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Disputatio Usoris:Donatello

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E Vicipaedia

Salve, Donatello!

Gratus in Vicipaediam Latinam acciperis! Ob contributa tua gratias agimus speramusque te delectari posse et manere velle.

Cum Vicipaedia nostra parva humilisque sit, paucae et exiguae sunt paginae auxilii, a quibus hortamur te ut incipias:

Si plura de moribus et institutis Vicipaedianis scire vis, tibi suademus, roges in nostra Taberna, vel roges unum ex magistratibus directe.

In paginis encyclopaedicis mos noster non est nomen dare, sed in paginis disputationis memento editis tuis nomen subscribere, litteris impressis --~~~~, quibus insertis nomen tuum et dies apparebit. Quamquam vero in paginis ipsis nisi lingua Latina uti non licet, in paginis disputationum qualibet lingua scribi solet. Quodsi quid interrogare velis, vel Taberna vel pagina disputationis mea tibi patebit. Ave! Spero te "Vicipaedianum" fieri velle!

N.B. "planeta" est verbum generis masculini ... -- Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:54, 25 Iunii 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Don't worry about it -- we all make mistakes (to find a recent mistake of mine see this) :( Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:16, 25 Iunii 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Salve Donatello, utinam utaris hic! --Jondel (disputatio) 00:51, 24 Aprilis 2012 (UTC) iHola Donatello, Ojala que disfrute usted aqui!--Jondel (disputatio) 00:20, 26 Aprilis 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Gratias tibi!

¿Por que, Jondel? Por que?

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Estimado Señor Donatello, le pido disculpas de antemano si está indignado por algo he hecho.

Domine, velim te depracari si indignatus sis per qualiscumque feci ego.--Jondel (disputatio) 23:48, 25 Aprilis 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Non, nihil periculum. Ne iratus sum. Unam recte sapientem personam numquam irascitur. Erat modo iocose.
De Hispanice, puto iucunde est. Est lingua amoris. Eius structura lingualis facit linguam iucunde et philosofe, ut
¿Cuanto tiempo te vas a quedar?, ergo "quantum tempus is ad relinquere?". Malus cum lingua est celeriter loqui, quia verba multa in syllabam ultimam commoneri. Quae caridád, 'caritáte', tenér, 'tenére'. Inexplicite erit. Etiam habet multos s-sonos, et facit oratores multi sonant qui Sean Connery. Jamesh Bond.
Altera parte, iucunde lingua!
Salutationibus Donatello (disputatio) 15:44, 26 Aprilis 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Salud! Salve!
Yo soy aficionado de Latin, y español y amo lenguas. Yo trabajo como traductor de japonés.Latin, precisamente porque es sofisticado y complejo. Cuando se domine la complejidad, la simplificación de los otros idiomas convertirse en nada. Me convierte en un superhéroe :).
Me gusta estar aquí (wikipedia), ya que también me gusta leer y escribir en una enciclopedia.
Latin es tan amplia, por lo que, aparte de 'relinquere' también se puede decir 'manere'(verba latin).Muchos están tratando de escribir en Latín clásico, pero es difícil, por ejemplo, cuando escriba sobre la antigravedad, internet, tecnología etc, En cuanto a mí, me siento incómodo de usar varias palabras como 'gratia' cuando quiero decir influencia (influentia ?--latina nueva--) .
El español no es mi lengua materna, pero muchos en mi país les encantan de ese idioma.
No puedo hablar muy rápido así que antes de que yo escribe y hable, a continuación, cargar la composicion.
Realmente necesitamos ayuda tua aquí y espero que continúe a medida que estabas haciendo, corrigiendo el etc el latin . Ojala que quede usted mucho tiempo aqui.
Sean viene de nombre Iohanne(Ingles -John, espanol -Juan, italiano Giovanni, Frances Jean, etc).
¿Es usted italiano?( ¿Porque su nombre Donatello?)
Iucunde lingua! --Jondel (disputatio) 23:54, 26 Aprilis 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Iucunde. Intelligo.
Ita, scio. Lingua Latina mea non optima est. Scio necesse sum cautum esse.
Non infeliciter, non sum italianus. Habeo radices meae in Asiam, sed natus sum et incolo Suecia (Sverige), regio in septentrione cum vicingis veteribus et norse mythology, nescio quid in Latine appellatur (fortasse 'mythologia septentrionis'). Et mea lingua matrialis lingua Suetica/Suecica/Suedica est (svenska).
Altera parte, sententiae multae in linguae multae possum, quae Hispanice, Italiane et Iaponice.
Nomen Donatello non rectus meus est. Bene et pulchre puto est. Nihil puer sum, adultus sum, sed a testudone Donatello cum virga in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles afficiebam. Audivisti de hunc? Si id non cognoscis, possum explicare agitur de testudones mutatos et murem qui pugnant contra alteras creaturas mutatas. Auctifice est!
Donatello (disputatio) 19:02, 27 Aprilis 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Bene intelligo TMN Turtles videoque et amo. Bene intelligo Donatello. Scisne quod unus ex histriones sit Philippinus? Adultus etiam sum sed mihi cor infantis.Cur vel quomodo Iaponice? HONTO NI? NANDE? Hercle! Ego mansi in Japan enim 12 annis. Sunt pauci qui Iaponice sciant. Praecipue hic. Teen Mu.N.Turtles esset bonus articulus hic. Nonne scribas? Minime legere amem. Iuvat aliis iuventes discipulos qua legere amant haec(Ninja Turtles, Superman, Skateboarding, etc). Patet hic Religio Germanica vel Mythologia Nordica hic quam mythologia septentrionis'.--Jondel (disputatio) 23:46, 27 Aprilis 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Vero? Ita vero!
Loquente de Philippinos, unum a dimidio mihi ex Philippinis.
Pars Iaponice possum, sed multum oblitus est. Watashi no namae wa Jin desu. Pronuntiatur [dʒin]]. Forma latina a nomine meo 'Ginn' est. Non 'Ginnus', quia iocose sonat. Nihongo yoku hanasemasen. Kaigan wa doko des ka? Wakarimasen.
Lingua simplex est, dum unum verbum latinum (verbum ut 'dormire') 300 fines diversos habet.
Donatello (disputatio) 14:12, 28 Aprilis 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Hercle!Mirus mihi est! Konnichi wa! Hajimemashite Jin-San, watashi wa Jondel desu.Dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu. Quamquam 300 fines diversos habeat, etiam nec amplius solum unum verbum edomet(cum 300 fines), et facilissime edomet alios verba quod omnes similes sunt. Etiam, haec verbarum fines et modo utendi in linguiis romanticis invenire potest. Obiter, scias sint variis foriis latinarum, ut www.latindiscussion.com, etc. sum membrum forium in facebook, similis latin loquamur etc..Hic amamus facere res utrumque encyclopedia et latina nimirium.--Jondel (disputatio) 23:48, 1 Maii 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Ita vero. Gratiae tibi pro pagina interretiale. Iucunde est.
De vero, puto lingua Latina sit lingua matrialis in aut Europa aut omnis Terra, contra autem lingua Franca ut lingua Anglica. Sed Latine est modo lingua, ita tanti est quid lingua aut linguae homines utuntur. Unus non sit sui studiosus. Linguae nos format, nostrae agendi rationes. Ita linguae ut Latine, Iaponice, Anglice bonae linguae sunt. Nos possimus incipere cum aliqua a has linguas. Egomet renuntio linguam meam, Suetice, ad Latine.
Soles recensere paginas cum latinitas -1, -2, -3 et altior? Heri recensebam paginam cum latinitas -5. Coreanus rem creabam hic annus. Iucunde aliquid tam procul loquitur Latine, fere extincta lingua.
Donatello (disputatio) 13:25, 4 Maii 2012 (UTC).[reply]

De latinitatis te respondere possunt magisteres qua honoro. Bonus est quod fecisti. Mihi, te rogo fac quod ius et fas esse censeas. Adhunc molestias varias habeo. Non superbus sum et neque dico latinam meam altissimam esse et bene scio amplium studendum mihi esse. Nam una est quamquam recte sit , vide, latina censentium non satis sit forsan. Secundum, cum gradum latinitatis, non intelligi potest ubi unum possit emendere. An grammatica an sit classica vel neologisma an facilior legere sit. Adhunc mihi caecus sum. Amplius in futuro, aliquis potest emendare. Igitur nescio necesse sit istes latinitates. Obiterne scis tabernam? Potes confabulari amplius ibi. Gratias interetem (internet) splendidum, non oportet extincta fieri latina. De Corea, velim esse rem historiae, nam durus scribere.Ita mihi, Latina est 'kung fu' meam. :) Vero, sentio non me studiosum esse, an, forsan lingua sit natura mihi quod durus est mihi laborare haud lingua. Ut dixi sum interpres Iaponice. Nescio sed velim scire lingua manu (sign language) surda, et alia.Emi libros graece antiqua(nescio), persianice et alii.Iucundissimus eram discere hispanice ante. Iucundus nunc discere latinam. Legebo libros hispanice. Velim discere francogallico et germanice.--Jondel (disputatio) 03:51, 5 Maii 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Ita linguae vero iucundae sunt. Credo omnes homines sunt studiosi aliquorum linguas. Quando iuvenior eram, in classis sexta et septima, Francogallicam legebam, sed difficiliter erat. Non tam excultum eram, ergo lineamenta recte non videbam. Nunc facilior est, nunc quando adultus sum. Sacre bleu, je m'appelle D'Artagnan! ('Sacer caeruleus, ego m'appello Dartagnanus!')
Linguam Theodiscam vetere videt. Verbum wissen, 'scientia', veterrime videt. Nescio si recte est, sed quando unus habet wissen, ita 'vis' ('sapiens' Suetice) unus est. Et esse vis est ut vis (power!). Mea lingua matrialis, Suetica, multa multa verba mutuationalia ex Theodiscam habet. Språk, 'lingua', ex Theodisca mediaevale spraake. Nunc sprache appellatur. Ante id appellabatur tunga (nescio quid tum appellabatur, sed hodie sic appellatur), 'lingua' ut in ore, et tum etiam 'lingua', ergo sermo.
Donatello (disputatio) 00:09, 8 Maii 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Sacre bleu! Babae! Attonitus sum. Ante obliviscar, nonne philosophia studias? Sunt multi fori in facebook ubi confabulantur in latina! Latina vehementer viva est in facebook. Dimidione tibi ex Philippinis? Kumusta ka? Babae! Scio multos verbos in sueticam et varias linguas septemtrionles (nordic languages)esse. Sprechen Sie deutsch? Guerra est verba Hispanica ex Theodesica. Qualis est 'war' Anglice. Alia exempla sunt anglice Guaranty et Warranty quae sunt cognates. Scisne volapuk? Babae! Primum est mihi talis multisque et profundum iste sermo, in latina! Forsan tibi prodest sitio dictionarum http://catholic.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/words.exe --Jondel (disputatio) 23:42, 9 Maii 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Haha! Sic potest ire.
Gratiae tibi pro nexu interretiale.
Non pro dolor, non studis philosofiam. Sed iucunde et superbe sit, ut:
  • Quando unus scit haec mensa fulva est?
  • Quando unus scit gramen viride est?
  • Quid sunt alienus qui viride aut rubre videt.
  • Quid est mundus duodimensionalis in altera dimensione, ut in noster veteres ludi televisifici. Hic mundus fortasse est aequus reale pro eius incolae ut noster mundus aequus reale pro nos.
Quid tum reale est? Quomodo videt realitatem? Sunt realitas? Iucundae rogationes.
Pro dolor non loquor aliquid linguae Philippinae. Modo Suetice discebam. Sed Kumusta ka? familiariter sonat. Mater mea loqui per telephonium audivi. Volapuk pro dolor numquam audivi.
Verbum Hispanicum guerra noviso ('novisse', non declinare possum). Sed eius gentem in ita non sciebam. Verba suas vias diversas capient. Plus quam dimidium ad verborum copia Anglicae e Latina veniunt. Sed tamen ut linguam Germanicam numeratur. Quomodo linguam Protoindoeuropaeam sonabat demiror.
Donatello (disputatio) 15:58, 10 Maii 2012 (UTC).[reply]
De sono. Soni de origo'w' mutaverunt ad 'gu' in linguas hispanice francogalliceque. e.g. Anglice/Germanica 'War'=> Guerra. 'Warranty'=>guarantia ', William=>Guillermo,'Ward'=>'Guardia'. Arabice 'wadi' =>guadalupe. Linguistas sunt hic et voluant te confabulari de protoindoeuroea, sono et alia.

