Care Connect API journey outlines the approach of developing RESTful APIs and the journey taken to define and mature the Care Connect APIs

The Journey

The API Journey is a guide from imagination and exploring to developing local APIs using Care Connect profiles all the way to deploying a live API.

guide Engage Clinical scenarios User stories Case Studies Benefits Clinical inspiration Explore Impl Guide Resource Profiles API definitions Search parameters Value sets Design & Build Build APIs Search Ex. Code examples Validation tools Security examples Test Test data Security tests Reference servers Secure store Example data Assure Automated tests Test Reports Test Evidence Conformance reports Assurance checklist Deploy (Pilot) API harness Warranted environment IG / IS Spine comms Record locator Deploy (Live) Registry Monitor Support Conformance statement Extensions

The above steps outline a complete API journey .

Profile journey

The current site focuses on a typical API Developer’s Journey as highlighted by the green boxes below in the developer journey:

NHS Digital is contributing to progressing the profile developmenet, the testing process and invitations are open for the INTEROPen community to get involved and progress the wider developer ecosystem. Please see the explanation of the complete development roadmap below.

How this fits into the wider journey?

The current site focuses on a typical API Developer’s Journey as highlighted by the green boxes below in the developer journey:

NHS Digital is contributing to progressing the profile developmenet, the testing process and invitations are open for the INTEROPen community to get involved and progress the wider developer ecosystem.

Please see the explanation of the complete development roadmap.
