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A member registered Jul 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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I enjoy backroomsy things so, if i was scrolling through, I would have clicked it, knowing an idea of what I was getting into before reading what the game was about.
But that is just me, an enjoyer of backrooms types of games 

These Heavenly Bodies!

Another interesting and I can see, disturbing to others, point and click horror game by Tooth And Claw.

Pretty short and easy to play.

I really enjoyed this, even as a low rez (made for Low Rez Jam 2024) it still can inspire weird feelings, unsettlingly and creepy.

Always have a love for this style and look.

Great Job Tooth And Claw!

Would Consume Flesh Again!

Just a short for the silliness

Old Roots! A pretty solid short horror game and it got me pretty good.

Has two endings, that I know of, got them both.

Turning OFF the lights is general a "no" from me in a horror game so starting off with that being the main task to do was a little unsettling.

Did keep an at a low grade chills most of the time

Overall, had a good time playing!

Great Job Ti-Nor!

The Friendly Intruder! Or The Friendly Host!

You invite someone into your home who is being stalked by possibly Andrew W.K. after they bang on your door,  you decide to leave this newcomer, who was being chased by a person dressed in white, in your house while you go grocery shopping, leaving them to there own devices while... the "killer" is... out there!?! Where did they go when you got home?????????? Did they just leave? Call the cops? Take an Uber? You'll have to play or watch to find out!

Okay... the story and pretty outlandish at points with regards to the "intruder" BUT! I loved it because of it!

I had a blast wondering what was going on and why my character had no sense of stranger danger!

Had some silly fun playing!

Some things could be cleaned up, like the store scene, knowing what exactly to do and dropping items into the abyss and chucking my lagasia against the wall but not a deal breaker, still had fun!

Figured out how to find 2 endings

Got me with a scare haha

Overall, had a good time

Great Job SquareDevv!

Bird Watch! You play as a wildlife biologist, who spends the day off from wildlife biologisting with wildlife to go back outdoors to see some flying wildlife!

Seems like a pretty chill, causal walking sim until night falls!

I had fun with it but had some rough parts but the game seemed aware of it.

It had some silliness that I liked, had a story to it what made me curious about where we were going with it because never played a "Bird watching horror" game

Got me pretty good with some sudden scares

I think I found all the birds? But definitely found both endings.

Though, at the time of playing this, so could have been fixed, it is super easy to fall into the backrooms and you have to restart from the beginning, dialogue seems to be on a timer so you seem to have to just trigger it and run to the next point so little annoying but easy to get back to where you are soooo... tip!


But over all, had a good time playing

Good Job Squaredevv!

Room Sweet Backroom is a search and collect style horror game set in the familiar? unfamiliar backrooms setting

You play as Toddy who fell through and now seemly "cleaning up" the backrooms by collecting trash and other things and putting them in the right spot while a angry ghost lady drifts at you.

It was fun, enjoyed playing.

Got me with a few scares, was not too hard to complete, got to chill with Art The Clown, over all had a good time.

Couldn't ride the the giant duck or take a blood bath but its fine haha

Great Job Escapebox!

(1 edit)


Fun little side scrolling horror

The story was interesting, made me wonder what was going on from the beginning when the monster looked like it was saying "come back"

Which, hugging it only results in death? Maybe? At least an ending!

The style, always have a love for a pixel horror looking game

It can be difficult if you are bad at side scrollers, like I am, because you are running away from the monster while dodging obstacles but is/isn't too hard pending you skill and drive to finish it.

The music, got to say, was great!

It didn't really scare or give me chills but I enjoyed it, I found it as an adorable little horror game and happy to have played it.

Great job Sithrue!

Remote site!

Another fun one from Apish Box Games!

Took a night job and got wrapped up in a mystery!

Game was pretty easy to get around. Got tense once it started getting spooky.

The jumpscares got me pretty good! The ending was really fun and loved the call back!

Great Job Apish Box Games!

Always looking forward to what you craft next!

Room 202!

Was not sure where this game was going to go in the first few minutes but enjoyed the ride.

Complained about the noisy room across the hall and then all chaos broke out!

Had some enjoyable scares and did have some tense moments! The ending was pretty interesting. The roomrenter a cross the way looked pretty cool.

Good Job Max Horror

Kiosk! Had so much fun with this one!

Had a blast messing around, throwing things, doing my job with the highest standards of cleanliness for my customers!

Game gave me some good jumps, was trying to uncover the story and think I got it

Each customer had their own character style which was interesting and fun chatting with them

The ending, no spoilers, gave my opinions about it at the end of the video

Good Job  Vivi

Had a great time playing!

So ready for it! Any hints on the next project? 🤘

Amanda's Movie Night!

Did not know what they meant by... "Wholesome Horror" but this game captured a dream I try to do in 90% of horror games I play!

The game itself was pretty fun, had silly enjoyment of throwing items around, prepping for my movie night.

Got me pretty good with a scare or two but meeting the monster, I fell in love with this game!

Definitely worth a shot checking out!

Thank you Sixlink for mentioning it!

Great Job JFlyerGames!

Looking forward to your next project!

