Becoming a Friendship Centre

Indigenous kidsSo you want to become a Friendship Centre. There are several things you must do to become a member with the NAFC, you'll find a step by step guide below. Information required for application is part of our Constitution & By-Laws in Article III, Section 1 & 2

Organizations seeking membership with the NAFC shall do so by providing a written application to the NAFC Board of Directors. This can be sent to our head office in Ottawa. 

The written application needs to contain the following information:

  1. Articles of Incorporation (or equivalent evidence of incorporation) confirming incorporation for a period of at least one year under the laws of the province or territory in which it is situated.
  2. A resolution from the Board of Directors of the Friendship Centre requesting membership into the Association.
  3. A community profile describing the community and its needs.
  4. Copies of the Friendship Centre’s by-laws.
  5. A detailed history of the Friendship Centre including start-up date, membership list, programs, services, funding sources and other relevant information.
  6. Letters of support from, including but not limited to, Indigenous persons and organizations in the relevant communities.
  7. Must pay an annual membership fee as defined in Article IV of the NAFC By-Laws.
  8. Must demonstrate financial stability and accountability based upon audited financial statements or, if the applicant is not legally required to have audited financial statements, financial statements acceptable to the Board of Directors of the Association, acting reasonably.

(NAFC Constitution & By-Laws, Article III – Membership, Section 2)

To remain qualified as a Friendship Centre, the following eligibility criteria must be maintained by the organization:

Elder - Smoking meatA Friendship Centre:

  1. Must be an autonomous community-based organization providing services and/or programmes for all people in accordance with the Association’s Code of Ethics. 
  2. Must be duly incorporated under the laws of the province or territory in which it is situated.
  3. Must pay an annual membership fee as defined in Article IV of the NAFC By-Laws.
  4. May, from time to time, provide the Association with information for advocacy and policy development purposes.

(NAFC Constitution & By-Laws, Article III – Membership, Section 1)

The NAFC Code of Ethics can be found in the Strategic Plan [PDF - 1,940KB].

For information on how to become a member with your Provincial/Territorial Association, please contact them directly.