En tibi, haec quaesites philosophiarum sunt quales inveniri in facebook latinitis. Veniendum ibi tibi est.Catholicus sum sed meditationem facio et Budhisticum lego. Kumusta est ex Como esta? (Salve, ut vales, => How are you?). Volapuk est lingua artificiosa ex linguis nordicis. Nonne audiviste Esperanto? Similis est. En Donatello, tibi posis esse cautior cum fontibus in rebus? Si tibi placeat, i ad taberna. Tibi ibi quaesites sunt. Nam sermo plerumque est in Anglica(nimirium potes confabulari in Latina, sed secunda regula, omnes linguae accepiuntur). Quale est Anglica tibi? Modumne sueticam dixisti? --Jondel (disputatio) 03:39, 11 Maii 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Ita, cautior de fontibus ero. Id promitto.
Ad tabernam ibam et respondevisse. Ille magis frequentabo.
Scio pl in Latina mutabatur ad ll in Hispanicam. Exempli gratia pluvia --> lluvia et plenus --> lleno. Verba Latina quae in -tas finit, si recte habeo, ut hic mutarentur: caritas (caritáte) --> caridad et veritas (veritáte) --> veridad. Civitas (civitáte) --> ciudad (Hispanice), città (Italiane), cidade (Portugallice).
Dubito si romani w-sonus (w-sonus ut Anglicae way) in Latinam habebant. Suspicor v-sonus contra autem habebant, quia w-sonus inter se non congruit cum reliquum verborum Latinorum. Alioquin linguam mire sonat. Sed in temporibus vetustioribus fartasse sic erat. Rogare possimus romanos in Mundum Spiritualem/Postmundum.
Donatello (disputatio) 17:23, 13 Maii 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Gratias respondente in taberna. Quamdiu tacebam. An fons, an neologismus, an grammatica etc, complexitas qualis sunt vicipedia latina et custondiundum omnibus. Non solum tu, tibi, sed omnes (tu , ego, etc)opportent esse cautius (vel cautior) propter encyclopediam. De hispanice, non solum geminus l sed n etiam similis annus=> año. De sonus 'v', iste est modus quale scripserunt romanos: GALLIAESTOMNISDIVISAINPARTISTRES,QVARVMVNVMINCOLVNTBELGAE...`(Gallia est omnis divisa in partis tres, quarum unum incolunt Belgae...).Nota bene et quod volo dicere est v et u sunt eundem. Etiam, cum Graecie(quam nescio) traducetur ad latinam, sonus 'u' fiat 'v' in vetus latina. Anglice 'wine' mihi, venit ex vinum( winum vel uinum -- vinvm--). Amplius est in academia v fiat sonus 'u' vel 'w'. Argumenta(evidence) non sunt sed credo Anglice 'wish' sunt cognominus cum Latina (tu)vis, 'want' cum velle. etc. Nam mihi, malim sonere 'v' quam 'w' consuetudine Anglice. ('V'olo, non 'W'olo etc. ). Scisne tibi, in Philippinis, in principio erat urbs cum nomine 'Kawit' et Hispanices scripsit consuetudine Latine 'Cavit' . Deinde propinquias urbes et provincia nomen similes acceperunt similes 'Cavite' (sono Kabite' etc).--Jondel (disputatio) 02:11, 17 Maii 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Ignosce mihi ad respondere expectabam. Vigor multus trahitur lingua Latina scribere.
Oh, pro dolor numquam nec Kawit nec Cavit audivi. Sed scio Philippinae historiae longae de hominum habet. Si recte memento, homines Philippinas abhinc 40 000 annos incoluntur. Sed incultus est sit hominibus erectis. Illo tempore vetere quando fastigium aquae humilior erat, maiores insulae Asia ac Oceanu Pacifico. Ita vias minores capere.
Potes satis multa signa Iaponica? Scio lingua scripta scriptiones tres utitur; kanji, hiragana et katakana.
Donatello (disputatio) 15:03, 31 Maii 2012 (UTC).[reply]
De Iaponice, sic ita satis Iaponicam scio quod sum interpretes . Gradum Noryoku 2 (proficientiam 2) attigi. Nam adhunc semper augere conor kanji et Iaponicam (grammatica, legere etc, ) ipsam. Legere scribereque possum. In Iaponia vivebam 12 annos et cecidi amore linguam. Sicut dixisti ita, sunt katakana, kanji(numerosissimus ), et hiragana . Etiam, incertus mihi sum sed videtur, durus est laborare haud linguas, interpretes, (etiam puto aliquando esse me professorem linguam). Quamquam laborabam cum informaticis 12 annos. De incultu, intellige si tibi placeat quod iam systema(simplicis) scribendi lexisque cum venissem Hispanicis 15 saeculo sed non talis sophisticata ut fuisset in Europea. Inveni Alibata si tibi placeat. Fatur hic multos literaturas delevisse a Hispanicis quod paganos fuisse.--Jondel (disputatio) 23:47, 31 Maii 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Gratiae tibi pro nexu ad Alibata/Baybayin. Iucunde. Nescio de hoc. Locutione alicui simili, libenter vide Cherokee syllabary (iam non est in Vicipaedia Latina) a ᏎᏉᏯ, Sequoyah (iam non est in Vicipaedia Latina), inventus millesimo nonagesimo saeculo (that will say between 1800 and 1900, the same system in Latin).

De lingua Iaponica qui scis, est "lingua ab aliis segregata nisi, ut credunt nonnulli, familiae Altaicae adscribenda" (ex commentatione). Suspicor sit lingua mixta et tot mutata. Fortasse consistit aliquod linguae Polynesiae antiquae et aliquod linguae Indianae antiquae. Possibile sit. Sed scio homines ex Iaponia ex Thibeto veniunt. Tessera vitae (ADN qui appello; nomen melius) ex hunc populum unus cepit et vestigia istuc eunt.

Donatello (disputatio) 13:36, 2 Iunii 2012 (UTC).[reply]

Iaponice est talis segregata ut nemo certe scit unde venit. (Forsan ex Thibeto??).Est enigma. Nam vebae simile sunt( Japonice:Anata, Arabice:Anta, L:Tu, Anglice:You; J:Nomu Philippinice:Inum, L:Bibo, Anglice:To Drink; J:Okiru,Hispinice :Ocurrir, Latine:Occidere, Anglice:To Occur, Happen; J:Esa, Latine:Esca/Esa , Anglice:Food for animals or bait ) . Etiam hic in Pampangga, provincia. Omnes dicunt "Ne" simile pacto Iaponice, quod significat "ita". Jondel (disputatio) 03:10, 3 Iunii 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Salve, Donatello. An ibi commentum tuum addere vis? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:07, 31 Maii 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Point in latin

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Point = Punctum not Punctus (in the sense of a dot or geometric point that is).-- 03:02, 10 Iulii 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Video. :) Gratias tibi. Donatello (disputatio) 14:14, 27 Iulii 2012 (UTC).[reply]

Declinatio et genus

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Sic faciendum est, amabo te! Mattie (disputatio) 16:04, 24 Iulii 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Video. :) Gratias tibi. Donatello (disputatio) 16:11, 24 Iulii 2012 (UTC).[reply]


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Noli numerum "pixelium" fasciculis imponere, amabo:


scribendum est, neque


Gratias tibi ago. Mattie (disputatio) 03:18, 19 Augusti 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Intelligo. Aliquando taedio afficit cum imaginibus parvis videat, sed lex sit, ita visione prospectuque minus petem. Gratias tibi.
Donatello (disputatio) 03:44, 19 Augusti 2012 (UTC).[reply]

Pronuntiatus verborum Latinorum in symbolis nostris non dandus est, mi Donatello, duas propter rationes:

  1. Praeter quod ad vocales breves / longas spectat, pronuntiatus orthographiam optime sequitur (quod non, e.g., de Anglica dici potest);
  2. Alii pronuntiatu classico loquuntur, alii mediaevalio ... Non nobis eis quali uti dicendum est!