(1 edit)

Sad Satan! And as I start this rambling, I'll say it again like I said while playing, F U Wiseman! haha! And I mean that in the most joking and laughing manner.

Because yet again, just like Fear Assessment, you murrrderrred any since of comfort and safety, not too often when I am paranoid enough to be asking myself, when is the end???

NOW! That, that's out of the way, Sad Satan! Never played the "real" one but know the idea of it, so was interested in giving this a shot.

Not only did it leave me on a constant state of paranoia of my real life surroundings, it kept me off balance with the sounds, the pixelated darkness of the maze made me uneasy, unknowing when the next jumpscare was coming and how eerie the music/sound effects were.

Now, I don't know if there was 1 or 2 endings as I didn't realize I made a choice... by accident haha

I will say, I always play horror games on max volume and if you are like me... the first loud noise is what you can expect for the rest of the game so plan your ear health accordingly. 

Great Job Alexander Wiseman! I look forward to your next crafted nightmare!

Clap Clap! I had a blast playing this!

It had some great chills, panics, scares and most of all, I got to be silly and do random things while progressing the story.

Had quite a few surprises as I played that I wasn't expecting, like the detective haha

It got me quite a few scares and gave me that feeling of dread as I made it through my house sitting job.

Sadly, couldn't ride Lulp to space...

But anyways! Great game and had a blast! Looked forward to what comes next!

Great Job Raycastly! Keep it up!

Sorrow Asylum 3!

Played the other 2 and every one has been a good, chilling time!

We meet up with the ol'crew, Doctor, Vanessa, Dalu (who will always be a d*ck) and a new comer!

Game has that Vidas look and as always, a sweet soundtrack.

Story was interesting, kept trying to remember the other two sorrow asylums and tried to tie them together with my usual ramblings and theories of what is going on haha

Got me with some good scares, atmosphere was chill inducing with that "I don't want to go down there" feeling and definitely has me panicked during some events!

Great Job Vidas! Always a pleasure seeing what nightmares you craft!

(2 edits)

Another fun one by Apish Box Games!
A really short sci-fi horror game that did give me some chills and a good startle!
The small story was interesting and only one puzzle, which haha took me a second to get.
The monster kept giving me Dead Space Necroflapflap vibes.
I did find two endings and then we went and did some silly things in the game afterwards!
Great Job Apish Box Games! Always a pleasure seeing a new game release!

Had a lot of fun with this one and another great game by Vidas! Got me pretty good with the tension of the entities and definitely when they start ganging up! The pictures were fun and enjoyed seeing so many other creators on there, maybe you can find me also? Some were pretty sneaky with their smiles haha, hit me with some good scares and startles, got some chills from the atmosphere at times! And always, rad music and awesome voice acting. I been on a binge of spot the difference horror types of games so this one, having to check the pictures and seeing if they changed or smiled helped hit that interest with other things happening at the same time was the game builds. Played completely through and got to the end, definitely a recommend play!

Great job Vidas on another rad game!

Had some fun, its backrooms so had to check it out! Gave me a little chills, the evil clanking entity was entertaining and a camping jerk haha, took me a second to figure out the computer hints and liked the progress of how the atmosphere changed as you progressed. I think my only major issue was the sandpaper walls that majorly slowed you down but not a game breaker, good job Sorrow Statement, good luck on your future projects!

Always love the idea of mimic horror games

This one was pretty fun, play as a investigator of "Mimic" attacks

Involving a lot of driving around, which the driving worked well and smoothly, I enjoyed.

Chats with the locals and locations were interesting.

I did go through it quickly and accidently because I did not listen to the clues directions and choose my own path, so during my first play I missed some locations BUT! There is two endings, which I got and during my second run through, we explored all the locations I missed on the way, which was worth checking out.

The farmer is a jerk!

Fun playing and great job Gemezl!

Another great one from anOverthinker

Underwater horror always makes me uncomfortable and creeped out haha

This game combines a great blend of creepy paranoia, stress and panic!

I have played through it a few times and there are many ways to change up your run, from different tool selections to RNG giving up some great... or stress inducing "perks" for each new round.

No to mention the events that randomly happen while you are focused on the mining ore.

The story was interesting and made me wonder. I enjoyed the "host" of the game, sounds and music were awesome.

Great Job Overthinker!

Sleeping with the fishies, best sleep I ever got 10/10

Another interesting one by KenForest, always a dev I look forward to seeing what they cooked up.

This was a fun one, very interesting game play and would love to have had a long game to play with the mechanics and solve more puzzles.

Enjoyed the look/style.

Good Job KenForest!

Passerby! A really short and enjoyable horror story, I am a sucker for anything post apocalyptic.

Story I was interested in and enjoyed the setting, had fun exploring the little town, dancing with zombies and knowing the guy I helped was sus af

I turned out to have a real can'table attitude

Good job Niven!

Child Of Luminescence is a pretty fun, short platformer with some horror tones to it!

Play as a demon looking dude, shooting enemies and trying to uncorrupt the sun!

I loved look of the area, giving like a feel I was playing on an old tv, and how the boss monsters looked! Very well done! I enjoyed the adorable bats and the spirits!

