

MusicBrainz recording ID

identifier for a recording in the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia

  • MB recording ID
  • MBrec
  • recording MBID
  • recording ID (MusicBrainz)
  • track ID (MusicBrainz)
  • MusicBrainz track ID
In more languages
default for all languages
No label defined

No description defined

Data type

External identifier


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On album tracklists (P658), use this property as a qualifier to distinguish the version of a song used on that album or that version of an album (if the version is not the same as that described by the linked item it can be fixed in the future). As a statement on an item for a song, a version of a song or a recording, only add this property if it exactly matches the version described by the item. (English)
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UUID format string, see [[Q195284]] (English)
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