"Penicillus" non [pe'nikillus] sed [peni'killus] (quod ad accentum adtinet) dicendum est, nisi fallor, propter duas litteras L quibus haec paenultima syllaba longa fit. Mattie (disputatio) 03:28, 19 Augusti 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Video. Id non cogitabam. Gratias tibi.
De verbo 'penicillus' lexicon meum dicit 'penícillus' contra autem 'penicíllus'. Fortasse vitiose habet.
Donatello (disputatio) 03:56, 19 Augusti 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Potest fieri ut erram. "Peniculus" sane penículus dicendum est, sed haec L in "penicillus" efficiunt ut ego "penicíllus" dicerem. Mattie (disputatio) 04:10, 19 Augusti 2012 (UTC)[reply]
De accentu verbi "penicillus" cum Mattie consentio. Lexicon, si "penícillus" dicit, errat. Id a philologis pro certo habetur, partim e regula orthographica a Mattie citata, sed partim e verbis derivatis Romanicis, Francogallice "pinceaú" (neque *"penîle" vel sim.), Catalane "pinséll". Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:41, 19 Augusti 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Recte monent Mattie et Andrew. Lexicon Donatellanum haud dubie fallitur. Praeterea, apud Cassell's legimus pēnĭcillus 'a painter's brush or pencil' et pēnĭcŭlus 'a brush', 'a sponge'. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 11:53, 19 Augusti 2012 (UTC)[reply]

A(b) et nomina

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Salve Donatello! Praepositio q.e. "ab / ā" cum B illa scribenda est si prima littera verbi consequi vocalis (aut H) est; si littera consonans est, et "ab" et "a" scribi possunt. Quod fortasse his emendationibus vidisti. Omnia etiam praenomina Latinizanda esse (e.g. Peter → Petrus) conicere potes. Cura ut valeas, et gratias plurimas pro contributis tuis tibi ago, Mattie (disputatio) 03:56, 25 Augusti 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Salve Mattie. Video. Illo modo est. Gratias tibi. :)
De nominibus inlatinis scio. :) Sed non semper certus sum sive scire quid Latine sit, sive licet mutare Latine.
Gratias tibi quoque pro contributis tuis. :) Gusto hanc linguam. Lingua Latina est sapiens philosoficaque lingua, optima una. Me fecivisset laetus si Latina esset patrius sermo pro strata magna hominum. Sed Latina sola est lingua. Ita tanti est quid linguam sive linguas homines adhibent. Unus non sit sui studiosus (selfish). Sed modo nulla lingua mala, tum linguae, et etiam dialecti, nos formant, nostra agendi rationes (culture behaviour). Fortasse omnes commentationes Vicipaediae Latinae faciant lingua popularius, et deinde ducere potest ad aliquid bene? Scis Vicipaedia Latina plurimas commentationes quam Vicipaedia Graeca habet?
Donatello (disputatio) 05:05, 25 Augusti 2012 (UTC).[reply]

De Evocibus

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Notam tuam "Nomen 'Evoc' Latinitate donat est." haud intellego (fortasse voluisti "Nomen 'Evoc' Latinitate damus"?) Pro tempore removi quia oportet a principio nomen fontibus fidelibus attestatum ad caput paginae et in lemmate scribere. Si id non fit, alii addunt "Fontes desiderati" sicut ego nunc addidi.

Nemine fontem proponente, omnibus ad creationem neologismi consentientibus, loco formulae "Fontes desiderati" formulam aliam {{Convertimus}} supponimus, sed (bene scis!) id rarissime facimus. Nihilominus, verbo vero et attestato in titulo et lemmate praefixo, in textu commentationis nomen ad declinationes Latinas leviter adaptare pro me licet! (Dico "pro me" quia, nisi fallor, eam rem nunquam aut vetavimus aut permisimus ... sed textum bonum et legibilem Latinum omnes amamus.) Salve optime, Donatello! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:47, 8 Septembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Aequo & nova de re Caminoa

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Ave Donatello, ut vales? Te exhortor in conlatione hic vicipaedia, nam velim te suadere uti rectam latinam. "pallido (masculino)" non est coniuntione cum "cute (feminina)" adeo, emendo ex pallido ad pallida. Alia, quam potes facere, ne utaris neolatinam (de "isolata") si tibi placeat, e.g. adhunc emendabo isolata (nova Latina) ad sepositus (seposito, causa planeta est masculino). Gratias.Jondel (disputatio) 01:18, 28 Septembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Neolatinam possumus uti, mihi, in disputatonis solum, quod non est pars encyclopaediae, ut clarior et celerite intelligamus et est facilis. Jondel (disputatio) 01:29, 28 Septembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Salve Jondel. :) Bene est. Et tibi?
Intelligo. Ita sit. Gratias tibi ago consiliis.
Scio, planeta est masculine, ita vitiose scripti pro dolor.
Donatello (disputatio) 01:37, 28 Septembris 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Bonus sum. En tibi, hac est encyclopaedia, et velimus sicut sit naturae encyclopaedia, rationis linguis, fontis etc. Vale.Jondel (disputatio) 09:12, 28 Septembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Ita est. Hic etiam probamus linguam Latinam classicam. Scis Vicipaedia Latina plus commentationes quam Vicipaedia Graeca (moderna, non aliquod antiqua)? Et Latina fere mortua est, dum Graeca a populis millionibus loquunt. Esset e contrario? Hehe. Fortasse Latina in futuro loquens erit.
Fortasse adiuvare potes de verbis nominibusque Anglicis in commentatione Caminoa, quae sunt high ranked et Grand Army of the Republic. Non poteram Latine transferre pro dolor.
Donatello (disputatio) 14:08, 28 Septembris 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Fortasse "gradús superioris"? "Magnus (vel Altus) Exercitus Rei Publicae"? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:20, 28 Septembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Etiam magisteres? Qua dixerint Romanes ? Non possumus dicere Grandes Exercitus Re Publicae? De Latina plerum tamen velint loqui latinam quamqum paene mortua sit. Nonne eos adiuvemus cum rebus vicipaediarum?Jondel (disputatio) 12:13, 29 Septembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Licet mihi faciam "dignitates" et "Grandis Exercitus Re Publicae".Jondel (disputatio) 02:05, 1 Octobris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hej, Donatello, jag förstår bra att en som känner sig litet osäker på grekiska tyr sig till en ordbok. Men ordböcker brukar man inte citera, eftersom de innehåller gemensam kunskap. Däremot är det föstås vettigt att citera dom, ifall det är fråga om ett ord som är på ngt sätt problematiskt. Att plasma betyder 'figmentum' är i princip något som alla vet, dvs. alla som kan både latin och grekiska. Du får lov att lita på min editering, som dessutom avlägsnade ett par grammatiska fel i din ordförklaring. MVH, Neander (disputatio) 10:56, 23 Novembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hejsan. Oj, jag visste inte att du talar svenska. :) Okej, jag förstår. Tackar. :) Jag använde den engelsk-grekiska internetlexikonet på grund av att den engelska artikeln om plasma gjorde det. Jag tänkte att det kunde vara bra. Men jag kan jag lita på din ändring. :)
Det latinska ordet plasma är väl neutralt? Jag såg i detta lexikon böjningen (eller vad det var) av πλάσμα (plásma) till πλάσματα πηλοῦ (plásmata pelou). Precis som systéma soláre, blir det i pluralis systémata solária. Om så, vi skulle kunna lägga till ('-mata, n).
Donatello (disputatio) 14:56, 24 Novembris 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Svenska har jag talat sedan barnsben ... som en av drygt 300000 finlandssvenskar. Jo, plasma är ett neutralt ord som böjs på samma sätt som systema och en massa andra forngrekiska lånord som slutar på -a. Och det är rätt att säga systemata solaria. I princip tycker jag nog att man inte behöver ange hur ett uppslagsord ska böjas. Rekommenderar i stället att varje artikel ska skrivas så att böjningen framträder i texten. Men detta är min personliga åsikt, inte ngt normativt utlåtande. Själv har jag (o)vanan att ta bort böjningsuppgiften i artiklar, om ordet böjs normalt. I encyklopedier brukar man inte ge böjningstips, och Vicipaedia är ju en encyklopedi. Neander (disputatio) 23:32, 24 Novembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Jag förstår. Själv kommer jag längre söderut och talar en dialekt jag inte riktigt gillar, hehe: Skånska. Jag tackar igen. :)
Det kan även vara bra att visa här i den Latinska Wikipedian för de som är osäkra hur de okända eller de svåra orden ska böjas samt deras genus. Det må hjälpa folk i deras latinska utveckling. Ord som de antika grekiska lånorden plasma, systema och phantasma må lura den okunnige. Man skulle kunna tro att dessa böjs som i den första deklinationen. De enkla ordens böjningar och genus tycker jag också behövs nödvändigtvis inte visas, såsom femina och natura.
Donatello (disputatio) 17:33, 26 Novembris 2012 (UTC).[reply]

Donatello, that article of Crawford requires a verifiable source like a newspaper, another encyclopedia , even a wikipedia. This may have to be deleted. I tried googling already.Jondel (disputatio) 13:30, 5 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

If Cindy Crawford, one of the "100 Hottest Women of All-Time," isn't notable, then nobody is. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 14:01, 5 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Good day folks. I understand. It is done now. Her official website gives the information.
To the readers: People may not believe in this. We need knowledge and experience first. So it is understandable. Much stuff and unknown stuff to humanity has not been critically tested in our science, yet, like telepathy. Before we do that, we must be wise, so we can come openminded and not judge and fear, or it will take longer to reach the goal. I'm not rude to you, I'm teaching. :) Just as you don't misunderstand me.
If we can write about the Gaia-theory, telepathy, telekenisis, cropcircles, or hyperspace, here in the Wikipedias, we can write about the mighty Cindy Crawford, and other high form of science. :)
The mind is like a portal to other dimensions. Try to see out there with it. :)
Donatello (disputatio) 14:04, 5 Decembris 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Oh. OK, this article isn't about the more famous of the Cynthia Crawfords. :/ IacobusAmor (disputatio) 14:12, 5 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]
No it is not. That Cindy is encyclopedic and ok. this one, well...
I have to go.Jondel (disputatio) 14:18, 5 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

De paginis biographicis

[fontem recensere]

Ave, Donatello. Vide s.t.p. ea quae in paginam Magdalena Åkerman nuper inserui. Res variae in paginis biographicis necessariae sunt quae etiam tu fortasse addere potes:

  • Categoria nativitatis
  • Categoria mortis (aut categoria "Homines vivi")
  • Categoria quae civitatem exprimit (hic addidi "Actores Sueciae": si de specialitate incerti sumus, possumus scribere "Incolae Sueciae")
  • {{DEFAULTSORT:Akerman, Magdalena}}: Hanc rem necesse est nobis inserere, nomine sine signis diacriticis scripto: ita enim nomen in paginis categoricis sub littera A ordinatur, neque sub M.

