and I like the variety of the gambling minigames. Fun game!

It's impressive that you managed to stick to one style and plotline throughout all 6 rounds while the tasks were so different from each other. I really enjoyed experiencing the Crunkle lore expanding with each game. The gameboy style added a certain retro vibe to the gameplay and made the games stand out. Well done, Dev Pirates!

Very unique idea, I never thought I would play a first-person angry birds like game here :P But it's really fun! My score was around 4000$ and I feel like the gameplay is well balanced and doesn't take too much time. I also enjoyed spamming the catapult to flood the field with athletes :D

In every round you excelled at making your games stand out visually from the other ones. The polish, creativity and attention to detail was on another level in all the games! I had a lot of fun playing your gorgeous creations. Well done in the whole competition HugBug and good luck - you definitely deserve to win this GDKO!

Here's the link to the results video:

It's a memory game, but you play with the Death to get to continue your life.

The gameplay also got some new twists, like a death card that you can't touch and gaining coins to buy perks at a shop!

Check it out if you're interested:

Thanks! Great video :)

Now that's what I am talking about! I saved this game for last to rate, because I sensed it would be good. And it did not disappoint!

I adore how the progression system is designed. The sheer amount of different rings with fun different effects that aren't all just stat changes is insane (Like actually, how many rings are there? I need to know!).

I loved experimenting with various builds to focus on specific events and the system is well designed for that.

The difficulty ramps up smoothly, there's always a challenge, but it's so satisfying to sometimes just breeze through an event on full speed, or absolutely leap over any obstacle with ultra jumps.

Definitely one of the top entries this round in my opinion. The creativity and effort that you put in this remake is visible here and I must say, you once again created a great game!

The visuals are insanely good! Everything looks so pretty and feels so polished, I love it! The idea of making Track & Field, but 3D is neat and I got so excited when I saw that I could move around in the hub to choose events. I thought that moving in the events themselves would be in 3D (like for example that I could just go around the hurdles instead of jumping above them), but that would probably be too much to do for such a short time and the controls could get pretty complicated. What you have here is a very faithful remake of Track & Field that looks gorgeous while still having the retro art and feel.