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A member registered May 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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I do this every jam. Not stopping now.

Almost forgot

At the congratulations screen, click the congratulations text while holding left shift for a secret screen.

The concept is nice, its just that its brought down by the need for multiplayer, which makes reviewing the game harder than normal. I would really recommend adding an offline mode to your games, just in-case.

Damn, sorry to here that.

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I would recommend making more original games. Those usually get more attention than edited templates


Nice game, it is annoying that you can't really see the platforms in advance though.

Huh, nice.

Nice game. I really like the more momentum based movement, even if it is really finicky most of the time.

Decent game, ok visuals and music, although the game can become very easy once you learn a certain strategy.

That strategy is to hold right and up at all time so you can quickly siwtch between shields.

Neat little game. The visuals are decent, and the music, while being very simple, isn't half bad too. My main issue, however, is that the sections with the moving platforms aren't reallt that well synced, so you will have to do some waiting. I also noticed that you don't need the wall jump upgrade, as you can wall jump without it. Just be next to a wall, turn the oppoite way, and jump immediately.

Final Verdict: Yeah, its not worth advertising here. Best strategy is to rate other peoples games and hope they rate yours.

Well, lets find out!

Hey, if your going to advertise your game, make it creative.

For what its trying to be, its ok, although I feel like you could have implemented the theme a lot better.

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Not really a good idea to make a player click buttons on a screen instead of on a keyboard or controller for basic movement. I would recommend making keys on a keyboard flip gravity instead.

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I would recommend making the player stop instantly after the player stops holding a key.

Decent platformer, can be a little difficult to go through areas with spikes, (although that might be because of my inexperience using WASD.)

Decent platformer, although the controls are a little to slippery, making some of the platforming  a little annoying to do.

Most people wouldn't have played any of the games yet, mainly because the voting period hasn't started. Try asking this question again after a few days of voting, or you can always bring the topic back up again if you want to.

Was hoping I could implement multiplayer, but I think the game is good as it is. And hey, at least I have leaderboards implemented.

Quick question, would anyone play a game if it had a leaderboard. Just a random question I wanted to ask.

The point of the jam is for you to interperet the theme anyway you want.

The point of the jam having a theme is for contestants to add their own spin to an idea.

Look, thats not how a game jam works. You have to make a game within the submition period. Anything made before or after can't be submitted. Also, the game also has to fit the theme. Hopefully with this information, you can start actually making a game for this jam.

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I pressed 10 different buttons to type the title, crazy, right?

1. It has been 32 days (as of typing this) since the jam.

2. Yeah, I usually join the Gdevelop Jams, as it gives me something interesting to do.


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Nice game

Do this every Jam i'm in.

Reply with GG

Funny, about the soundtrack, the level music was made by, and menu music by me. Didn't specify in the credits though.

Nice platformer. I originally played this a while ago, but didn't get far. That was because I didn't realise that there was a dash button. Now that i've replayed it, I can say it's a pretty good game.

Really cool concept for a game. It can get a bit hard to manage every single particle, which in this case, is a good thing.

And yes, this is copied from my review.

Fun concept for a game, very cool idea to basically make a retro handheld emulator that switches games randomly. The hand animations where great too.

And yes, I did copy this from my review.

It's a simple, yet fine game. Can be a bit confusing on how to get to the next level. Other than that, just add some music and this game will be a lot better.

6.9/10, simple but fun.

(2 edits)

Wall jumps where a bit glitchy. Other than that, great game. 8/10.

6.6/10, just needs some polish.

Couldn't get it, 5.9/10.

Has it's issues, but the idea is cool, 6.6/10.