Vides insuper, brevius quam {{Communia|Category:Malin Åkerman|Magdalenam Åkerman}}, potes {{CommuniaCat|Malin Åkerman|Magdalenam Åkerman}} scribere. Salve optime! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:47, 14 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Ave Andreas. Intelligo. Gratias ago nuntio.
Donatello (disputatio) 15:05, 14 Decembris 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Te laudens de paginis novis ad Malmogiam pertinentes, addo quod utile erit, si novas categorias proponis et a creandum abstineas, alias categorias iam exsistentes pro tempore addere. Si id ab initio facis, et tu potes et alii possunt paginas tuas facilius reperire. Ita igitur feci in paginis Centrum (urbis pars Malmogiae) et Theoriae conspirationales de delapsibus Lunaribus. Si categorias iam exsistentes idoneas non potes reperire, adde formulam {{Dubcat}}. Gratias tibi ago, Donatello! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:26, 19 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]


[fontem recensere]

Hi, Donatello, I'm still working on the page. I had to over-write your changes in order to save mine. I can't quite see what you did -- sorry -- maybe try again tomorrow? Happy holidays -- Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:30, 23 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Greetings. :) No worries. I just placed dots in the image texts. There were also two Nexus externi where one of them I removed, but maybe it was under construction by you. I also placed Notae and Bibliographia further down.
Please forgive me if I ruined your edit. I hope you didn't have to spend too much time to redo it again. I thought it was clear to edit, but maybe you were editing already. I know that two cannot edit at the same time. It would be good if it would work in some way, so people do not loose their edits and do not have to rewrite it again. Or maybe there is a back-up function here?
Donatello (disputatio) 20:59, 23 Decembris 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Yes, it's possible to compare the two edits afterwards from the history. In this case that was difficult, because we were both moving parts of the text around! But don't worry, you didn't ruin anything and there's plenty of time for both of us. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 21:54, 23 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I suggest you don't revert the category and stipula group again, but wait for others' views -- we don't edit-war on Vicipaedia. Happy Christmas, Donatello! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:54, 25 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Good day. The category and stipula group is wrong. For more to know about them (in English), I wrote in discussion page about what the grey people are. Merry Christmas to you to. :)
Donatello (disputatio) 16:15, 25 Decembris 2012 (UTC).[reply]

Fistula panis

[fontem recensere]

Ave donatello il genitivo di pan est "Panos" nel mio dizionnario. panis significa pane the genitive case of Pan is Panos , not panis, which would mean bread. genetivus casus pan est panos in meo lexico. panis est alimentum quotidianum. Salue. Marcus Magus --Marc mage (disputatio) 00:44, 27 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Salve Marcus. Intelligo. Ille Panis scripti est casu genetivo dei Pan. Similis sonet panis ("bread"). Nescio etiam sit Panos. Non Latine sonat. Graece sonat. Sed scio verba Graeca habemus in lingua Latina. Certus es? Sed gratias ago nuntio dominus.
Donatello (disputatio) 07:34, 27 Decembris 2012 (UTC).[reply]
Marci dictionarium nobis non mentitur. Forma Panis non est genetivus dei "Pan" casus. Vide Cassell's: "'Pān Pānos (acc. Pānă), m." IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:02, 27 Decembris 2012 (UTC)[reply]


[fontem recensere]

Salve Donatello! Prosperus annus tibi sit! Mihi auxilias si tibi placeat. Velim translationem facere pro verbo anglice "smartphone". Estne in diccionaris tuis? Jondel (disputatio) 13:44, 1 Ianuarii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Salve Jondel. :) Prosperus annus quoque tibi sit. Libenter te adiuvare volo. :) Nunc vidi in meo Lexico Vilborgiano (Seutice-Latine, editio secunda, 2009) et infiliciter non est in eo. Sed condicio appellandi potest libenter dare possum, et libenter alii usores Vicipaedia Latina quoque. Cellphone Latine est ut lexicon meum dicit "telephon(i)um gestabile/portatile". Fortasse iam verba haec cogitavisti, sed condiciones dico:
  • telephon(i)um gestabile/portatile" callidum -- Verbum smart ut "cállidus" fungat iuxta lexicon meum.
  • telephon(i)um callidum, callidotelephon(i)um -- Verbatim significet "smartphone".
Alia verba adhibere esse possunt "prudens", wise, "intellectus", sensible.
In aliis linguis iuxta eorum Vicipaediae, haec nomina:
  • Lingua Italiana: smartphone, aut in magis Italiane telefonino intelligente, cellulare intelligente, telefonino multimediale.
  • Lingua Hispanica: teléfono inteligente (multi locutores Hispanici fortasse etiam smartphone adhibent).
  • Lingua Francice: smartphone, ordiphone, téléphone intelligent.
  • Interlingua: telephono intelligente, smartphono.
  • Lingua Iaponica: スマートフォン, sumātofon. Hic iam scis, sed explicare ad alios quos legant: Verba Iaponica ex aliis linguis, ut lingua Anglica, Iaponitate dat. E.g. aliorum verborum, scriptum abecedario Latino: documentary est dokyumentarī, suitcase est sūtskēs, nomen seriei lusoriae Final Fantasy est Fainaru Fantajī, ludus televisificus Super Mario Bros. est Sūpā Mario Burazāzu.
Donatello (disputatio) 17:27, 1 Ianuarii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
Gratias tibi ago Donatello! Me adiuvat istes differentias formas tuas qua investigo! Obliviscatus es Romania. Est iam verbum in ephemederis secundum Martinus. Jondel (disputatio) 01:06, 3 Ianuarii 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ave Donatello, auxiliandi causa sine tibi denuntiem translatio a Élizabeth Antébi et Marie-France Saignes oblata pro verbo anglice "smartphone" in "Pullus Micolellus Latina lingua" "sollerterphonascum" fuisse. --Leonellus Pons (disputatio) 02:25, 3 Ianuarii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

De verbis Graecis

[fontem recensere]

Salve, Donatello! Apud me rogavisti de nominibus Graecis antiquis (vel, ut plures dicunt, "palaeograecis"). Verbum κύκλος idem est atque verbum hodiernum (= "circulus," figura geometrica). Illud δίσκος, quoque, idem est -- est discus athleticus, quem homines in ludis Olympicis iam nunc iactant. "Anulus" quem portamus in digito est δακτύλιος (generis masculini); verbum invenimus apud Platonem in dialogo cuius titulus est Ion, vel de Iliade. Hae tria nomina easdem formas habent atque ἄνθρωπος -- hoc est, scribimus:

ὁ κύκλος, casus rectus τοῦ κύκλου, casus genitivus, etc.

Spero hoc id esse quod vis scire! Et bonum annum tibi opto. A. Mahoney (disputatio) 18:55, 11 Ianuarii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Gratias tibi ago. :)
Donatello (disputatio) 00:21, 12 Ianuarii 2013 (UTC).[reply]

I thank you heartily for your help

[fontem recensere]

Hi Donatello, thanks for your friendly help, please feel free to improve my articles. By the way, do you know where can I find a guide for declension of Greek names in Latin (e. g. Adonis, which seems irregular in Ovid's Metamorphoses)? Casquilho (disputatio) 11:11, 26 Ianuarii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Greetings Casqilho. :) You're welcome sir.
I do not know where to find that, but I have a Latin grammar book in Swedish, my mother tongue, mentioning this. Latinsk grammatik, second edition from 1965 by Erik Tidnér, who was also a Latin teacher. Though it's old it's still used today. I used to read Metamorposes much, but only a part of first part of the first book. In the first declension, the book mentiones that Greek words and names are declined kind of like e.g. mensa, "table". Like this:
NOMINATIVE - Aeneas - Perses - Thisbe
GENETIVE - Aeneae - Persae - Thisbes
DATIVE - Aeneae - Persae - Thisbae
ACKUSATIVE - Aenean - Persen - Thisben
VOCATIVE - Aenea - Perse - Thisbe
It only mention in singular form, but I'm sure that in plural form it become like mensa in it's plural forms: mensae, mensarum, mensis, e.t.
Anyone who want to add about this, please feel free.
Donatello (disputatio) 13:47, 26 Ianuarii 2013 (UTC).[reply]

Uploading an image

[fontem recensere]

Hello Donatello, how are you? I'm trying to upload this file: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Johnny_Test_Cast_Poster.jpg to use in the article I'm writing, but I had no success, since the page asked me for source, author &c. and I don't know how should I fill these infos. I mean, since the image is already in use in Wikipedia, isn't there some easier way to use it? Casquilho (disputatio) 17:24, 31 Ianuarii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Greetings. :) I'm fine thanks.
I do not understand these stuff well, but I know that Wikimedia is careful of images because of the copyright laws we have around Earth. When the image says Non-free media information and use rationale for..., it means that that picture cannot be used in any other Wikipedias except that Wikipedia article it lies in. This image File:Johnny Test Cast Poster.jpg says Non-free media information and use rationale for List of Johnny Test characters, so it cannot be used. In Wikimedia we must mention the source, author, and more if we upload images we didn't create and it may get complicated. For the works we created it's easier.
When you have chosen an image, the website says:
This site requires you to provide copyright information for this work, to make sure everyone can legally reuse it.
  • This file is my own work.
  • This file is not my own work.
The first choice you mark when the image is created by you. Then click "Next". Then you have to fill in some stuff which is not complicated to understand. The second choice you must choose if you are uploading a picture you didn't create. When marked the second one, you'll see three options that you must fill in and mark. The first ones are the source and author(s). The third option may be more complicated. This one I do not understand completely.
1. Source
2. Author(s)
3. Now tell us why you are sure you have the right to publish this work:
  • The copyright holder published this work with the right Creative Commons license
  • The copyright holder published their photo or video on Flickr with the right license
  • The copyright has definitely expired in the USA
  • This work was made by the United States government
  • Another reason not mentioned above
  • I found it on the Internet -- I'm not sure
If you're uploading a picture you've found in the internet, you can choose the last one in the third option. If you're uploading an image made by your friend, and both of you agreed that you can upload this image, choose the second to last one. For the other ones in option 3, it is what it says.
The copyright holder can be you, the uploader of the image, or another person(s).
There are more detailed stuff I didn't mention here because I don't understand it well. I'm sure wikimedia mention all these stuff. The text in the help page may be long and difficult to understand then. So for a faster way it may be better to ask knowing people.
To other readers here: feel free to add.
Donatello (disputatio) 18:26, 31 Ianuarii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
I didn't see this before. Some images on en:wiki can be transferred to commons, but if they have a "non-free use rationale" (like most images about modern books, films, TV shows and games) then they are thought to be copyrighted and they can't be transferred to commons. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:24, 24 Februarii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I only just saw your question at "Boudicca". I've answered it now!

