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OsmAnd 1.0 (iOS)

· One min read

We are glad to announce that iOS version of OsmAnd is becoming better over time. We put significant efforts and managed to finish lots of useful features in a short period of time. Here is the short list of achievements.

  • We significantly improved the responsiveness of the map interaction.
  • OsmAnd Maps now is also available for iPad.
  • We added translations to Russian, German, Danish, French, Spanish and other languages (thanks to our great community).
  • Parking Position and Trip Recording addons were added to the application. Please feel free to use them without charge.
  • In the new version you will be able to search a location by simply put the url or enter the coordinantes in the search text box.
  • And lots of other minor and useful improvements.

And remember that only together we can achieve the best results! New features are coming SOON!

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Apple AppStore