A downloadable game for Windows

A long-imprisoned God of Blood has made you their disciple. Kill their monstrosities still roaming the land and return the godly blood, Ichor, to restore your Patron to their full power.

Master the Offerings of The Patron and combine them for crazy synergies and boosts!


Mattstov - Programming and Sound Effects

Goblin - Artist

TheSnowly - Music


Note: The player has a dash if you press SHIFT we forgot to put it in the tutorial.
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars
(48 total ratings)
AuthorsMattStov, Goblin, TheSnowly
GenreAction, Platformer
Tags2D, Boss battle, Difficult, Pixel Art, Singleplayer


Ichorous.zip 70 MB


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Awesome game, I would totally play a full length version or something similar

Pls make a port to linux, or at least try to make it compatible with wine

You can open this via Steam Proton

fun! It crashed on me on the eyes boss:




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object oBloodSplat:

Unable to find instance for object index 61

at gml_Object_oBloodSplat_Step_0


gml_Object_oBloodSplat_Step_0 (line -1)


It is a very striking and fun game but I had 2 bugs when entering the power selection area for the first time, touching the blood didn't take me anywhere and the other bug was when the 2nd battle with the boss of the eyes ends, the game stops drawing blood towards the player, maybe it's the math that gave that bug even so I had fun playing it I will continue playing it hoping you fix those bugs greetings!

really cool game, the artstyle is amazing. The font is a little hard to read, but it's not horrible.

This was absolutely amazing

I just found the difficulty kind of annoying with how you had to start all over after loosing once.
That and the fact that taking blood takes about 2 seconds to get started made me not entirely finish this, though I think I got to the last boss.

On that Boss the Blood healing seems like it'd be the most fun to use, however I couldn't find any timing window which gave any meaningfull amounts of blood. I bet I could if I would restart the boss instantly but I guess that doesn't happen (correct me if I am wrong, the game had a crash when I dies on it).

Anyways, that should in no way distract from the fact this is amazingly made. Really enjoyed my 1 hour with it.

Lookin fire. I would add this to my list

Very nice blood animations. Some may need to be faster at least after the second or third time

ost release?


Enjoy :)



How to change key mappings?

no way to change that unfortunately!


que buen juego, me agrada el trabajo que estan haciendo, que buen concepto, aunque me esta empezando a gustar mi prima, pero fuera de eso, sigan asi, corrigan los bugs y sera tremendo juego, saludos


que tu prima que¡¡????

Me saltaron infinidad de bugs, pero a pesar de todo disfrute bastante el juego.

really cool game, however its a bit frustrating to get damaged by spike enemy's body when his head is far away

The only negative point I find about the game is the control, the rest is perfect.

Love the game, especially the pixel art. My only problem is the controls that make movement almost impossible. If we could play the game using a controller I think it would greatly improve the experience.


So I discovered a bug for the bug boss where in it's second form (the flying form), the boss suddenly glided into the ceiling and I was softlocked.

I had the same thing happen, but waited around for like ever and eventually it came back.  But then when I beat it,  the game crashed 🤣


oh no im really sorry about that, unfortunately lots of bugs snuck through.

No need to apologize!  The game was fun while it was working, and a really cool concept!


I have the same bug with ceiling. After some time boss came back. But the game crashed after my victory.


action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object oShockWave:

Unable to find instance for object index 41

at gml_Object_oShockWave_Step_0


gml_Object_oShockWave_Step_0 (line -1)


I continued playing a bit, it works on SteamDeck’s ArchLinux but you need to download Windows version manually from website then add it as external game to Steam library and run it with Proton (I used Experimental). Probably just works with WINE on other platforms.

I found a bug where you can jump a little before the master talks where a bonus will be, then you still fall during the animation but after that you automatically receive that bonus anyway (and probably only that, it was the bonus that gives you the two other bonuses at half purity so in this case I had to pick the other two anyway).

I was glad to discover alternative inputs: arrow keys + ZXC which I use more often than WASD + JKL (although in my own games I define both exactly the same way!)

Apart from the crash which only happened once (see my other comment), my biggest issue was that I couldn’t use the blood arts at all (I found two, one said to use A/D so left/right + K or L, another to hold K to attract blood and hit L, but neither worked - maybe I had to release K just before L? I also tried the alternative left/right+X/C, holding X and pressing C… nothing did work).

Finally, a training mode where you repeat the same boss again and again (with or without the bonuses) instead of restarting from scratch would be great to get a feeling of progress. Either it would really be just a training and you’d have to start from scratch to really advance and unlock next boss and its training, or it could be a full “easy” mode where you just have a checkpoint for every boss.

I like the boss rush challenge but it’s getting less and less interesting to fight the early bosses so it’s more just taking time than a real challenge and I’m not improving either because I can already beat the first two with no blood heal (so purity 100) so I have no benefit in beating them with slightly more HP at this point.