This makes me think of something. You marked that edit as "minor" -- that's why I didn't see it. Of course, it's easy to mark edits as minor by accident. It's no problem at all. But think about this when you are correcting and improving encyclopedia pages: if you mark edits as minor, others don't notice them. So, if they are on the border between minor and major, choose not to mark them as minor: then other people will see what you are doing to improve the encyclopedia :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:24, 24 Februarii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Well, but yours truly occasionally slips up and does it the wrong way, as probably do many others. When I created Cultura, one of the longest initial texts in all of Vicilandia, I marked it minor! Thank goodness the programming doesn't allow that misrepresentation at the time of creation any more! I don't think you can assume that all edits marked minor are truly minor; that's a way that vandalism can sneak in. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 13:07, 24 Februarii 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I see. Thank you. :) But I did the same mistake again in Disputatio:Lucius Skywalker#Nomen...
Donatello (disputatio) 00:52, 25 Februarii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
I do it too! As I say, it's really no problem. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:52, 25 Februarii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Greetings, Donatello. I'm very glad you created that page! Here's a couple of suggestions:

It's not necessary to link common words. If any ordinary reader is likely to understand the word, we shouldn't link it. This is because it's part of our job, when writing an encyclopedia, to guide readers to things that are really useful to them and and really connected with the subject. So, for example, the year "2011", when the photograph was taken, is not relevant to the subject. "Natio" and "mensis" are words that most readers are likely to understand, and the links will just be a distraction. Too many links is not good.
It's fine to leave categories for others to create -- I often end up creating them, and I don't mind --, but in some cases you can do it yourself very easily. See VP:CAT#Quomodo categoriae excogitantur et nominantur no. 1: you can always create a category that is exactly parallel to others. So, if there is Categoria:Politicorum periti Sueciae, you can create Categoria:Politicorum periti Keniae. Just follow the pattern, and, when you have created it, add interwikis if you can ... But it's OK, I've done that now :)
We don't have a category Categoria:Viri. It's no use adding it, unless you are going to create it and fill it. That would mean about 10,000 or more articles to edit -- do you really want to do that? What would be the use of a list of 10,000 men? I think maybe you could spend your time better than that ...

I hope these ideas are useful -- Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:30, 10 Martii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Andrew. :)
I see. Big thanks for the information.
We do have Categoria:Mulieres, and yes, it would take long time to add all articles about men here. :) Maybe it will be used in the future. But to have categories about men and women are maybe not important.
Donatello (disputatio) 00:21, 11 Martii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
If anyone wants a list of men -- I admit it could be useful for some kinds of checking -- I think it would be possible to create a list using Vicipaedia:Catscan.
I agree it's unbalanced to have Categoria:Mulieres and not "Viri"! Maybe, long ago, someone was concerned to ensure that we had at least some articles about notable women, not just men ...
Have a good day, Donatello! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:14, 11 Martii 2013 (UTC)[reply]
For Categoria:Viri, let us wait until Wikidata phase 2 is live. Then, it will be very easy to fill this category using information from wikidata (see d:Property:P21, and, as examples, d:Special:ItemByTitle/lawiki/Uhuru Kenyatta and d:Special:ItemByTitle/lawiki/Catharina Sjöberg). --UV (disputatio) 21:28, 11 Martii 2013 (UTC)[reply]
In that case I agree, it would balance our categories and it could sometimes be useful. That's great! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 21:51, 11 Martii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, Donatello. If you move a page, you should normally leave a redirect. There's usually no need to delete the redirect ever, but it should at least remain for a few days. This is because the bots (and Wikidata) need time to find our new page, and will lose it if the redirect is deleted. It's also polite to other editors to do this, so that they can still find the page they worked on. So, in the case of the three you marked for deletion last night, I changed them into redirects -- OK? :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:39, 14 Martii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Greetings Andrew. I see. Thanks for the information.
Sure, it's okey to have them as redirects.
Donatello (disputatio) 14:26, 14 Martii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
You did it again, Donatello. Having moved Istadium to Ystadium (which is fine with a source), you then marked the redirect at Istadium for deletion. Please do not do this -- it's important. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:35, 17 Martii 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I realise now that I could have left Istadium in the articel with the formula fontes desiderati. Maybe someone will add its source one day. I'll add the name again.
Donatello (disputatio) 14:26, 17 Martii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
That's not what I mean, Donatello. The move was fine, you have a source, it's the proper thing. But look at this diff: this diff: you marked the redirect to be deleted! You must not do this! The redirect is needed, as I explained above. Redirects are created for good reasons. Do you understand now? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 16:13, 17 Martii 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh of course, the deletion. I understand.
Donatello (disputatio) 17:25, 17 Martii 2013 (UTC).[reply]

Country of origin

[fontem recensere]

Another suggestion (I'm always suggesting things, sorry if I'm a bore). When you write a biographical article you can always ask yourself "What country do they come from?" -- and you can then add a category for it. For example, for actors, you can get ideas at Categoria:Actores secundum civitates digesti. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:50, 19 Martii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Greetings. No worries. You can always write to me. :) Yes, I was thinking of using those ones. Countries and nationalities are not important. What is more important is to see Oneness. That is why I never mention naionalities of people when I write about people. On the other hand, the nationality and origin of country can always be mentioned in example == Vita ==, about their lives. But I will use those categories. It's not important, but I feel it's necessarily because all other users here are using those, and it can be good anyway.
Donatello (disputatio) 14:50, 19 Martii 2013 (UTC).[reply]

Something different

[fontem recensere]

I started the page Game of Thrones (about the TV film series) -- but I don't have time to write any more right now! Maybe you're interested? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:45, 19 Martii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, that was good. :) Sure, I can add.
Donatello (disputatio) 15:17, 19 Martii 2013 (UTC).[reply]

Thanks for the tips

[fontem recensere]

Salve Donatello, I thank you for pointing me to that site, it's really useful and interesting.Casquilho (disputatio) 17:17, 30 Martii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

You're welcome sir. :) Donatello 17:33, 30 Martii 2013 (UTC).[reply]

Salve Donatello: gratiam pro exspectata.Marinna (disputatio) 02:34, 11 Aprilis 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Libenter signorita. :)
Si adiumenta eges, libram sentis quaerere et disputare in taberna et usores vicipaedianos.
Donatello (disputatio) 12:49, 11 Aprilis 2013 (UTC).[reply]

Thanks for a great work (+a question)

[fontem recensere]

Hello, Donatello! Thanks for adding categories and stuff to the pages I've created, you're doing a great job! And about that Angry Birds -page, yes that was certainly a correct change of interwiki data, I didn't come to think of that when I created the page. However, I thought I could change some details of the page so that it would go to that game franchises -list, because I would kind of like to make Finnish inventions and things like that known also through Vicipaedia, as I am a Finn, and the Latin page would be better if it was in the same list as all those other 54 languages about Angry Birds. I'm not sure what franchise would be in Latin, though I did found a term signum fabricationis in a Finnish dictionary, so maybe it could be "Angry Birds (Latine scilicet Aves Iratae) est signum fabricationis a societate Finnica Rovio Entertainment creatum". And then, where I explain the idea of the game, I could add the genitive ipsius: "Finis ipsius ludi est..." Do you think that those changes would make it belong to the franchise -interwiki data? But anyway, thanks for the notice! :) Φιλέτυμος (disputatio) 00:07, 19 Maii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Greetings Philetymos. You're welcome. :) A franchise article about it would be good to have. :) Games, movies, etc from its franchise could of course be mentioned in their franchise articles, also at the same time there's a main article about the games, movies, etc. The main article of something often contain more information than mentioned in another article, for example Spanish grammar in the article of the Spanish language, compaired to the its main article.
I never knew what "franchise" would be in Latin, nor got any idea. Signum fabricationis sounds good. :)
If one change the article of the game to an article of the franchise, or game series, then the interwiki links have to change as well manually. It can't happen manually in this situation. Just go to the "edit links" in the interwiki link list at the left and remove the Latin link, and thereafter go to the article of the Angry Bird franchise, for example, in the English wikipedia, and then go to "edit links" in the interwiki link list, and there add the Latin one.
Donatello (disputatio) 00:42, 19 Maii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
Greetings again! Now I changed the details of the article, removed the previous link and added the new link as you suggested. Thanks for the tip! Φιλέτυμος (disputatio) 15:06, 19 Maii 2013 (UTC)[reply]
You're welcome. :) -- Donatello (disputatio) 15:15, 19 Maii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
What do you folks mean by 'franchise' ? Signum fabricationis suggests 'trademark' instead—the sign of a franchise, not the franchise itself. Here are Merriam-Webster's definitions of franchise, in historical order:
1 freedom or immunity from some burden or restriction vested in a person or group
2 a a special privilege granted to an individual or group; esp : the right to be and exercise the powers of a corporation b a constitutional or statutory right or privilege; esp : the right to vote c (1): the right or license granted to an individual or group to market a company's goods or services in a particular territory (2): the territory involved in such a right
For 'trademark', Morgan lists:
.busn trademark (registered) / signum legitimum [Soc. Lat.] (Helf.)
.busn trademark / ergasterii (v. officinae) nota (LRL)
.busn trademark / signum mercatorum [s.18]; nota mercatorum [s.17]; signum mercatorium | registered trademark / signum inscriptum; nota inscripta [Vox Lat.] (Helf.)
.busn trademark nota; propium, symbolus (Lev.)
Morgan doesn't have franchise. This may have some hints for you. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 15:51, 19 Maii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

de biographiis

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Hello Donatello, I have removed {{bio-stipula}} from Dorothea (ovis) because that template puts articles in Categoria:Stipulae Biographicae which is a subcategory of Categoria:Homines, which Dolly obviously is not ;-)

I try to keep Categoria:Homines and its subcategories confined to articles that deal with exactly one real and human person. This makes it much easier to perform analyses and checks e. g. as to people's profession, nationality etc.

