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A member registered Feb 07, 2020

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I would happily play a more traditional platformer with the same art, because this is so nice to look at, with big backgrounds and so many unique things in practically every level. Especially fond of the ghosts in the boat, and the disconcertingly wriggly toes and fingers on some of the bigger sprites. I just wish I liked the gameplay as much... part of the movement just feels a bit buggy, like when you recoil slightly when you walk into a wall, but ultimately the design just didn't quite work for me. I don't know what I thought an anti-coin collection platformer would mean if not this, but there are only so many times I'll play the same level twice, once collecting zero coins and one collecting all the coins. And the big numbered blocks everywhere detract from the detailed, isometric level art that I want to see more of. Really cool stuff, love all the set pieces, just not my preferred platformer engine.

This was fun! I ignored all the magic and focused exclusively on sword, and did just fine. Neat game!

Not quite what I was in the mood for, but this is very elegant (elegantasy?), there's a lot to be said for making the most of a minimal moveset. The graphics likewise do a great job of conveying important information with a limited resolution and color palette. I'm glad the game speed option is there, though the default is very low.

I love their leaning-back poses, what little drama queens.

Love me a good supernatural girl. And board games.

I wish things were given more room to breathe, like in Terranova--right now it feels like every single conversation has to be nonstop gender. But there's a lot of attention to detail, like including actual fanart and fanfic and stuff, which is very nice.

It's not as elaborate as Friendsim 2 but there's some really nice work in here for sure! I appreciate the focus on how people are remembered... for most of these characters, all we were ever told in canon was about a single thing they did, so that's all their scenes here have to build off. But you're still trying hard to be kind to everyone. It's nice! 

Sometimes this is just what you need, thank you

Cute, and must have been fun to write for! It wasn't intuitive to me that the number of potions sold would be based on the number of potions available for sale (as a percentage), so I fell far short of the goal, but at least I tried for candles.

I beat this and it was all very average. Nothing especially bad (though I'd scrap the retrieve-money-on-death system, and the carrots behind asteroids in the final stage), nothing amazing (though I do like the level theme variety, and the number of bosses, and the main character sprites). A respectable, fully playable game that I won't remember in a few weeks.

It's neat to see a longer take on that one tower level from Mickey Mania, but hitting flowers to unlock new leaves didn't gel with me--felt like platforming with extra steps--which is a pity when it seems to be the main mechanic.

I have zero background in Monster High but this looks like a very cool work so far, lots of room for characters with unique skills to complicate mysteries, and of course great attention to programming and artwork. Impressive!

This feels pretty good so far! There's some odd glitchiness surrounding Granite Act 2--in my first playthrough, I spawned pretty close to the end of the level for some reason, and in the second playthrough, it was called Sunset Gate Act 2 in the title card--but otherwise things seemed to work as intended. Visually Sunset Gate is quite nice, though I think you could play with the palette some more... it's all pretty basic green and brown right now, and this is a PC game, you don't actually need to worry about using a standard sixteen color palette or whatever. It could definitely use more to DO right now, too, especially with the gloriously gimmicky Golden Capital Zone to compare act 2 to. Right now you have cool flower animations and basically nothing else to make the zone interesting. Granite is very good, by contrast.

Yesterday morning my aged, heart-failing cat was euthanized. This game made accepting it ever so slightly easier. Thanks.

It's a cute Celeste clone with some overly slippery jumps, but I can't handle Jungle-6. That much backtracking, requiring so much precise movement over so long a period (around a minute and a half?) just isn't fun at all. Some of your students, I'm afraid, are better at this than others. The little bits of dialog at certain spots in the levels is a neat engine touch, though.

Everyone is so expressive in this, both words and animation! Very nice work!

Nothing too out of the ordinary here but I like all the bits where the characters identify things they actually want and do stuff or say stuff out loud to try to make it happen, and the pictures are solid, nice work

I don't think the parody names are useful, because readers either a) recognize the shows just as they would have if the names hadn't been changed or b) don't recognize the shows and are unable to google them. But otherwise this felt like a very unique idea for a story, wide-ranging and well-executed, emphasizing that people can disagree but get along and even enjoy the disagreements.