So it may be worth waiting for an update before I keep going? So I can get the crash fix, the blood art input fix and maybe the training/easy mode if you can do that. I’ll try the other Boss Rush entries in the meantime.

This is a really insightful comment and I want to respond to all your points.

It’s really cool that you got it working with proton! I honestly didn’t think it would run with how scuffed compilation was during the jam haha!

As for the jump bug, it’s already fixed in our current build which hasn’t been released yet! I’m hoping to spend the summer with the team and do a post jam version with a new mode possibly.

I honestly thought the keyboard inputs I chose were decently normal but after seeing the comments I guess more people are used to arrow zxcv I’ll probably make that default

Blood arts were super finicky and honestly you could barely get a hit in with them. They required really precise inputs and I really wasn’t happy with them. Probably will be replaced with a new mechanic/major upgrade instead!

We have an interesting checkpoint system in mind that should remedy the issue of falling back to the first boss, though a training mode could be a nice way of letting people practice these bosses.

like I mentioned before, an update will not be coming until late summer as that is when the team will be putting our effort into patching everything up and adding more stuff to make it a little more replayable!

again thanks for playing hopefully you check out the game when the post jam comes along!

OK, I’ll be waiting for the update!

Personally I like the idea of blood arts as it makes everything connected to the blood theme, but standard skills would be nice too as there is only a normal attack. If the skill bonuses could appear more regularly rather than completely randomly it would be nice too.

Maybe you’re thinking of using blood for checkpoints? Would make sense since being able to defeat bosses perfectly means having a lot of blood and it also means you don’t want to fight them again.

Note: I recently discovered that itch app > Downloads popup shows latest updates, so I sometimes use that to check if I missed update emails. Oh, but it doesn’t work when I download the Windows version outside of the itch app, too bad. But I can download the Windows version via the itch app on a PC that has WINE, even if I don’t use it to play (too much CPU consumption), just to see updates. Either way, I regularly check boss fight games so I’ll end up seeing it anyway.


Nice game, especially liked the cool low-res pixel art, fits the theme pretty well.

(1 edit) (+2)

Awesome game, sadly burdened by the worst control scheme I’ve ever seen and the longest unskippable cutscenes ever. Really liking it, tho


Man, I wish you could change the control. Great game otherwise.

unfortunately no rebinding. maybe in the future


Game looks amazing

thank you!!!

@MattStov do u have Discord :o ?

I have a discord, but no discord server unfortunately. 

Si eres amante de la adrenalina y te gusta jugar con derrotando a muchos enemigos sin para, con esta DEMO te enseñamos por qué este videojuego ICHOROUS te va a gustar.

Nice game, especially liked the cool low-res pixel art, fits the theme pretty well.

Pretty nice game, though for me at least the ug was harder than the final boss, also are you supposed to be able to get to of the same upgrade? I just got two berserks in one run.


the 3rd boss is no doubt harder then the final boss, and yes you can get multiple of the same ability!


I love the game overall!  Finding a boss rush that isn't actual dog poo poo in itch or even in the whole gaming circle is quite hard.So I am happy that I did :). The last time I remember having fun in a boss rush was in Hollow Knight ... that was 4 years ago so you did so great work to rival even the best indie studios.
The movement is mostly smooth 
being defensive and attacking is balanced 
The bosses are not too tanky nor they are stale 
 the game has a good balance between quality vs quantity 
and the art style is great even if I am not a fan of pixel art.

The game has so many bugs!
I am not even talking about the crashes  that got mentioned by the other reviews are annoying but because of the short run time of the video game the crashes are not too annoying.
It's the small bugs that kill the whole gaming experience in my opinion.
1.The second boss fight has a cool animation while they throw their lance head thingy but before they throw it the lance head can STILL HIT YOU WHILE YOU JUMP OVER THEM.I get that hitboxes still work even while animation but this is just annoying to deal with.

2.Portals just don't open sometimes? Like how , when you kill a boss or get an upgrade and you just wait for the portal to open but it just doesn't?!

3.the third boss fight is fun but after the second phase it's horrendous 
The boss does it's digging attack but sometimes it just digs through and doesn't end their attack?So you just stand there thinking that the boss just left you . It has the same problem as the portal where you get SOFTLOCKED
The second major problem I have found in the game is that the blood mechanic is pointless as any blood art is too weak to actually use . Why use the risky blood art upgrade that takes 5 or more seconds to wind up against super speedy bosses If you can just do the same damage by taking berserk or something else and actually dealing the the damage in 1 second?
and even the healing upgrades seem pointless as using blood for healing is as worse as using it for DPS . You're going to take damage anyway while healing 50% of the time so why waste time If you can just get more dps with your sword and prevent the healing in the first place?
Love the game but in my opinion the game need tweaking
game good but bugs are bad , blood arts or any healing mechanic is kinda pointless if you can just perform more dps.
-Love some queer insect in the meadows 


I really appreciate the in depth feedback, I completely agree that the healing mechanic feels useless if you can just do more damage and same for blood arts, if we rework the game it would need  to be rebalanced.