Greetings, --UV (disputatio) 22:39, 25 Maii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Ah, I see. :) Thanks. :) -- Donatello (disputatio) 22:41, 25 Maii 2013 (UTC).[reply]

Ave Donatello

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Greetings from Germany to Sweden --Artregor (disputatio) 18:07, 26 Maii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

"(carmen a Van Halen)"

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Hi, Donatello. May I suggest that you think about the meanings of the preposition "a/ab"? Your use of "a/ab" is one way in which your Latin often seems strange to me. In this case I'm not sure whether you meant "Song of Van Halen" (which requires the simple genitive: since Van Halen is indeclinable, that's "carmen Van Halen") or "Song performed by Van Halen" (which would require a participle, "Carmen a Van Halen cantitatum" or something like that). I don't think "Carmen a Van Halen" has a clear meaning in Latin. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:23, 10 Iunii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Andrew is pointing up a real & common conceptual difference here. FYI: Samoan makes a similar distinction with "alienable" and "inalienable" possessives: e.g., la'u pese 'my song' (alienable: I composed/performed it) vs. lo'u pese 'my song' (inalienable: it was composed/performed for/about me). IacobusAmor (disputatio) 15:05, 13 Iunii 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Hello. I see. :) I didn't know that. Thanks for the instructions. -- Donatello (disputatio) 21:25, 10 Iunii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
Is it also possible to say "Van Halen carmen"? -- Donatello (disputatio) 21:27, 10 Iunii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
Yes, I think either word order is possible ... wait and see if anyone else comments ... Have a good day! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:27, 11 Iunii 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I see. Thanks. -- Donatello (disputatio) 20:10, 11 Iunii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
Carmen Halenianum. The declinablity of adjectives can help convey the syntax. The Romans even used adjectives when an ordinary genitive was available; so exercitus Sullanus = exercitus Sullae. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 15:05, 13 Iunii 2013 (UTC)[reply]
It's neat and tempting, but I don't think we allow ourselves to make up those adjectives without a source, do we? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:20, 13 Iunii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Can you review my translation?

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Hello, Donatello, how are you? I've started a page in the Vicifons, a Latin version of W. Blake's Proverbs of Hell (http://la.wikisource.org/wiki/Proverbia_Inferni). It's an old project of mine, for I'm a fan of Blake's poetry and I think his proverbs sound great in Latin. Could you see the ones I've translated already, and tell me if they're good? If you're a user in Vicifons, please let your comments in the Discussion page. Thanks! Casquilho (disputatio) 20:26, 24 Iunii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Salve Donatello, ut vales? Could you help me fix up the article. Could you place dubsigs to pinpoint vague ambigous sentences? Thank you.Jondel (disputatio) 09:08, 24 Iulii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Greetings. Sure, I can do that. The article is translated from the page "Ethernet" in "Dictionary.com", which explaines ethernet badly. In Latin I thought it looked humoristic with all the English technical abbreviations in the Latin text. But it's called like that. But I believe we could have more simple names, also equivalents in every language. :) But that is just a wish. It's a funny article, hehe.
Donatello (disputatio) 14:57, 28 Iulii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
Great! Could you be specific. Iacobus usually puts dubsigs which helps pinpoint ambiguities. Maybe we could go to the discussion page and I will start with the first sentence. Thanks!Jondel (disputatio) 08:43, 29 Iulii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Donatello. Let me fix up the page and please let me know if you think anything needs to be changed. Jondel (disputatio) 12:39, 30 Iulii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Sure, I can do that. :) -- Donatello (disputatio) 13:32, 30 Iulii 2013 (UTC).[reply]
Hi Donatello, could you fix up the article like you agreed to or remove the latinatis if you don't see anything wrong? Thanks.--Jondel (disputatio) 11:19, 4 Augusti 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry for delaying. I guess I have forgotten. I divided the text in three text pieces (there is a certain word for that which I don't know; do you?). Now the reader gets a better comfort in reading because of all English abbreviations and English names.
I think the first sentence sound good. But I'm not sure about the first sentence in the third text piece Creata est in societate Xerox PARC a Roberto Metcalfe.... Do you know what was created?
Donatello (disputatio) 14:39, 4 Augusti 2013 (UTC).[reply]

The subject of the article, Ethernet, was created at Xerox PARC by Robert Metcalfe. Thank you for looking into this. What is that certain word that you don't know? I see that Neander is also helping out and will be working with him.Jondel (disputatio) 09:01, 5 Augusti 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for explaining at "Age of Empires". You were doing the right thing! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:49, 28 Iulii 2013 (UTC)[reply]

No problem. :) -- Donatello (disputatio) 15:25, 28 Iulii 2013 (UTC).[reply]

Gratias tibi propter litteras prave deletas revertendas.--Rafaelgarcia (disputatio) 09:58, 17 Augusti 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, Donatello. It's fine to add a redirect -- no problem -- but, in similar cases, also a good idea to add "Fontes desiderati" in the text, as I have now done. This name "stella marina" was a IacobusAmor addition. I think he sometimes used to invent forms like this. There is actually no need to invent, since we already have a Latin name "Asteroidea". Therefore, if no source is found, we ought to delete the alternative "stella marina" from the first sentence. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:47, 25 Augusti 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Greetings. I see. Thanks. :) -- Donatello (disputatio) 17:59, 25 Augusti 2013 (UTC).[reply]
I was no doubt wrong to imagine that Iacobus made up this phrase. The references now cited show that, in using it, he was in the best possible company :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:19, 27 Februarii 2014 (UTC)[reply]

"Scriptor manuscripti"

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Hi again, Donatello. I don't quite understand this phrase. All writers write manuscripts, don't they? (Or they did till computers came along.) I guessed you meant "writers for the cinema", so I inserted this category, but please tell me if I'm wrong! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 11:18, 1 Septembris 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hello. :) I could not find "screenwriter" in Latin, therefor I wrote scriptor manuscripti. I translated from the Swedish name manusförfattare (literally "manuscript author") to scriptor manuscripti. But now it sounds wrong to me. -- Donatello (disputatio) 14:15, 1 Septembris 2013 (UTC).[reply]

Ave Donatello! Ut vales? Quaeso, quale dicere possit "curfew" anglice? Gratias.Jondel (disputatio) 12:12, 7 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Salve. :) Bene valeo. Infeliciter nescio quid veteres romani huic vocabulo icebant. Sed Vilborg dictionarium editionis recentissimae dicit "vétita nocturna domuegréssio". Non dicitur si aliquid verbum moderne creatum est, ita sola verba antiqua continit. Sed "vetita nocturna domuegressio" vitiose sonat. "Vetita nocturna" pluralia sunt "vetitum nocturnum", dum "domuegressio" est casus nominativus. Fortasse lapsus calami est. Nomen fortasse melius esset sine "nocturna".
Praeter hoc, Anglicae curfew Latine bene sonat: "curpauca" (-orum, n). Scio nobis non licet est verba creare, sed hic modo consilium est. :)
Donatello (disputatio) 12:55, 7 Octobris 2013 (UTC).[reply]
Non, non, non! "Curfew" nihil commune habet cum "few". A verbo Francogallico "couvre-feu" (i.e. ignem tege!) mutuatur :) Re vera exstat verbum Latinum mediaevale ignitegium quod "curfew" significat. Si paginam incipis, fontem addere possum. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:56, 7 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, ita est. :) Eram in vitioso. Nesciebam habemus verbum latinum mediaevale "ignetegium". Gratias ago. :) -- Donatello (disputatio) 14:41, 7 Octobris 2013 (UTC).[reply]
Gratias Andrew etiam. Uti volebam in re 'lex martialis'. Autem, non malus sit, res seposita ignetegium.Gratias Donatello quoquo. Jondel (disputatio) 15:56, 7 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Donatello et Jondel, legite quaeso quod Andreas noster scripsit: ignitegium. Neander (disputatio) 20:34, 7 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ita ignitegium , gratias Neander, curatione tua.Jondel (disputatio) 01:05, 8 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, gratias ago Neander. :) -- Donatello (disputatio) 13:23, 8 Octobris 2013 (UTC).[reply]

Enteroctopus dofleini

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Dear Donatello,

See my response at Disputatio:Enteroctopus_dofleini. Please remember, that it is only a non-educated guess. With kind regards, Wimpus (disputatio) 20:23, 21 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Orhan Gencebay

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Hello Donatello,

Thank you for your detailed help message for me about Orhan Gencebay, but it seems like I have a long way to go in Latin, even for basics... :) By the way, I tried to mean he was an "arranger", as you have guessed, but I could not choose the correct word. --Ermangg (disputatio) 19:01, 26 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, Donatello. There are two problems with that page. One is that it is translated from a terrible English page -- weak, badly written, citing no sources. The other is that it's not yet well translated -- that's not surprising! it's brave to attempt to translate text from your second (?) into your fourth (?) language. I certainly wouldn't find it easy.

But I have a couple of sources on my bookshelves, so I could do a bit of work on it. Tell me, why did you choose Hernando de Luque? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:08, 27 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hello. :) I see. It would be good if you could add more and sources as well. :) The reason I chose Hernando de Luque was to remove a red link in the article Viceregnum Peruvianum. I sometimes do that. To remove red links might give more articles faster, and give more articles in more topics. Some of the other names in the article of Ferdinandus de Luque, if not all, are also mentioned in Viceregnum Peruvianum.
Donatello (disputatio) 20:29, 27 Octobris 2013 (UTC).[reply]
A very good reason. OK, I'll have a look at it. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:44, 27 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Nunc illud est questus melius? Mutato nomine placet!

Societas canentium Vindobonae >> Societas Cantantium Vindobonensis

--Sine diligentiam (disputatio) 00:22, 27 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Salve, amice! Nescio an nomen vertendum sit, vide Vicipaedia:De nominibus propriis. Vale! --UV (disputatio) 14:45, 27 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Salve, amice! Bevor es untergeht, versuche ich es auf deutsch: der Artikel sollte in einen sogenannten neuen Artikel-Namensraum verschoben werden.
Allerdings sollte das unter Berücksichtigung der Entstehungsgeschichte erfolgen. Das kann offenbar nur ein Fachmann erledigen, einem gewöhnlichen Sterblichen scheint das verwehrt zu sein. Bitte also verschieben nach Societas Cantantium Vindobonensis, und die Versionsgeschichte importieren. Oder soll man den Artikel unter dem verbesserten Namen neu anlegen und wird dann der alte gelöscht? Ich ersuche um freundliche Belehrung! Gratias agere! --Sine diligentiam (disputatio) 12:24, 28 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Noch besser wäre: Societas Cantantium Viennensis --Sine diligentiam (disputatio) 12:26, 28 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I have responded on my talk page. --UV (disputatio) 21:30, 28 Octobris 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, Donatello. Looking through recent pages I marked six of your pages about districts of Malmö "Non stipula". The simple reason is that there is no source of information at all -- and this is because you forgot (I think) to make any interwiki links. Once you have added links at wikidata, you could then delete those "Non stipula" templates! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:39, 24 Novembris 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hello. I see. Thanks. :) -- Donatello (disputatio) 00:27, 27 Novembris 2013 (UTC).[reply]
I have now added the interwiki links. I will add more information in the articles later. -- Donatello (disputatio) 17:27, 29 Novembris 2013 (UTC).[reply]

Quia iam die Novembris ultimo sumus et paginam Litterae Civitatum Foederatarum iam pro mense Decembri promovi, propositionem tuam Star Wars ad mensem Ianuarium movi. An recte feci, Donatello? Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:56, 30 Novembris 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Intelligo. Bene est. :) -- Donatello (disputatio) 16:44, 30 Novembris 2013 (UTC).[reply]

Salve, Donatello,

gratias tibi ago notationi de mea disputatione.

