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A member registered Nov 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Nice little 3d platformer, solid obstacle and level design. Overall I like the aesthetic you're going for and the sound effects add a lot. The enemy explosion animation was satisfying as well. I also liked the shift to a 2d perspective in the mountain level.
For some specific criticism on the actual platforming physics, I didn't like that the character takes some time to build up speed from a stop, it felt muddy and slowed the pace considerably. I thought the jump was a little too high and floaty and made it too easy to skip over obstacles on the ground. In addition, I thought the camera perspective when jumping needs work, I never had a ton of confidence on where I was going to land because the camera was too high in the air and the shadow (which you can't really see at the peak of your jump because of the camera) did not help gauge where you were.
One other thing I think could be improved is the attack, it has a really short range and didn't feel that great to perform. If the character moved forward and the hitbox was more pronounced I think it would add a lot to the feeling.

Being big into raiding in MMOs in my younger years, this premise ticks a lot of boxes for me. However, right now the gameplay needs some work. I think before focusing too much on the recruiting aspect, different gearsets, stat specificity etc, the boss fight itself should be ironed out as it felt confusing and didn't leave me wanting to improve in order to beat it. The controls to give each character directions were clunky and I'm not sure that they did anything. I wasn't sure what the range of the healer was, whether they were targeting or aoe healing, how the support class chose who to shield, etc. And melee didn't seem to run out of the fire (which is kind of accurate, lol) but it was frustrating to not know how to influence that.
Keep going with the concept though, there's definitely a playerbase for management sims and this theme has the potential to be really clever.

(1 edit)

This was charming. Maybe the arrow buttons make it too obvious on where to go, and they could instead show up after being moused over? I didn't really feel like I was exploring like I have in older games I've played in this genre, rather just clicking on where to go next. Also maybe adding a few more screens in general, maybe intermediate steps like first zooming into the area of the lighthouse where the brick is before being able to interact with it?
Some other small criticisms: I would swap out of the font for something less.. MS powerpoint. The inventory could probably be collapsible or only appear when you obtain an item. I also noticed the music just kind of abruptly ends and doesn't loop again for a while, and the volume on it is a little too high.
Overall a good submission though!

The graphics, music, and overall atmosphere was excellent, eerie and intriguing. The feeling you captured while in the room with the wife was especially powerful.
I enjoyed the mumbled voices, I thought they fit really well. I'll agree with the other comment that noted the grating sound of the unnamed character in the red suit in the Lost in Eternity ending was too loud in comparison to the rest of the voices.
Not sure if it's just a common feature of VN games made in this engine, but I appreciated being able to easily scroll through the past dialogue choices and backtrack if needed.
Great work, I'll be coming back to this one!

Thanks for the review! I can see that, it's definitely on the challenging side for platformers, I wanted to have a high skill ceiling but without requiring inputs as precise as something like Celeste. The update I have planned makes some parts much more forgiving.

Sweet run, glad you had fun with it. I'll be putting out an update later this week that makes the game feel even better to play so I hope you'll check that out!

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it and great job getting to the end of the level! Definitely agree that keyboard controls could be improved, I think it plays best on gamepad which is the control scheme I had in mind while designing.

Nice to see another game with a reflective shield! I took a while to solve the first puzzle because I didn't realize you could double jump, and overall I felt the puzzle designs were a little frustrating. But platforming while also protecting yourself was a lot of fun!

Cool little concept, I haven't played it on mobile yet but I bet the touch control lends itself well to the mechanic! Great job

Great character design and sound! Objects like the platforms could have used some more polish to match the character and background.

Unique use of the reflect mechanic and take on a survival game! I also liked the custom sounds and music.

I liked the sprites and the atmosphere! The moving platforms were a little wonky and frustrating, as they were getting set off by hitting them from the bottom, as well as being difficult to jump off of them at certain times. Cool concept and level design though!

Cute artwork and good sfx!

This was so neat, really well implemented! The graphics were spot on, so nostalgic

The mirrors are really well done as well as the overall visual design! I did encounter frequent minor screen shakes while moving around and especially while dodging, but overall was fun to play! I thought it nailed the theme of reflection, but didn't really see the limitation of 'windows'

Great idea for a little platformer that uses the limitation well! I'd love to see more levels for this.

Really interesting concept, and great way to introduce the mechanic, nice job!

Charming dialogue and great art design. I didn't totally understand what my actions were changing in the puzzle, that could be more clearly shown, but once I got them all singing at their peaks the result was great!

Great concept and fun implementation, I agree with the other comment that the vertical flipping being a one-time use could be clearer.

Thanks for playing, the mage casting an ice fish is indeed super fun, credit to poliwag and his very expressive pixel art. Agreed on showing a score, or another way to track your progress and make the game more re-playable, just didn't have time to implement it!

Appreciate the kind words, thanks for playing! The idea of having the cannoneer just blow through all of the smaller enemies in front of it just appealed to me so much.

Thanks! We knew we wanted to think of a challenging timing or positioning mechanic even before the limitation was announced, so I'm glad the interpretation works!

Definitely heard on the UI confusion, I made it so that you could click on the word and the space in either order, but I could have made it simpler than that. Thanks for the feedback!

Ran into a bug on the final boss fight where he went through the floor right at the start of the encounter and was unkillable. Overall there's a lot of good foundations here that could be expanded on, this was a good amount of content for a jam game. Hit the nail on the head with the theme too.

I was kind of bummed when I shot the red barrels on the zombie level and they didn't blow up :P

Appreciate the criticism, could potentially add a blinking animation to the word gaps once a word from the word bank is selected, or like you suggested, just fill left to right.

I've heard this a couple times and will adjust it, thanks for the feedback!