A lot of the bugs were just due to it being a jam game with little testing before submission! They will no doubt be ironed out when we return for a post jam!

Thanks so much for playing hopefully we can make the gameplay a lot deeper and more interesting!

This was really great game well done keep it up!

This one should absolutely see a Steam release. The mood & character designs are perfect!

The blood mechanic is very interesting but could definitely be used in a more interesting mechanic, for example by having a distance limit to absorb it, or use its position as a way to set traps. There’s tons of room for interesting game mechanics behind this concept, and it does fit the tone perfectly.

Good job! Don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re interesting in getting contacts with publishers.

Deleted 197 days ago

Thank you so much for the kind words, I think this game needs a lot more work and a lot of redesigning before I would be confident in focusing on it. 

It means lot that you would offer such an opportunity and if we ever moved forward and make this a real game we would no doubt look at this as an option!


O jogo é incrivel, amei o visual e esse estilo sombrio.

E deu esse erro aqui na fase 2

action number 1
of  Step Event0
for object oBloodSplat:
Unable to find instance for object index 61
at gml_Object_oBloodSplat_Step_0
gml_Object_oBloodSplat_Step_0 (line -1)

sorry there are many crashes there will be a future patch that fixes everything

translated just incase (google translate):

desculpe, há muitas falhas, haverá um patch futuro que corrige tudo

Same when using blood damage bonus and attracting blood so it hits boss, but at the same time it hit me and I probably died? Anyway if you already found the cause and a fix for it, that’s great.

Currently studying Boss Rush jam entries for my own game, first cool thing I observe is Attack -> Jump cancel which I’ll probably implement too!

Beat it!  Couldn't figure out how to sign the contract at the end so had to go the traitor route.  The final boss was *a lot* easier than the third boss, probably because of the slower pace of the fight. Also probably cause I got super lucky and ended the game with BerserkX2 +Fast attacks. I Got 100% Purity each fight, don't know if that affected the ending at all.  May try it again some time to see if there's a way to sign that darn contract.

Unfortunately no signature for the ending (we ran out of time haha) the final boss and the 3rd boss need to be tweaked a bunch, full purity made it so all upgrades had no side effects, but no alternate ending (once again time restraints) you had a really good build tho! Thank you so much for playing!!

this game is very good, the art, bosses and mechanics are good, but i think that need more tipe of atacks, how a dash, charged, or maybe more weapons (axe, dagger, hammer), im sorry if i write bad english, i only triying to help the game with more content

Thank you so much for playing! And the team will be adding new stuff after some point! Thank you for the ideas we will look at adding new stuff to change up the game.

Game is very good.  Unfortunately, there is a very frustrating bug where jumping into the portal out of the patron's dwelling triggers the portal to disappear but doesn't teleport you, softlocking the game and ending your run.

Damn. I got the third boss to 0 health but he kept fighting and I died. Enjoying the game though.


that’s really weird… sorry for the weird bugs haha, I’ll be putting a patch out when I get the chance!

The third boss dissapeared when he was at 1%. I assume this is a glitch unless its some sort of experimental attack lol


it’s like a super rare bug that happens if he is too high up and does his slam attack. Sorry bout that!

love the game, how do i use blood art like the cleaver % lash thing?

Pretty interesting! The vibes are great, I do love me some gothic blood gore from time to time. The combat reminded me a lot of Hollow Knight (Which I mean as a compliment LOL), I don´t know if you´ll keep updating it but it´s got some potential!

Also, as a side note, I didn´t get any crashes like the guys below. The only weird thing I found was the spike guy would stop its ball mid-air if I was mid healing, which I think might be intentional? Idk haha


The combat was for sure inspired by how tight Hollow Knight's movement and combat was, we will be putting out a small bug patch and possibly another boss later down the line! 

nope, that spike ball thing is a bug! 

Insanely Epic! I just think that the healing mechanic is a bit confusing.

Great game, encountered a bug that crashed the game on the final boss though :((

Me to after the 3th boss. First time it could not get past blood absorbation.. Next time error creating event obj oOfferPickUp.. error true final boss 

Sorry for the crashes the game has a few of em, and ill work on fixing those up now that the jam is over! 

I'm so sorry about that! This jam game is riddled with bugs and crashes that happen for some and not to others, ill be making a fixed-up version eventually!

Hey! I'd just like to ask how it is that you map the animation frames of the jump to the vertical velocity, since I'd like to do the same in my games. Thank you in advance!

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