Game play worked pretty well! It's a platformer and you have to use an ability to make some of the jumps and I am awful at platformers typically! Once I figured it out, it was pretty understandable how to progress.

Never thought I would be the one to actually save the sun as I usually try to avoid it!

Gave me some nostalgia vibes of playing some games back on the old gaming consoles.

Love to see some more monsters, places to go and explore, new abilities and maybe a lesser cool down on abilities needed to progress because I fumble 90% of my jumps haha.

Well Done Keyriff!

Okay, found the most adorable entity, squid soap! Still having a blast playing!

My failures...
(1 edit)

A horror, rage platformer with a adorable moth!

From what I saw of the environment looks great, the spider looked awesome and creepy! Loved its movements and the sounds it made. The art style is just very well done, beautiful! 

The music was enjoyable, progressing the story by little bits here and there was interesting, making me curious about what is at the "top"

Playing wise, it felt like it worked smoothly, once I got started, I got what I needed to do with the jumps to progress and takes some practice for me.

You screw up, you get to enjoy fluttering all the way back unless you catch yourself but look at how cute the moth is, rage subsided!

There is options to customize how difficult your experience can, I kept it was it came though and didn't play with any changes.

I will throw this out there, I am not a regular platform jumping rage game player, my experience is very little, so others might progress a lot fast/farther/better then it did, while I did not make any grand progress, failed a lot, I did very much enjoy playing and had a positive experience and if I can figure out how to get around a spot I was stuck out, I'd be interested in continuing.
Once I got the powerup for double flutter, my world got blown up haha!

Great Job Rebel Jester Studios!

Its a convenience store horror... so I gotta play it!

It was pretty fun, found all the endings, got me a few times with some scares, love a "nope" out ending.

Did not have any game play issues but found a few small cosmetic ones during my plays.

Ate so many gumballs and coffee to put this store owner out of business!

Good Job 

We have returned! To the "Rental" which got some updates?

The animal crossing looking horror game that has some chill and silliness to it.

This is my second time playing through and it was as enjoyable as the first time.

Still adorable, still creepy at points.

I tried to pick out the changes/updates as I was going through.

Still happy to do any kind of ritual haha

Good Job Smarto Club

Note: The video is of the steam version incase there is a difference

We are at it again! Wednesday and now getting into the weird!
(2 edits)

Fun short little horror game with two endings, found both of them! 🤘😈🤘

Had some eerie ambience in the beginning but once you enter the church, for me it builds up and is more creepy.

But! I in fact! Found the perfect spot!

Great Job Niven!

Another good one!

Stab Stab StabStabStab!

Still did not get my pizza party in the sewer but always drawn to anything that says "found footage"... over!

The ambience got to me here and there, got me pretty good in a few spots, overall a pretty fun, creepy experience!

Good job alxGames!

Really enjoyed this, was creepy, made me feel a little paranoid and unsettled.

Loved how they set up the game within the game idea.

Got me good a few times!

Great job Hengikken!

More rambles and thoughts about it at the end!

Hell Yeah! Got it locked on Steam! Looking forward to visiting that rental again! Good memories!

A very interesting game and one I been wanting to get to!

Starts off as normal household issues and then ramps up to the weird

The calls are entertaining and then the random "prank" calls I adore!

For me, took me a second as I really had to read the call and the descriptions of the cases as time went on because sometimes one clue will spark the choice

Having fun though! It's been fun and looking forward to seeing what crazy issues call in as the week progresses! 

Red Terror? Red Horror? Not a bad little horror game, I had fun playing it, could see where it would creep and get to some people but I feel it just needs a little more meat

Had no problem finding the items, just took a moment to figure out there locations, so that was good.

I always enjoy this style of visuals, very well done there!

So, as it is right now, I did have fun, I can see where it could get some people, its got the start to something more terrifying and not bad for a made in two weeks game.
My thoughts and such are at the end of the video.

Just needs some more spooky filler meat.

Good Job Hayden McCormack and Team!

Rinse and Repeat! A fun, short horror game about the fear of the shower demon!

Had a good time playing, finding all the endings where pretty easy, enjoyed the silly ones.

Hit me with a good jumpscare and liked visiting why I will always shampoo with my eyes open and never turning my back to the shower entrance!

Good Job HadrianDev!

Another awesome one from Vidas! Walking into it, I was wondering what I was going to be hit with after reading what the game was about and Vidas did a great job with how they crafted the torture effects and leaving to the mind to fill in the blanks behind the door. Found the story interesting, making me wonder why I needed to get this password and then at the end, having my own theory of what was going on. It kept me unsettled most of the time and hit me with some good scares and waiting for "Alastor" to pop back into reality. Was happy to find another friendly corpse stuck on a wall! Brough back some memories which I bring up haha

Had fun playing and looking forward to your next one! Got "Samantha" loaded to try! 

Always love playing an SCP game! Definitely if I know nothing about it walking into it!

Exploring the park was pretty and unsettling, unsure what was going to happen.

Came out of it knowing more about the lamp post SCP which was awesome!

Had a great time playing!

Great Job Niven!