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Targets And Legislation

The national targets for the recovery and recycling of packaging waste are in accordance with the requirements of Decree-Law nº 152-D/2017, as amended, PERSU 2020 and Dispatch nº 4707/2018, of May 14th.

Novo Verde is committed to meeting the packaging waste management targets related to packaging placed on the national market, with the corresponding percentage of packaging weight indicated as a reference.

Targets in force

Recovery minimum target


Recycling minimum targets





Paper and Cardboard








Future Targets







Global Minimum Targets

63% 65% 67% 70%


65% 70% 73% 75%

Paper and Cardboard

65% 75% 80% 85%


60% 70% 75% 80%


40% 50% 55% 60%


36% 50% 53% 55%


20% 25% 28% 30%




Global Minimum Targets

63% 65%


65% 70%

Paper and Cardboard

65% 75%


60% 70%


40% 50%


36% 50%


20% 25%




Global Minimum Targets

67% 70%


73% 75%

Paper and Cardboard

80% 85%


75% 80%


55% 60%


53% 55%


28% 30%


Waste management

Legislação Breve Descrição  

Dispatch nº 154-A/2017, January 3rd

Grants Novo Verde – Packaging Waste Management Society  the possibility of entering into contracts, under paragraph 3 of Dispatch no. 14202-D/2016 and 14202-E / 2016, from November 25, until March 31, 2017.
Decree-Law no. 152-D/2017, in its current wording Legal regimes relating to specific waste streams that provide for the operation of integrated management systems, based on the principle of extended producer responsibility, and which, through the respective compliance schemes, assume the responsibilities of economic operators who place products on the national market.
Order No. 14202-D/ 2016, of November 25th Novo Verde – Packaging Waste Management Society Permit to manage an integrated packaging waste system until the end of 2021, updated through Order No. 5615/2020, of 20 May.
Decision 2014/955/ EU of December 18th European Waste List, LER, amending Commission Decision 2000/532/EC, of ​​3 May, referred to in Article 7 of the Directive 2008/98/EC, of ​​the European Parliament and of the Council, of 19 November.
Decree-Law no. 73/2011, of June 17th This Decree-Law makes the third amendment to Decree-Law no. 178/2006, of 5 September, and transposes Directive no. 2008/98/EC, of ​​the European Parliament and of the Council, of 19 November, about waste.
Directive 2008/98 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 19th 2008 This Directive establishes measures to protect the environment and human health, preventing or reducing the adverse impacts arising from the generation and waste management, reducing the general impacts of the resources use and improving the efficiency of that use, which has been the target of several changes. In 2014, the directive was amended by European Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1357/2014 of 18 December 2014. It was subsequently amended by the Commission Directive (EU) 2015/1127, of 10 July 2017. At 8 of June 2017, this was again subject to an amendment, this one made by Council Regulation (EU) 2017/997 and finally the last amendment through Directive (EU) 2018/851 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018.

Waste Transportation

Legislação Breve Descrição
Ordinance No. 145/2017 of April 26th Regulates the waste transportation in the national territory.

Waste Planning

Legislação Breve Descrição
Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 11-C/2015 Approves the National Waste Management Plan for the 2014-2020 horizon.
Ordinance No. 187-A/2014, of September 17th Approves the Strategic Plan for Urban Waste (PERSU 2020), for Portugal Mainland, available on the Portuguese Environment Agency, I. P. website.
Ordinance No. 241-B/2019, of July 31st Approves PERSU 2020+, which is an adjustment to the measures contained in the Strategic Plan for Urban Waste (PERSU 2020).