--Futachimaru (disputatio) 15:44, 30 Decembris 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, Donatello. I reverted your move of king Arthur for two reasons:

  1. We are not allowed to move by copy-and-paste, because this separates the page history from the page itself, which risks breaching our license. We have to move using "Movere". If previous edits prevent this, an admin can always help.
  2. The previous page name was agreed by discussion, so it's best to renew the discussion before making another move. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:26, 20 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hello. Okey, I see. :) I did not know that. Good that you tell. :) I have answered now in that discussion. -- Donatello (disputatio) 14:53, 20 Ianuarii 2014 (UTC).[reply]

Me again, Donatello. I notice that summarium of yours "Quaeso adde categorias si potes". There's a better way to do this: please add the formula {{Dubcat}} at the bottom of the page. That means other people will find your page and (with luck!) categorize it. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:09, 15 Februarii 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hello. Thanks. :) I did not remember that formula, that is why I do not add it. But though I add it, is it okey anyway to indicate also with phrases like this Latin one? There might be better chance then to find the page and add categories. -- Donatello (disputatio) 14:55, 15 Februarii 2014 (UTC).[reply]
Of course, Donatello, yes. Summaria are also useful. People may see them too, as I did! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:13, 15 Februarii 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I found a better version of the same image that you had chosen. But I still can't read all of the names! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:15, 15 Februarii 2014 (UTC)[reply]

That's good. :) Sometimes there are several pictures of the same one, and sometimes with different qualities and file formats. -- Donatello (disputatio) 15:19, 15 Februarii 2014 (UTC).[reply]

Vitae Anglicae

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About "weight-lifter" and "body-builder" for David Prowse, I asked on the Taberna. I think we need help there. About Kennethus Baker, "appellatio suavis" was surely wrong. That would be the name his wife or lover calls him, not the name that everybody uses. I don't think "in vulgine" has any meaning. So I tried "communiter" -- commonly, generally -- I think that's closer to the truth. But someone else may have a better idea.

When giving the name of a city where someone was born, we can use the locative case. For nouns in -a, -us, -um, the locative singular is the same as the genitive: so Bristolii, Londinii, etc. "in Bristol, in London". Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:17, 17 Februarii 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I see. Thanks. :) I wrote the cities in locative case, but I see now that it was wrong. I thought the nouns ending in -us and -um become both -o in locative, but it was -i then. Thanks also for this notation. :) -- Donatello (disputatio) 16:53, 17 Februarii 2014 (UTC).[reply]

Formula capsa pelliculae

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Dear Donatello, I had to eliminate the changes you did on February 28th, 2014 because otherwise the formula doesn't work. I have ask in the Taberna page if somebody could help you to fix the formula. Unfortunately I can't --Helveticus montanus (disputatio) 10:34, 3 Martii 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I have had to revert the formula again, Donatello. The way you changed it, it does not work on existing pages. After making any such change, you need to test the result on existing pages. If it doesn't work on those existing pages, you must revert. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:24, 7 Martii 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Da veniam ...

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... mi Donatello, si opera tua de arcu caelesti interrupi! Nulla plura hoc tempore addere volo. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:58, 17 Martii 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Citius scribebas?

[fontem recensere]

Maybe you were going too fast on 14 March? I can't see what language the picture caption at Ligamentum cruciatum anterius is in, and I don't think you checked the Latin name of the page before writing it. I just looked on Google. Also, you'd need to add some more to Auctor carminum and Auctor textus musici: by the way, where do those names come from? And also Expansio universi needs a bit of expansion (sorry!). In all three cases, it might help to think: "Are there any useful external sources about this subject?" Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:57, 30 Martii 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Uh I wrote the Ligamentum cruciatum anterius.--Jondel (disputatio) 05:54, 31 Martii 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, my mistake. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:32, 8 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)[reply]

De navigatione interstellari

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Nuper rem utilem repperi. Si in pagina Anglica de re astronomica formulam {{Sky|...}} reperis, potes in paginam nostram transferre, nomen mutans ad {{Caelum|...}}. Ita habebimus, ad caput paginae, coordinata caelestia et nexum ad tabulas cosmographicas Wikisky.org. Id nunc feci in pagina NGC 6543 de nebula oculi felis. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:53, 30 Martii 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Bene. :) Intellego. De navigatione interstellari habere bene est. Gratias ago. -- Donatello (disputatio) 15:11, 30 Martii 2014 (UTC).[reply]

Salve Donatello. I was looking at your Mario article. I think it would be good to use ostendare if you want to say 'was shown' rather than putting appareo in passive. Also it seems the imperfect is usually used in reference to another action, e.g. 'I was watching TV when you called'.--Jondel (disputatio) 04:32, 31 Martii 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ostendare isn't a Latin word. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 12:39, 8 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hello people. I think that to say "to appear in a work" in Latin would be in opere apparet. Ostendere might be wrong to use. What do other say? -- Donatello (disputatio) 13:58, 8 Aprilis 2014 (UTC).[reply]
IIRC, our (is it) Swiss montagnard, who's created plenty of film-based articles, uses apparere that way, though one wonders if conspici might be OK, or even better, for the kinds of works where people are quite literally seen. For 'to appear in public', Cassell's offers the idiom in publicum prodire; and for 'to appear in court', in iudicium venire. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 14:36, 8 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Ostendare is subjunctive of ostendere.--Jondel (disputatio) 12:57, 11 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Infinitives do not have subjunctives; ostendare is indeed not a Latin word. Ostendō (ostendere, ostendī, ostentum) means "to show, expose", though in the reflexive (with se or sese) it can mean "to show oneself" or "to appear", e.g. Caesar, "equites sese ostendunt". If you ever have doubt about conjugations, I recommend checking the English Wiktionary (e.g., ostendo, appareo), which is fairly complete and accurate.
You're right! Sorry.--Jondel (disputatio) 09:30, 12 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)[reply]


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I redirected from your redlink Hongcongum Britannicum to Hongcongum. This is not to say we can't write a historical page about Hongkong as British possession -- we can, of course -- but the redirect may help some users until we have such a page. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:32, 8 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I see. Thanks. :) -- Donatello (disputatio) 13:52, 8 Aprilis 2014 (UTC).[reply]

Foreign words

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Hi, Donatello. I noticed you are including some foreign words in italics in your Latin. Since this is the Latin Vicipaedia, you need to make it a rule, if you include a foreign word in italics, always to put a Latin explanation before or after. You can't assume that readers will understand the foreign words. If you don't do this your text is not really in Latin, and therefore risks deletion -- which would be a waste of your time! I reworked Amanda Clement to eliminate "umpire" (in fact you already had a Latin term for that) and to explain "high school".

I think you need to look again at Hudson (Dacota Meridionalis) and any other pages using that pattern -- it isn't really Latin yet! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:36, 15 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for your comments at that page. I tried to answer :)
I meant to add that I think this is a very good idea of yours, when you are making biographies, to add linked pages about related topics such as the places where these people were born. It makes the encyclopedia grow! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:01, 16 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)[reply]
You did it again at Hoopstad. What was your problem with "surveyor"? My old English-Latin dictionary, Riddle and Arnold, gives four Latin words for this, and I happened to choose a fifth. If your dictionary didn't give you any words, your dictionary is not good enough and you need to look further. You must make yourself a rule: "I will not include English words in encyclopaedia text without a Latin explanation," or even better, "I will not include English words in encyclopaedia text!" The titles of books and songs are fine, but not stray words in text: we don't do that. Please confirm that you understand this! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:59, 18 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I am following this rule now. :) I often left untranslated words temporarily for help. For the reader, it is good as well when there are no untranslated words. Some words can be difficult for me to translate, and I might have forgotten this one for example: "police burgh" in the article "Carnoustie".
Actually, I would like that whole articles in the Latin Wikipedia would be in Latin, like names of movies, games, books, music albums, complete names of people or why not the vulgar ones, etc. The ancient Romans would write like that; keeping it Latin. I like the idea that languages are clean, ie not using derived words so words of a language match each other. Words like biographia, palaeontologia, and mythologia does not sound like Latin. Why not have Latin equivalents? Unfortunately the Latin Wikipedia have rules that prevent us from writing like the ancient Romans. But the Latin Wikipedia might change in the future.
Donatello (disputatio) 19:48, 23 Aprilis 2014 (UTC).[reply]
A lot of questions there, Donatello, some of them rather for the Taberna :)
I'd say you are mistaken about the Romans in that many writers did use Greek words (like mythologia) when writing about technical subjects. It is true that some preferred native Latin words: so, like them, instead of "biographia" you could write "vita". I do. I like brevity, but in general I disagree with you very, very strongly about "cleanness". Languages grow and develop by interacting. Certainly that was true of Latin, which was a far richer language thanks to the influence of Etruscan, Greek, Celtic, etc. Dirty but good.
The reason for giving names of books (etc.) in the original, and adding native-language names of people and places, is that we are writing an encyclopedia and readers need us to tell them real facts that they can pursue elsewhere. Yes, Latin encyclopedias do this. If you don't believe it, read some of Hoffman 's encyclopedia -- start here -- immediately on that page you see articles with foreign titles, "Aavaille", and some French, German, Greek and Hebrew text, in italics and foreign script, but notice that he gives a Latin explanation too. That's a good model. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:22, 23 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)[reply]
OK, I added a suggested translation for "police burgh", a Scottish technical term. Remember, if you want to write like the Romans -- "A est B". Est usually does not go at the end of the sentence. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 20:32, 23 Aprilis 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Global account

[fontem recensere]

Salve Donatello. As a Steward I'm involved in the upcoming unification of all accounts organized by the Wikimedia Foundation (see m:Single User Login finalisation announcement). By looking at your account, I realized that you don't have a global account yet. In order to secure your name, I recommend you to create such account on your own by submitting your password on Special:MergeAccount and unifying your local accounts. If you have any problems with doing that or further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me on my talk page. Vale, —DerHexer (Disp.) 21:12, 16 Ianuarii 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Welcome back!