Nice and uplifting

(1 edit)

The hazard of having so few testers on a puzzle game is there are bound to be alternate solutions that don't get caught. By the end of the game it felt like 50-50 odds that a level would be beatable without using all the pieces, even while getting the emblems... even 4-24 and 4-25 had easier solutions. Also the very frequent Custom([file_write,stderr]) crashes were a bother, though fortunately they never lost me any progress. But when it's working, it's working well. Good readable graphics and good commitment to a single moveset. I had fun 105%ing this.

Maybe playing this at 2am just made everything hit harder, but this felt really powerful. Numbness was a good metaphor for getting used to loneliness, especially as part of the broader temperature metaphor. It was nice to see the main character constantly realizing things about herself. I'm not convinced the final sequence with the hospitalization and timeskip was really necessary though.

Most of the game feels like filler, constantly walking back and forth across the same area. I did like the bouncing scarecrow.

Wish fulfillment, certainly, yet cute and colorful with cats

Cute little bite-sized horror tale, though Sofia didn't feel very fleshed out. She's just "modern girl," she experiences strange stuff happening to her and resolutely doesn't mention any of it out loud (presumably because that would stand out as unusual in the Amelie route).

It's amazing how much art and gameplay is crammed into so short a time, and almost all of it very easy to understand!

A good game, everything is nicely intuitive and being able to shoot upwards (through walls even) is a total gamechanger. No complaints, had a nice time.

I think really I agree with everything here. The end levels makes me repeat too much, but otherwise it's a good game and everything works.

8-bit Megaman is really not my thing but some of the level themes are nice and colorful, so I appreciate that part

is that some are inevitably much harder to dodge than others, so the difference between a successful run and a failed run feels less like it was the player doing well and more like the player randomly not having to work as hard that time.

Interesting game though, I was expecting something more like Run Gun Jump Gun but the holes didn't end up mattering much for most of the game. Really effective illustration of how much a single game can progress in difficulty. The "secret characters" were cute additions.

The only sliding block puzzle I've ever enjoyed

A solid hour's diversion! I totally forgot about the slowdown key until the final stage, so that might have saved me some time, idk. Cool to see so much variety in obstacles in an ostensibly simple formula.

I played a few random stages not really knowing what I was doing, then suddenly everything clicked and I beat every level in a row. That's a good progression!

This is very cool! I'm always a fan of getting a lot of mileage out of a small play area and/or set of pieces, and this does both with aplomb. If I had one suggestion it would be that in levels 7 and 8, I had to switch colors so frantically it was easy to lose track of which walls were or weren't solid: maybe if unsolid walls could be partially darkened, like half-black-half-orange? Otherwise everything was nice and cleanly conveyed. :)

It may be the top part here? It definitely confuses some things sometimes.

Very cool... a clever combination of reusing the existing space for each puzzle while also coming up with good excuses to present new areas. Solid artwork with strong character designs.

This was nice! It's easy for VNs to go on for too long and this didn't really have that problem, and it's always good to have magic and snacks around.

Escaped Chasm community · Created a new topic TV

I liked the TV show in here. It can be fun when games have extra things inside of them that aren't just the regular gameplay. I played this with a friend and we felt sorry for the main character and hoped at least one of the endings gave her something nice.

I've played a lot of racial justice bundle games at this point but WitchWay is one of my favorites, it's so clever setting up lots of different puzzles with the same set of mechanics, to the point I can understand if you don't feel there's really any more ground to be explored in this vein. Thanks for making such a charming time, I've recommended it to a few other people.

This is cute! Fun sparkly colors and always stuff to do.

It's neat to see another game in the same genre as Wunderling! Not as much polish, but the different powerups were a good idea that added a lot of variety and new things to pay attention to. I did think the final level was way too long, though, past the point of what I was willing to play through again each time I missed a single fish if I was aiming for perfection in that level like every other. And the parallax speeds in the castle didn't seem to make sense. But mostly this was a rewarding and fairly unique experience.