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Yuri Gore

A member registered Jul 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Ohh my bad, I misunderstood the description. In that case let me add that the art was amazing, the character designs, the animation, the environment and more. It was honestly fantastic. I'm blown away, well done!!

Firstly, the lights/shadow, was really cool that you could 'interact' with it. Secondly, I love the camera, how it zoomed in in some parts and away in others. It created a really cool experience. Wilst I have some critiques below, I thought eh level design was great

The biggest issue it had, was it was completely linear, you were basically forced to walk a certain way and there was (with exception to the floating things in the last level) no obstacles at all, just walking and jumping.
It wasn't exactly a metroidvania because of these things ^^^ but it was a fun platformer.
There were some bugs with the moving platforms, I could sometimes double jump + walk across even when the platform wasnt there...
Some rooms were a little confusing, you would leave to the left but then the door was also on the left. A bit of a confusing moment more than a real problem but something to consider.

The art was cool and the animation was great, but I know that was assets.

The farming mechanic was very cool, the art was sick, and the soundtrack was top tier! 

Why does the game end after killing god >:( I had 300 carrots left for the devil 

Not a bad game, but definitely needs polishing. I thought the art was cool and the level design was nice, but it was a little too floaty for my liking. 

In terms of polishing, there were some weird hitbox things, making me take damage after I killed an enemy and was running away, you could kinda fly up slopes if you were mid-jump, it didn't tell you what was health, or what the items were and I think some SFX and/or text could helped out a lot. 

I saw on another post that you had little time, so all things considered good job!

I thought this game had a lot to offer, amazing art, intuitive level design, good music (but I would have liked more variation in the level music. Props to the boss music tho <3), but for me the game was quite laggy, especially when going from room to room, (might be a my computer thing not your game, but my comuter is pretty beefy so it would suprise me if that was so...) and the combat was really getting to me, attack range was too small and stun time after attacking/getting hit was really long often chaining to the next attack and so on. 

overall though, I had an enjoyable experience, well done guys!

I really enjoyed this! It's a simple yet solid Metroidvania. THe only thing I'd add is a reason to fight enemies... I skipped past all of them becasue they weren't really a threat (especially after I got the glide ability) unless i fought them. But seeing as there was literally no benifit in fighting, I never had a reason to endanger myself. But I honestly, that's really all I can really critique!

Hey @adamproman1,

I'm a composer and was reading over your message that you were looking for a music composer, but also said you had a composer... I wasn't sure if there was a typo somewhere or I was reading it wrong or whatever, but if you need a composer feel free to hit me up and I'll send you my portfolio and such.
Discord - Yuri#2763