[fontem recensere]

... :) Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:34, 20 Augusti 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Welcome back. I hope you continue your studies with Latin as well.--Jondel (disputatio) 03:38, 21 Augusti 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you. :) - Donatello (disputatio) 11:58, 21 Augusti 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Let me gently remind you that you need to add some external source of information to each new page. Commons doesn't count as a reliable source. If you don't do this the page may be marked "Non stipula". But usually it's very easy, if you're translating from another Wikipedia, to copy some suitable source item, maybe an external link into "Nexus externi", or maybe a book or article into "Bibliographia". Or a footnote perhaps. I added a footnote, referring to a book I found, on the page Monasterium Kye. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:26, 23 Augusti 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I see. :) Thanks for the note. I'll do that. :) - Donatello (disputatio) 22:54, 23 Augusti 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Spaghetti → Pasta vermiculata

[fontem recensere]

Salve, Donatello! Paginam tuam "Spaghetti" ad "Pasta vermiculata" movi, quia pasta vermiculata in duobus fontibus invenitur, nomen spaghetti autem non in fontibus Latinis inveni. Si dissentis, mihi dicas, amabo! :)

Salve. Bene est. :) Gratias tibi. :) -- Donatello (disputatio) 12:31, 27 Augusti 2015 (UTC).[reply]

Illac is an adverb and doesn't have any close connection with the article "Via", so I thought it was best to delete the redirect. The first sentence of "ferrivia" would need to be revised anyway: it's awkward, I think, in this context, to use an adverb as complement to the verb "esse". Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:52, 29 Augusti 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I see, hehe. :) Then I might be wrong about illac. Yes; via ferrea instead of ferrivia would be better. It would be closer to the true structure of Latin or Classical Latin. -- Donatello (disputatio) 13:56, 29 Augusti 2015 (UTC).[reply]
Yes, you could be right, but we need some source for either term if we can get one. Can you help? When my English-Latin dictionary was published, railways hardly yet existed :( Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 14:48, 29 Augusti 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Clavuli comedendi?

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Salve, Donatelle, commentationem quam de "clavulis comedendi" instituisti inspexi. Voluntatem probo Latine de his rebus scribendi, cum ego quoque, postquam quandam pelliculam cinematographicam Sinensem spectavi, de his rebus Latine loqui vellem. De nomine Latino tamen aliter sentio. Nonne melius est nomine adiectivo "escarius" uti et vocem clavuli expungere? Vide quaeso disputationem de hac re factam. MARCVS (disputatio) 02:24, 17 Ianuarii 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Gratias curatione tua o Marcus. Iam moveamus ad lemmam quam suadis.Jondel (disputatio) 15:15, 20 Ianuarii 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Greetings and apology

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Hi Donatello! Nice to see you with us again. Please forgive me for reverting your correct change at Constellationes. I needed to revert the previous big edit which introduced material suited to the individual pages, not the general page. With an iPad I could hardly manage it without reverting you as well. Feel free to make that change again if you care to, and enjoy your editing! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 06:10, 13 Aprilis 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Donatello! Thanks for working on troll, but just a reminder: a page is still a "non stipula" until there is an external source, and a link to Wikimedia Commons doesn't count. I just added one; usually a good source can be found on one of the other Wikipedias. Lesgles (disputatio) 03:03, 15 Aprilis 2016 (UTC)[reply]

It's the same with the new pages you added yesterday and today, Donatello. Please don't forget to add an external source (a link to an off-Wikipedia site, or a reference to a book). That's the one thing some of those pages lack, and if that isn't done, the pages will eventually be deleted. It looks to me as if the Swedish/Danish wikipedia entries on those topics already do cite other sources, so all you have to do is to copy their references across. I see you did it for Vasa (navis bellica); maybe you already plan to do it for the others too. That would be fine, then. These are good new pages -- thanks! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 09:09, 3 Maii 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I'm just repeating this point, Donatello, because quite a lot of your recent pages risk deletion if no external source is added to them. If you want to be reminded which ones are at risk, you could look at Categoria:Augenda a mense Aprilis 2016, Categoria:Augenda a mense Maii 2016, Categoria:Augenda a mense Iunii 2016. (A few are listed there because the text is very short -- less than 200 characters -- but most of them simply because there is no external source.) I'm saying this again because I don't want you to waste your work! When you add an external source, and make sure the text is long enough, you should then delete the "Augenda" template at the top of the page. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:26, 27 Iunii 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Vide etiam

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FYI: consensus replaced "Vide etiam" with "Nexus interni" months ago. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 12:41, 24 Maii 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, Donatello. Another consensus reached a while ago was not to have a series of Decennium pages. So we deleted them all and altered the links, usually making the links go to Saeculum pages instead. I'm sorry to be the ghost at the feast, but this is the reason why I've deleted your three new decennium pages -- they had scarcely any text in them -- and changed the links at Malmogia in accordance with that consensus. The discussion is at Disputatio Formulae:Annus if you'd like to read it.
In general our special aim in 2016 is only to create new pages that will contain more than the minimum of readable Latin text. You weren't active here at the period when we were agreeing this, so you didn't receive on your talk page the New Year message that summarized the consensus. I'm going to paste it in below for your information. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 10:39, 30 Iunii 2016 (UTC)[reply]

De iubilaeo Vicipaedianorum

Annum 2016 prosperum et felicem omnibus amicis Vicipaedianis opto! Apud Tabernam consentivimus annum 2016 (quem iubilaeum nostrum Helveticus nuncupavit) praecipue dedicare ad textum paginarum Vicipaedicarum augendum et meliorandum. Huic proposito consentiens (si tu consentis!) sic pro communi inceptu nostro agere potes:

  • Quando paginas novas legibiles, fontibus munitas, et non brevissimas creare vis, crea! Ne timeas!
  • Quandocumque paginam aut breviorem aut mendosam aut male confectam reperis, cura! corrige! auge!
  • Si paginam novam brevissimam creare in mentem habes, recogita ... An potius textum longiorem scribere oportet? An prius aliam paginam, iam exstantem, augere potes?

Quo dicto, Vicipaediani liberi sumus. Paginae etiam breves, quae inter veras "stipulas" admitti possunt (vide formulam "Non stipula"), accepturae sunt sicut iam antea accipi solent. Scribe igitur sine metu, sicut iam scripsisti! [en] Andrew Dalby (disputatio) [original datestamp: 18:52, 1 Ianuarii 2016 (UTC)][reply]

Roskilde University

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Here's something quite different. Do you have a source for the name "Universitas Roschildiensis" (your move of categories today)? Because I now find an official source for another name, "Universitas Roskildensis": see this Scandria page, on which there is a university emblem with this Latin name. So that will mean another move, unluckily, unless there is an equally good source for the name you chose! I hope there is! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 11:31, 30 Iunii 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Since you didn't reply, I moved the pages and categories to the names for which we had sources. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:27, 29 Augusti 2016 (UTC)[reply]

mundanus ↔ mundialis

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Salve Donatello, tibi pro tituli paginae Universitas Maritima Mundana mutatione gratias ago. Vero mihi una quaestiuncula est: estne discrimen inter verba "mundanus" et "mundialis"? Ad omnes casus in indice verborum meo solum verbum "mundanus" inveniri possum, sed cum significatione religiosa, per exemplum Carminum Buranorum: "laus mundana - vita vana ...". In Vicipaedia rursum paginis pluribus verbum "mundialis" sunt, exemplorum gratia: Rectio mundialis (Latinitas?), Dies mundialis venti, Actio Mundialis ad Aequalitatem Trans et al. Vale, Andreas Raether (disputatio) 14:43, 12 Iulii 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Mundanus videtur verbum classicum (substantivum) et "late Latin" (adiectivum), sed mundialis verbum Christianum. Fortasse autem melius pro Anglico 'worldwide' erit universus et per orbem terrarum patens. IacobusAmor (disputatio) 16:25, 12 Iulii 2016 (UTC)[reply]

De universitate Lincopensi

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Hi, Donatello. You moved the university page and two category pages, but you didn't provide a source for your new name. The adjective "Lincopensis" is much commoner than "Lincopiensis" on Google, so I don't understand your reason for the change. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 08:37, 29 Iulii 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Not sure if I understand ...

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... why you are putting the "Augenda" formula on your own new pages. The formula means "this page has text that is too short or it doesn't have an external source, so it will be deleted in 3 months unless improved". So, for example, the formula doesn't belong on Ecclesia Cathedralis Fredrikstad because the text is long enough and there is an external source. All that the formula does, on that page, is to create a slight risk that the page will be deleted in 3 months by mistake. I guess you don't really want to create that risk ... Tell me if there's something I don't understand. Best wishes -- Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:27, 29 Augusti 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Pagina cottidiana

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Hi, Donatello. Glance at the Pagina prima and you will see the coffee machine in pole position! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 12:55, 25 Septembris 2019 (UTC)[reply]

We sent you an e-mail

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Hello Donatello,

Really sorry for the inconvenience. This is a gentle note to request that you check your email. We sent you a message titled "The Community Insights survey is coming!". If you have questions, email surveys@wikimedia.org.

You can see my explanation here.

MediaWiki message delivery (disputatio) 18:52, 25 Septembris 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Donatello. Hope you're OK.

Please correct the link you gave to a "situs officialis" for Donkey Kong Country. That link gives me only redirects and error messages.

As soon as there is a useful external link on the page, you can remove the {{Augenda}} template. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 15:53, 14 Aprilis 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Andrew! I’ve fixed it. Donatello (disputatio) 15:18, 17 Aprilis 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Donatello. Your grammar on this page was not "fine" (as you said in the summary): there were several errors. I don't understand your reference to "usage of higher words and expressions". Iacobus's corrections on the page were necessary, and it was unwise to revert them. I have restored the page as Iacobus left it. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 17:24, 17 Octobris 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Now I've made some small changes myself, and explained on the talk page. See what you think. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 18:37, 17 Octobris 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Paginae mox delendae

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Paginae a te creatae Avis involatilis, Statio Pyeongyang, Statio Media Rhegina, Statio Media Osloensis, mox delebuntur nisi fontes externos addas. Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 19:37, 17 Octobris 2021 (UTC)[reply]

De avibus quaedam addidi. Demetrius Talpa (disputatio) 20:16, 17 Octobris 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Salvete. Fontes externos talibus paginis addebantur. Gratias tibi Talpa. --Donatello (disputatio) 19:10, 20 Octobris 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Ambobus gratias ago! Andrew Dalby (disputatio) 13:51, 25 Octobris 2021 (UTC)[reply]