Packaging and Packaging Waste

Legislação Breve Descrição
Order No. 154-A/2017, of January 3rd Grants to Novo Verde – Packaging Waste Management Society, the possibility of celebrating contracts, by under No. 3 of Dispatch No. 14202-D/2016 and 14202-E/2016, from November 25, until March 31, 2017.
Ordinance No. 306/2016, of December 7th 2016 Sets the structure, composition and functioning of the Waste Management Monitoring Commission, hereinafter referred to as CAGER.
Dispatch No. 14415/2016, November 29th Creates a working group with the mission of identifying and proposing the measures leading to the operationalization of packaging waste management integrated system.
Dispatch no. 14202-C/2016, of November 25th  Defines the financial fees owed by the compliance schemes and which is intended to support the cost increases with the packaging waste selective collection and sorting, as well as their mechanical treatment and mechanical and biological treatment stations, their organic recovery and the treatment of metal slag resulting from the urban waste incineration and other fractions considered recycling.
Decree-Law no. 71/2016, of November 4th  Processes: the seventh amendment to Decree-Law no. 366-A/97, of December 20, which establishes packaging management system and packaging waste applicable principles and rules; the tenth amendment to Decree-Law no. 178/2006, of September 5, which approves the General Regime of Waste Management (RGGR), transposing Directive 2015/1127, of the Commission, of 10 July 2015, and the first amendment to Decree-Law No. 67/2014, of 7 May, which approves the legal regime for the Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) management.
Decree-Law no. 48/2015, of April 10th  Proceed to the sixth amendment to Decree-Law no. 366 -A / 97, of December 20, as amended by Decree-Law no. 162/2000, of July 27, 92/2006, of May 25, 178/2006, of September 5, 73/2011, of June 17, and 110/2013, of August 2, which establishes the principles and rules applicable to the system of packaging and packaging waste management, in the sense of introducing rules in the technical specifications field, in the qualification of packaging waste management operators, in the methodology for the financial compensation values calculating models definition ​​and in urban waste management systems capitations and objectives updating.
Decree-Law no. 110/2013, of August 2nd  This Decree-Law makes the fifth amendment to Decree-Law no. 366-A / 97, of December 20, as amended by Decree-Law no. 162 / 2000, of July 27, 92/2006, of May 25, 178/2006, of September 5, and 73/2011, of June 17, and transposes the Directive 2013 /2/UE into the internal legal order, of the Commission, of February 7, 2013, which updates the annex I to Directive no. 94/62/EC, of ​​the European Parliament and of the Council, of December 20 of 1994, on packaging and packaging waste.
Decree-Law No. 152-D/2017, in its current version Establishes the legal regime to which the various specific waste streams management is subject, namely (i) packaging and packaging waste; (ii) used oils and oils; (iii) used tires and tires; (iv) electrical and electronic equipment and waste of electrical and electronic equipment; (v) batteries and accumulators and batteries and accumulators waste; (vi) vehicles and end-of-life vehicles. This legislative diploma has already been the subject of five amendments, having been substantially amended in December 2020, with this amendment only coming into force on 1 July 2021.
Directive 2008/98 / EC Establishes measures to protect the environment and human health, preventing or reducing the waste production, the adverse impacts arising from the waste production and management, and reducing the general impacts of resources use and improving the efficiency of such use, measures which are essential to a circular economy transition and for ensuring the Union’s competitiveness in the long term. It was in this directive that the polluter pays principle was first introduced at European level.
Directive No. 2018/852 Changes the targets for the packaging and packaging waste recovery and recycling, the packaging waste recycling in order to better reflect the Union’s ambition to move towards a circular economy.
Directive No. 2015/720 Establishes specific measures regarding the consumption of plastic bags and their consumption reduction.
Directive No. 2013/2/EU Harmonizes the way in which the definition of “packaging” is interpreted, reviewing and changing the list of illustrative examples, in order to clarify other cases where ambiguities persist about what should, or should not, be considered to be ‘packaging’.
Directive no. 2005/20/EC Third amendment to Directive no. 94/62 / EC is motivated by the need to meet the recycling and recovery targets for the new Member States.
Directive no. 2004/12/EC Clarifies in more detail the definition of “packaging” contained in Directive no. 94/62 / EC, of ​​the Parliament and the Council, of December 20, through the inclusion of certain criteria and an annex containing illustrative examples, and updating the packaging waste management targets.
Directive 94/62/EC It aims to harmonize national provisions regarding the packaging and packaging waste management in order to, on the one hand, prevent and reduce its impact on the environment, in all Member States, and in third countries, thus ensuring environmental protection high level, and, on the other hand, guaranteeing the internal market functioning and avoiding barriers to trade and distortions and restrictions of competition in the Community, thus providing for measures that aim as a first priority to prevent packaging waste production and also provides, as fundamental principles, the reuse of packaging, recycling and other forms of recovery of packaging waste and, therefore, the reduction of the final disposal of such waste.
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